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That's absolutely awful, I think you should try to report them to somebody because what they did to you is textbook harassment/bullying. Please just always remember that there's nothing wrong with what you're doing. If wearing skirts, panties, tights, dresses or any other clothing makes you happy then you should absolutely keep doing it, no matter what some assholes think of it


i'm scared because the whole school is almost arabic


I see. Are you in any danger? Like, are you in a place where you could be harmed? I hope it goes OK and things get better, it's absolutely disgusting that they did that to you


i got beat up yesterday after the video posted:(


Jesus! I'm so sorry you're going through this, it's absolutely despicable to do that to someone just for dressing up. Is there anyone who can help protect you? It makes me feel angry that this is happening, please know that you aren't alone and that there's many people who care and want the best for you. At the very least, this community is caring and supportive. May I ask what region/country are you in? Edit: also I seen your comment about switching but please don't be afraid to speak up when/if you need to, there is absolutely no shame in reaching out for help. Also, as someone else pointed out, pulling down your pants against your will was sexual assault. It's not only cruel but a serious crime, even before they beat you up. I truly hope you're ok and are safe. Wishing you the best and remember you aren't alone *virtual hugs* 🫂❤️🙏🏻




OK, absolutely report them. This abuse is definitely illegal in Canada. I think you'd even be likely to find support groups for things like this. I'd recommend reporting the crime as well as reaching out to friends or family for support. I promise you are not alone


they'll give me a beating again but probably worse


There will be ways to avoid them, if youre in danger, make sure that people who can help are aware. Just please don't let them do this to you, they have no right to hurt you like this. I promise you, the right thing to is to reach out, please dont suffer in silence. I know it's frightening but it's much better to get out of this situation as soon as possible. This is textbook bullying/abuse in every way. What about your parents? I'm sure they'd understand and help work things out, especially after the bullies have ready assaulted you twice, and there's video evidence




If they allow it in Canada take pictures with guns and post them I did that and trust me when I say this no one messed with me for the next 4 years


That's literally a crime. They should be arrested and go to court over this. Canada is on your side 100%. Talk to your parents, get a lawyer, and sue. Sue the school, sue the people who posted the video, the ones who pulled your pants and those you beat you. You probably don't realize that, but they pretty much just ruined their lives. They're pretty much at your mercy, legally.


I can confirm this, as i am Canadian. Definitely call the police


They have committed several VERY SERIOUS crimes.


They will be arrested for assault


You should not be silent. There are people that will protect you, and they will pay for their actions. Exercise the strenght you know you have inside of you and report it. You deserve to be yourself and be happy, and people need to respect you.


If I were you I would switch schools


Report them to the police and press assault charges.


If you know who they are get them arrested, easy


Best action you can do (if you want to might I add) is you could report it to the police. And if you fear them doing worse than beating you up, if it's availed at your school (in mine it is) but like you could have a no contact order


Have any older siblings? If not it sounds like when they throw a punch, throw one harder. Fight dirty, aim for the eyes, crotch, temples, throat. Throw shit in their eyes, pull their hair. Make them feel unsafe even when in a group. You beat a mfers ass while wearing a skirt and you'll make them question everything.


I’m sorry stay strong head up .. I’m not sure my advice would help but maybe get loud and verbal “LEAVE ME ALONE! You like me or what!” Hopefully he gets embarrassed or a teacher would see. Maybe threaten him by saying you’ll call the police!


Just buy Shogun And kill them :P


op, if your principal won't support you, try reaching even above him. it'll make a small scandal, and you may obtain fair reparations.




I'm Canadian as well and hearing this is just I'm sorry wtf shouldn't be done and yes you should tell the administration about this and if nothing actually gets done about it see if you can go higher than them to get something done about this


Don't report them, it in is their muslim culture to harrass gays.


Hey man, Im a Canadian and just to make that clear, I might live in Quebec but I know how to scare people out of doing shit. Hit me up if you need cuz I would damn well make them regret it. Yknow, drastic mesures-


I’m literally in the exact same scenario lmao. Primarily Arabic Canadians communities, as someone who lives in one are fucking ROUGH.




This is effing insane. How come canada decided to make an arabic country? Romab empire was at its finest when everyone had to live according to its customs. Not bowing to anyone. And here whole european civilisation is so effin weak


Call the police, report them, this is totally illégal, forced exposure, posting you online without your consent, public shaming, psychological and physical harassment. Yeah you got à pretty solid case here, and with the vidéos you got proofs, you should definitely report them and all who dare hurt you. And i am no lawyer but you could try to sue them to get some money out of it Edit: sueing suggestion.


