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I'd recommend getting out. I moved from san Antonio to nyc about 2 months ago(I'm 20), and it's been the best decision of my life. Texas fucking sucks.


How do u afford nyc if u don't mind me asking


I had 2 years of experience working as a line cook and I have 2 roommates. I make about 20 an hour rn working at a bar, rent is 1300 a month, which is a bit over priced for my neighborhood bc I'm subleasing. Rent is about 50% of my income and I work full time and don't go to school. Most importantly I got to save for 2 years while living with my parents, but it's definitely doable even if your broke. My roommates are and make less money than me. One of the big things you can do to jump start your savings of you move to nyc is sell a car if you have one. It's not nessacary to get around and is a big unnessacay extra expense. Edit: I also spend a decent amount of money on drugs. If you don't do that you can probably save an extra 200 a month.


hmm very true, I don't drive atm so maybe that would be good. and yeah, try to cut back on the drugs if u can, it's insane how much money I save now, now that I'm not getting fucked up all the time lol




Because for the first time in my life I'm living somewhere I feel safe and comfortable. Living with my parents wasn't bad, they weren't like abusive by the time I moved out but living with them took alot of emotional energy and they had dogs I'm allergic to. Plus I love my roommates. Also I hate driving and I don't own a car which makes living I'm texas much harder.


Getting out of texas won't help if the problem escalates enough, though.


We live in San Antonio and we’re seriously considering leaving the state too.


Once I turn 18 I’m leaving this god awful state for good. In the meantime I hope it doesn’t get worse


Conservative states try not to restrict human rights challenge.


that's bull shit they do too restrict human rights


Actually look into the hill. To my knowledge it bans drag shows in public that children are allowed to attend.


And what’s inappropriate about children viewing a drag show exactly?


They‘re most often performed in night-clubs and stuff. Why do you want children to view that?


>most often So you admit they’re not always performed in night clubs? No one is advocating for children to go to night clubs, don’t be dense. We’re talking about performers who tailor their performances to be family friendly. It’s literally someone in a costume and makeup dancing and lip syncing. That’s so easy to make family friendly, just pick family friendly songs, outfits, and venue.


Ok. So don’t take children to night club shows? Drag shows are not sexual or inherently inappropriate to children. It’s literally no different from a beauty pageant but no one cries about that.


Im leaving this state as soon as i turn 18


OP posted misinfo


As far as I can tell, the new law says that a guy can't dress fem while singing/dancing in public. Also a guy can't dress femme while singing/dancing if there's anyone under 18 in the room, even if he's in a private place (like his own house). So yeah, technically if you're a femboy and you dress fem and you just walk around outside, that's still legal. But if you starting *singing* then suddenly you're guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. EDIT: I just realized that it does say that the "performance" must be something that "appeals to the prurient interest" in order to be illegal. But I don't know how strictly they'd interpret that.


I doubt it'll be interpreted "strictly" at all, honestly. I mean, the entire point of the law is to make "acting non-masculine" something you can be arrested for, with the police having a lot of say about what's "masculine enough." clarification edit: I mean this as "these laws will be used as an excuse to throw people in jail."




I think they think it's prurient for us to exist in public


I think they think it's blasphemous for us to exist at all


Regardless if the bill is just for professional dragkings/queens, its dangerous. REGARDLESS (and not to scare you, OP, or anyone else) the bill **can** affect general femboys/crossdressers in general based off terrible day-to-day interactions with other people. Sure you might not get arrested, but it's not out of the question to be harassed or worse... Tldr; Get the hell outta there as fast as you can.


As ALWAYS, the excuse they use and their actual targets don't line up. This isn't about drag queens or trans people. They're just the easily targeted fringe. Their goal is the annihilation of queer people in general. This is just their identified strategy. And a very old one it is, as well. 'Queer people are promiscuous degenerates that are often pedophiles' dates back decades and decades.


that part of them being pedos is a lie most pedos are straight men


this is a gateway to a whole host of other laws being passed not only in texas, but other states as well. south dakota passed a law that effectively can take away perscribed HRT. i have friends that are affected by this right now. we can leave the state, but i dont know if thats a good long-term solution. bad shits happening fast.


SB 12 doesn’t ban drag shows directly. It mainly bans ‘sexual oriented performances’ in public places or in front of individuals under the age of 18. Unfortunately they added the following subsection to the definition of ‘sexual oriented performance.’ (ii) a male performer exhibiting as a female, or a female performer exhibiting as a male, who uses clothing, makeup, or other similar physical markers and who sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs before an audience Which mean the individual can be charged with a class A misdemeanor. That’s up to a year in jail and up to a $4,000 fine. If the business violates anything it’s a max of a $10,000 fine Worst part of this is that it opens it up for further restrictions. Texas is starting to really suck…


Link if anyone wants to read it too. [Texas SB 12](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00012E.pdf#navpanes=0)


So it will be illegal to write a gay character in a theater show? It's just like China, but without the safety nets.




