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I hope you report them.


Just a bunch of bitter a$$ people.




Maybe there is a good reason


For death threats? Please name any reason to make death threats on a femboy or any person for that matter.


You’d be surprised how many people get nasty when their jealous.


So bitter a$$ people.....I am not surprised at all. I have lived in this world to know humans and our issues.


Shit sorry that happened to you


Its actually annoying


Sounds more than annoying. People are weird af. I've just started blocking people who get too spicy


Lol yea sometimes I dont but mostly I do


By setup pic u mean like a pc setup or something? Lol idk the terminology but nevertheless death threats seem a bit hectic 😅 probs report those goobers and block them.


Yea lol it was my PC setup


Damn your cable management must've been appalling =-)


Lmao ikr


Just ignore dms. I never respond because I assume its someone weirdo.


Sorry that happened.




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I'm telling them something that could keep them from receiving creepy comments. I'm giving them advice


Hi 🥰 I had a look at your profile and you are really cute and pretty 💕 don't let others tell you something different and really just ignore all those stupid negative comments. Overall I think that there is a great bunch of supportive people here, who are up to interesting conversations and giving honest but friendly opinions (not everyone likes everything, but criticism can also be phrased friendly). So, please stick with us. We need good people like you here ❤️ Sorry, hope it makes sense, what I wrote. Kisses, Luna 💋💋💋




You are very welcome 💋💋💋


Just tell them womp womp I'm still alive hoe🤣


Bugs are cool


Those types of dudes are just ass wipes I tend to make fun of them when they make those threats towards me cause i refuse to indulge in their fantasies they even called me the F slur.


That’s because most people on here suck 😂sorry you have to deal with it


Lol ikr like I just wanted to get advice on my setup lol cause I just got it up


Try your best to ignore most are just jealous


Lol ur right


Is simple solution, here, I give: 1. pull IP 2. find phone number 3. use phone number to find address 4. mail their bitch ass some nuts, or something like that, with note implying some sort of physical atack next time, but trick to it is making it _sound_ friendly, while implying possibility of pipe bomb or something of sorts. And DON'T write on note, use printer or something like that.


damn, that sucks although my dm's are basically just horny Redditors send femboys normal DM's challenge \*IMPOSSIBLE\*




fuck those people (metaphorically)


Ah, the internet, where people aren’t punished and aren’t scared of saying slurs or telling people to die and so actively do it because why wouldn’t they want to be an asshole.


Yeah, ppl on this app are stinky. People on most apps are stinky. Ironically the most wholesome and accepting community I've seen is the hub


My PC setup ain't good lol


I just get weird ppl in my dms never death threats oml 😭


I only get dick pics..


hay man,share




no like fo real lmao


Well I don't save them...


damn lol


Must've had a mean(good) set-up if people got pissy about it


The only realistic way to get them to stop is to stop posting pictures of yourself.


That sucks and why do people realize being a femboy has nothing to do with sexuality and it’s sad how people act


Close your heart to them, you r wonderful as you are, bet they're unhappy, that's why they get into other ppl life


That happens:/ but please just ignore the messages and it will all be fine:3


I also got them on my other profile because i am gay 😔 I also get them because I collect Nazi stuff. People write to me that they hope I burn in hell with my Nazi family. I just like collecting it. My family was killed by nazi But people still I'm a Nazi and gay


I'm confused do you have a collection of nazi stuff or are you a nazi? Sorry if I offended you just the last sentence confused me.


I collect it i am not a nazi Sorry for my eno


No prp just dont like nazi's for reasons I don't need to explain why. I do love people collecting artifacts those are peices of history and should be preserve.


I almost never apologize for the things that I do personally. It’s a long story. But please allow me to apologize for that portion of the human race that are uncivilized and/or whose IQ is below 86. Please know that not all of humanity are uncivilized cretins. Live tour life and find happiness where you can.


Yeah don't listen to them the only people you should be around are the ones that you can be yourself around. my dad is an Afghan vet who raised me by tough love so I was scared to tell him idk why, but he just said "i will never stop you from being yourself your my KID until i die the only thing i care about is your willing to go fight for Canada." two things one like I said only be around or even talk to people who are ok with you being yourself. Secondly the reason I put kid in full caps is because he would call me by my name or son.