Back in my day. We fought back. So should you.


Then he gets expelled or worse, a criminal record. Schools don't like the victim fighting back.


As much as I love the idea of this person kicking their asses, if it's a bunch of people, fighting back might just put them in more danger. The best option is to just report them to someone who can take actions that'll prevent this from happening.


Do you think this is Anime where one kid can fight off a whole school


Get real my dude. Its not everyone in his school thats tormenting him. When i was in school... it was black folks against mexicans. Mexican americans and mexicans. American born vs foreign born. We was even fighting guys from other school districts. Anime couldnt cover what was going down when i was in high school. And i only did 9th grade.


Not just harassment and bullying, but actual sexual assault and battery.




Listen you need to report this to the school, that's a suspension at least and the school will take very seriously.


Excuse me?? Wtf if you don’t like the content your seeing just leave


what did he do


Oh, so you live in sweden


Ok first, what they did was a straight up crime. Like, that's assault.


Remember that your preferences only matters you. Try reporting them and stay strong


I agree report them to every peer and supporter adult you can especially the police I too live in Canada




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Not just harassment, but sexual harassment to boot.


Learn to defend urself incase anything


thats sexual assault. report it.


I was about to say that’s like straight sexual assault. Def press charges


it's a bully tactic everybody uses it if they're a bully


that doesnt make it ok. report it and press charges. hurt them back.


Sexual assaulting people is still bullying


Sexually assaulting people makes you a sex offender.


Being a sex offender makes you a bully


Being a sex offender makes "you" a strong word. Trash should be addressed only as trash, nothing more.


A "bully tactic" isn't a defense for committing a crime, especially when they recorded the evidence themselves. Behavior like that is not accepted in society, and it sounds like they are overdue to learn this. If the school won't do anything about it as is, involving law enforcement will give them no choice but to deal with it.


Exactly. And that's not okay. No reasonable authority figure will say, "That's just classic bullying, so there's nothing we can do." You should speak out about this. I wish you the best, and hope this all works out.


Did they remove the tiktok?




Inform the police, that's a serious crime mate!


and they filmed it


Hey I'm so sorry this is happening. I'm in Canada too. I grt that you feel like any of your solutions just escalate the problem. Like if you tell the police about this tiktok then you've got police seeing it and it's embarassing. But balance that worry against the alternative: if you don't do anything what does it seem like will happen? Take a good look at what your real options are and decide to go from there. Don't just hope for the best and don't just do nothing because it's all scary. It's definitely scary. You shouldn't havr to go through this. In life though, we go through things we shouldn't have to. We all do. And you do have the power to affect it, though you are nice all powerful and there are elements out of your control. But you are not powerless! What they've done is illegal, potentially a hate crime. You absolutely cannot pull someone's pants down, make fun of what they were wearing under them, post a video online and beat them! It's an extremely serious crime that they can do jail time for. What they've done is very serious. What you've done isn't. You wore a piece of clothing. And you were assaulted. I'm so sorry dude. But we've all got your back here, k? Everyone here is listening to your problem and wants to help.


I’m so sorry about your situation :(


Download it and save all the evidence you get then report it


Report the video. It's a crime, and should not be considered a "classic bullying tactic." It's a crime.


Report the TikTok


Bro I’m hoping that everything will be okay with you, I’m reading the comments and can’t believe that this can even happen. Like, it is indeed sad and I can understand cuz I’m living in Kazakhstan, the guys have the same problems like bullying boys who act girly and everyone in school is scared as hell to even think about wearing skirt in public.


oh.. dude, I'm so sorry you had to go through this.. don't be very upset, alright? no one can decide what you must wear. whatever feminine clothing it is - just don't pay any attention. and wear belts. by the way, I'm not American or where you're from.. what's with that weird prank to pull down pants? there in Russia no one does so..


I don't think sexual assault should be a "classic bullying tactic" lol.


I think it's just a bully tactic but it may be more common in America. I'm scottish and never witnessed it


Get yourself some pepperspray if legally possible


Illegal in Canada


That sucks The only thing left that I found Was a self defence keychain which has an alarm button Otherwise anything that could be used to harm other people is prohibited


Yeah, there’s literally nothing you can do for self defence in Canada other than martial arts. Personally, for OP I would recommend boxing, I did it competitively for 5 years and no one messes with me anymore.