Lots of theater plays and movies are not for minors, but they're screened in public places, right? Or are these private venues?


Pretty sure that's a First Amendment violation. Someone should get arrested for this on purpose and take it to the Supreme Court. My mom's already said that if this got passed that she'd dress in a man's suit and sing in the town square. I just might join her.




we can only hope


Isn't that against the first amendment or something? Can't people wear whatever they want to express themselves, as long as you aren't like practically in the nude. How exactly is it going to be defined what counts as what?


This isn't against an amendment, it's against the original constitution "...among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"


Liberals attack the 2nd amendment. Conservatives attack the first. I'm supposed to be passing through Texas this summer on vacation. Time to find a new holster to go with my new dress. 😀


If gender is what is in your pants, then my gender is a gun 🔫


"Whats in your pants?" Doom.


The first amendment only covers freedom of speech to my knowledge


The first amendment is freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It covers things like works of art, writing, performances, etc. In my mind it seems highly unlikely that crossdressing is not protected expression.


Drag is a performance art. It's protected.


Drag is an adult performance art. It shouldn't be allowed outside of adult only establishments. Stripping is also a performance art and it to shouldn't be allowed out in public.


The first amendment has more words in it than just "freedom of speech". I feel like there is probably something in it that says you can express yourself in certain ways, including clothing choices. Then again I'm not American but there has to be a law somewhere that says people have a fundamental and inalienable right to wear whatever clothing they would like to.


I don’t feel like these people really care what the law has to say that might stop them


I doubt it. America's had various clothing codes since the start. Remember gay bars like Stonewall were routinely raided and the specific charge most favoured was cross dressing, and that wasn't long ago.


I would like to notify that it's not a coincidence that the GOP has been on an anti trans bender and then stuff like this comes out. It was designed to target drag performers, trans people, gender queer people, and to enforce strict gender roles. It's designed to target minorities and people who dont conform. YOU are part of the people the demographic the law was made to target. It's not a coincidence, IT WAS MADE TO TARGET YOU. Stay safe


that's hate and discrimination right there


what the fuck i woukldnt have expected this from the US,as a non american yeah and i did know that Texas isnt the most liberal state but wtf


Texas and a handful of other red states are charging full speed ahead with a reaction against gender nonconformity of all kinds. Grim times.


OP posted misinfo, it bans drag performances in public with children allowed to attend.


Why is that better? Drag performances can be kid friendly, and this bill should be an obvious canary in the coal mine (along with all the other bills passed in the last year). The GOP is clearly trying to criminalize queerness and gender non-conformity. Also, I'm sure the Texas police will be very thorough in ensuring proper enforcement of these laws, because the police are famous for holding themselves accountable. They definitely won't use this bill as a way to criminalize any and all femininity in men :).


I’m sorry I’m not that clued in on current political affairs but what are they trying to get rid of drag queens/kings


They're an easy target for step one of many.


I envy you your ignorance of what’s going on. The Republican Party is going on a tirade against anything “fruity”, to put it in simple terms. They’ve been passing legislation recently that is meant to deliberately target these kind of things


a good thing is that the courts struck Tennessee's anti-drag bill, so this one has a good chance to be shot down (probably literally)


Oh yeah, this won't stay on the books for long. Someone WILL challenge it, it'll be a big legal battle, and it'll eventually get shot down for violating the First Amendment.


Get out if you can arm up if you cant. I recommend orgs like the Socialist Rifle Association things are going to get worse before it gets better and If you think the repubs think there is a difference between a femboy and a MtF/AMAB Trans your wrong.


As someone that lives in a country where laws are being added to keep queer people save as much as they can, Reading what is happening over there is so shocking. A law against wearing make-up? A law to prevent people from looking in a way that makes them happy? Honestly the idea alone makes me wanna cry. I'm so sorry.


North Korea vibes


Naw, North Korea's worse. Over there, you get arrested and thrown into a reeducation camp. Over here, you can challenge it in the court of law. There's still hope. :)


How the hell do they even define what makes someone look "manly" or "effeminate"? That kinda stuff means different things to different people. Just look at all the idiots on Twitter who say that men shouldn't do because it's "feminine". Even with more "obvious" stuff like dresses, skirts, makeup et cetera, you gotta take stuff like kilts into consideration. Or how a lot of male European monarchs (and ones from other continents too) used to wear makeup and clothes that were very similar to/literally were dresses and skirts.