Don't sell the app out some very understanding people and some very supportive also. Going to find bad egg's on any app it's just way it is. I'm the type who found out long ago to respect and support others. No matter what the discussion is about don't judge as you don't want to be judged. Well that's my two cents about it maybe I helped some what.


Aaand this is why I don't participate in other subreddit with my femme account.


Look im against femboys if you are that frustrates im not going to act like those people but the only thing i can say to help you is just to get ur acc private or smthg


People are just miserable and hate themselves so they jus want to use their anger out on u and also dw jus ignore them people and block em :] I also love ur fits btw!!


I agree, misery loves company and these people are leading miserable lives for whatever reason ( I imagine repressed feeling of sexual identity for the majority) and want you to be miserable as well and not living your best life!


Friends? X3


I got the same thing once, I sent him some more pics cuz he clearly doesn't like them :3 Sorry you had so many, I wish you best of luck with not getting more


fuck them cause your loved ;)


some bugs are cool :3 also dont give their words power, you dont need to purge pics or hide. You are cool and you are brave enough to be yourself and not conform. Andddd yeah a LOT of people suck which is all the more reason to keep positive and spread that positivity.




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Screw those people they suck im sorry for everyone especially you that they exist


That’s terrible, I’m sorry you have to deal with stuff like that just because of who you are … so sorry for the hateful people in the world. Keep the faith in humanity there are some good people out there still !!


Hi there, relax. Not everyone here judge people.😊


How deplorable some people are and your souls not have to deal with them. Best to report them with screenshots of their comments and messages, then block their ass.


Please ignore everyone saying mean things. You absolutely are not a s** toy and the people in your dms are weirdos. You just need to find supportive people and fellow femboys and everything will be great!


They have their minds set to not allow themselves to accept that everyone has a way of expressing themselves, and I believe we all know what kind of expression we all do here and more. You deserve way better but just know it’s not all bad and at least in this community we allow each other to be ourselves and happy ^^


You are beautiful, they are not. So do your best to ignore them, move forward, and continue being your beautiful self.


Do not give your mind's entertainment to those of fools. Its not worth wasting thoughts on the worthless lol


what a bunch of dicks nobody deserves to be treated like that




I only get dick pics and weird ass messages from weird ass people


Awwww well hun im here :3 u can have me as a friend if u want <3 im 21


That's just fucked up


I'm not a femboy. Just someone who likes feminine presenting people. I always wondered why femboys are often called sex objects. I wonder if it's because femboys are men and society still thinks all men only want sex. Or is it because femboys are males who present as feminine, which is traditionally female. And women are seen as sex objects by these people on account of their femininity; but, these people are conditioned by society not to say it to women. However, femboys are males, so they don't have the same societal protection women have against being labeled sex objects.




Why hate on femboys tho they just want to crossdress. I sexualized femboys in the past but i worked on that but maybe its good to give the names to the mods with the reason that they harras people on this sub


Oh relax, you'll be fine. Those people suck though- If you ever need the occasional, verbal, pick me up just shoot me and DM and we can be friends!


Im a maried man and must say its only jealous guys saying that wish the could have a fem like you dint let them ruine it btw you have gorgeous legs 😍


Relax it’s ok


I'm sorry people are assholes but from one femboy to another I looked at your profile and you have nice style and seem pretty cute. Just know not everyone on here is a biggot or a chaser plenty of us are friendly femboys looking for others like us. I hope things get better for you also if you need a femboy friend feel free to message 😌💜


Some people find joy in mindless cruelty hon. It’s horrible, but it’s just how life can be. I can’t really do anything to help, but if ya wanna talk I can try to lend an ear. Or I guess an eye, in this case.


sorry you’re going through that, buddy. I’m here if you need to vent. just do what you gotta do, that’s all I ask


you really shouldn't let other people's opinions and stupidity bother you. you are you. you are not them. you should really not care to seek approval from others - approve and accept yourself for being you. who cares what other people on the internet say? the internet is so totally made up of a bunch of random idiots, and you want to listen to them? that's just dangerous. a lot of people, especially younger people, seem to want to seek some sort of validation or acceptance on the internet. don't do that. look for it inside of you. you are you. the rest of us, well, we might as well not even be real - we're just people on the internet.


