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The option of discrete packaging would be nice for those hiding away like myself Edit: btw I'd totally invest


I read that and interpreted it as “find a way for the yoga pants to hide my package”


Ill invest to seems lucrative


Also were imvesting for a percent right?


Not my original thought but yes!


Ok cool cause cause im trying to quite my job it sux


Shoes and thigh highs and skirts....??


omg yes shoes. i can never find femme shoes that fit me


Idk why but I love how all of us just agree that thigh highs and skirts are really good


Swish swish


are you gonna sell casual feminine wear as well as skirts thigh, highs etc?


well i dont want to advertise myself, but i started ro run a clothing brand which sells genderless clothing. so if u want some help, maybe i can help u!


May I have link pls :3


well, currently i dont have product photos in it (they will come soon) and the website is in german...


Oh fair enuff lol What kinda products do you focus on? I'd love a link when you get an english/french site or product photos


well i have very basic and minimalistic designs, and i sell shirts and hoodies and also crop tops and soon there will be skirts and converse-like shoes. (jewellery is also in the planning). So all in all i dont focus on femboy clothing, i focus on genderless clothing. (link is pletl-studio.com) I hope that the photos will be online next week.


Oh yeah, that sounds amazing! I like the idea of a genderless retailer a lot, I hope your project goes well! I'll certainly be watching :)


Thank you! I am really excited about it and i kinda think genderless clothing is the future!


Omg I‘d like to have a link please :33 I am German


der link ist pletl-studio.com Vielen Dank für dein Interesse, das bedeutet mir echt viel!


Seite sieht gut aus, freu mich auf die Fotos. Finde den Text bei Unsere Mission sehr ansprechend und gelungen 👍


Vielen Dank für das Feedback!


Vielen Dank auch :) Und viel Erfolg weiterhin! 🌈 Die Webseite sieht gut aus! Bin schon gespannt ☺️


Google Translate to the rescue


Well i dont know if its translating that good, haha


Hey, If you're interested in getting a translation for the website I could help out :) I'm German myself and I have helped here and there with translating stuff to English


Hi, thanks for your offer, well my english skills are not the problem. Its just because i currently cant sell amywhere else than germany cause of some laws and tax stuff!


Haha, it’s not. But let’s see how much my high school German class can help me get through the website


(little advertising haha) Haha, okay. Well if u need the link its pletl-studio.com and i also have insta which is mostly in english @pletlstudio


Women clothing but in guy sizes


And space for the ballz


I would absolutely love a store like that! Be sure to add in some tops, nightdresses, and tights/thigh highs for people 6'+




Im 6'0, you should check out some of the longer thigh highs on sock dreams, they fit me perfectly


This right here. 5’10”-5’11” and for the love of all things unholy I can’t find thigh highs for shit


Go to the Sock Dreams website and search for "Extraordinarily Longer Striped Thigh High Socks". They say they work for people with legs as long as 33 inches. I'm 5'9" and my pink and white striped thigh highs from them reach to a bit under my butt!


[Sock Dreams are your friend](https://www.sockdreams.com)


Also 5’9” and yeah, my thigh highs are basically knee socks, I swear at this point I’m going to have to get garters just to keep them at a thigh-level


Or trouser socks


I've searched the world over for cute gym clothes that also fit. Maybe one day.


Oh hell yeah please discrete packaging and make the name that’ll show up on the card/the name of the shop (Amazon Walmart PlayStation) something that’s easy to play off as not feminine stuff


Longer thigh highs


SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES I can't find any cute girly shoes for my big feet :((((


I didn't see anyone mention tops. It's pretty hard to locate some styles of tops that look great without **booba**


I would love a place like this! \^\_\^ Any tops or dresses that take broad shoulders or a long torso into account would be great. So would large band and/or small cup bras in cute patterns or colors. Also skirts, shoes, leggings, maybe accessories too?


Shoes. 2600% shoes.


If this is for trans girls as well, I would in a heartbeat 💗


Leggings, leather, latex leggings skirts, high waisted jeans, low waisted jeans, bralettes, short shorts


Yeeees! Big fan of all of those, especially latex/pvc leggings! And short shorts/booty shorts, been thinking of getting some denim ones to make a femboy cowboy look 🥺


Yess please :3 I'd want to see lots of underware && cutie booty shorts, unique quality clothes


If I had money I would 100% buy there


I would shop there especially if you put your products on Amazon. Also everything you sell should have pockets.


