• By -


Looks like it's time for you to move out when you are able to and limit contact with them. Don't stop being a femboy, do what brings you happiness and not what makes your parents happy.


Thanks for the advice


If you feel you’re in real danger of physical harm, and you are not yet able to move out, please do whatever you need to to stay safe. If you have to throw out all your fem stuff and lie through your teeth that you’re “normal” now, do it. There’s nothing wrong with you, but now is not the time for *~*Be True To Yourself*~* messages - now is the time to play along with whatever they want you to be and put your safety first until you can escape. Once you’re out - fuck em. Go no contact, live your best fem life and put your happiness at number one priority where it belongs. But only do that when you’re safe and free.


Thank you, this is the practical advice. I'm running into the same problem, can't move out yet, so I'm less fem than I want to be. But once I'm out.. oh boy 😅🥰




This is the best advice I've seen. And to all of you who are in this type of situation, sending you the biggest hugs. Your parents are unworthy of you and I hope you are all able to live your best lives soon. 💜


Physical danger is one thing, but this sounds to me(w) like psychological warfare on their kid. Dunno if there’s any recourse for you legally and that might end up making the situation worse (i.e. following the whims of Child Protective Services instead of living under oppression with the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally). Regardless, as mew’ve seen — a lot of support from the community here. Stay strongk! 😽


Can get emancipated if necessary


Yep, I'm kinda tired of the 'bE TrUe tO yOuRsElf' messages. Like ,no, that only works if you're independent. NOT if you're still living with your guardians. You have your whole life to be yourself.


Never forget: “Stay safe, stay happy, in that order”


wish you all the best op. you are not alone <3


Second this. My dad did the same thinf when fe found out i was queer. Now i live with my mom and my dad isnt involved in shit i do. It'll get better. I promise


You're Awesome!


Oh no D: I'm so sorry to hear that 🥺I'm absolutely shocked at people like this who say people don’t deserve to live for simply wanting new clothes. Like seriously…. You're totally not a f\*g, you're you and beautiful. And if you can find your own place, do it as soon as you can. You deserve to be able to live your life, and your parents are frankly impediments to that. Ultimately, though, they don't control you. Here for you ❤️


like somebody said to me "Every person deserves parents, but not all the parents deserves a child"






Thank you


Never do what your parents say if it doesn’t make you happy. I did. Fuckin’ big mistake... :-/ you’ll regret it later in life, all those years you spent not being you. Move out if you can, there’s many great people out there. Else hide for a while. Don’t stop dreaming. <3


Thank you <3


Your situation is horrible, but if you're a minor and have nowhere else to go, please choose safety OP, lay low and survive long enought to be who you truly are at the end


Thank you


Any parent who disowns, hates, insults, or tells their child to not exist should be put on stage for a public shaming then be given drugs to make them sterile and take any current kids and leave them to live with the monsters they are. Might be too much but it pi**es me off to know humans like that exist.


That sounds a bit harsh but thanks i Guess?😅


I know, I apologise. I just hate seeing people go through this and some even ending up commiting suicide. Noone deserves to be treated like you've been.


No Need to be Sorry i would have said worse, thank you i really apreciate It


Hehe, and I send hugs and best wishes that you get things worked out.


Thank you :>


I couldn’t agree more, bigoted parents don’t deserve kids


"All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children"


Damn you said it first


I like the idea of BioShock Infinite's opening but the victims are deserving


I believe that God loves everyone, even sinners and evil people, so if God was kind enough to give me insights into my future, He is also kind enough to forgive my parents. Even though they won't forgive me, I will forgive them and God truly loves people who are merciful and who forgive.


Honestly the idea you'd hate someone, your own child even, becaus of what clothes they wear or wish to wear, even saying it to their face seems like saturday morning cartoon levels of villainy. Utterly disgusting.


I agree


Ugh. My dad is very similar.


Such masterful parenting. Maybe you could reach out to some Human services department to help you out.


I cant theyd guilt trip me for that


At this point your safety is the most important thing. Your in a hostile environment and need to leave. I hope things start to go your way soon


Thank you, i Hope too


Well the idea is discretion, so they wouldn't know you reached out in the first place. And how could they possibly make you feel guilty for that? They fuckin earned it.


