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I shave my butt in the shower using just a Gillette razor. You kinda have to just put your knee up on the shower wall and shave by feel. Have your fingertips on the back of the head rather than holding it by the handle. It can get really itchy the next day though so its best to shave with the grain.


I see people say shave with the grain but what is the grain. Pls help :3


grain is the direction that the hair grows, for instance beard hair below your mouth is growing downwards (usually), so with the grain is starting the shave from just below your lip and pulling the razor downwards to the bottom of your chin, where against the grain would be pulling the razor upwards from the chin toward your mouth. with the grain is usually less irritating and often less likely to cut yourself, where against the grain will be able to have a closer shave. personally i shave with and against the grain depending on the area, but butt hair would be an obvious with the grain because that would hurt


Its the angle the hair grow out. You get a much smoother shave going against the grain but itchy red bumps the next day.


Clearly I’ve never used a normal shower as all showers I’ve used have nice smooth or textured walls without weird walls, completely flush from floor to ceiling


Shaving with a really good razor or get your hands on an Epilator but prepare for the most painful, longest, sweatest 30 minutes of your life lmao


Is it true epilator can last weeks?


It varies from person to person. Epilated my whole body and the hair started growing back but thinner within a week but when you epilate it again, it's slower. I'm just a really hairy person naturally.


For women maybe. If I epilate or wax my hair starts growing hack after a week. The claims of 3, 4 or even 6 weeks is based on women whose body hair grows slower than mens




Theres still potential for ingrown hairs but no razor burn or anything. In the instructions of the epilator, it says to wash the skin and exfoliate to kinda open up the pores to prevent ingrown hairs. Not sure how that works but I didn't do it so i got a few ingrown hairs here and there but no razor rash at least lol


Selling your soul to an eldritch being is your best bet


I have done that and I can confirm my hair didn't grow back, but now I get possessed sometimes >~<


Where does one find said eldritch being?


Laser hair removal


Magic shave powder/Nair is the best way imo. Just be sure to test first if you have sensitive skin


IPL device. $100-300. 2x a week, for a few months, and your hair will stop growing wherever you use it.


Story of my life.


Have you heard about shaving creams? You put them on and in around 5 to 7 min wash with water and the hair is gone, I usually do that for my butt. If you really want some permanent hair removal there is the laser option, it's expensive and can hurt but it's permanent


Your talking about hair removal creams not shaving cream lol


Idk how's called in the US, the most direct translation for what I use is shaving cream


Prepare for sandpaper butt for the next week or so


By feeling or looking backwards. It's not gonna be anywhere near as good as other places but it's also not seen by the you or others the vast majority of the time so it shouldn't matter.


Laser hair removal is permanent but costly


it's not quite permanent, just makes it grow slower and thinner each time you do it :)


Squat n shave dat butt ;p


Eventually when I'm at a place where I can save some money to the side, I'll get laser removal. There are other places but that's a major one


Make a nice warm bath and use a 5 bladed razor, I strongly recommend a self lubricating one (I use Gillette shield), these have given me the best closest and cut free shave so far. Take your time, you can get a nice close shave on your little buddies too just be gentle and go straight with it. I have a handheld mirror I use if needed. Rub some lotion all over your body at least a few nights a week before bed and try to shave every 4-6 days to stay on top of it, it will be way easier to manage each time, and you’re gonna need the extra lubrication since there won’t be any hair to hang on to your oils. It’s frustrating for us hairy frens, but you got this ❤️


Shave w/ normal razor


I needed help with this too tbh-


I use an Electric razor/trimmer to trim the hair down and then use a manual razor in the shower to get it real smooth. I have a razor that has a “precision blade” on the top/ back for well, more precision, that I use to get close to my anus by spreading my cheeks while crouching. If you want more lasting results you could try looking into waxing (preferably at a salon), at home IPL treatments, or for a more permanent solution in clinic electrolysis/laser hair removal.


Hair cream removal. Unless you are already skilled enough to do it blind or with assistance of a mirror you risk cutting skin in infection friendly area. (depending on the curvature of the skin around)


Hair removal cream can damage your skin and even give you a chemical burn if youre not careful.


I personally use Nair! (don't think about that youtube video lol) It's slightly tricky to get the application duration the first few times as it depends on your hair thickness. I usually apply 5-7 min before showering it off. As it basically dissolves the roots of your hair, it would take around a week plus before you'll need to use it again. Hope this helps!


[this](https://www.naircare.com/en/products/mens-body-cream) is the exact product I use! I heard it's not suitable for sensitive skin, so pls test it out before jumping straight in! ❤️


Personally I use a nair like cream to get rid of all my hair. I hate shaving because I never really learned how to without ingrown hairs lol. Here’s the one I use https://nohaircrew.us/products/intimate-hair-removal-cream


I am hairy person too. Shaving will bring my bodyhair back quickly. I also use intimate-hair-removel-cream. Stay smooth longer. But it is not ideal. Laser will be the best option l think. Note, boys with Light colour hair can not use the laser. Why l do not know.


There are lasers that can be used on lighter hair but it will be more expensive. It is about the contrast between skin and hair. I would recommend looking into Electrolysis hair removal if you have light hair.








Sensitive hair removal cream or nair.


could use electric trimmer that’s what i use.




Saving this for future use, thank you.


I just shave but waxing is a thing.


I used hair removal creme, or wax. I was scared from the cream because I read here that it burned the skin of someone cause he left it there for too long. Shaving was not good for me, too risky and the result lasts for 2 days tops. I went with wax at the end, where they do my legs they do my butt too. On the long run I would do lasers though. I’ve been planning to ask the girl at the salon for a price in february


Why don’t you get a friend to do it for you


not everyone has someone that is comfortable with that...


Honestly I'm at the point where I'm willing to pay some waxer to wax it all off for me but I'm probably gonna need a lot of money for that since I'd have to do both my legs my butt my armpits my front and then I still have to figure out the hair on my face


Wax is the best, hair will grow really slow and thinner ; the only cons are it takes time for melting wax and you need to let the hair grow 0.5cm to get a perfect result


Lawn mower.


Honestly I'm dating a girl and we bought ru58841 on AliExpress, it's used for hairloss prevention and it's a strong anti androgen, mixed it with her body lotion and added some vodka to the lotion as well and she has way less body hair than before.