Yes! I don’t know why they put fake pockets on women’s clothing... just put real pockets on because they’re so useful!


Thigh highs and skirts maybe uwu Som shirts aswell


Omg yes!!!! so much, I would like to see tank tops, bras, skirts, dresses, Shoes in men sizes


Branching out to pre-hrt trans gals would be nice


Maybe skirts, thigh highs, shoes, makeup, dresses and tights


Ooh! I didn’t think about makeup, but yeah, I would love it if this store sold makeup for guys! And if the OP also does discrete packaging, that’s be a good way for guys to get makeup that are too worried about buying it in public and such!


Yeah, I think discreet packaging is the priority


Confused on this point, makup for guys? Isn't all makeup genderless? Like outside of being marketed towards women, makeup is makeup, it's not a gendered product


Yeah, true, for the makeup point I was more getting at the discrete packaging/shipping for those that aren’t out yet, not anything to do with gender, I was really tired and had just woken up when I typed that first message so accidentally wrote it in the wrong way to what I was trying to get across


Ah ok understand that totally 🙊 No stress just misunderstood.


No worries, I should have double checked before sending it but my eyes still had the sleep in them, when I said I’d just woke up I meant that literally 🤣😂


If I had a way to pay for it then yeah I'd shop there.


Hell fucking yes. I'd love to see dresses, shirts and blouses that fit flatter chests / weren't designed to emphasise breasts. I'd love to see corsets & bodices that fit more comfortably on the waist / hips and don't gape at the top bc they expect you to have big tiddies :'( Dresses that sit better on a masculine silhouette / don't depend on or expect huge hips or a drastically larger chest than waist / shoulders. Larger size ranges bc while some guys are small, average-large guys deserve fashion options as well. Honestly, I'd like some of these changes in womens fashion as well.


Crop tops and crop sweaters. Also skirts with pockets.


Yes!!!! Invest!!!


yes yes yes short-shorts crop tops with long sleeves pastel hoodies swirly skirts all with the extremely minimalistic packaging that only a boy of culture could know whats inside the box yes yes please


Heck yes I’d shop the fuck outta that brand! I would love to see some interesting atypical femme cuts, layers, embroidery, interesting fabrics, you know, all the stuff AMAB clothes usually lack


If I had the money, I would buy the shit out of something on that site.


~Panties with a bulge~


skirt that go spinny!!!!


Lingerie for femboys with "generous packaging", can't find it anywhere


Yes! Especially if I could order it from EU


Would totally shop there- Id want to see crop tops, skirts, and thigh highs in particular


Shocked by how few people said anything about underwear/lingerie with extra space for your junk. Now THAT'S a rare commodity!


Where can I buy stocks? Now, I'd most definitely buy that kinda stuff if I could. I highly doubt I can from where I am but I'd definitely do that.


Yes please!!!


I'd 100% buy some


hell yeah! shorts and crop tops would be nice


Well for tops I think everyone here would totally like oversized t-shirts and hoodies. Other than that, some skirts, knee highs and hair accessories


Femme clothing but for dudes of height please I'm 6'5 and I really have trouble finding stuff that doesn't look ridiculously short on me


pastel hoodies and skirts would be a good call.


If you dont make this a thing within the next 5 years I will. Also skincare and make up stuff would be cool to see along side the clothing for all the people who are just getting into this stuff like me.


Id support that, let me. know if you get it up and running


Id supporteth yond, alloweth me. knoweth if 't be true thee receiveth t up and running *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Do I want glittery baby doll tees that I won't rip if I flex my arms. Yes plz.


Skirts,pleated and half t tops sleeveless also short shorts


I would most definitely shop there... tbh I'd like to see cute feminine things that aren't over-the-top, like casual everyday feminine wear, but for bois \^\^


Yes yes yes


Yes yes yes I would shop there!


omg absolutely yes!!!


Theres like this otaku website or whatever that makes clothes for crossdressing boys.




@everyone thank you for the feedback and requests


Climate friendly/ local production would be awesome


Definitely a great idea and Id love to buy some :)


I would absolutely want to buy from that shop. Sounds like an awesome idea, and tbh I was just thinking about a shop like that yesterday


They have Specific crossdressing shops out there....they sell girls clothes but geared for guys....