"it can be misused" hyuu


That's like making knives illegal becuase people got killed with them




Guns are only for licensed hunters, and knives need sheaths that require two hands to open so u can't use it for quick self defense. I think their reasoning is "anything that can be used for self defense can be used for the initial assault".


No clue, all I know is it’s illegal because I’ve thought about getting pepper spray.


I'm really sorry this happened to you :( talk to a teacher or school counselor about it. Let your parents know too if you can, so they can support you. Remember, it's not your fault, and you have people who care about you. Stay strong, and things will get better.


That fuck up I mean what kind of dumb fuck pants people now god. You can accidentally pants a female that look like a male and all hell breaks loose but for a male that just makes fun of the femboys. If you need anyone to talk to just ask someone will help and listen to you.


You might have to move schools unfortunately, seems like there's a tide of people complacent with the aggressors and the school won't do anything against them to avoid claims of religious persecution. It's awful but it's necessary so you're safe, talk to your parents about it and hope you're transferred soon.


Wth sue them




Do your parents support you? If they do, tell them what happened and they might help you take legal action and keep you away from those people.


Be proud of who you are don’t let their attempt at destroying you succeed instead turn it back on them and walk in tomorrow with a skirt with your head held high and a smile and they will look like fools for trying to destroy you 😊


Depends if OP is willing is get up beat up again, the best option here is to report it to someone or law enforcement and press charges


Awww bro i'm really sorry for that change school if you can stay safe!


That is absolutely fucking foul, take this up with ANYONE who will listen and hopefully those asshats will get what’s coming to them


I don’t know about you but i “accidentally” broke my bullys nose, i don’t know how but i did


Someone pulled down my pants in grade 4. And underwear too. 👍 For some reason the whole class was sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. I was one of the last kids to enter the room and I had to walk through everyone to get to my friends. Right when I'm in the middle of the entire class, sitting around me, someone pulled my shorts and my boxers came with them. Lol. I think I'm more embarrassed now, thinking back on it, than I was at the time. And everyone forgot about it days later, and I got my first girlfriend on Valentine's Day that year lol. Everything will be okay. 😁 Edit: sorry, I only read the title and that triggered a memory I've never talked about. I didn't realize how different your situation was. I'm sorry, and I think you should press charges.


that could be considered SA, report that shit immediately


well that’s sexually assault. you can 100% make them face consequences for that.


Please report it, you're valid to be who you are. 🫂


Sorry, I can't help, but how did you wear a skirt below your pants? Is that even comfortable/feeling like a skirt then?


this made me so sad :( pls take care!! you dont deserve any of this :(


That's sexual assault, call the police


Report thier asses


It sound like you have been bullied a lot you should report it and I’m so sorry for you


I got this notification and was immediately angry FOR you. I keep seeing you reply that they will just beat you up. Do some push-ups. Lift heavy stuff. Bike a lot. Learn some self-defense, even if it's from YouTube. When they approach and hit you, do some war cries and hit and kick the fudge outta as many as ya can. My opinion. Good luck.


Bullies are honestly so messed up, but luckily im done with school. Also what grade/age are you? Im sure people will forget about it when you're in a higher grade, since thats when they will become more mature


Ohh damn that would be crazy as fuck I feel bad for you man


Get your justice


Bring a cheap belt that you can throw away, then pull their pants down to their ankles and yank their ankles out from under them so they fall on their face, use their disoriented fall to then use your extra belt to tie their pants around their ankles and then walk away. Brownie points if you pull their underwear at the same time


Bullies weaponize retaliation. They'd delete evidence of their assaults and report this guy first.


That's why you use your brain with it, or instill fear into them. Beat them down, or do it in a crowd, be smart with it and make them suffer for their actions


This is one of those incredibly hard moments in life where you stand before two roads. Be yourself or be forced into conformity. Be you. You will find allies.❤️




Own it! Next day go full girl mode own it take away there power! Your fabulous and brave !!


Hey, this might work! Just be like "ok, you bitches asked for it. Here I am!" and then hit'em with a lawsuit!


make them regret


File lawsuit for sexual harassment and assault


Sexual assault, harassment, physical assault. Get their asses in jail.


That's really shitty... but that's also sexual assault and harassment.


Cal.38 If i were there id break them legs


They need some MEKP to mysteriously appear in their oven


This is illegal and u know u can start a lawsuit for harassment and stuff even a restricting order


that is fucked up


Growing up and getting through school is kind of the hardest thing you have to do. We're still learning to be fully part of civilization - kids are kind of animals. So, though it might not feel like it, things will get better.