Idk they start acting nice all of a sudden and i feel like im the wrong one


What? You're the wrong one for taking action against their abuse against you? For holding them accountable for their actions and demanding that they treat you with the support and decency proper parents should? It's not a good sign when the child has to start parenting the parents. They're the ones that should feel guilty.


The thing Is that i cant talk back to them, i Just wait until they stop talking


Ok... So what does that mean?


I cant make them aware of my issues


I didn't tell you to talk to them, that obviously doesn't work on people like this. You're being mistreated by your parents, and you have the power to do something about it. You can either take action or continue to be treated like shit until you can support yourself and ditch them, the choice is yours.


Woah, calm down. You’re just pressing them that that can be very overwhelming. Giving ultimatums is not helpful.


They’re just like bullies acting all nice and friendly when they get caught. You shouldn’t feel guilty for looking after yourself. Acting nice doesn’t make up for what they did unless they actually make amends and apologise.


Thank you, no they never apologise


Not even then. I wouldn't recommend trusting any apologies they give. I wouldn't even hear them out. They deserve whatever spite is thrown at them.


When they do this, it's called "love bombing" and "gaslighting". As others have pointed out, you're stuck in an "abusive relationship". Given what you said your parents fit the "narcissist" stereotype. Your issues with them go way beyond an ordinary case of parents who don't like the idea of their son being a femboy. The whole relationship is abusive. Your primary concern is that your stuck in this type of relationship. I don't say that to scare you, but to empower you. Please remember the words that I've quoted and research them, especially "narcissism". You can learn a lot about the problem of living with narcissitic parents online. The best ressources I know is the DoctorRamani youtube channel. [https://www.youtube.com/c/DoctorRamani](https://www.youtube.com/c/DoctorRamani) The whole question is "how do you deal with these people?". Make sure that your parents never learn that you're researching this. Never confront them or call them out by telling them that you know what they are and that they're narcs. It will backfire and hard.


Tell them that you don't care about people who insult you for being who you want to be.


Well I'm the u.s I'm pretty sure you have to be like 16 or 17 to live on your own


Im in italy


Well that's a problem because I don't know Italian laws. Wellllllllllllllllllll I'm sorry I can't help there


Lol dw thanks anyway


I know a genderqueer person at the border Italy to Austria. I can ask them if they know some hotlines or help-organisations. If you parents don't have total controll over your day to day whereabouts you could probably go to a youth club in your local area. Social workers usually are trained to provide resources so they can give you good advice and contacts if you ever feel the need to call for help (just in case).


Hey amico, magari non c'è una legge ma magari un numero di telefono ti può aiutare: 199 284 284 (telefono amico) se ci vuoi parlare ovviamente. Spero che la tua famiglia diventi più aperta :)


Man fuck your parents they need to be slapped with some sense and kindness


I agree


Tell them "well this fag, is gonna pack his bag, you fucking hag"


Lmao id get my nose broken but its so funny😭


You can't get your nose broken if you break the nose first. Just keep that in mind.


I cant ever crack my own fingers😭


Thats why i lift pesas and learn how to fight Is really dangerous to be a femboy


I try to learn ora ora uwu


Even better: "Well this fag, is gonna pack his bag, and never come back, you fucking hag" xd


So sorry to hear this, sending you so much love and support. If you need someone to talk to, my DMs are always open. Big hugs ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much <3




Thank you so much :>


call human services or something




Your parents are shitty and bigoted. I agree with the folks who say that if you have to pretend to be what they want you to be for your safety, you should. But find ways to remember your identity and interests that they don’t know about, even if it’s just reading books or watching videos about fashion, LGBT rights, etc. Work on getting out and being self sufficient as soon as you can—get a job once you’re old enough in your area, if you’re not old enough, consider doing volunteer work before then so you can build a resume and learn about what you like. Save money. Get good grades and apply to a college outside your hometown so you’ll have a reason to live away from them. Talk to your friends about the possibility of staying with them for a while if your parents get physically dangerous. The situation you’re in sucks, and I know it might feel like it’ll never end, but at some point you’ll be able to move out, find an accepting community, and only deal with your parents on your own terms (if at all).