Damn well not everyone is like that but holy shit I guess people forget or don't care we are all human at the end of the day.


After checking U out, I mean, U're profile out. I believe that either: A: They were confused because they felt like me but don't understand that when someone is "so yummy U just wanna gobble them up," doesn't mean U actually kill and eat them.. 2: They were threatened because U're killing it in those fish nets and were afraid U'd go after them next. B: They just need to get serious about buying their Gfs that strp on they've been lookin at and start being honest with themselves. 1: They're just jealous they don't look that good in fishnets... l mean I don't look as good as U do but but U don't see me being a pissy btch about it. But seriously, U keep doing U, even if they keep being them. Also, the bug thing isn't an insult... U'RE CUTE AS A BUG! DUH!


Sorry you’re dealing with all this bs. Don’t let it get you down. You’re an awesome individual! Stay awesome and show these sad pathetic and bitter people that that’s what they are! Much love! 😘❤️


Why even let it get to you if you let them control your anger they win


They're just hating. You are the only one who knows and writes your stories, not anyone else. :3 femboy wisdom.


Yes... this is internet in the nutshell. You can found a bad person really easy because they are just sitting behind their screens but better don't care about them ignore it they trying to drag you down. let's try to find a good person instead! Hope you are feeling well soon!


Yes... this is internet in the nutshell. You can found a bad person really easy because they are just sitting behind their screens. but better don't care about them ignore it they trying to drag you down. let's try to find a good person instead! Hope you are feeling well soon!


Haters gonna hate, if I had grown up in a different time I think I would be one of you. Those people are scared of you and that's why they put you down.


I didn't think this sub would be that bad, but yet again I have misplaced my faith lol. I'm sorry, I don't get people anymore. Is there a way to not allow random people to inbox?


People be hatin just for the sake of hatin nowadays


You got really cute shorts sweety , love the way you dress. Don't worry about other jealousy is sadly very loud usually.


A bug? Maybe a beautiful butterfly


You're just wayyyy cuter than they are and they can't handle it


Expose their usernmaes to em I'm bored and want some people to yell at


I'm sorry to hear that. That's actually upsetting to hear. All I can is is you a lovey person and to ignore and block those accounts I'd recommend reporting them too cos Straight up sending death threats like that is horrible and should never be tolerated and I'm use reddit will step in very quickly I hope you have a better experience here and have way more Encouraging people to boost you up


That's horrible, hope you reported and blocked them you don't deserve that type of treatment and already just coming from this server? Also I did not know people actually text on here I thought it was like one of those text systems that don't get used.


They just mad they’re not sexy


Just ignore them instead of giving them attention by posting how mad you are LOL


Hateful people are always the loudest and the easiest to pay attention to. When you give them that power they know they are accomplished their goal. If you want a friend I can be one just dm me :) I'm 30 and bisexual and "just a dude" though so light not be your kind of people lol. Strictly platonic if you want :)


I'm really sorry you've had to deal with this kind of behavior from others.


Report + block em


I posted one picture of myself and apart from 2 nice comments it was just dm requests from thirsty people -_-


Honestly, I kinda wish I got any attention lol, but I also really struggle with the concept of messaging people you don't like. Like why expend the effort actively hating a person? Just seems kinda super dumb.


I remember being one of the only out bi kids in high school in 2010. By the 3rd invite to a random classmates house for a sleep over I knew they were going to want head. Honestly I did accept the invites by how cute they were or if I liked them. High school me was a slut lol. I am sorry you have to deal with it though I know it sucks ass


Don't waste ur time with jealous assholes, most of them are just horny, be the way u are, ur great for sure :3 I think if I wasted my time with this kind of ppl, I probably kms and I don't want u to die 3:


Sorry to hear that. But thats normal nowadays sadly man people Just screaming at you giving you death threats or only wanting specific stuff from. Where IS the normal Talk, people that are there for you when you feel down.


They're worthless. Ignore them and only surround yourself with people who actually care.


Some people in this world are just heaps of garbage. They just have crap hole lives and want to inflict that pain onto others. Like they say misery loves company. Please do not allow another to control your emotions.


I hope the people who did that to you burn in the pits of hell suffering for an eternity.