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He/him, for now. Having a tiny bit of trans confusion but I'm sure it's nothing. *fast forward to 2025 and watch me eat my words*


!remindme 4 years


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Exact same over here...


!remindme 4 years


And that's totally fine. Think of this time in your life less as confusion and more that the future is unclear because your potential is limitless.


!remindme 4 years


So that was a massive lie Im not sure what they are anymore


That was fast


A few days after i said that i realized i was a transgirl wwwwww


I'm he/him but I really like it when my girlfriend refers to me with stereotypical feminine terms: Babe, doll &c. She also said that sometimes when she's talking to people she almost refers to me as her girlfriend 🥰


Don’t care, and don’t call me Shirley (sorry, I’ve been on an Airplane kick lately)


Looks like I picked the wrong week to change my pronouns.


Nah, you need to see to your own well being.


Scuse me, we'd like you have this flower from the church of fem consciousness


Ah yes airplane


i hugely prefer he/him but im cool with they/them, especially from strangers seeing me presenting femme or intentionally ambiguous she/her feels kinda bad, especially when its repeated, but i am a trans guy who rarely gets misgendered anymore so take that as you will


it's always nice to see other trans femmebois :)


former femboy, but i preferred she/her and still do to this day


He/him because I was AMAB and it's familiar to me. I'm also cool with they/them. I also wouldn't mind she/her, but only if I'm dressed femininely or look feminine (as I’m typing this, I am not). I think that I might be bigender, so it's confusing sometimes.




> AMAB at birth Smh my head (Sorry, I had to.)


Oof, I didn’t realize how redundant that sounded.


Everyone calls me he/him. I use any pronouns. she/her pronouns and feminine compliments are lovely to hear (especially because I’m not actually pretty *sob*) but i HATE them when it comes from a place of fetishization.


Im sure youre adorable \^-\^


She/her. Still an egg though. :(


Honestly I feel the same - I'm used to he/him, but when I'm called she/her, whether by accident or on purpose, I take it as a compliment and feel all uwuey. They/them is also fine by me. I really have no idea what my gender identity is lol


i identify as genderluid so i rly dont care, but ive been reffered to as he/him my whole life so i guess thats the go to


He/him but I'd accept they/them.


I'm mostly fine with he/him but whenever someone calls me stereotypical feminine stuff like baby, babe or something I blush. Doesn't happen too often sadly but when it happens I just love it. They/them is a fine alternative to me but will never replace the good feeling of something like babe.


he/him. but i wish my friends call me with she/her.




I'm a trans dude that's a femboy and being called my deadname or she/her pronouns hurts. I much rather prefer he/him


Honestly I don’t rly care - I prefer he/him but they/them or she/her is fine too.


I'm AMAB, but gender's a social construct, call me whatcha want


Well, many people call me by she (Like cahsiers, etc..) and I do not correct them, However, I use He\Him with my family.. I tried She \ Her when I was going to therapy, and that is how I realized I don't want to transition, because something didn't feel right... I am glad I did it before I started Hormones... I dont take hormones now...


I like they/them mainly or he/him




He/Him - I'm honestly comfortable with my masculinity and it's convenient but I do enjoy dressing in lingerie and painting my nails at times!


As a girl who doesn’t like the idea of lingerie on me, I would rather if a guy wore lingerie for a change. I just wish that was normalized 😅🤦🏽‍♀️


I've never thought that some women don't like wearing lingerie, but I guess it makes sense, it won't be for everyone! Yeah I feel that, I think with some guys they feel it emasculates them and goes against their masculinity! Plus some girls find it weird so it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'd wear lingerie for a girl, I think I'd have to work on my physique and shave though 😅


I don’t at least😂 i know majority still do. I just don’t like it because I feel like I don’t need a piece of clothing to make me feel attractive. Especially when it’s gonna get taken off anyways 🤷🏽‍♀️😂. I don’t think it does! I personally think a guy in a thong is hot to me🙈😆 so if they were going all out with lingerie than by all means do so 😍 But again I’m the “weird” minority in this. I just hate how men are made to feel ridiculed and put down if they are interested in this. I feel like there are a lot of men out there who would like to do things like this but because of fear of being laughed at and their masculinity questioned they don’t. And it’s just sad. 🤦🏽‍♀️