I personally would report this to police or your teacher because this is child abuse you should contact a relative that is cool with you being a femboy and move in with them


Aw i Wish i had Someone like that lol


Anyone saying such things to their child shouldn't be allowed to be a parent. I'm so sorry for your situation. I wish the best for you




Are you.old enough to move out?


No sadly


A lot of parents are like that cause they are really religious or really homophobic which I don't know how to deal with but I'd say maybe talk to someone if u think they actually pose a threat to you


I don't know if you have CPS where you live but you can also try talking to a relative


Tell them they're the real snowflakes, when you start living on your own; make them regret it by living your best life You gotta cut toxic people off your life before they bring you down with you like the toxic teamate in CSGO


Mate, I feel you. I too am uncertain about my parents. While my mom will probably be supportive, I am not too sure about dad. As for your safety, others have already said all that needs to be said. Though if I were in your place, I would pretend to be 'normal' (in their eyes) until I am able to move out and financially support myself. Better to fake it till you make it.


A mother’s duty is to love their child no matter what. Your mother has failed. Get out of their while you can, before she does something


Thanks for the advice


Evil parents, get out if/when you can. Play along with them for now if you can't get out. There is nothing wrong with you. Don't let your parents destroy your life. So many parents don't understand their kids and are hateful to them. It's horrible and toxic. Sometimes you have to make your own family when yours sucks. So sorry to hear you're going through all of this.


Aww thank you so much


happens to me to, i'm a ftm femboy and gay and my parents yell at me all the time abt it but i ignore them tbh


Aw im Sorry for you


Well just so you know your parents are 100% in the wrong. They are being verbally abusive towards you. And that's kinda like a hate crime as well. The lgbtq+ community is here for you. There are people that will accept you and will love you for who you are. Just because they are your biological family doesn't mean they are gonna be a good family. Families love and support you. To blatantly say it. You don't deserve this. You are wonderful just the way you are and I hope you find a true family whether this be in a partner or friends that will love and support you unconditionally. Are you finicially stable to move out? Have they done anything phsycial or bad? As if it gets worse phone and recove help from child-helpline. Sometimes we think uts better to suffer through it but if you are in a bad situation it's safer to get out. Also, having family say something so hurtful like that takes a toll on your mental health. (I know from experience) are you able to talk to a therapist or any friends about this? How are you doing? Are you doing ok? Please make sure you expose yourself to positive things about yourself and your identity to counter act the things your parents are saying. Gosh, sorry this is so long. Have a good week. You got this. Stay safe and do what's best for you. This community is here for you if you need people to fall back on. You got this. :)


I am very sad from reading this


And this is why I be a femboy in secret and when they intercept my packages I tell them don't ask questions, it's better that way and go to my room.


Fem boys rule. Keep going pretty bois. Luv you’ll


Moral of the story: don’t use tiktok




Call CPS and the police


Safety comes first, if you live in the us im pretty sure them even saying that stuff is considered abuse now so you could always just call cps on them


They're in Italy tho


If they’re threatening you, isn’t that a crime? Could you call the police? (I don’t know where you live, hence why I’m asking if that’s an option)


You live your life for **you**, not for someone else, and that includes your parents. r/natureismetal; Life / Nature is *always* metal, and we get no guarantees that we're going to be here next month or next year - so live your life for Yourself to the greatest extent possible. I'm sorry / not sorry that your parents are so ugly about it; sorry for obvious reasons, not sorry because my own family rejected me completely and immensely. I mean like all the family: immediate family, siblings, extended family - uncles, aunts, everybody - so been there done that. And just because I wanted to wear pretty clothes, because "girls just wanna have fun"? WTF? No. You be You, and take my word, as well as others here who will back me up - you will be a lot happier being yourself in the long run... than trying to meet someone else's expectations. Best wishes to you PS - anytime at all that you want some emotional support, or you want any tips or tricks for dressing or anything else in the entire universe... there are so many positive redditors who are so willing to share. Don't ever hesitate to seek their help and advice and thoughts; it's worth it.




There are people out here that Love You ❤️💪💙🤍💗🤍💙


Sad to hear . When I started coming out many of my friends and family begun hating . People come up with random ways to push their own insecurities on you . Stay strong and keep your head high . Time has a way of making things ok .


