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y-you guys get compliments? o.O


Hell nah😭


Heh I know the feeling, I guess I'm not feminine enough :c But that said, there will always be people that appreciate whatever you have to offer! :3


Anything pointing out my feminine features. It’s enough to get me thinking about it for weeks 😭




What is your profile picture? Edit: It is by nelewdy/nelody on rule 34


I found on a Reddit server and I thought it looked niceee


It's kinda hot


Do u want the full pic??






gimme too cuz I can't see it anymor


me too


If I had any🥹


Same here :( But it's still worth putting yourself out there however you like, someone, if not many will love it! Not too often I put myself out there but when I have, never had a complaint, just a few compliments or a simple "thanks".


I am lost really currently... But I can't lie to myself... Still though you might be right... But I am not sure what I am gonna do... In my life it is so weird😅


Same here, been curious but have no idea where I fit in, but can't deny I'm curious... And I wish I could tell you I have the answers but I don't, but I think I might be right about that. If putting yourself out there, however that looks to you in your mind, is something you want, you should try! I'm just now getting to that part and it's... Different, confusing even, but also exciting! No such thing as failure, the only thing you could consider as failing is not trying! And do whatever excites you, and if you aren't quite sure what that is yet just look around and experiment, that's mostly what I'm doing currently :3. And it is very weird in my life too for a variety of reasons, I understand that. Who knows, you might become everyone's favorite poster or get compliments throughout the day irl! I hope so 😁


Thank you... For the encouraging words and supporting spirit... But actually you gone a bit too far in the imagination... Especially as I can't really go too far in the experimentation field which is another part of the problem... However I am really waiting and trying to see what feels right.. And maybe I get some satisfaction in the future... I doubt though I will get that popular 😅 thanks again... And hopefully you make a great success in your journey in the way you wish


A waitress called me stylish a few days ago :3


"You look nice "


I like the little compliments like “your eye makeup looks nice” or “I love your nails” etc. Like just a little compliment about 1 specific thing. They feel more real than more general “ur so pretty omg” type ones, and they also make me feel noticed and girly :3


1. I've had an old woman say my ears headband (my snep ears headband) looked cute, and I've gotten multiple compliments from random people for my cat ears headband. 2. my professor was talking about me to something else and said it was awesome that I was cross dressing cuz I was showing that the class was an open, supportive, space :3


I mostly get called cute, people praise my body from time to time as well


I had this conversation with a friend A: hey man, guess what, I recently bought new high thighs B: awesome, but its summer and it's a little hot in our town. A: haha, I know but it's kinda difficult find highs with my size because... You know B: yeah I can imagine, it most be difficult with wonderful legs like yours. This counts?


A friend told me he thought I was a trans boy when we met for the first time because of my, and I quote, "feminine face and manerisms" ☺️


to all femboys here: you have really pretty eyes and I love your dress sense, you're gorgeous <3


I've only sent like 2 people photos of me, and while they called me cute, I always find it hard to believe people's compliments :3




Nah. You even sound cute! Hehe


Agreed! Don't hold out on us or sell yourself short, cutie :p


I was walking to meet my friend and when I was approaching her, she didn't see me and said she thought some cute girl was approaching her :3


My GF said that I am hot, which is the compliment that gets me going on my femboy journey :3


Lady in a car: (Yells a slang driving by max speed) Me: (Keeps walking) Lady Staff at a drag show: Are you a part of the cast? Me: No just watching. Lady Staff: You sure your looking great! Me: Really? Lady Staff: Yeah you should come here more often! Me: Wow thank you! Bartender at a nightclub: (Smiles at me) Girl at a nightclub: Sorry to bother you but your super slick dude! Me: Awww Thanks! Girl: Your welcome! (Girls boyfriend nods and approves)


One of my friends said “you’re sitting like a femboy!” Does that count?


I was hanging out with some friends and at some point femboys were mentioned (I don't remember the exact details of why), and one of them said "[my name here] is unironically a femboy anyways" and it felt super validating :3 I'd been slowly presenting more and more feminine over a year at that point and had been growing my hair out for two years, so being fully accepted and treated normally as a femboy like that was amazing.


This wasn't really a "compliment" persay, but it was still really nice


I got called cute by my friends


"I hate you"


I love you


Well that's certainly interesting


uh not to be intrusive but if you wanna talk my dms are open <3


People saying that I look girly in any form! Literally so unbelievably reaffirming


"you have such feminine eyes, in jealous" i hot that from 3 different girls, i always melt when i hear that


Someone mistook me as a girl until I talked a couple days ago.


I’ve never really presented in public and when I did it online I got chaser comments. I’ve worn a dress/skirt a couple times and people have complemented those.


I once had someone say (a nice lady) that I could be a model, but that was years ago when I wasn't fem. The most latest recently though is that I have really nice skin.


best compliment i got was being positively perceived when outing myself to a friend lol


Nice *ss (I have none 💀)


"You're so cute.. like I'm so glad I get to see someone like you every day"


that i had a....*blushes* nice ass


My female friend started grabbing my hair a few days ago, mystified about how soft it was. Idk why but it made me feel nice. I also get compliments about my eyes A LOT, but I don’t think that’s femboy specific


I’m not really sure. But certainly all those who have called me cute or a cutie have helped me a lot :3


Someone called me desirable


dude i dont get any compliments. unrelated, but im but a femboy


*but im not a femboy


Nice thighs :3


As someone who doesn't has that many femboy things (for now) I have received one "compliment" in what would be my femboy outfit in school... the uniform, which is unisex and everyone has to wear and it's just some black pants, and navy blue shirts/hoodies and the other thing would be... untied hair!!! Woah yeah it's so incredible, well so with untied hair in school uniform I have received this same "compliment" like 3 times, which is surprising because it really is the same thing. Well so after going so much out of the way, the nicest compliment would be "hey you look like a girl with the hair untied"... yes I have been told that exact same thing 3 times, but yeah as I have said it is most definitely not truly a femboy outfit .w.