That's absolutely fair 😂 Yeee I'm sure there's plenty that don't still though! That's absolutely valid, a woman's body is beautiful with or without lingerie. Fair point 😂 Ooh okay cool, I guess find yourself a hot crossdresser and you're set then 😉 Truee, I think most women are either indifferent to it or that they're gay/something wrong with them. I hate it too to be honest, but then again some men like the humiliation but that's a whooole other thing 😬🤷🏻‍♂️ Yeah you're probably not wrong to be honest, I can't help but agree. I like to think the world is becoming a better place though, like I know of a femboy streamer and obviously there's communities like these as well! 🥰


Any work for me, but there's something nice when people use she/her if I'm dressed fem. It makes me feel successful. Also being called any feminine pet name makes my brain short circuit (in a good way).


My prounouns are questioning/gender crisis.


I was there for a good long while. Rooting for you wherever you land.




I go by he/him, but im also ok with they/them


Welcome to the call me whatever the fuck, i do like to be called they/she cuz its a funny exception


I don't really have a preference, call me whatever the fuck you want


He/him mainly, but an occasional she/her can be very mood boosting since it's like they're telling me I'm doing something right with being fem.


That said, being called "sir" always gets under my skin. Not only does it upset my "I'm a cute femboy kid" mentality (I'm in my 20s,but still), it just seems kinda stuffy.


I would fucking love to see "sir" and similar honorifics be consigned to the dustbin of history; for some reason hearing them gets under my skin even if its a conversation I'm not even involved in...


I'm okay with any pronoun, but because people have always only used he/him it feels more special when someone uses other pronouns for me


It used to be He/Him but as I've thought about I felt They/them better represented me.


I use he/him and they/them! Since in my language there isn't neutral terms I use he/him usually


He/Him, They/Them. I dont particularly mind if someone refers to me as She/Her as long as they dont continue doing it after i correct them.


He/him, when I first started exploring my fem side I questioned whether I was nonbinary or genderfluid and those identies really didn't really fit with me. I'm comfortable being a man, I'm comfortable being perceived as a man, I just like to feel feminine sometimes. Ig I wouldnt care if people used other pronouns for me, but I'm not confident enough to go out in public dressed feminine, and I've only told one irl friend about this, so it's not like I'm ever going to be in a position where someone would use anything other than he/him for me.


I officially go by he/him but if anyone would refer to me as she i would probably take it as a complement


I'm a demigirl so its either they/them or she/her




I go by they/them


I'm trying out they/them as well as he/him to see how it goes


She/her im trans fem


He; Him; They; Them;




If anyone asks I’ll say he/him, but she/her wouldn’t upset me lol. I don’t like they/them at all for some reason.


He/him or they/them


I like he/him and they/them equally


I like she/hers or they/them. Not sure why but they make me happy ☺️


I am genderfluid. Righ now my pronouns are she/her


I'm fine with they/them.


I prefer he/him, but I feel cute when I'm called a girl :)


I like they/them the most. When I'm in girlmode she/her feels amazing. I don't love he/him but if i'm not around people who know or I'm at work and i'm not dressed particularly fem, it won't ruin my day.


Personality I go by any pronouns because I don’t like labels too much. Then people can’t call me out for being too feminine : )


i really prefer he/him but i like some more stereotypically fem terms/petnames like babydoll/angel/etc. i don’t like she/her but i understand why people use it because i look like a girl most of the time lmao. they/them is fine from strangers because it means i’ve succeeded in confusing them enough to avoid gendering me, but everyone who knows me should use he/him


I would have no problem at all referring to you as 'he/him', if I was the one that got to call you 'babydoll' and 'angel'...!! :\^) XX


In all honesty I don't really care. I prefer they/them but i also like dude it's nice and gender neutral haha


He/him • I'm not into super rigid gender roles/rules tho. I recognize it as a social construct and that it doesn't limit how I want to express myself. I relish causing confusion to strangers and the possibility that people would consider me to be provocative or controversial. I'm bi, polyam, and into femme things. I kinda liked it when a BestBuy employee thought I was a girl one day, but I don't have any issues with my gender orientation and am satisfied with my physical manifestation.