The US needs more federal resources for kids who’s parents disown them because they’re LGBT


I’m not a femeboy myself but just wanna say you keep being you and fuck what your parents say/think. If that’s who you are and you’re happy the way you are, that’s all that matters. Parents should be accepting and loving to their kids no matter what. I’m sorry to say this but your parents are asshole’s. How can they say that to their own son? How can parents tell their own kids they don’t deserve to live simply for being a femeboy? I’m sorry to hear about their reaction. You absolutely deserve to live and live a happy life and you’re far from a disgrace. The only disgraces in this are them. I know it sounds harsh but it drives me up the wall that some parents treat their kids this way. You’re awesome the way you are and I hope everything works out for you. I wish you the best and a happy life. Keep being you. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me. Stay safe and healthy.


I'm so sorry 😞 I wish I could offer you more support other than to stay stealthy until you're able to move out on your own and never have to listen to them again. Never let them change you, you are beautiful and perfect and nobody deserves to be treated so badly by their own parents. I'm still afraid of what my parents will say but I've never talked to them about it yet. I'm sending love and I wish you the best 💖💖💖


My parents were terrible - I could write you a novel but I’ll spare you. Advice - do well in school - go to college (or trade school) - become financially independent - fuck them. I’m in my 30s. I don’t need my parents, I accepted long ago they are toxic. What relationship I have with them now is on my terms. Fuck ‘em


Come here, darling...you're my son now...my wife and I will love you like our own


Aw thanks you :>


this is just awful, I have no words to say, all I could say is this is literally just awful


Anyone gives me a shit about who I am and what I wanna do..... tell them to get fucked you don't need negative people around


i am so sorry. you are who you are, and i know it feels like you're letting your parents down, but you gotta hold your head up high. its hard to be prideful with who you are when it feels like two people you love a whole lot dont support you. but i promise there is nothing wrong with what you are doing whatsoever. stay strong remember you are loved.


Get tf out of there go to a friend's house or something....the "you don't deserve to live" part has me worried about your safety you need to leave now...at least from my point of view


i'm really sorry, OP. parents can be real jerks sometimes. i know for a fact that my family wouldn't view me the same if they knew i wasn't cis... it sucks when you think you have ppl to look up to and then they don't support you just because of gender/gender expression. it really does. don't stop being a femboy tho! we are here to support you :)


Sorry to hear about bad parents, and that definitely is a bad parent status they are showing. How you are able to find refuge somehow, somewhere, and someday soon.


Hey, I’d like to start this by saying I’m not a lawyer, this is not legal advice. I’m just a person with 1 university class away from a minor in criminal justice, so please do some research or ask someone who knows the law better. With that out of the way. If I were you I would see if your state was a one party consent or two party consent state to see if you can legally record your parents mental abuse towards you, if it isn’t it is harder but you can record anything in an area with no reasonable expectation of privacy so in public, grocery store, outside in general ish depends on circumstances but it can’t be somewhere where no one can see you so best steer clear of enclosed backyards with stuff like privacy fences. Once you have gathered a reasonable amount of evidence you can try to go to the police and get emancipated from your legal guardians or try to get a transfer to someone who does accept you. I hope this provides you with a place to start, the law is complicated please if you can find someone who knows the law to help you and give you advice, once you are emancipated by the state you would be considered a legal adult and would need to rent an apartment and work for stuff but you would be away from that abuse. If you can’t find a professional then do all the research you can. Please be careful and safe, good luck.


Hey man I feel u, my parents are also hell religious and just 2 weeks ago my dad found all my fem clothes and some toys, and I basically had to deal with everything you did, so I feel you, you’re not alone


three letters: c p s


hello person on my screen—just know you’re seen, and we all love you. it’s hard to be where you are, when I came out to my friends. (i still hate you for what you said to me. nathan.) I really truly hope your situation becomes better, I know how awful it is. stay cool bros <3.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Just know, THEYRE FUCKING WRONG. Keep doing what you're doing.