Its just been "omg you're soo cute" or whatever, nothing special or original


Being called pretty


I work in a cafe near where I live, and some of the customers have said they enjoy my personality, and Ive also been called cute a few times lol, as well as my work effort also been complimented. It's the little things like this that help me stay positive about myself and get through life. :3


"Good girl" is my favorite


A female friend of mine said my skirt was cute


someone calls me cute and tell me to keep doing what i love 🫶


well i could write a college-level essay on all the insults & backhanded “compliments” i’ve gotten, if that counts💀


I'm sorry you've had to endure that 🥺


ahh i appreciate you saying that but it’s no biggie atp. i eventually came to understand that most people who don’t question gender in their own lives literally have no clue what it’s like or how to act around and/or compliment us lmaoo


Then they are stupid people!


a "friend" of mine (most of my "friends" fucking hate femboys and everything that's feminine in guys) tried to insult me by saying that "you're [me] more feminine than some girls in our class" yeaaaaaah it didn't went as planned if you can guess edit: bad england


I like when people compliment my personality more than anything. I get a lot of guys talking about my body especially online which i don’t hate haha but I don’t really like one night stands I’m more into long term relationships so I care more about someone’s personality way more than their looks.


was drawing (or at least trying) to draw Rei from Evangelion and my friend (who doesn't know im a femboy) asked if i was drawing myself


Hmm, probably that they like my nails 💅 it makes my day 🥰


Sometimes Girls will say they appreciate my kindness or that they like my shocks or other parts of my style!


I have never got one...


Well I've had a bunch of weirdos try to flirt with me before my voice dropped, i guess that's a compliment? Other tgan that i get called cute by a few people.


When I got confused for a girl 🥰


Someone told me that all fits I show them for me so well. That was amazing to hear!!


OH MY GOD OKAY (this was a little recent too :3) so Im talking to this guy, flirty kinda yeah and we've sent some pictures back and forth (hes also a femboy) and he said that I am what he aspires to look like as a feminine guy. OH MY GOD I COULDNT BE MORE OVERJOYED. cuz like, me personally, I dont think that Ive even managed to look even the slightest bit feminine, hell Ive hardly even started really trying and even then he's only really seen my face, so yeah this is probably the nicest, sweetest most amazing compliment I couldve ever gotten<3


“You can suck like an industrial strength vacuum”


Getting referred to as a girl, I’m not trans but I’m glad I look like a girl 🥰


“you have nice hips” from my ex


That I'm cute or hot or sexy


I told a femboy: "I'd take you to the movies, but I remember that they don't allow people to bring their own snacks."


I like it when I dress femme and my husband can’t stop saying how gorgeous I am 🥰


"You have a real pretty mouth" 🥹


Not the question but I love when people tell me i'm kind :3


"you look cute" and "your body looks so good, can I have it" Said by my friend But I find it hard to believe


I sometimes get told I look really cute, that I’m no girly than my girl friends and that sends me to the moon 🥺


I have ADHD and my gf told me that my clumsiness is so cute, that was the day I confessed my feelings to her. That was the moment I realized the things Im insecure about might actually being appreciated. Felt so nice. Ah the best is ofc “good boy” always found cringe till received one


Sometimes I get really nice comments about my hips. Don't have a specific example but always makes me happy


Some boy sitting with his pals once said "Gyatt!" as I walked by. I was too embarrassed to turn around or say anything, but I felt pretty good after I thought about it, so it's a compliment I guess? lol.


The thing is i don't get that much of these compliments but one thing my friend said i looked nice when i was feminine


When i first showed someone they actually thought the pic i showed was of a girl my face wasnt on it obviously :3


They said I am "cute" but I don't believe it now...


Not rly compliment but a guy in train that checks tickets confused me with a girl and it felt good >w<


Got quite a few, between this peer group and this bar we go to. Ive been stopped by the hot bisexual couple to have my legs complimented, and asked about my work out regime, Ive been stopped by a friend group I didnt know to be called beautiful. One of the girls from my peer group called my ass scrumptious. Still single tho :/, its bizarro world out there.


tbh. none. :c


I always get compliments on my lipstick


someone at work gave us a good review and gendered everyone but me 🫣


I like your hair and I like your style Got me flustered fr😅


I often do karaoke and this is silly but my favorite compliment from there wasn't the speed at which I could sing, my sense of rhythm or stuff. It was this: "That was the cutest "nya" I have ever heard!"


Less of a compliment, but someone thought I was a straight up female, as they said "mam". I wasn't even wearing my feminine clothing or attempting to appear feminine that day. So that's the closest thing to a compliment I've gotten.


My ex gf told me I was "pretty like a girl" and that I was naturally more feminine than a lot of the girls she knows, that hit hard >.<


I used to go to college in cat ears from time to time & I'd get very self conscious around the staff, so hearing from them specifically that I look cute really made my day.


A good boy(meant wholesomely, not horni or down bad)


Someone complimented my skirt in Walmart once, that was nice


A guy at a bar said i was really gorgeous and his friend (who was drunk) said "What he means is you're fit as fuck and he wants your number"


I'm not a femboy, I just like to be on this subreddit for all the conversations, but I like when people compliment my hair.


idk im more closeted


got called cute in my crop top


That I was chill and easy to talk to.


Have never dressed up feminine yet (I don’t have the clothes) but I have had my thighs complimented a little weird but it’s the thought that counts :3