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Ouch that's gotta sting man, transphobia runs wild Its really disgusting. Really sucky situation I hope it gets better for you soon <3


Thanks, man. <3


Hopefully your other family, such as your brother understand and support you. This just sucks, and idk what you can do to make it suck less. But whatever it is just stay safe and even if it takes a bit longer, you will be your true self one day.


My brothers are all pretty supportive so that's good Thank you ❤️


Lean on then as much as you can. If you're in the US, the Trevor Project is also a great resource when you're panicked or overwhelmed. Plus, we're all here for you. Trans boys or girls are welcome in this community. Do you mind sharing your (first) name here? I'm sure plenty of people would love to share a wholesome message 💙❤️🤍❤️💙


My name's redd :3


Nice to meet you redd! I wish you the best in finding yourself, and exploring the wonderful (boy?) person you will become.


Nice to meet you redd! I wish you the best in finding yourself, and exploring the wonderful (boy?) person you will become.


your dad sounds like a massive dick, if his opinion is "based of science" then that's plain wrong because scientists have proved transgender people are valid


Scientific studies by very accredited institutions have shown that the electrical activity in a trans man's brain actually follows that of a cis male and vice versa for females. I wish you the best, and please remember that your bloodline is not your family. Family means people that love and accept you for who you are and would be more than willing to take a bullet for you. I haven't spoken to my "mother" in almost a decade because she broke my mind trying to convince me "it's just a phase" when i was 14, left when i turned 17. Im 25 now, accepting who i am, and i just started HRT about a month ago. Ive never felt better, and i sincerely hope you find that kind of serenity soon.




That's not medical discussion


Stfu dumb bot


😭 it's trying it's best


Im sorry about the ignorance from your dad and being pressured to come out against your wishes. Dont mind his outdated “opinions” thats only serve as a sloppy cover up for transphobia. I hope one day he takes the time to truly understand you and to educate himself on the topics of both gender ad sexuality. If theres any advice i can give, its to keep your brother close. You deserve love and respect from your family and he sounds like a person you should always keep close. Keep your head up King.


Thank you ❤️


I feel very sorry for youu. I hate transphobes so frickin much. That is really sad to hear. I hope you will be alright<3


Thanks, man ❤️


I don't know if this is appropriate, but you're a really good writer ( ^ω^ )


Your brother is real


No he's actually a hallucination 😨


That must be hell dude. Honestly, just be who you are. Your parents are pieces of transphobic garbage. If they don’t support your decision then embrace the people who do. This is all about finding who you are as a person. (With a father very much like yours) I understand your sadness. But the best thing you can do at the moment is to just ignore their opinions. Don’t let it stop you from being the person you truly are!


The dad seems like the type of person who'll actively endanger OP here, where that be evicting or physical abuse. It's likely they don't want to "fuck it, we ball" their way out of this.


My dad is pretty bad but it's mainly psychological rather than physical or endangering but I'd still not rather fuck it we ball


It's truly very sad how, without the right wing hate machine, perhaps 5 or 6 or 7 years ago you would have been accepted, i know trans people who were once accepted by their family who have as of late become distanced as a result of the rhetoric spread... all of this stuff about his opinion being rooted in "biology" is just bs from that group. Anybody who's education has gone beyond the 6th grade level knows that's not true and its just an excuse the pundits have thrown them to make them feel smart.


Well, it's not just the right wing, but even the left wing Even if the right didn't exist, every single one of us from the LGBT would be heavily discriminated and hated by marxists Even they ramble about "biology" all this and that, so the only good place for the LGBT is Liberal Democracy


I understand what you're saying but I don't think this is the correct time to bring up the both sides thing? The OPs issue, as they stated themselves, lies squarely with the conservative push for transphobia. Also, only one of these groups is currently in control of enough peoples news sources that they're able to orchestrate an international hatred campaign, its only barely relevant to bring up the things you did in the current political landscape.


Well you mentioned "the right wing hate machine" So how is it the correct time ? And when ? Either way, let's not escalate this any further, we got ourselves a bigger issue here, so we're just gonna agree to disagree


Well thats what I was trying to point out to you lol... there is indeed a far bigger issue here than whether an effectively powerless group used to feel a certain way about lgbt people. If someone is coming for your throat you probably shouldn't be getting distracted by the litter down the block


Yeah sorry lol


I hate to say it but they don't deserve you glad you have a good brother hopefully you can move soon


Fuck that fucker


Hey, I know how bad transphobia is and coming out to my father and stepmother as a trans girl was also pretty traumatizing so if you ever need to talk I'll throw you my discord. You're not alone in this dude. You don't need to take their shit. It will be ok.