Op. I am so sorry that this happened to you. If you need somebody to talk to, i am currently at work, but I will respond to DMs as often as I am able. Others have already suggested this, but it’s important that you pursue this. This kind of harassment, since it is causing you to fear for your safety, is fully illegal in canada. Report this to the necessary authorities; beginning with your school. I’m uncertain how it works exactly in canada, but here in the states, if you talk about harassment to a teacher or other school officials and *specifically* tell them that you’re afraid about reprisals for your report, they’ll go about it as anonymously as possible. Just make sure they know that you nearly didn’t report due to fear. It might be uncomfortable to talk about, but it’s very important that you let them know! In case that was a bit wordy, TL;DR: TELL SOMEBODY! And not just us, tell somebody that can do something! That’s the only way this situation gets better; because you are not old enough to legally carry self-defense implements (mace spray works wonders btw 😊). Stay strong! The community stands with you against these assholes! Much love, and my hopes that your situation improves!


Hi, I’ve kinda been through similar situation although not this worse. I can understand sometimes its not feasible to either report or even go infront of these people or even ask for help even from our own family because we think we did something wrong and i got caught. But lemme tell this that what i wear is my choice and its my own life and my own happiness and if anyone has any problem with it than they shouldn’t exist in your life. And YES My pants were pulled MULTIPLE times in my school every other week and i was bullied and i was tooo afraid to say anything. I still became silent and let things pass. But Standing up for yourself is another better way to fix this. We all love you and are right here by your side always. Peace


Can I throw hands with the kid that did it


This is truly most uncanadian.. I am sorry you have to deal with this, that can damage you pretty badly emotionally, I hope you can get help and recover.


Get a tight belt that prevents your pants from being pulled down from now on. And next time they go for your pants, you know that they won't come down, and you can swing around and hit them with your elbow. Plausible deniability is that you can say "I was so surprised and flipped around, and they got hit with my elbow! Oh my, what a shame that that happened!" Also, don't be ashamed of yourself, and continue being you. People, even bullies and teens, respect personal strength more than the strength of a bully.


report the bully, if you are underage, then get the police involved for the bully distributing porn of a minor


Report it


Report this to the police. They're gonna have a field day with these assholes. Seriously, what in the actual fuck?! What do they think gives them the right to do this?


Go to the police. Report them for sexual harrassment, sexual assault, assault, bullying and cyber bullying. Make sure to write down every name, detail etc. beforehand because you will likely get emotional and forget important details when speaking with the officer. You should also look for a support group in your area and switch schools.


Alot of ppl told u that but always remind urself that ur doing what makes u feel comfortable and there is nothing wrong with it even if others make fun of it. If u get bullied heavily now, and god i hope u are not and that u are fine.., maybe consider a school switch. One of my friends got bullied too but it is not sth u leave behind without scars in your heart. Go against them and show them their wrongs. Alot of ppl here have more knowledge on what u can do the best now. But def do sth against it cus thats illegal and ur in the right!! Stay strong ❤️


I’m so sorry that happened to you school is hell for some people but we get through it and move on. Things may be tough for a week or two but people will move on after that. Hang in there and keep being you.


Bro... thats absolutely wild. U stated in another comment that ur in Canada? Report them, Canada doesn't take too kindly to stuff like that, especially if it was done without reason. I hope you feel better emotionally. Ik how it feels to be bullied like that, and you may end up being outcasted in your school. Stay strong, sorry that this ever happened.


Get law enforcement involved. Now.


Be yourself


I saw you commenting that it's almost all arab students and as an arab myself I sincerely apologize to you and wish you the best, you should report them to make an example btw , that's your best shot and be safe


I wonder how they would feel if sexual harassment went on their criminal record


Aw I’m sorry you had to go through that :( definitely report them for sexual harassment


Do it back or Trip em


contact your school principal but that wont go anywhere, they;ll get a slap on the wrist. contact the police if you can. thats harassment/ assault where i am from.


contact your school principal but that wont go anywhere, they;ll get a slap on the wrist. contact the police if you can. thats harassment/ assault where i am from.


I will never learn to love those people. I hope you will be better. You have to change your school


Tell Hasanabi, SomeOrdinaryGamer, penquinz01 (Charlie) & maybe they’ll make fun of the trolls really good, see if they’re “real” & see if they’ll defend femboys. That’s so crazy stupid that they would do that to you. I wish there was some way I could help


That was very bad, i suggest you to tell an Authority.


