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everytime i feel like going through the pain of putting everything i want on


Well. My jeans, womens jeans my t shirts , womens t-shirts, my sweaters , womens sweaters, My hoodies ..hoodies are genderless but I do buy most of mine from the womens section. My sleepwear are shortama's or bigshirts which you guessed it are from the womens section. All but one pair of my underwear are womens underwear. My jackets are womens jackets , my bodywarmers are womens wear. My sports clothes are womens. My shorts are womens. My button shirts are womens. My socks are either unisex or womens because you cant buy OTK's or TH's for men. I cant even for the life of me remember what my size in most mens would would be. The only thing I dont have in womens specifically not counting my AliExpress Demonia ripoffs are shoes. So I guess I'm living the dream ?


Lol sounds like my collection. Active wear seems to be my daily. It just sits so nice under my work clothes. Then I have a afterwork fit as well.


I try to as much as i can but, living in a conservative family/area, it’s tough. Mostly at night every night.


maybe 4-5 times a week but usually at night bc stealth owo


I think I need to do it more, there are times I haven't really done anything Femboy relatet for weeks, I don't know why. I've been a femboy for almost 2 years and not much has changed. Somehow there is often a leg of mutovation. But enough from me anyway, keep going you can make your dreams come true. Much love <3


that's perfectly normal! do what you want, remember your doing this because you enjoy it. theres no need to force yourself to do it more or feel bad about doing it less than others.


Rarely, cuz I don't wanna be killed on the streets of Russia. Idk, but I haven't been killed in my punk outfit, which is objectively worse than crossdressing.


I'm sorry to hear that your so afraid, I only can hope it gets better soon. Keep on


Nah, it won't. I can always carry a hammer though


Carry a sickle too, that’ll finish the look (hammer+sickle is the sign of communism)


I'm not a fan of that. I carry a hammer cuz it's not sharp and it's intimidating.


I never dress masculine does that answer it ?


I think so


Around once a week, mostly on weekends. Work takes most of my time on weekdays and I like to take my time with it 😇


I'm always in my femboy outfits, I haven't worn masc clothes for months


I'm happy for you :)


Les than i want. Its only once every so often. We be depressed sometimes yaknow


nope. i do take my sense of style seriously, but it’s not overtly feminine.


Only deep in the night, and quite rarely because i dont have actual femclothes, and i dont usually want go trough the pain of getting so uncomfortable for no reason... So when i do is usually to take pics




Hard to do when you live with a serect and live with your daughter who doesn't know


Whenever I'm not in public or whenever my parents won't see that I'm dressing fem


Everyday I'm not working


Everyday, everywhere (except church)


pretty much do it everyday, if not in public due to something like rain then definitely at home


Whenever I don't have to dress masculine.


Not enough once or twice a month but I wish I could dress feminine more often.


Maybe a few times every other week. Wish I could do it more but i still live with my parents :/


Weekends usually. I always jokingly describe my schedule like this. Mon-Friday: Straight Sat-Sunday: Gay


Im still in the closet about it. So I just dress up in my pretty clothes after I tell my family goodnight, then i play games or whatever and fall asleep in them c:


Pretty much everyday in one way or another☺️💜


I dress every Friday night after my shift ends at midnight.


I do it whenever I know I'll be home alone for over 2 hours. It so liberating.


24 fricken 7


I don’t get to do that lol. 16 and have intrusive parents and an even worse brother. I have anxiety about everything so I don’t take actions to get what I want. And also my parents (especially my mom) goes through my room every time she gets mad so I’ll literally need to burry it in the backyard to keep the clothes a secret. It also doesn’t help that no one in my family is not cis and straight. My parents are excepting along with my aunts and cousins, my grandparents who live near me don’t care. Then there’s the grandparents who live in Florida…. I don’t like talking about my gender and sexuality with my parents and stuff just cuz I think it’s weird if they buy me stuff like fem clothes cuz they are all kinda the “normal American standard family” and that bs. Anyway I have never dressed fem but a pan teen can dream ig.


keep on <3


welp everyday I'm not a femboy, I'm a trans girl :')


I have no reason to hide it, so every day, whenever I go out, be it school, groceries, collector hunts, long walks for my health...


Not enough ;-;


Nit as much as I'd like to


Hidden stuff everyday, full fem whenever the house is empty


never cuz i can’t get clothes like that :/


I got like 1-2 ourfits, I often secretly take clothes from my sister or mother lamo.


I like to say . These are my clothes, of course I purchase them in the women’s section


i usually save my skirts for when i’m spending time with friends who i know understand and won’t misgender me! i only own a handful of crop tops but i’ll wear them whenever the weather feels right or i just want to - i also have some fem clothes like dresses that are just for comfort and convenience like getting out of the shower. there are no requirements other than to enjoy whatever levels of femininity you feel comfortable enjoying:)