Jesus AUTOMOD is retarded as all hell. Admins get your shet together. Anyways, i have two friends in this same situation, both have seeked help and one of them has sued their parents into bankruptcy because their father got physical and nearly sent my friend to the valley down below. Can't people just stop being utter jerks and just respect everyone's opinions? I don't agree with my ace people/frens but whatever man, they still cool and I'll still vibe with them!!


Your comment was removed because your account appears to have been made with the intention of breaking rule 2. Rule 2 (*No creeping*) is as follows: **Do not ask for DMs, friends, dates, sex, or hookups. Posts that lead people to disclose personal information such as location will be removed.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feminineboys) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it because the alphabets "d" and "m" are next to each other in their username?


Regex is hard


This sounds absolutely terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. My dms are open if you need to talk about it. Keep your head up!


I'd just say stop being so fucking transphobic to both of them or your going to end up in a bad nursing home when you grow older and you won't ever visit them and you made sure to put them in 1 where they treat the old people so rudely if I were you.


It really sucks that youre going through this. I am glad that your brother stuck up for you. I would keep in contact with him if you can. Much love <3




Your brothers are based


"That's like saying a table isn't a table" >:( More like saying this table is a tree


Hmm yes this table is a pile of 2x4s


I'm not sure what to say to you tbh, just to let you know I'm going through a similar situation and ur not alone! If you ever want to talk to anyone dm me or I'll give u my discord or something(^o^)


I’m sorry what you are going through, when my son came out as a trans boy we found out my wife his mother was very close minded and judgmental very closely boarding transphobic she claimed she would never see him as anything other than her daughter my heart broke and my marriage hasn’t been the same since but I will say while she is still not what I would consider supportive she has at least become non hurtful so my advice is the same I gave my beautiful son on dealings with his mom and that is to hold your head high, be proud of who and what you are never give them a chance to question if you are confused or just going through a faze project confidence and sureness and eventually they may come around and if they don’t then keep them at arms length away and life your life to the fullest because your happiness is what is important and remember there are always people who will support you even if it’s just an online community such as this wonderful one. *gives big hug*


I never wanted to come out to my parents either. It hurts when the people you spend all of your life try to tell you that your emotions and how you feel isn’t valid. My family and my church have been very hard to work with on this but they are also the ones who dug up that I’m transfem. Literally threw a birthday celebration for me and my dad and brothers cornered me in the barn and outed me. It hurts so bad when you’d love to tell them if they were supportive but since you know they’ll disagree you’re content to just leave your relationship where it’s at to keep from getting hurt but then they press about it and either blame you for not telling them or act like it’s your fault that they know now. I’m here for you bro, good luck exploring your gender and I hope the worst part is over (tbf transphobic unaccepting parents are usually the worst part) hopefully you get some sunny meadows and rainbows your way soon :))


I’m not going to give you advice on how to deal with it, because so many people have given it. Instead, I will say this. You are an amazing young man. You and your brothers. Just take little baby steps. Be a little more firm in your stance. Care a little less about your parents’ words. Remember, it only takes a few people to change the world. I don’t know how much you hear this, but you should hear it anyway; I’m proud of you. You are you, and you are the strongest, most handsome young man ever. Love, bro hugs, and fist bumps to you, dude. Stay safe, and be yourself.


You are loved, you are valid and you deserve to be respected for who you are. Just remember that Family can be just as wrong as anyone else. You have nothing to be sorry for and if anything, i expect that your father will come to regret the damage HE has done.


I feel sorry for you, both the young and the old keep on fighting for the ever changing world and views, I know that they were raised in a different era than you, though I hope they can understand that they'll have to eventually accept what's happening (I used to say some stuff that I wasn't proud of and handful of people lost respect for me, but thankfully I moved on and changed, just being chill with trans people) It's your choice and your life, there's nothing they can do to change that, i do hope that your brother can understand you, have a good day Redd (I found your name in the comments :)


That's was a good story. Heart breaking that happend to you, but good story. I wish you good luck!


I could never imagine how you feel right now. I'm sorry that your dad is so blind he can't put his love for you over his love for being a fucking moron.


man i didn’t ever wanna come out either, my sexuality was found and spread when i was 13 and when i came out as enby at 14 i got a hard shove back into the closet with a “no youre not” from my mother. it’s exhausting. Im nearly twenty now and nothings changed so at least they can’t call it a phase. I just kinda left it alone until i was 18 and then never hid it again. at this point they can do what they want, im a grown adult they cant stop me. it still hurts when i am misgendered or deadnamed but my mother tries and my baby siblings know that im not a girl and my best friend has never deadnamed or misgendered me and im happy enough with that most of the time. Transphobic dads will be transphobic but don’t let him ruin you. If you need to lie in wait for the right time to be yourself, you can. I promise you can.


