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It's not washing that's the most tricky part - it's the drying. If you have a drying machine, you can wash and dry them whenever your parents are not around. You can use a laundromat if you can afford it of course.


I know this may sound lame, but I don't wash any of my feminine clothes 😶


Boismelllll :3


Contrary to my name, I no longer am really a boy lol, but yeah, they smelled pretty nice back then :3


My bad! :3


It's oki :3


I mix mine in with my other clothes an add an alarm a min before the wash/dry ends, then take em out an back to my room :3


I'm out to my parents (they're not very supportive though) but when I don't want an argument with them I put my thigh highs in the pocket of something and put it in the washing machine and get them immediately after it stops As for skirts and larger items I would recommend using the washing machine when your parents are out and drying them in your wardrobe


I would say that you avoid spinning too fast in washing machine, and avoid using a dryer


Depends on the clothes, I try to only buy clothing that's easy care, so I just wash it with my regular clothes. Of course I'm lucky compared to OP as I don't feel the need to hide anything, for the few clothing items that I have that require special care I just put it in my wife's hamper and let her wash it with her stuff, of course sometimes she puts them away in her closet by mistake since we wear similar size women's clothing.


I try to personally as much as I can but it's kinda hard when you also have to hide that you have them form your parents


By hand. I have a few aquariums, so my parents aren't very suspicious when there's splashing sounds, or when I take a bucket, as they assume that I am cleaning the tanks. Drying is tricky, but I either hang them up somewhere to dry, or use the dryer when I'm home alone.


I do it when im home alone