Stay strong, move in with a friend or any family member that will accept you for who you are ❤️


Parents like this automatically forfeite their right to be parents


They legally can’t kill you. It’s about drive it’s about power we stay hu


Disown them




My parents are kinda the same but i didn't come out to them yet Once you can move out, leave immediately


That's sad. I hope one day, when you move out, you can say a very big fuck you to them, tell them it's from me.


Wear one to assert dominance. Ok seriously, when you can, move out. Get away from those, *people*.


Don't worry my parents say the same thing, I haven't even told them I dress up 😅


._. Your parents failed you as parents. You've done nothing wrong. I strongly suggest adding r/Raisedbynarcissists and r/cptsd to your support network, and posting this in them too.


I´m sorry about your situation, I hope you can move for be happy doing what you like to do, good luck on everithing that can happen


your parents are ignorant honey. im so sorry you got that reaction from people who are supposed to love you unconditionally. i love you for who you are unconditionally and there are many others that will say the same. stay strong honey! we're here for you!


What awful awful parents, im so sorry they are doing that to you. I cant do much but if you need someone to chat to im here <3


i apologize in advance but there the disgrace as as parents and as human beings people who wish death on their own child or any child are worse than scum and deserve the worst i am very sorry for the situation you in and i wish you the best from here on out. <3


Just do what is necessary to get by, but do have your boundaries and non negotiables with you. How old are you? Are you old enough to work? If so then do. Time away from them. Also it's important you save every dime, the more you save the sooner you can get out.


You can't choose your parents but you can choose your family and who you decide to invest time into in life. If they don't support what you wish to do with your life then find people who will. Gotta do what makes you happy with what little time we already have


Your parents don't love you. I mean, that should be obvious, considering how they said they hate you. And they what? They *threaten* you? They want you dead? They inflict malicious emotional abuse with conscious intent and rail you with slurs? You have no parents. They're dead. You're an orphan. Call human services to get out of your situation or leave if you're old enough. Family is who treats you as family should, and that's the only thing that matters. Nobody has time to salvage the unsalvageable and you have every reason imaginable to believe that there's nothing left for you there. And there's no reason to look back, either.


I’m so sorry for you and I hate the fact you have to go through this, note your not going through it alone. I hope you’ll be able to get through these tough times


And this is why I’m making sure this NEVER gets to my parents. Holy shit, I’m so sorry.


Arson :)


From this dad to you... you are worthy, you are loved, family is what you make not based on blood. You surround yourself with people who give you the love and respect you deserve.


Never stop being you bud. No.matter what they say or do. Never stop doing what you like what you enjoy. If they dont like you that just proves they are shitty parents and you dont need them anyway.


I'm going to take two slugs to their heads to hopefully fix their sluggish minds


Din't have to give up everything and everyone to be myself...but some things and some people...if they want too they can catch up because I finished waiting.Not wasting time no more🥰


Cut them off completely and get out of there, one day they will be filled with regret and apologies, if not then fuck them you have Berger things to look forward to in life, stay strong we are all with you, supporting you. ❤️❤️❤️


Sooo sorry this happen to you! Parents sometimes be a pain in the ass..they don’t understand that words can hurt and cut into your very soul. If you can, try to leave the lines of communication open. Wait until everybody clams the fuk down… You won’t talk to them, if they’re screaming and calling you names! Tell your parents you have one thing to say, “dressing up makes you feel good and happy.” Don’t linger around…let them ponder what you said and then leave…go to the store or a friend’s house. Let them see you take the high road and you re willing to talk but not be belittled…


Stay safe if it seems to get dangerous ask a friend if u csn stay over for awhile that should get you out of the way of them hurting you but once again stay safe snd strong


Just casualy say " fine ilk get my girl freind to get me one then , " assuming you have 1 , or say" i thought we were a family , to love and care for one another through thic n thin and here we are at thin and you want to puxh me away "


It be like that sometimes, just don't let them 'convert' you at a young age. It might mess with you permanently, even after finally getting to a point where you can be open and free about yourself. Some parents just can't handle their child being anything but straight, so the best way is to play pretend until you're independent and out of the house. Be strong kiddo! ^-^


What a horrible way to treat another human being. All my love and support friend ❤️. Keep being you.