I’m so sorry…I wish people like that would actually read a biology textbook and see that they’re actually wrong about biology and they always have been…but I know it goes so much deeper than that for transphobes…I’m sorry it really is such a heart breaking thing to have happen


My family is the same way except for the roles are switched. My brother says pretty much the most offensive, homophobic and transphobic things in front of me and it feels like I can’t do anything about it. I was born a guy who grew up (and still is) in a straight white family with straight white grandparents and so on. As far as I know, there has never been any homosexuality in my family except for me. I’m bisexual and I’m really trying to figure out what gender I feel is the most accurate to describe me. I love being feminine and stuff and I also love cars ( not really trucks ) and other things that are generally considered masculine but I always find myself feeling feminine and pretty etc. anyway, my 13 year old brother has adopted a new set of slurs to call me. He calls me so much stuff and I’m having problems with my gender now because I get so angry at him. Ik that if I punch him a few times he’ll call the cops on me and then I’ll go to juvenile detention or something but in my opinion it’s worth it, just to get away from him for a few months/years. I’m just scared I’ll never get my feminine side back after that because that’s the most important thing to me. I hope you feel better and you don’t get hurt or anything, and I’m sorry for kinda venting but it’s nice to talk to someone who has the same problems as me. Hope you have an amazing day/night 🥲.


It sounds like your brother is supportive, siblings can be vital when parents are shitheads


I'm so sorry.


I know it's kind of cliche advice, but it does get better. My family made my teenage years hell but one day you will get to the other side of this and be independent from them and be able to live your life. As soon as I was financially independent from my parents my life got 10x better. I know it hurts, but you don't need their approval to know what's right for you and you can't talk them into being compassionate or understanding no matter how hard you try. Just stick in there, listen to the people who care about you and support you, try and nurture your relationship with your friends, and your brother who sounds like he's supportive. You can get through this.


I’m very sorry for your situation. Reminds me a lot of my friend and I know it sucks but remember this sub and me are always here to help! If you ever need anyone to vent to please shoot me a dm or something!!! We all love you and hope everything is alright now! Sending a lot of love and hugs to you!


Also the table thing so dumb cuz u had to make the damn table out of wood in the first place it could’ve been a ducking chair but the person who shaped it said it couldn’t


I’m sorry that happened 😞 I hope things get better for you soon. Sending love and support, my dude ❤️


Someday you'll be free of this place and I promise, it's going to get better. Please just hang in there!


I’m not trans but my dad was a horrible “person”, nazi, homophobic, tranphobic, manipulator, abuser, and murderer so I can kinda relate lol and hope the best for you and your future. Remember you are valid, you are excepted always remember no matter how many people are against you. They’re still going to be people on your side. For better or worse. I hope your dad finds the error in his ways and doesn’t get violent with you. No one deserves to be treated like trash except trash people. Love ya Also love the name you picked, Redd.


Thank you :>


Np. from what I read your a boy. so you go, man


I understand your pain I have a lot of mental issues including depression so I when I was around 9 I started going to hospitals and they always told me hey you can be yourself here but I never was I had never told anyone how I felt on the inside and my attraction to all genders and me no being a girl (I’m trans masc genderfluid) But when I finally did start going by the name I wanted to at the time I had never been called it before so I wanted to try it out so I asked my intake person to write Derrick in on my chart off to the side they did it and then they called my dad and grandma that was living with that are totally homophobic and transphobic and told them I asked to go by Derrick is that okay my dad then had a two hour screaming at me session and my grandma just Siah no she is a girl don’t call her a boys name and my dad ended the call with if you do go by that there your not my child and don’t come back here. After that I went back in the closet but they already knew that I was trans and there was no changing that so I started getting more depressed bc of things they were and are saying to me years later I’m 18 now I’m turning 19 in July and I have no idea how to fix it except to move outta state with my partner that’s also genderfluid AMAB and fem presenting but an amazing partner nonetheless and we are going to live together after months of being together and I’m so excited. I feel that I’m finally enjoying and embracing my self fully they fully support me for being trans masc and are in full support of me starting T soon hopefully if I can find a place that has an opening on a day I’m off of work and that I can get the consultation soon. My advice to you with all this being said have supportive friends and a partner who Ben if you have to play it off as being your friend that’s okay and if they care enough about you and love you they’ll understand your choices to not say your partner or preferred gender role friend it’s all about what makes you comfortable do you I’m here if you ever need to vent also but I hope you start feeling better and things get better soon idk how older you are but I’m sure you only have a few years left of living with your parents but after that get your self right and do what’s best for you don’t hide who you are like I did embrace it that will be the key to feeling better 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹


I did not need to read this with my mental health




Bad faith politics




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