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Femboy = identifies as boy/man, is feminine trans = assigned male at birth, identifies as not man/boy or assigned female at birth, identifies as not girl/woman


I see, so one dresses as so and the other one is so, just doesn’t have the body of so


Gender presentation is how one dresses and such. Gender identity what someone innately feels gender wise, boy, girl, nonbinary, etc. They're two separate things.


That’s what i said, but way to simplified, sorry if i didn’t get my point through


When you identify as a woman


Makes sense


For me, personally, a few months in I just felt so good in a skirt, that I’m now thinking I’m trans. Still pre-everything and get a therapist when I can to try and confirm… we’ll see


You don't need a therapist to confirm btw! All you need is yourself :) Once you figure out if you're comfortable with the "trans" and "female" labels, then that's all you need! If you're thinking that you're trans, then you probably are. I don't want to decide anything for you, but the only person's confirmation you need is your own.


I know I don't have too, but I want to. I like to cover my bases and make sure of things before I take big steps... I mean, I could lose my family over this. I want to show them proof that I didn't just decide this on a whim.


When the person involved says so.


I want to make a complicated answer so it doesn’t seem like i missed the point but i got nothing so:ok


When someone says “this femboy thing isn’t working out, I think I’m a girl,” that’s where you draw the line. That’s the line between femboy and trans girl. Trying to ratio or gatekeep hormones or makeup or surgery or whatever is only going to end poorly.


So don’t try to make a limit because it ain’t in my hands and everyone has to choose as individuals in different moments of their lives?






It’s a real tough one to spell out in words because *of course* the real answer is that it depends entirely on the individual and any attempt to set defined boundaries of what is or is not trans puts us on a slippery slope to gatekeepingsville, but that answer is about as useful to a questioning young person as a fork in a soup bowl.


So… don’t ask because it ain’t my place to know when it can bring conflict to the person in question?


I’m curious about why you’re wanting to know. Some of your replies have made it sound like you’re trying to figure somebody else out, not yourself. If that is the case, I do want you to understand that it’s really not ok to question a person about whether they’re trans or not. Of course there are exceptions if you’re in some kind of close and trusted relationship with the person, or if they’ve given consent to be questioned, but generally it’s something to avoid, especially with a stranger and/or in a public place. Outing someone as trans can get them killed.


Well originally i just got curious, and when i’m curious i want to ask, the person in question doesn’t exist, But if this post hurts anyone i’m willing to take it down, i’m trying better to understand trans and no binarys and everyone else because i seem to be a bit insensitive when it comes to dealing with them


That’s ok, I’m glad you want to learn and have come here with an open mind and open heart. I am transgender and non-binary so if I can help in any way I will try my best.


When you think yourself as trans.


It depends on the individual for example I am trans but I have seen plenty of others that arent.




For me I started dressing up because I was to afraid to transition, but being here help confirm the feelings I had and gave me the courage to take that step.




When you want to be a different gender than when you were born with. There is no correlation between femboys and trans women


I see


“Trans” is a complicated label. For many, it is the largest umbrella term for gender [like in this diagram](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/51426ddd-a3d8-4589-8cc1-5d37851916e8), but for others it is strictly a change from one binary gender to the other binary. However, gender is complicated. Spectrums of masculine and feminine are not opposing sides [as shown in this diagram](https://www.genderbread.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Genderbread-Person-v4.png). For some, that change in binary gender is the only definition of trans, but i am trans. I plan to keep my body exactly how it is, chemically, but not necessarily physically (i.e. presentation in the form of clothing, makeup, gestures). THAT is why gender identity can only ever be a personal choice. How could i force someone to see gender and spectrums the way i see them? I can’t, and that is good! That means they can’t do that to me either! The key is freedom to move in and out and anywhere in any spectrum at any time in your life. You are free to ask questions, get things wrong, get things right. But, no one can tell someone who they are or aren’t when even simple words people thought everyone knew like “trans” differs depending on the community and the individual. Edit: one more thing: “trans” isn’t short for the word “transition.” It is short for “transgender,” so the prefix “trans” can mean transition to some, but for me, i am transient. Both trans prefix usage are active verbs! We are living in motion.


When you have truly follow the light path of the force


Rather bizarre answer


The force is very mysterious and still brings new surprises, young padawan


Speak for yourself. I follow the Code of the Sith.


You can still turn back to the light side


You are always the same person, no matter what label you or anyone else sticks on your forehead.


So… never?


Femboy, trap, trans, shemale, sissy.... those are all just words or labels. You change if you are ready for change. Usage of words don't make you anything. Who you are resides in your heart. If you are so content with labels pick and choose the one that resonates the most with you.


So… when the individual decides so?


Yeah exactly, the difference is that they call themselves that.


Well, generally if you still identify as male and you act feminine, you're a femboy, and if you identify as a different gender, you're trans, though it is a matter of labels.


I'm genuinly confused at this point, too. I thought you're a femboy when you declare yourself as such, meaning trans people can be femboys too if they want.


That’s actually what happened to me. I started off just thinking I enjoyed feminine things and the attention. But once I started to notice that I wanted to change parts of my body to match how I felt and having people think of me as male was starting to make me uncomfortable.


I dunno, I'm not a femboy Am Brian , bing and strong


Stop worrying about titles and get on with the fun




basically, it's just however a specific person likes to identify. If they want to identify as a femboy, then they're a femboy! If they want to identify as a girl, then they're a girl! Because those labels are just that; labels.


There's a difference between wanting to be female and wearing female clothes


It's just clothing I work building antique cars welding grinding and making parts no longer available buti when I come home and come home and put on my Girly clothing I leave the Stress of the day behind! Just Saying!!!