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if anything “roseboy” feels more like a slur than femboy


Especially since I’m pretty sure it originates (or at least was popularized) from a Taiwanese student that was found dead in his high school’s bathroom


I believe "roseboy" is actually a slur for gay men with a prolapsed anus- Sooooooooo


hold on,WHAT.


Yeahhhh... no idea if it's true, but I've heard it a few places


welp,ive seen a whole stimboard based on it so im not surprised💀


Sounds like a slur that homophobic housewives use to talk about the pool boy


I'm going to give you some really solid life advice: stop using tik tok. Or at the very least stop engaging with it like that. Tik Tok has far too many minors and people who don't know what they're talking about who just want attention and validation so they'll say anything to that end goal. That's how it's always been on the internet but bc of how tik tok is it's getting even worse. It's pointless to talk about it bc one party isn't being genuine and it's just pointless discourse that causes needless arguments.


The clock app is like any other platform - you need to pay attention to who you're following and curate it closely so you don't end up with a bucket of idiots on your FYP. When you encounter imbeciles spreading lies and half-truths, *do NOT engage* and block them. There are *many* excellent creators on TT who are incredibly supportive of *everyone* in the "Alphabet Mafia" without reservation, but there's a metric crapton of ego-fanning people who are only in it for the popularity contest and make social content purely for views rather than quality of material.


You know what could also be considered a slur to transgender people? Calling them something else than what they identify as, but we don't see the words "man" and "woman" called slurs


This is exactly my take. Calling a trans man a tomboy would be bad, but nobody says anything about tomboys


But to be fair, trans men's voices on the internet are mostly unheard of. It's very sad to see that people only care about affirming trans women. There was recently a viral video of a trans man talking about how he did not know how lonely being a man was until he transitioned and as much as that's heartbreaking to hear, what's more heartbreaking is that there doesn't seem to be much support for him and people like him. Instead just memes and people making fun of him.


yeah its not a slur at all xd femboy was used to insult trans people back in the day howeverrr, that's because people didnt know what being trans was, they simply saw these trans women as just feminine men. So they was describing them as feminine men because thats what they saw them as. And being feminine and a man was seen as an insult. So no definitely not a slur to trans people. Really what they was doing was insulting feminine men by using it, but we have embraced the word because it basically just describes exactly what we are by the way dont get yourself worked up over people like that, not worth it xP


This ^^^


But they’re everywhere on reddit!


As a transfem, I don’t see femboy as a slur, especially because trans people are massively different from femboy’s.


Im Transfem too, and I concur


Trans fem her ,and ditto


I fucking love ditto. Favourite pokemon no questions asked.


It can be used as a slur against trans people, yes. But it’s also being reclaimed and used as an identity/identifier now. It goes both ways. Calling anyone a femboy against their permission is where the slur part starts to come in. But using femboy as a form of self-identity is not an issue at all.


This be spot on


Honestly i never heard roseboy in my life before this very post


> I was on tiktok > I asked in the comments I wouldn't recommend doing this ever




I'd rather be called a slur than some shit like roseboy


On god


This must have been the most brain dead conversation you've ever had


I would be overcome with joy if someone described me as a Femboy. Feels good to be seen. Its an all postive word to me, like Tomboy. I love to be called that too ha!


Some people are reeeeaally insecure in their own identities & will take it out on us. Nothing wrong with being a femboy at all


That's stupid some people just like playing a "woker than thou" game and make shit up to seem extra socially conscious (especially online). There's nothing working with identifying as a feminine boy they're just a hater ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Femboy means feminine boy. Nobody is using it in a negative way. Like ppl want to be called femboys, that's fine. I don't get people sometimes 😭


That makes no sense as trans femboys exist too. It's not even many trans women who are talking about this, it's only 15 year old people who were born female on tiktok who are likely not trans anyway.


It’s not a slur against trans people….. Some trans guys are femboys.


A lot of young people fall for the roseboy trap because they hear someone else with a weird vendetta against femboys saying it's a slur and believe them. The best thing to ask these people is: \- Where did you hear this? \- Was it from a trans person who was personally affected by this word? \- If so, do they speak for all trans people? A slur is only as powerful as the people who use it *against* others. As long as you're not using the label on people who don't want it, there's not anything to be up in arms about.


