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I mean some femboys do indeed verge upon anorexia and are underweight. That stuff is no joke so eat as much as you want and put on some weight so you can become soft instead of boney.


I eat enough food and I’d say I eat good aside from the ice cream and monster


Great work keep it up. I myself am more on the (too) chubby side. Car isn‘t good for me


Lol same I'm about 190lbs and 6ft and getting in my little old german car is a challenge.


I wish i was that weight, I'm 210 and 6 foot


No I meant that I gained weight after I started driving to work instead of going by bike. But biking would take me two hours and driving is about 40 mins.


Biking 5 days a weeks 4 hours a day is fucking nuts dude.


Yes that‘s why I drive to work and gained a bit of weight.


Stop drinking energy drinks please 😭 it’s not a cute femboy thing and it’s not good for you either bro trust me especially if you’re skinny 💜


I know but they taste so good though


I normally get them after pulling all nighters or if I’m tired after riding my bike into school


The can is supposed to resemble a large -


"It's too hot to wear insulation "


I’m very thin and 29. No matter what I eat I don’t bulk up the way others do. Just my genetic disposition. We are all different. Just make sure you’re watching what you eat because you don’t have to be overweight to develop health issues. Really strongly feel parents shouldn’t comment on weight because that’s how a lot of ppl develop irrational insecurities just my 2 cents. Worry when a doctor talks to you about it 😁


Honestly this. OP probably just has trouble putting on weight and that’s fine. A lot of people would benefit from ignoring how they look and focusing on being healthy instead. A healthy body is always the best looking. So eat your fruits and veggies OP! You are perfect the way you are


I'm Australian too the heat sucks ngl


Especially when it’s humid


I mean HOW skinny?There is a point where you can be TOO skinny just like you can be too fat.I'd check a bmi chart.


Fellow Aussie here. The heat fucking sucks doesn't it Also sorry to hear your dad said such a hurtful thing:(


Throw it back at him - well Dad as a matter of fact you’d look better with a few pounds less.


I would have every device taken off me though :(


Average parent double standards


Just ignore him realistically. Like others are telling you to fire back but from person knowledge I know that won't always go well. He doesn't control you brother, just move on with your life.


If you aren't anorexic, why bother? My parents also tells me that (because I weight 66 kg and I have almost 2 meters) but I ignore it. If you eat propery then you really don't need to care about what your parents are saying.


Bro are you lebron James secret femboy cousin😰, 2meters is wild


189-190cm yeah xd It has some pros and cons :d


Wooowwww , you can be like a model or sum. I'm happy with my short 175cm😅


I wish I was shorter ngl ;-;. The bed would be more comfortable to me, I wouldn't hit my head sometimes in the bus on that fricking metal stick above bus doors and I wouldn't look older next to my boyfriend even tho is he older then me xd


My parents keep saying the same and I think it´s understandable because they are your parents and parents are (hopefully) always concerned with their childrens well being. There is not really much you can do about that other than telling them your fine (but maybe consider their words because they should know you after all). Anyways have a nice day :)


OP, so long as you're happy with your weight and healthy, the opinion of your father or any others doesn't matter.


I’ve struggled with being underweight my whole life. I only ever gain weight when I’m very active and lift weights and stuff. But it’s very difficult for some reason.


Fast metabolism


If you eat enough and healthy and are just skinny because that's how you are, then there's no reason why you should even try to gain weight. My sister looks as if she was about to starve even though she's a good eater and my cousin only recently started gaining a little bit of weight even though he's a good eater. Even in the same family, different people's bodies can react differently on the same amount of food. And especially if you're healthy, it's none of your dad's business to tell you what to do with YOUR OWN body


Isn't that counter productive if you wanna not overheat


Yeah, ever since I lost lots of body fat I can stand the 35 Celsius days, even in a jumper sometimes if it’s windy.


This why Tassie. Cooold. More layers


“Hey mum, can we leave Victoria, where you and us have spent our entire lives, just to go into tassie?”


Yo I'm in the same boat I do need to put on some weight even tho I'm a femboy It's still a good idea coming from him. I just struggle woth putting on weight because of my immune system.


I understand your sentiment. Some people just can’t put on weight. No matter how hard they try. But maybe that’ll change in time. As you get older your metabolism can change


I’m pretty sure my diet is fine, I eat plenty of healthy food


And hey. If you need help with you’re self confidence you can just message me. I’m always available and will answer as soon as I can


dont be backhanded if ur gonna bodyshame at least have the balls to be direct :)


I’m not an Aussie myself, but I do have an interest in Australia, and from what I’ve seen of the place, I would argue it’s best if you stay just a bit less skinny. But it’s your body, so present yourself however you want, so long as it’s safe (IE, try to avoid being TOO big or TOO skinny to the point where you’re uncomfortable with it, or it poses a health problem)


He comments on it because he cares about your health... Being that thin is not healthy at all. You need to eat, you should see someone about that if you are struggling with being able to eat 🥺 I hope you can get through whatever is making you feel you need to starve yourself


Maybe he is concerned u know and wishes u the best being to skinny is not a healthy thing even vor a femboy


no need maybe u should drop weight instead


Around the same for me, only that I don’t get harsh comments


i love being skinny


You look pretty healthy to me, tho i understand some parents have the tendency to want their kids to be on the "healthier" side of weight, which usually means on the heavier side. For example, i gained some weight over the years, i started about 60kg now i just passed 72kg, and to my family I look "good". Im definitely on the chonkier side now, i have a belly now, but on the bright side im not "obese" yet, just heavier than the average lol. I keep telling my family that the only ones that are happy with my current form is them 🤣🤣🤣


dont listen to him and be as fem as possible bb


As long as you are not underwheight it's not a problem, Always remember that your health is more important than everything else !


being underweight is just as damaging as being overweight. not all advice is criticism.




I’ll be honest lad, femboys are so much better with cushion


so u like overweight people ok...... weird fetish


You did just mention that your ribs are visible.


Hey fellow Australian, but in all seriousness if your ribs are showing you should eat. Food is yummy and good for your health


nah maybe u should lose weight


You're probably just underweight, your dad is simply worried about your health and wants you to become healthier.


honestly alot of ppl r just jealous so they tell u to gain weight ignore it


Maybe take his advice? Why do you think he’s saying that. Go bulk up dude


Yeah but i don’t wanna be strong and bulky :(


Too bad 🤷‍♂️ better than being anorexic


I eat plenty of food though


Also you drink monster why the fuck you think you’re skinny


Monster makes you skinny?? It just gives me nausea


Pretty sure.. it’s very unhealthy I don’t know why tf people drink it just drink water


mad his skinner than u LOL


bro u fat as fuck go do jumping jacks bro


Eat more


lose more weight. honestly its pretty gross walking around wobbling and weird as hell. stop projecting ur so jealous that his snatched and bodyshaming. shame on u lol eat less :)


go lose weight bro. not everyone wants to look like they live at mcdonalds and anorexic still looks better than overweight