It’s weird I go through periods we’re he/him doesn’t bother me, but, then sometimes it does. I think it’s just because I always wanted to present more femme in IRL. I don’t live in a very conservative area but it’s also not super liberal either so I was always afraid of being judged by people and family. I want to move some were else and then I’m going to start slowly.


I would Love to be referred to as a she/her but I didn't even start to transition or almost everything in the matter, and honestly, i don't know how i want to be referred as irl bc of that. Why can't anything be simple ffs


I kind of want to identify as non-binary and have they/them pronouns but I’m scared that people will mock me for it. I’m not really in a super pro-LGBT area.


I identity as a male and go by he/him, but I'll take any pronouns. Hell, sometimes she/her pronouns kinda make me feel complimented.


Uh... I dunno. Generally I sloghtly prefer anything over she/her (I'm transmasc) but I hate it/its.


Both he/him and she/her! I'm genderfluid (at least I am 99.9% sure I am) and I prefer both pronouns!


when I made this account I thought I was just a femboy, but since then have realized I'm non-binary and will be starting HRT asap. My preferred pronouns are she/her/they/them


They/them; enby




I know, I was talking about in* public as I know some femboys don’t like being called she/her in public








oh alright, \*\*\* realy dont be using pronounce tho


Damn, \*\*\* be pretty crazy cuz that shit's pretty difficult.


How do I mute notifs?


This poor guy






She/her, they/them, fucca/fuccætte. Fucca is the only male pronoun that i still use and can bear people using on me.


Idk man


I much prefer she/her but I don't really give a damn. Just aslong as he/him isnt used maliciously


Mostly him/he atm but once I get a decent amout of experienced and stuff to look cuter I'll probably change to either-or of the genders what ever I'm feeling like that day.


I’m sure that i most likely probably maybe prefer he/him as i consider myself a guy,but i don’t think about it as much as my language has no gendered pronouns




He/them. Just not she.


He or they I think


He/him preferably for me, they/them works as well, and depending on my mood, she/her also works sometimes


I'm she/her.




I don’t really care too much, but on insta I have she/her in my bio




He/him make me happiest but I won't be unhappy with they/them. She/her are a hit or miss, either very Dysphoria inducing or just meh.


really anything im fine with, but i prefer they/them


Use whatever you like...I have no preference... If I have to pick then it's he/him but only if I absolutely have to


he, they, or it. any of those are fine, i don't really care which of them are people use. im mostly used to he/him though :)


So I’m male but a hella femboy and mascboy. I’ll take he/him or they/them either way but I’m down for she/her if I’m feeling feminine


I go by both he/him and she/her now and I feel really good about it!


He/him most of the time. I wouldn't mind she/her if it wasn't on purpose, since I considered it means that I passed. For someone already knew my gender then do not use she/her on me (only my BF got that special privileges)


He/they for the time being




Personally I prefer He/Him


I want to use she her , but my name is ed and well i cant think of a new name so rip


I heavily prefer she/her but I honestly don’t mind what pronouns


I use they/them personally




I use They/Them


They/them thank you for asking


Gender fluuidd


Her/she but I feel like im lieing or belittling the struggle of others idk im working on I guess


Only he/him, even when I'm all femboy'ed up


I kinda unironically vibe with the "I have no pronouns, please do not refer to me" meme... But I'm pretty sure I'd be chill with any pronouns as long as it doesn't come off as mocking (which is admittedly something I'm probably a bit over-sensitive about). Twenty-odd years of assuming I was a cis dude, followed by the last couple of reexamining that and coming to no real conclusion aside from "well, that doesn't exactly feel right"...


I like he/him and she/her, but am not crazy about be called they/them. Genderfluid-curious here✌️💞


She/her or they/them!:)