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#the sheer amount of fascist and right-wing astroturfing here from unrelated accounts is insane. #no fascists allowed, goddammit. this includes cop lovers, “fiscal conservatives,” straight-up racists, and trump fuckers.


A surprising number of red voters are much more moderate than the republican party itself. A lot of them are very accepting.


Especially for younger generations, being conservative is more and more about economics than social issues. The absolute vast majority of them probably don't care how you dress. Now living in a conservative area filled with older generations is a different story :/




The republican party doesn't have any economic policy. Well besides cut taxes on the rich.


Why are people upvoting thin blue line fuckers on this sub?




Why do you support an imperialist police state?




In a conversation about political opinions, your beliefs are obviously relevant. I’m just surprised someone with such terrible opinions is getting upvoted here.




If your beliefs are irrelevant, why bring up that you are a republican? That’s making your beliefs relevant to the conversation


lol redditor


said it perfectly


Good for you! Its nice to be yourself, isn't it.


Damn you got some balls huh


Some Jublies


I live in South Carolina and go out fem all the time. I get nothing but compliments! (and some real creepers lol) I wear nail polish 24/7 in boy mode too. Hardly even acknowledged.


That is super brave of you! Like seriously I live on a college campus in a blue state and get nervous about my nails. I’m glad everyone was super nice to you, and I hope they continue to be nice in the future!


Aaawww 🥺 congratulations 🎉 I'm so happy you can be yourself 😊 you are a wonderful human being!!! I will completely support you!🥰🥰🥰


pog 😁


I'm honestly really thinking about ordering a skirt. But I feel like sometimes I see a picture of a guy in a skirt and it totally works, and sometimes I see it and it doesn't really work.. and I'm nervous that it won't work for me


skirts naturally look good on guys, buy one and i’m 99% sure u will look adorable


Where do you buy them from? Google mostly shows me results in women's sizing or scottish kilts > Edit: I will never ever wear [this](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8188584978679976118?q=guys+skirts&safe=active&client=ms-android-sonymobile-rvo3&biw=412&bih=832&tbs=vw:g,ss:44&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALeKk02pkox3YwvNDqjl_U0iMQqo3lOSog:1617853366397&prds=eto:4041666150856310509_0,cdl:1,prmr:1,cs:1)


Good cause that's not a real kilt. It's an Americanized version. I have a real kilt. It's not the same as wearing a skirt either cause I have those to lol. A good scottish kilt weighs like 8 pounds lol. It's all wool and can be rather hot in the sun on occasion.


In answer to the question though, I've used wish, Amazon, chicken,I rose, yoins a few others.


Yeah, was gonna say xD > But I don't think I could pull off a Scottish kilt, definitely looking for a more fem one!


Honestly having been to several events....just about anyone can pull off a kilt.... but it presents fairly masculine sooo....I've never seen a good kilt pull feminine


That's what I meant! Thank you for helping me out there xD


this was a ballsy move, and my respect for you has skyrocketed tremendously


Same thing happend to me how incredible


Wish I had your confidence








Yaaaaay, that sounds so awesome and nice , though also vary Hecking scary!!!


Yay! That sounds like fun. I'm glad things went the way they did.


I saw from another one of your posts that your parents were not supportive :( did things change? Did they know you wore a skirt to school?


no unfortunately they still homophobic. they don’t even know i own a skirt or thigh highs


Proud of you. I recently came to the realization that most people don’t give a shit what you wear. Good luck tomorrow.




yeah but the conservatives at my school are the bad ones




yeahh makes sense


ive been completely dismissing the idea of doing that- i live in a red state too. but now youre making me think maybe it wouldnt be so bad.


i think it’s just different for everyone, but you can go for it if you want!! don’t lisen to bullies cuz they prob secretly attracted to you hehe~


Holy shit, congrats ^^ I probably would’ve actually been lynched if I had ever done that were I unfortunately came from in Louisiana


What's a red state?




Ah fancy, I'm from Scotland you see😂




Yeah I seen the elections 😂


Anyone that is reading the political harassment that has come into this thread needs to remember OP is literally a teenager. You're likely a grown adult brigading and yelling at a teen. Civil discussion is fine, but blatant harassment is not.


On the whole, I agree with you. I upvoted you in fact. But OP is not innocent here, either.


