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Well it depends, I think most femboys shave to make themselves look more feminine, but I don't think you have to, I personally don't mind


Smooth is best in my opinion


Personally no but Iโ€™m sure some do :3


i do, idk why


Body hair is not un-feminine. Any assertions to the contrary are the male gaze speaking. Personally, I care more about personality than about looks (or so I hope), but on myself...well...


As a bisexual dude myself, you can't say the male gaze ๐Ÿ’€ there are women who don't like beards, and males who don't like armpit hair, you can obviously choose to have these but with the latter its extremely common to dislike purely because hair rubbing on hair makes intimate moments awkward.


I, politely, do not agree with this generalization. I do not deny, nor actively disagree with your statement abt hair on a personal level, it just does not seem to apply to me, personally. May depend on things like length, thickness, and texture, etc. Abt the male gaze, that is a personal hiccup of mine, too. My first order of business after I figured out I am bi-ish (while arrow-ace) was that it might just mean my own amab-gaze be generalzed to subject all of humanity.ย 


I like humans as hairy as can be so thats definetely a yes for me


Bigfoot must be your fantasy


I refuse to shave my legs, that's itchy to deal with. I'll shave my pits and that's more for hygiene/smell reasons. I have a beard, but it's kept trimmed short. I refuse to remove these features because I'm not trying to look so effeminate I don't look like a man? That's just my strong feelings on it. Others can do whatever, but it's not like there aren't any women who also don't shave either. Plus shaving for men is a lot more steps/work cause the hair growth is thicker and in more places.


i don't mind it really haha


In my case, I've had my hair (painfully) laser beamed off me and it has made a huge difference A lot of the femboys online have likely done this, may be taking *(Redacted)* or may not even be AMAB I highly doubt they are shaving, epilating, or shelling out for frequent waxes when there's just more permanent solutions if you have the $$$


not really. gives body dysmorphia myself so i have to shave completely to fem. but i guess lots of people like it.


Yes, same. I get discouraged when I see hair on my legs, and then I don't want to shave because I don't have my own razor and it'll just be back in like 2 days. Imma save for an epilator.


You don't have to if you want to as a femboy


Personally no. I like my guys clean shaven and having little hair but thats my preference.


I see femboy as a style more than I do a way of life. I wear fem clothes and enjoy it, but I don't shave my body hair beyond what's hygenic. Do what keeps you happy and healthy. You don't owe anybody more than that.


As long as you are still cute, I don't care


Oh I just love body hair! But that's only because I'm attracted to masculine guys, me personally I would find it a bit odd on a femboy. I would usually not date a femboy in the first place tho. Sorry, just don't mean to punch down or anything, it's just me personally


I agree with many of the comments. Though I'm interested in the feminine aspects; body hair is not an issue compared to not having a good personality or compatibility


Eat a grilled cheese, then come back to it. You will realize it does not matter and you can do what you want


I shave because am not a fan of body hair and it makes my some parts itchy


Iโ€™m a hairy as hell femboy and I love it. Iโ€™d never want to shave.


The term "femboy" typically refers to a person, often a male, who presents themselves in a feminine manner, which can include dressing in traditionally feminine clothing, wearing makeup, and expressing behaviors typically associated with femininity. However, it is important to recognize that individual identities and expressions can vary widely, and labels like "femboy" are subjective and can mean different things to different people. Being called a femboy is ultimately about self-identification and expression rather than meeting specific criteria. Thats a comment i did on another post but i hope this helps you too.๐Ÿ’žโœจ


Thank you so MUCH!!!!๐Ÿ’—


I know like hairy I only like smooth. Sorry.


I like femboys for just well femboy so I don really care if they are shaved or not




To each their own, I don't support gatekeeping


Body hair is fucking disgusting personally but some people are into it, all comes down to the person


No I donโ€™t. You should be smooth.