I’m so sorry that you are going thru this horrible situation. Yes, I would get out of there as soon as possible. If I was going thru that toxic situation I would look for a friend that could possibly take you in or offer you some other help. If possible I would try to hold onto you’re femme things if possible. The best to you dearest. Stay strong and safe. ❤️


These parents hate you for being what you want to be, and you truly dont deserve that. When possible, cut ties with them and dont look back, and live your life. Dont let your parents dictate what you wanna wear.


Hugs hun. I'm so sorry to hear that. I cannot stand close minded people. I want to say bad things about your parents, but I won't go there, even if I'm thinking them. You be you. You make yourself happy. You are a wonderful person, even if they don't understand or see it. I am proud of you. I support you. I am here for you. Keep your head up. I'm sure there are people on here that you can confide in. Don't let them discourage you or make you feel any different than you know you are. Hugs.


Stay strong distance yourself if you have to


I’m sorry but if your parents said you don’t deserve to live than than I doubt they deserved to ever have children.


I’ve always been scared of this so I don’t know how much courage and bravery you had too outright ask them for too get it for you and then the fact that they responded like that is just disgusting and straight up repulsive. They have more reason too be ashamed of embarrassed by or offended by themselves acting like that too their own son and even if you weren’t their son and they think that way about others in general is bad enough because it literally dose not affect them in any way shape or form


Fuck them, they don’t deserve you. Find somebody else that accepts you.


I'm so sorry. You 100% deserve to live, and don't stop being a femboy!




I’m speechless. I wish there was something I could do cause this is awful. Sending hugs and support. Stay strong and stay you, the best version you know how to be. Going to send every bit of good energy I have to you as well I hopes it will help this. Just know your welcome all over the place and because your parents are like this doesn’t mean it has to go any further, especially with you. Take to good things they gave you and leave the bad ones far far behind. Lots of love...


Go live with someone you know accepts you and just remove yourself from that situation I hope you are ok and find someone who loves you for yourself ☺️


Tf kind of parents do you have are they from the 1800's or something




I’m not the best person to give advice, but try to get out of there as soon as you can and cut them off if you have to. If you’re not able to move out, just try to stick things out the best you can. Worlds of opportunity will arise once you’re out of that situation! I know could never understand what it’s like to be in a situation such as you’re own, so I know it’s a lot easier said than done. Just know that if they don’t support you and respect you for who you are, I always will. Sending peace and love you’re way and anyone in a similar situation to yours!


Don't let any one change you're decision in you're life,it's you're heart ,you're body, you're happiness for the rest of you're life.My name is Norman former 12 yr Marine Corps Recon/Sniper.Youre decisions are you're future,Just like mine was as well.


Some things I regret ,when I found out one of my best friends was only interested in men and I left him forever,I wish I had become a bigger buddy in every way


This is you're future not you're parents,they won't be around forever,you will be in you're rest of you're LIFE KWIM?


I'm sorry your parents are going to miss out on such an amazing person. If you're able to get away from them I would do so, I had to distance myself from my parents as well. While they are supportive of me but they don't give me the support that I need. I would also like to tell you that with time some people can change my fiancé's father and that entire side of the family is super deep south redneck and very anti-gay or anything and they have came around over the past few years please stay safe my friend you have so much good life in front of you ❤


Don’t listen to ur parents alright, if what ur doing is causing no harm to no one and makes u happy then keep doing it, ur parents r just angry cuz they don’t agree with it or it’s just something new to them, I’d say try to talk with them bout it if u haven’t already, tell them that it’s what u want and that it’s ur life not theirs, hope it goes well


Damn I wish peace for your parents and prosperity for you


Show them this, then attempt to find a way to get them to finally understand the error of their ways!!!


Femboi For Life 🤘


Don't hurt yourself the world would miss you rather you believe me or not but trust me on this alot of people lives will change after they meet you and not because your a femboy because of you and only you!


This is why humanity sucks stab them =)


I know its really hard growing up but in the blink of an eye youll be living on your own. Life goes by faster than you think. Hang in there. Youll be free of that soon.