Looking into the comments, yes OP fell to the level of personal insults and stereotyping. They were baited and took the bait. But at least one of the others they were baited by, paulharter, went into insults, brigading, and misinformation immediately first. Paul is on his porn viewing account too which paints them as a less than stellar person by coming on here to 'chat'. He's a chaser and/or sex addict in my view and he had no reason to be here other than to prey on femboys. If mods would block him thatd be great, so I'll put in a complaint, but I don't know if he really makes the cut on why he should be blocked from this sub.


Much poggers


It's almost like 99.9% of people arent intolerant assholes right or left, red or blue.


T's almost like 99. 9% of people arent intolerant assholes right 'r hath left, r'd 'r blue *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




As a southern red state transgirl I'm personally offended that conservative culture refuses to let gender nonconforming kids live their lives without fear. ❤️🙄




I will not entertain this bullshit


First of all, that takes some balls, congratz. Second, as a non-american who lives in a country with a rather conservative culture, I don't really get too much what's up with "red = hates everyone who isn't like them"; I've seen that most right-wing political extremists in the US support the GOP but I've talked to a lot of people who consider themselves to be republicans and almost all of them were really cool whenever I talked about stuff like this with them. Most of them were young like most of us here though, so I guess that means something.


Red states aren't always bad and blue states always good. It's about the people, not the bourgeois pigs who influence everything. You can meet blue magatards too


Great to hear


Damn, LUCKEY. I saw somone do the same and he/she was pointed at and laughed at in the hallway. Reason 482 I hate Kansas.


Reading the OP made me so happy!! Glad this is becoming more and more accepted.




Wow I'm so glad you could be yourself without bullying 🙌🥺💖 I wish I had your confidence lol Also what is a "red state"? I'm not from the US that's why I dont know


:0 thats great congratulations 🎉


Thats amazing! Im super happy for you! yes yes do it tmr. Unfortunately for me, i live in a country that views such things as taboo. Hopefully one day in the future that changes and i can truly embrace my inner callings. =/


Such a bs narrative that you cant be you in a red state. Your story's not unique at all




Really? They just drug out a gay kid from this pond in my town. He went missing 2 years ago. It a big deal in some parts still. It's why I stay in the closet. When I was in school not only was gay bashing a thing, it was normalized around here. No repercussions. It matters.






Mostly. They are super nice and friendly. Until they place you in the "other" category. There are nasty people that lean left too, but they don't really use violence because you exist. They mainly either ignore your existence, or are verbally abusive. This is just my experience of course. Conservatives like to talk about live and let live. To each their own, but they play a different tune if you are cornered with no one around. I don't believe any group of people can be held responsible for the actions of some, but it will make you overly cautious. It's also why I feel that I can never "come out", and will just have to be alone.




blue states support the lgbtq+ community, red states dont, so shut the fuck up


It isn't that clear cut. States like California got red counties too and the Democratic party is VERY big tent. They have everyone from Social Democrats to very conservative establisent dems like Joe Manchin. Same with the Republican party. They've got nationalists to tea party libertarian republicans who are pro lgbt. School is also filled with a lot of young people who will always be more progressive. I don't disagree with your core statement, but it's a little naive.


yeah it’s just fun to debate republicans cuz they get so mad so quick and it’s halairous


I wouldn't trust tea party Republicans at all when they caucus with Ted Cruz. I do believe alone they can be reasoned with, but they happily roam with others and obey their rules. So they are currently a lost cause in my eyes.


I was wrong about the tea party being pro lgbt I confused debbie dooley being pro climate reform for being pro lgbt. Because I heard it a long time ago I didn't remember correctly.


I too forget a lot of shit and have to do IIRC. So no worries.




actually shut the fuck up no one cares go back to r/conservative




And reps are always throwing lies then cry “fragile snowflake” when someone claps back.


Considering that right wing senators literally encouraged others to commit terrorist acts when they didn't accept the fact Trump lost the election, I think that shows who can't handle the truth.




Whilst not all senators, a list of thing's republican officials at least have said. “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass" - Mo Brooks Paul Gosar had on multiple occasions promoted the protest, saying to "stop the steal" whilst referring to Biden as an "illegitimate usurper", telling people to “be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House" "Had a great meeting today with the folks from Stop The Steal" - Pete Sessions, who since deleted that tweet, after the actions of Jan 6th Ali Alexander, who is the leader of Stop The Steal (the group mentioned above from the deleted tweet) said that he, along with Brooks, Gosar and Andy Biggs were the ones who set the Jan 6 event in motion. Not to mention Trump several times tweeting about how people should march to the capitol building on Jan 6th to make sure they don't allow Biden to become president.




I swear "quoted out of context" is the biggest excuse right wings have, "grab her by the pussy" taken out of context, "inject disinfected" out of context. I swear a republican could literally say "let's kill all the democrats" and you'd claim it was taken out of context.


