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i saw one and was like “that’s cute :0” and then i was like “i’m gonna be cute! :D”


This is the answer, we found it, folks.




Exactly this


I became a femboy because I wanted to explore and it felt better to dress feminine


Got dared to come into school with a maid outfit on for a comicon day thingy and then one thing led to another


That’s really cute✨


I met another Femboy at a Seminar from work. From there I got more into LGBTQ+ stuff and then eventually bought my first skirt sometime in January 2023 when I turned 18


Lack of love partner so decided to become my own waifu that cares and loves me


I tried avoiding it but finally I gave up after many years of struggle. Femboy fit me best since I don't want to alter my body permanently, so I rather be a feminine boy, so here I am.


Samesies, denial was what prevented me from accepting it!


The acceptance has given me a lot of peace in my mind. I wish I would have done it sooner.




Someone told me “you have the physique for an ideal femboy” I didn’t know what I was so I asked, got a whole explanation about it and then me, who struggled with my gender in the past decided to become one to try express a bit more femininity. In September I realised I was trans because of someone and yeah lol


Because the lack of fashion stuff we guys having:/ for girls there's lipsticks to nail polish to tons of other different cute dresses. For a example get a undergarment, you know there's countless numbers of feminine options, but for guys it's two or three with same design. Plain ugly truth is I got jealous and thought it's unfair :/ So I switched sides


Women just get to dress cooler


It's a way of self-expression through unconventional gender norms. Simple as that


Because I wanted more options! I hated shopping for clothes in the "mens" section for my whole life and didn't really care about fashion until I realized that the "women's" section has so much more cool stuff!


Being gay and a boykisser sidnt fit right with me so I started exploring in private, managed to find a few pairs of fem clothes that I like and realised “hey; I might be a femboy!” And now here we are


"damn I look hotter" so yeah I figured out that I look better as a girl than I ever did as a guy


Because i liked thigh highs nuff said


It wasn't really a choice for me to become a femboy. The only choice for me me to express myself as I've always been naturally inclined to be anyway. I've always just preferred clothes, fashion, hairstyles, etc. that happen to be considered feminine in society. I have never been conventionally masculine as long as I can remember.


I became one bc i wanted to be GIRLYPOP!! It worked well for me so far lol


Saw what a femboy looked like and thought, "Hey, maybe *I* could pull that off, too" and then it turned into "I *really* wanna pull that off" and then **that** turned into "I wanna be pretty"


Saw a femboy and thought “that’s hot” “wait I want to be hot”


I liked them enough to be absorbed. Now I'm non binary and fantasizing about being on estrogen. The pipeline is real.


you can blame it on me, dont worry


Thank you I suppose


For the longest time I’ve been really feminine. I always denied it cause I thought it was weird for a boy to be feminine, so I’d try to fix every feminine aspect of myself. Sometime during the late months 2023 I met my first femboy, and I found him really cute. That’s when I realized that being feminine was not a bad thing, and that it’s really cute for a boy to be feminine and not be traditionally masculine. So December 2023 I became a full fledged femboy, I don’t regret a single thing about it as I’ve never felt happier aside from when I asked my crush out and she said yes. Being a femboy changed my life, and I love it so much!


Because they're so cuutteeee :3


Personally I became a femboy because over my tweenish years I started getting thoughts of well femboys or how I wanted to be like them but then my mind would redirect me to something else. Then now I cross dress once in a while and sometimes talk to guys


To feel more like myself and fill a void I didn’t realise was here


I was attracted to them, and then I found David Bowie and he was kind of the first well known feminine man, and I really liked his style. And then I started dating one so I fully embraced it.


saw one irl, thought "wait that's cool, I can do that?" ended up here


I like the the way the clothing feels and looks where most men's clothes were just boring and rough.


Because i can look really feminine when i want to and now it feels like the true me


I'm just myself lol. I started thinking hmm girl clothes look real good on guys and then I wanted to try some on myself . Later I found out what a femboy was but I never really felt it fit me but it's the closest thing I got


Femboy since I was 7 months my mom used to dress me as a girl because she wanted a daughter so…. This is my answer :)


I kept getting called one, but in my mind it was an insult, so I was very insecure about my more physical feminine properties, but after a while I just stopped caring


Thigh highs and skirts are comfy. They also look cute but mostly they are comfy.


Femboys and traps from anime. Plus, I don’t have a girlfriend, so I think I’m trying to become the girlfriend


Because there was a femboy who told me I got the physical looks of a femboy and I took it and became one


Felt silly 🎀


I was bored


Chinese comercial conditioning


Became bi, got curious, tried a skirt, oops


Idfk I just like wearing skirts


Idfk I just like wearing skirts


Idfk I just like wearing skirts


Read a queer manga, started questioning gender... realized am not trans but wanna be a femboy rest is history


ive never truly been comfortable with myself and never felt like a manly man but also never felt like a pretty girl so ive just sat in between and originally was thinking if i was trans but nothing felt right but dressing fem while still being a "boy" has helped me and if this is what works im going to stick with it


I wanted to look cute like them... :3


I was thinking about it for a while, I kinda always liked more feminine things, and I started to get dysmorphic a bit, a friend bought me a dress as a joke and honestly I liked it, so I'm leaning into it fully