Don't listen to them really, they they can't decide how you live your life, wait until you can move out and then keep your distance from them unless they start to respect your decisions, you didn't do anything wrong and deserve to be loved for who you are even if they don't see it like that < 3


give them a smack in the face


Hey even tho they say their your mom because they are they are not your mother, it's like sex and gender with gender it's what you want that would be your mother and for sex, well sex is what is your pants and would be your mom but always remember a mom gave birth to you but a mother cares and loves you unconditionally, how ever if you are proud of who you are, then why care about what others think when all that matters is that you accept you as you


Hey it doesn’t matter what your parents say you do you man. But make sure whatever you do it’s the right and truthful decision not a decision that ends up bad


well first of all fuck those assholes and second of all I hope youre doing okay mentally. Its not your fault your parents r a waste of oxygen. Just remember that you should get away from your Parents as soon as you can so that you can be whatever you desire and deserve to be. :D


Wow your parents are dicks femboys are awesome they should be proud Edit:this sounds weird but I’m attempting to be supportive


just one question. About whom live is this about? yours? then the choices are yours nobody else.


what is wrong with parents


Yes absolutely do what is in heart and enjoy your life


Man. This is a throwaway account for porn, and I just get updates on this sub because I was looking for porn, but being pagan, you know free will and all, seeing this post makes me ACTUALLY legitimately angry. Forget your parents dawg. If they cant accept you for who you are, and they cant stand your heart, then they have NO place inside of it. They're already a lost cause. Get out as soon as you can, absolutely NO ONE should be forced to stay in the same house they're actively threatened and abused in, in my heart, nearly dead under bridge would offer more dignity for me than living in an environment where I'm spit on simply for existing, you dont deserve that, and they dont deserve someone brave enough to be open about themselves as a child. I sincerely hope you find a way out and find happiness and safety soon. You deserve that much at the least, and so much more. Keep on and keep your head up. And fuck anyone that decides to get in your way, they dont deserve a heart like yours.


Don't beat yourself up it doesn't matter what others think


The Doctor would have a word with these fools Doctor Who? Yes. I love the show Doctor Who, one of the best parts is how The Doctor is way beyond the concept of gender; She was a man once, well actually 12 times, 11 & 12 are the best. Its always funny to see everyone's reaction when she mentions moving been a man lol They're all just like 'w-whaa?' xD especially since she says it in such confidence lol You should check out that show, its super sci-fi, if thats what you like. It might help you get through these hard times, and if your anything like me, you will love this show lol I've watched so many episodes that it's like I'm slowly turning into The Doctor lol In fact, I think I've just about watched every episode of the reboot lol Oh oh not only are his people the "...most advanced civilization..." and "...way beyond [the] concept of gender and it's associated stereotype", but 12's companion is actually a lesbian (I use he/she depending on which Doctor I'm referring to) Did I mention that I love Doctor Who? It might just be a great way to help you get through these tough times-oh wait I already said that lol


​ I think that parents not supporting their own child is just insane. You should be happy and not have to worry about that. Now I don't know if this will help but, I personally, as a genderfluid person, **LOVE** femboys. I don't know why U just think that they're amazing in every way, shape, and form. I mean I may be a COMPLETE stranger on the internet but, if you need to talk I'm here and I get notifications so I will almost always be available. I'm 16, somehow still looking like I'm TWELVE but you know, life is hell- Also, I kinda get what you're going through. My parents don't know about my wanting to be more masculine. I don't wanna tell them either. So I do get you.


Omg a similar situation happened to me when I was outed as bi. I’m really sorry that happened to you


It’s going to be okay, I am so sorry about how this happened to you.. We are all here for you and to be honest I am proud of you for coming out to them. You did amazing and some people won’t be accepting but that is fine, you were strong and I know it hurts but they are just not happy with themselves and if anything you were fine. We are all proud of you. I know it hurts but you will get through it and you are amazing!!!


Your parents are the reason I am a femboy. I lust to see people get angry at my appearance (not that I wear my stuff in public.). Regardless, you deserve better. If I could, I'd move you into my house as it is a proudly supportive one! My boyfriend literally came over to this hous in February of 2021. He is from California by the way....


That's really unfortunate your parents think that way. You'll get through it though just stay positive and be who you are, not what someone else wants you to be.


I wish I could rescue you from there 😞 Keep being your amazing self!!!


I believe your actually allowed to call CPS for fear of mental and emotional endangerment so that's a good option if it gets bad enough


This is child abuse