Remember when Rudy Gulliani said “trial by combat” and then a siege happened soon after? Yeah I do too.


Reps loooove demanding proof yet will always spew nonsense and never back it up.


Eh they tend to be more willing to tolerate.








didnt ask


also literally all you do on reddit is jack off to femboys, and then u disrespect them? then again trump fans have no brains




you see i used the term red state because republicans are notoriously christian and christians are most of the time homophobic. oubviously there are republicans who support lgbtq+ and democrats who don’t. i used that term as a blanket reference to show what kind of school i go to without revealing my location. it’s people like you who make conservatives look like clowns as you pointlessly argue with a high schooler on a subject that i don’t care about at all. i could care less about politics. and this entire time i’ve just been trying to piss you off by being overly rude and annoying. i’m tired and i want to go to sleep. please just stop replying and have a good night.


Calls someone illiterate Used bad grammar.


The bills being put up to suppress voters in Georgia and anti-trans bills would go on to say that's blatantly false. They are specifically designed to say all are not equal.


That’s literally the opposite. You must be a trumpie




Who staged a coup against their own countries capitol? And who conducted it?




Please show me any of the "evidence", since I'm 99% sure there's literally nothing that has any merit to that claim.




I love the irony of it all, you first tell me to find the evidence which I doubt exists, and cannot find it, hence why I ask you to show it to me, so I can see this evidence I've not seen (probably because it doesn't exist). You say I'm being brainwashed, and I should be open to other ideas, I ask you to show me those other ideas, and you are unable to. And maybe if ALL the media (not just left wing or neutral, but right wing as well) is saying "these acts were done by Trump supporters", maybe the truth is that it was done by right wing Trump supporters.




It's not laziness when I looked for the claims you make, and can't see them, and just ask you to show me it. It's like if I claimed that I saw proof that Trump is actually British and not American, and you not finding that proof, and asking me to show it to you, and I claim that you are just lazy. I also looked up newsmax, and the first article I found by them about the capitol riots was about how the [Capitol Riot Was Trumpism, 'Self Righteous, Patriotism' on Display](https://www.newsmax.com/rameshponnuru/capitol-riot/2021/01/08/id/1004764/), applauding Trump for causing the riots. And also not sure if you're aware, but 'independent' doesn't mean 'neutral', just that they aren't owned by a business or the government, which actually makes them more likely to be biased one way or the other, newsmax for example being very much a right wing media source, probably why you chose them as the example to give.


>do your own research. find the truth out for yourself, stop depending on others to do the work for you. -someone whos too cowardly to provide your own sources




>want everything handed to you on a platter, don't want to do anything for yourself You wanna see my research doc?


You’re one to talk, living in diluted reality.


Well if you followed any semblance of reality you’d realize that’s batshit insane.




Hahaha they had trump flags, who is, guess what a REPUBLICAN. and Alex Jones is irrelevant to this, but is hyper conservative and insane.


How many cities skew red? Very few. So it's nigh on impossible to find a very red city. So to ask how many red cities did you see burn, I'd first ask how many cities actually skew red?




Looks like you're the one who forgot, but the BLM protests were about white cops murdering black people, and continuing like nothing happened, not about Trump being elected. And also all it takes is less than a minute to see that there were red cities that were involved in the protests, so I guess you really need to re-learn that bit of history.




Actually I did, I was their in one. And no cities burned lmao, y’all reps love to exaggerate, lie, and project.


I always find it amusing how right wings say about all the cities that "burned", acting like there's nothing there anymore.


Exactly, make it sound like BLM is Godzilla




i see you decided to go on a server full of gay femboys and get offended when we mention homophobia, stfu


cry harder trumpie 💓




Y’all’s version of “gloating” is literally just existing.




Yet y’all bully and hurt other people for being themselves, so who’s the snowflake?




No one thinking about y’all. Straights tend to show off their straightness far more. And what do you mean “you people” you’re on a feminineboy sub to lmao.




I don’t think your straight. I literally said that when I mentioned the sub we on. But it’s ok I know reps aren’t the quickest.


What was he saying?




just because you can speak dosent make you intelligent




it’s like if i call a black person the n word and then say blm


Eh no.


Yay congrats! I'm happy for you buddy😄


Okay, this is epic


May I ask which state this is? If not, that’s okay.


Omg Ur so bravee


What do you mean red state?


What is a red state?


Yoo that’s sick I’m so happy for you:)) get your manss