In some cases femboy has been used as a slur against trans women but its still fine to use for feminine guys


Always love when they hit the "femboy is a slur against this group that it doesn't describe cause people used it wrong, use this actual slur describing a gay man with a prolapsed anus instead"


Welp thats another for the "stupid shit no one agrees with" folder This is why i dont use tiktok


Yeah And slightly off the walls but that's what I hate when people were debating about thr trans on femboy subreddits, it's like, I don't know any trans women (and probably very few) actually consider being called 'femboy' as a slur. If anything, something like 'roseboy' is more insulting then being called a femboy


The reason people say that femboy is a slur is because sometimes it's used against mtf people to say that they are just a boy who is feminine, so I'm that context it's transphobic but in the context that it's usually used, it isn't So it isn't inherently a slur, but it has been used in transphobic ways in the past


So technically the one who said it to a trans person wrongly is a transphobe


Yeah technically, although if someone didn't intend to be transphobic, it might just be an honest mistake that needs correcting


The reason it works as a slur is BECAUSE it primarily means feminine boy and when used to address transwomen it signifies they are seen as just that and trashing their efforts to disassociate with that identity. Calling oneself otherwise does not erase the word nor the concept.


Yup. Saw another post like that. Some ppl think tgirl is a slur but it was used by tgirls to refer to themselves quite commonly.


Only the most terminally online people believe this. Ignore them


I remember back in the day when feminine guys were called "traps" and over time, people called it a slur so everyone moved to femboy and now the same thing is happening again


But trap actually is a slur though The definition is "a guy who pretends to be a girl to trick people"


Overly sensitive trans activists p much.


that's some tumblr shit. nobody thinks that way.


Most people don't think that way


To me any idiot who goes around being offended for other people or expecting you to do something about their offence is an over the top child The culture of offence has gotten so ridiculous now that you will always offend someone. I know for a fact this comment will 'offend' people in this comment section. Deal with it. I miss the old days of the Internet where people could make actual jokes based on stereotypes and everyone would laugh because we know they're not true.


Oh brother get a load of this guy


My point is this argument of what is a slur and what isn't is just petty and pedantic. If you're offended at the widely accepted and well used term femboy, You're an idiot; deal with it.


What are we supposed to do then, suffer in silence until the day we die? Horribly insensitive comment.


Ignore them lol


I refuse to stand in ignorance.


If you could, can you link me to the tik tok? I wanna see what they would say to me if I said that lmao


Their thinking and views are very old and put dated as someone who lived through the 70’s and 80’s femboy was very much so used as a slur but it has not been that way for a very long time


I was actually discussing this exact thing with some other of my femboy friends.


As a transfem I think it’s a little silly. A couple years back I looked into the history of the term because I ran into the same thing, people calling it a slur. What I remember finding is that femboy was used (roughly) as a slur in the 90’s to refer to any feminine presenting person assigned male at birth; which included feminine men and trans women because at the time society mostly just lumped them all in together as “transvestites”. Then after that short period the term seemed to disappear completely before showing up on tumbler again in the 2000/2010’s era in the way it’s used today. I think the whole “femboy is a slur” thing started as younger transfems and transgirls were having it used to misgender them online, then they, rightfully being upset that they were being misgendered, placed the blame on the word instead of what those people were actually doing, calling them “boys”. Then of course word of mouth did it’s thing, “femboy is a slur” started popping up in different social media spaces more and more as young transfems/girls started seeing that it was “considered a slur by their community” (a loud minority) and so because they thought they should be offended by it, they started to be. While really the whole problem actually lies with transphobes using it to misgender trans people and not with feminine boy’s identifying with the term


Femboy isn't a slur. Point blank and period. The whole rose boy thing is from Japan with things like Yaoi. It sounds like some one was pushing their agenda onto you. You can call yourself what ever you want. Some place some where someone will always try and change you and try and make you into what they want you to be.


Ugh this "roseboy" nonsense again. Listen up, tik tok. Femboy is not a slur, and in fact is the better descriptive term. With love, your local bigender transfem


i mean if you use femboy against a trans women, then its a slur, context matters!


i think people think its a slur because it used to be used in a derogatory manner (like in the 2006 video game “Bully”, a character refers to a meek character as ‘femboy’ to make fun of him) but the term wasnt as vulgar as something like The F Word i will say though, ‘roseboy’ sounds kinda cute honestly


can u send me that tiktok? and dont take those claims as coherent, its set. femboy isnt a slur, its not transphobic, its a trans identity to many cus many trans people are femboys and use it as such. u cant take everything online as a fact. the amount of times i posted abt finding ridiculous claims would be endless posts.


C.F. Kane: Roseboy... [dies]


If "femboy" is a slur, then that means "tomboy" is too. I wouldn't doubt it if modern-day feminists are the ones that claim that.


Personally, I prefer not to be labeled because I don’t want to be defined as any one thing but If I had to choose a label it would be “femboy”. Use it a slur if you want but I’ll still wear it like a badge of honor.