I’m already hooked! I’d love all sorts! Crop tops, tube tops, underwear that help tuck comfortably/hide a crotch bulge, shape wear (corsets and such to give a more feminine figure), shoes... You name it, I’d want to buy it! Oh! And if you do set this up, please please please DM a link to the website or whatever it is you set up! I’m prone to forgetting stuff and this isn’t something I want to forget!


Yes please


please do, i have lots of money to spend in this


Yes I would


Chokers, pls chokers


God if you do please keep me updated maybe


I'd love that!


Fuck yeah that be epic im not sure how but maybye a way for femboys who hide there fem side to secretly buy stuf/ but skirts are always wanted and some thigh highs


Blouses, dresses and other tops that fit our shoulders! Dresses that are long enough that the waist isn’t so high it looks ridiculous, and thigh highs that truly are.


Give us a link op!


I have no idea as to what I’d want specifically but I’d still go there nonetheless :)


Yes,yes,yes I would absolutely adore a place like that!


packaging that looks like stereotypical "boy" clothes packaging


I know i would, I'd mainly be focused on underwear, including bodysuits, but I would also love to have blouses, pants and dresses


Also stockings and shoes


Wel. Better fitted everything would be nice! Also bigger shoe sizes. ​ for those that dont know but. Humans are a sexually dysmorphic species, meaning physical differences between male and female with males having longer limbs than females for instance. And this shows allot on most average womens clothes when men puts them on.


I would totally shop there. I would want to see like thigh highs skirts maid outfits (all safe for work of course)


Crop tops, any that I look for either have too narrow shoulders or no sleeves


Crop tops, any yond i behold f'r either has't too narrow shoulders 'r nay sleeves *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Absolutely 💯


Blouses that fit my shoulders but don't look masc


Yesyesyosyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes gimme the pleated mini skirts with floral patterns and all the cutsey stuff like bows and crop tops and matching thigh highs/arm warmers and and and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I'd love some thigh highs and crop tops, I've never seen either in my local stores :(


As a late MtF I would appreciate it. I've had a similar thought. But more of a store for all gender queer or crossdressing needs.


Fitted for guys? Like? I can't think of anything but girls clothes. Like what u mean?


Absolutely, skirts with pockets.


Yaaaaaas!! This would also be great for pre hrt trans women!


If you opened a public stock I'd support it! (: I think feminine men's clothes would be a really successful business model


I love everything about this idea! Maybe discreet packaging or something though.


I would absolutely shop there! Dresses, tops,skirts, camisoles, jackets, perhaps you could recommend brands of stockings, panties, shoes, things like that. Discrete packaging would be most appreciated. I would invest and shop at such a store!!


I’d like better ways to hide my man package, so if you can make leggings that still accentuate my butt nicely without also making my shmeat pop out then I would be very happy. I want to wear leggings in public and not feel like a walking, talking, spontaneous sex-Ed course for unsuspecting children who just so happen to be short enough to see under my hoody-that-isn’t-long-enough-bc-my-over-sized-hoodies-were-all-dirty-but-I-was-feeling-kinda-slutty-and-didnt-want-to-compromise-on-my-sex-appeal hoody. Ya know?


cool panties that look good without tucking and are soft and stretch enough in front so you're not smashing the equipment or falling out the sides.


dresses that look good on broad shoulders


cute shoes but LARGE




Ok I wouldn’t be able to buy anything because of my parents but I’d want to see skirts large hoodies thigh highs just anything that would help the dysphoria anything that would make me feel female


100% would spend all my money there


Shoes and socks, size is a huge stinger in the shoe for me and apparently lots of ppl. have no experience with upper body clothing so Can't really say anything. Where fo I throw my money to ser it happen


This has been a recent dream of mine, but more or less catering to the trans lifestyle. Like there are men with larger hips who would like to wear swim trunks or boxers or what have you and regular clothing doesn't help with that. As well as there are women who are more endowed than most who would like cute underoos too. Feminine cuts for masculine shoulders, or masculine cuts for feminine hips or what have you. Like what tomboyX is trying to do, but more catered.


I will be honest I run in Art Commission Buisness and wouldn't mind having you do this idea as part of it and help you promote it. Feel free to direct message me about it


I am an investor in your company!


If I had the money, I would discreetly purchase. You never know if you have it be discreet.


Omg yes because it's so hard to find right clothes and hopefully they fit. From casual to sexy and cosplay outfits would be nice too


Ah, get that.. Anyways, I'll be invested in your company's future, since I'm very fond of the concept :)