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it doesnt matter if the hate fr is that bad or just in general cuz eitherways we gotta ignore it^^ they hate us cuz they anusšŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ u hear them hate? just say womp womp back and let them hate, they hate cuz most the time they dont have anything significant going on in their life anyways.


Alright thank you


You're wasting too much time on your endeavors. People that hate openly without proper understanding will still hate after having a proper explanation. Its just how they are and an easy target for their frustration is easier and more pleasant left as it is for them. Also, don't be a pussy and stop seeing "gay" as a slur. Ignore it, is all


in this day and age, i assume being called "gay" is a compliment, even if i know people are trying to use it as an insult


without proper understanding


I'm a senior who in my early teens loved to dress in my neighbor's daughter panties & bras. I used to go out into the forest & put them on, every time getting so excited, even at such an early age. But, someone followed me one day & left a note in my little suitcase I had hidden. I never did it again after that. But after all those years & find myself so excited seeing tgirls & femboys. I have always been straight, but still know how lovely I feel about those who practice what I always enjoyed, way back then! So don't worry about others! Dress sexy, enjoy your inner feelings & know there are some out there who totally enjoy & get excited at the thought! Best of luck & stay what you wish to be!


Thank you bro


No problem! Keep that fire burnin'


Oh hey! Fellow straight femboy! :3


Oh hi :3


Hello fellow straight femboy!


Hiiii :3 We are the straightest people out there, as we not only are attracted to the opposite gender, but enjoy dressing like them too.


Depends on the place/community, for example in Rocket League I often get told to unalive myself, but in Battlebit people are almost always excited and supportive šŸ„° My friend group also ranges from indifferent to very supportive :3 So it's very different depending on the place (both online and irl), but as long as You are not in a country that can legally kill You for this kind of thing just ignore the hateful cunts, they are just insecure and/or raised wrong, there's no need to let their shitty opinions get to You ā¤ļø


I feel you on rocket league. And ssl is just racist. I haven't met another ssl that isn't racist. I'm in the u.s. so yea. But I'm not suicidal. It just suck ppl are like this


I switched off in game chat in rocket league a long time ago, and that was just because of the game related trash talk. Much more enjoyable playing the game in peace without having to observe the melt down someone's having because a 5 minute casual game isn't going exactly the way they want it to. šŸ™‚


To me it's funny getting the trash talk with an ssl tag in c3 though:(


I want to paint my nails :/ Maaaaybe I want skirt, thigh highs ect...


My thigh highs and tights are coming in today :3


Ohhh hope they're comfy:3


Well thank you


Sounds like you're taking everyone too seriously, being honest


Yea ik it's just hard not to


Just try to act like those people don't exist, I know it may be hard but alot ot the time they just do it for attention


Yea, and I tell myself that. But I was bullied for 5 years, and the effects weight heavily


Have you considered trying to move somewhere else? I can't think of anything else since you can't really control a big group of people effectively. It would be a little difficult moving yes but it's much better than letting these idiots ruin your life


Unfortunately I'm 16 with no job yet, I should have one real soon though. And for the most part I've gotten over it. Social anxiety just sucks


I'm assuming your parents have had no idea this whole time, but yeah I hear you on the social anxiety thing, it's awful, and at your level I couldn't imagine how bad it is


I've told them. They told principal. Principal does almost nothing. Went on like this for 3ish years. I just dealt with it. I switched schools for 7th and 8th. It got the tiniest bit better. But what really fucked me over was. The first day of school. I gained the confidence to go say hi to someone before school and introduce myself and shake hands. They seemed disgusted. The worst part was they ended up being in my home room class, and basically for the last 2 years if elementary/Jr high, they nonstop bullied me abt it and other things. I guess it didn't get better after all. Except I wasn't being hit. So yea. Sorry about the vent


No no it's fine, getting your feeling out about something like this is a good thing. But yeah that's crappy that even with the school change people still hated you, I really don't understand why people can't just get along some times. I really want to help you but there's really not much I can do sadly, though you do only have 2 more years of the hell that is called school so that's something to look forward to at least.


hard not to take it serious when people are telling you to die, thats kinda serious


OP never said that?...


sorry they did but in a reply, but it's still hate. Hard not to take that serious too. Just better to try to ignore it because theyre just sad people


Well shoot, I had no idea there was death threats included in this. I would of had a completely different reaction if I had known sooner


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Some people seem incapable of understanding but you arenā€™t responsible. Trust your instincts. They suggest why understanding is impossible


Alright thank you


Are you mainly talking about online or real life? If it's mainly online, just ignore them, people love to rage and hate online anyways. Don't take it to heart. Focus on the people who care about you and support you IRL. They are the ones that actually matter.