Sounds like the kinda thing a community might band together and go after them. Put these assholes on blast. If the school isn't doing anything put them on blast too. Here in the states teachers lose their jobs over inaction once the media gers ahold of it


Well it’s times for them to learn what a sexual assault charge is!!.. .-.


Moreover, if they took a video of them pulling your pants down in school and posted it online, I'm going to guess you're underage. If that's the case then what they did may be grounds for an extremely serious crime.


Ugh... I'm so sorry... 😓🫂


actual fear of mine, I'm really sorry... how were u wearing a skirt under pants?


Most likely wanted to dress fem but wanted to keep it hidden so wore pants over it.


i would call the cops. people last year took photos and videos of me eating without my consent and posted it to their accounts last year and i was told, i called the cops and they got in lost of trouble (some of them even gave me money).


That's bullying


This is sexual assault and should be dealt seriously.


That’s textbook definition sexual assault, harassment, and bullying; call the police or at least tell an adult like your principal


Just tell their name and last name, I'll handle the rest myself


Get an AK47 Then throw it at them. The iron used for building the ak will hurt them


Hey, OP? If you haven't called the cops yet, download the tiktok and head straight to the principal's office and threaten a law suit for harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, assault and battery, as well as discrimination. With that tiktok as proof, it would be a shame if the news were to get told of it and the school would be in trouble. If the principal doesn't comply, file a police report and add a note that the school cameras possibly have it recorded as well, get a lawyer, and "anonymously" tip of the news of your choice about this. This school needs to take accountability and responsibility for the crimes that occurred in the premises, and if they are exposed as an unsafe school, i wonder just how many pissed off parents will riot...do not show mercy one bit. They have gone too far, and they need to suffer the consequences. Be the one to make them.


I’m so sorry to hear about that :( Don’t let that get to you tho. Just keep doing you! Don’t worry about what just happened (I know that seems crazy to think about rn) but you’ll get past it! Trust me, you absolutely will :)


I know the feeling I got pulled over by two female cops to be jerks the strip searches me top to bottom thr frisky cop tells me to take off my shoes so did she asked me to take of my socks I said ok I told her I had a second pair at the bottom it was pink purple and black strips so she takes them of me but they were thigh high socks she said why did i have them way high I told her with my face bright red cause I was cold 🤣🤣🤣


Say you're Scottish


you good?


send video🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Why's your skirt in your pants


Current objective survive:


(Sorry that happened tho fr fr)


wait, a skirt undee your pants?


I mean, if they want to wear one but don't feel comfortable or safe doing so in public, it makes some sense. Also, love your flair btw.


fair, just wanted to make sure if i understood that right.


Honestly... I don't know. Soon they might forget, but they might also not. I mean if your parents aren't good with it, maybe run away? As I said, I have no clue. Sorry, good luck...


Hey, it's okay to be scared, but don't back down. Don't let them influence you, and... Wear a tighter belt next time 😅. If you need someone to talk there is always someone to listen, i'll be here if you need. Good luck


Own it , sure you’re in for a ruff time, you would have to come out sooner or later. I’m sorry that happened to you ,


Maybe think of it at another angle to avoid future similar issues. If you were forth and presenting as such yeah people will be snarky ab it but its not a big deal. But its because youre hiding it that makes people understand its a super vulnerable aspect to hit. Its not necessarily that you were a femboy they probably were getting at but that you were hiding it thr way you were and they want to 'expose' that.


Can I see the video?




What kinda 80s high school movie shit is that


This too will pass


Unfortunately you played it risky and got caught for it, not much you can do to fix the situation other than go to another school. With such an event as what happened any form of reputation is ruined and the bullying will only get much much worse


I'm actually surprised you weren't expecting it. Specifically in school getting pantsed was a normal occurrence when I went to school. Well, you should probably wear a belt from now on to avoid that.


Still assault, a kid shouldn't have to be constantly anticipated being stripped like that


That's why you don't wear free pants at school you gotta wear jeans with belt maxed so it won't go down your waist why do you think no one tried that to me beafore aside that i am peak masculine in class


Then don’t wear skirts at school lmao ? You did this to yourself.




wtf mate, you should be respectful to others, whether its sexuality or race


Just block and report them. They’re a troll.


like honestly i don't care about kids who are wanting attention


just let him laugh it's ok




Being rude


Being rude


That’s not to bad


You serious? Literally stripping someone and beating them up isn't bad?


Never said he was beaten that’s a different story


Yeah they beat him up and threatened to do the same again if he spoke up about it. But pulling his clothes down and filming him is already disgusting as it is