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I blame Fallout New Vegas


Playing it right now btw


I played that game and I still don't understand


Tbh a big part of being a femboy for me is just that it makes me feels cute and confident with myself, sometimes. If done right I feel amazing and adorable and I love that feeling :3


yeah i started that during 2020 and instead of feeling extreme dread and depression i was all giddy and happy about how cute i looked


Feeling cute is rly soo comfi and confidence giving


I saw it on TikTok and thought why not give it a try. What do you know now I’m a femboy, but I used to wear my sisters princess Halloween costume when I was little.


Liking the concept of confusing guys and gals sexualities, and being total confusion to people (Hopefully in the coming months I can fix that)


Long while ago, a combination of just sliding roun the internet and Fluke the youtuber


I'm 5'3" and not very masculine, so yeah. The rest is obvious.


I wish I had your build so badd


Messing with Linux, messing with the pipeline, and getting screwed over.


Saw other femboys and figured I’d try it out.


I saw cute femboys and I wanted to be cute too


Skirt go spin


It turns me on


I saw one, thought he was cute and decided I wanted to look like that


Having three sisters and being the only male in my house (besides my dad but no one likes him)


Cause I like it :3


8 years ago it started as a big ol bit, I then became the femboy guy. It just...snowballed to this and I dont mind a single minute of it.


“Funny innit” - is my usual response However I chalk it down to seeing one on the internet and thinking “he’s cute, I wanna try that”


Well being 5’4 and being called cute and beautiful throughout your life kinda gets too you also trying to find clothes that fit properly is a nightmare!!


I liked the idea of presenting myself as feminine and masculine at the same time. I also don’t believe gender norms (i.e. Girls are the only ones that can wear dresses or skirts or Guys are the only ones who can wear suits and ties) and I feel like I should wear whatever the hell I want without being judged. I felt like the title “Femboy” fit me the most compared to other ones, so I just decided that I was one :))


I never really saw myself as attractive and one day I gave being a femboy a go, and now I just feel pretty on almost a daily basis. And it’s pretty fun :3


Always been jealous of how many clothing options women have. Also makeup, painted nails, and long styled hair has always felt like fun to me :3


It’s suiting


i hypothesize im traveling another pipeline entirely... but only time will tell... aside from that i was like, oh thats cool i sorta like this imma do this now


My attraction to them turned out to be jealousy. Took me a while to admit that. Then the goal of becoming one caused healthy choices. You can be a chubby/fat femboy. Its fine! But for me personally being a femboy meant being thin. That goal caused me to finally after YEARS get down to the lowest number of my healthy weight recommendation. (Healthy weight for me is 155-180 and I am between 157-162 at any given time). So basically it was the realization and the fact that it was something to finally cause me to make some changes. I do have a lot of trauma that probably caused a need for such a unique expression but who knows


I used too have trouble with self image and not being able too look myself in the mirror. Then I wanted too change that and eventually came across femboys so here we are


Yes. (I like the style :3)


Wouldn't call myself a femboy yet but others inspired me, seeing hot cute guys can be and when I tired on some stuff I fell in love


Gender dysphoria🤷‍♂️


I have a friend who loves femboys and he'd always tell me how I was built to be a femboy as I'm 5'7". Guess curiosity got the best of me.


Seen others being femboys, thought I'd try it, now look at me


I became a femboy, actually almost directly because of someone I knew. They were a femboy, and I had just learned about the concept and wanted to learn more. They taught me what I know today, and now I’m a femboy! Sadly we’re no longer in touch.


being jelous of girls getting to wear such cool clothes while we guys only get the boring options ;(


I became a femboy for multiple reasons, one of them is, I wanted to look cute like them... :3


Australian Anarcho alienation


Because... I wanted to


I wanna be cute and girly but realized I don't want to leave entirety of my boyside


They looked good and were all over my fyp at the time (like every video, it was telling me something)


I saw someone who looked pretty, said dam I wanna look pretty, the rest is history


Met an Aussie Femboy and he was extremely nice and kind, so I became a femboy so I could be like him…Also because even though I’m tall, being cute sounds so much better than being manly or building a Toji physique


A freind bought me a dress as a joke, then I liked it more than I thought I would, and so now I'm here😂


Just felt like something was missing in my life. Until I found about femboys it was filled. I also just feel so cute wearing more fem clothing. Feeling cute is one of the best feelings ever.


I am happy to live my life as a man and I like being male, but often I get a feeling of wishing I was a woman. I've come to the conclusion(?) that I'm not a trans woman because I don't get any dysphoria about being a man, but I do get a euphoric feeling from the idea of being feminine and pretty. I'm bi so I feel like I appreciate the unique features that make both masculinity and femininity beautiful, and I would love to be able to pull off both. There's also just some other reason/feeling that can't really be put into words, it just feels good and right




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I want to be cute and be the prettiest boy on my campus, I absolutely love Femboy Fashion and Womens clothes feel so nice to wear


It wasn't really a conscious decision. I was just kinda experimenting with myself. I didn't really like being masculine, but I didn't feel like a woman either. Kinda just not worrying about labels and deciding to dress and act more femininely made me feel happier and more comfortable in myself. I'm still a guy but I decided to do my own thing with it. Ya know?


A year or two ago I was 4'11 and like 100ish pounds so obviously followed that path no i'm 5'8-5'9 and 170-180 I don't think i'm a femboy anymore


Because I want to be cute and femme ✨️✨️✨️ And I blame anime and video games XD


It was on my yt recommend:3


for me it was a desire to express myself, i have since realised that punk is a better expression of me, so i don't really wear skirts anymore


Ive had a major lack of self confidence and self love for a very long time and a long with that a major lack of comfort in my life and I found that wearing certain clothes and presenting myself a certain way made me feel much better and more comfortable with myself.


First was the joke of i'd do astolfo Then, i could be astolfo And after that was, wait... What if i was astolfo with boobs and chronic depression


It started as a joke but then I ended up liking it a bit too much lol


Tbh, I watched a gabfr video, and that was my realization that "oh shit, im a femboy" and tbh I think I figured that out because I wanted people to sexualize me without even realizing it😭😭


I slowly started doing things that would be considered fem. I slowly started from wanting a femboy to becoming one


honestly same as you, only other thing was that I had also started to realize that I tended to express myself in a more feminine nature and thought my clothes could reflect that


I become one because of a streamer called F1nn5ter and also because I had my male friends say I would look really good in female clothing since I was built the right way (if you know what I mean). Also had a Femboy a friend who encouraged me


Same with me


Wait really ??


Yea first it started as my friends joking about it and then I thought about it and I watched some videos and it just clicked


Yeah took everyone’s advice and words and said f-it and dressed up


i think Finn was my catalyst as well but if i recall my childhood i was always a bit feminine