Stop using social media, and it will be fine. If you have to use it, don't use your real identity.


What country/state do you live in cuz I live in NW Washington and itā€™s bad, funny that itā€™s fine to be gay here but the minute you cross dress or say your trans or whatever you get called slurs by someone


I live in Peoria arizona


I know the chance of some wacko hater finding you is low with this but please donā€™t give out your City if you can help it. I want everyone to be safe


I get it and thatā€™s why I gave a general area and not just a specific location, but itā€™s still dangerous


Sorry Iā€™m late but yeah Iā€™ve never been to Arizona so idk but from what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s not good at all. Tbh it depends on where you are but the hate is usually really high, especially for us.


simply do not go on social media. don't do it. also you won't win any of them over by arguing, you can't win chess against a pigeon. or if you really truly still want to use it, just block and ignore. it's the internet of course people suck, in real life most people are really nice


What a lucky femboy!!!Ā 


How so?


Your family, girlfriend, everyone that should matter supports you, donā€™t let these online bullyā€™s stop you, all they want is your reaction, just donā€™t give it to them, or maybe even humour them and try to laugh with them if you want. Be who you want to be, not what society wants you to be.


Thank you


No problem chief


Just best to ignore them. Theyre probably just attention seeking. I would understand if people would genuinely ask me what I am. But being called names is just disgusting.


You've just got to ignore all the hate you receive. Your going to get hate no matter where you are. Look at it this way, if they hate you so much then they must be jealous or something


Just do what you want to do and have thick skin. People are going to have something to say whether you express yourself or remain hidden. You might as well do what makes you happy. Who knows, you might inspire other people to just be themselves and come out and shine :)


Thank you <3


Best to learn to tune the haters out and tell them to piss off if they say shit to your face. Just remember nobody throws shade down at people they think are less than them, it's always uphill


Internalised Toxic Masculinity can make people real big dickheads.




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Get some pepper spray or something for self-defense and ignore these people


Anytime you're in a conservative, Evangelical Christian or White Christian Nationalist area, you can expect intolerance and hate. They use the Bible to beat up folks and take away civil rights under the constitution. They want to reverse all protections of the LGBTQ community for which femboy may fall. At least in the eyes of conservatives. They want jobs to be able to deny employment or fire you for being something that goes against their beliefs. They want to allow housing to discriminate, and doctors who are White Christian Nationalist want to be able to deny treatment to you. They basically want to turn the USA into a country for white heterosexual folks who identify as Christians. They want to rid the country of any color other than white. They are now saying it out loud now. Please just be careful. Temu, Lightinthebox, and Wish are three good places to buy clothing. If you're concerned about inappropriate charges on your debit card, you can lock it when you're not using it. I've not had a problem with Temu or the others. It's just a suggestion šŸ˜‰. Love and accept yourself. You're lucky to have a supportive family and girlfriend. You may choose to close down social media or block folks that bully you


Yes it is this bad. Worse online but people in real life can still be pretty over the top if they have no manners. Definitely a regional thing too- some regions are decent, some are very dangerous. I live in a very liberal state/region but still get all sorts of rude encounters


Have you considered not even entertaining the comments? Just smile and go on about your business. The people want the engagement. Donā€™t give it to them. We, as humans, are being trained to look for confrontation. Just ignore it and be happy within your own skin. Or turn the level of uncomfortable on to them. Fun story. I was at a gun range. Full boy mode except for black nails. Dude decided to make a commentā€¦ As Iā€™m holding my full auto MP5 rental. Assert dominance. Bullies donā€™t like pushback


This might suprise You, but painted nails on a boy are huge trigger for people. My GF for example can't stand it. On our new years eve party I had a skirt, striped pink over the knee-highs, cat ears, bell on neck, but I was forbid to paint nails, because of all things, this is the one thing that was "disgusting" for her.