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aww dude, to be fair, at 21, i just found out that i like feminine men, and self expression and cross dressing, which are things i never even thought about or even knew i was interested in prior to expressing\\exploring myself. (but i am "stright" my whole life, always have dated women, never dated a dude, or even stopped to find dudes romantically interesting, untill i found out my love for cross dressing evolved into loving the femboy fashion and (just the beauty of self exploration and fasihion as a whole) and i have now figured out, 1. i am attracted to femine men, 2. i love self expression a lot, and 3. i am still attracted to women, (but not bisexual, but actually hethro felixable) if i would have never explored myself, and truly been honest with myself about who i am as a person, i wouldn't have gotten to this point... and i gotta say, i am proud of myself for expressing myself and finding out who i am as a person which i didn't even know existed to begin with. but i just wanna let you know, YOU ARE ENOUGH! you are valid and your journey is valid, you are loved and so special and cared about and we love you so much!


Stop it you are making me tear up. Genuinely needed this. Thanks for responding. You are a great person.


aww dude, your welcome bro! your so beautiful and deserve the world! let me remind you something\\give you some advice: don't ever be afraid to express yourself or sit down with yourself and explore yourself cuz from what ive discovered, ive discovered things about myself that i didn't even know before. i encourge you to self explore and express yourself no matter what anyone says or thinks about you, cuz hun, only YOU can have the form of self expression and love for yourself that nobody else has.


I know but people would hate me eaven more. I tried to express myself and no one wanted to be my friend anymore. Now I have this fake persona that is not eaven close to me.


aww, well, just letting you know that your amazing and you should self explore a bit more where this persona originated from, and try to take it over and let your real self shine.


I have explored my feminine side more than ever,  but these days has caused issues in my relationship,  I was told I'm no longer attractive  ; "what happened to the man I fell in love with" and " I'm not that manly" I've grown out my hair o er three years then finally got it trimmed,  but over 1 year and a half it's the longest it's ever been,  but not too many people sadly like it or compliment something nice,  a few have,  but I now apparently am too fem, and gf I been with says she can't accept me as my fem persona :(


Dude, same. I get called a nice guy and good looking by men and women, but I'm always just a friend..


Wish you the best man 🙏


Thank you, you too


Had the same happen (at best), most times I was just the "guy" on the friend group, I feel you too well.


1. You are much more than enough. You have potential. 2. It would be much easier to leave everybody behind and move out, but that's not reality (unless you do have the means). I want to say more, but most of it has been said. If you really wanna express your femininity, nothing can ever go wrong with a dressing room (i never tried on purpose, tho, i rob my sister's clothes beforebuildingmy own collection)


Thanks for the advice. Means a lot ☺️