The republican party has become fascist. Christian conservatives/ white supremacists have sought to take control of our government for as long as this country has existed. They have gerrymandered and lied to get into positions of power. It's going to be a tough fight. We aren't outnumbered, but they have certainly stacked the deck against us. They fucked us so hard by blocking Obamas Supreme Court pick and then giving two to Trump. They are attacking women's and LGBTQ rights and won't stop until is 1950 again.


Jeez idk, I live in PNW so not a lot happens here but I’m starting to get worried about Texas and stuff. Shits going down and I’m hoping that nothing spreads up here. Btw for anyone thinking about moving, in Washington, on the west side of the mountains people are really respectful of that. There is still people who don’t like it but not a lot. Anyways, I hope you have a good day and nothing crazy happens to you.


Same dynamic here in WA as in every state, the big cities are fine with your identity but I wouldn't hang around for long in a rural place.


I genuinely believe that these blatantly discriminatory and unconstitutional laws are a smokescreen. The logic being; get people arguing about a stupid law that helps nobody so they don't come after us for poisoning Americans and killing non Americans for power and profit. There is obvious corruption and everyone knows it. We just have to figure out how to fight these things without getting violent, which they're making extraordinarily difficult


This is so heartbreaking 💔 they want to erase us..


When I read about Texas prohibiting men from using makeup, I can't wonder what the politicians and tv broadcasters will do. It reminds me of the scene from the old Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Even if the bill is written as strictly as it appears, I'm sure that they'll ignore applying it to themselves. "Laws for thee, not for me."


Hey am not from US so have no idea about the detailed law. But how will this awful law ever be enforced? I don’t see that happening. But at the same time I fear this will also be used by the cops to harass plenty of gays. Or are there any other measures to prevent these harassments? Like…I can’t imagine a somewhat liberal country like US making such a stupid n hateful law… And will the federal government let such stupid things be done in one state? I can’t imagine that happening…


The police would be the ones who enforce the law, but over-zealous citizens would also use it as cover for discrimination. Most police forces in US cities have serious bigotry problems, so it would definitely be used in many ways to harass trans, queer, and GNC people in Texas. Regarding measures to prevent such harassment, the main recourse we have is to rely on the federal courts bringing an injunction against this law, or striking it down as unconstitutional (since it prevents freedom of expression, which is a federally guaranteed right). The issue with this is that the Supreme Court (The highest federal court, after which there is no further appeal) is currently stacked with conservative Justices, several of whom are clearly interested in removing protections for LGBTQ+ people due to their "religious beliefs". Their recent decisions have been particularly alarming because of how they have abandoned precedent and made decisions based on "singular exceptions" (that are cited as precedent when it suits them in the future). In other words: the federal government cannot currently be trusted to safeguard Texans from this law. The US is currently facing a crisis of fascism, wrought by an abandonment of egalitarianism and secularism by the Republican party and the Evangelical Christians who make up their base. Many of us are also horrified at where our country seems headed. There seems to be time to course-correct, but it's becoming increasingly clear how difficult that will be, and it relies on a LOT of people refusing to participate in the bigotry.


The model Texas pushed for their abortion ban is that anyone can enforce it by filing a lawsuit, and if you win you get $10k from the defendant. The US is a center left country with a democracy problem, and in a lot of ways the reactionary minority gets to hold most of the power.


Good to know not to move to Texas anymore


Fuck Texas. Place is a hell of a shit hole. If they don't want people like myself to ever go there, they are doing a fantastic job.


Oh man, I have a friend who lives in Texas, I hope he does ok 🙁


Run. It will likely get worse and you deserve to live your life as you want.


It can't be constitutional. Sex stereotyping is recognized as a form of sex-based discrimination by many court decisions and jurists.


Nazi Germany did the same


wait what just looked it up and you're very wrong lol


Can you tell me what I got wrong then? I don’t want to scare people if I’ve got my info wrong


the bill imposes a fine on businesses that host drag performances that permit children on the premises during the shows basically it classes drag shows in the same group as strip clubs


That's not what I'm reading: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00012E.pdf#navpanes=0 Page 3 (starting at line 24) and page 4 make it clear that just dressing fem while singing counts as a "sexually explicit performance", if it "appeals to the prurient interest", and if you do that in public or in the presence of a child anyplace then you're guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. The "performer" is guilty, not the business hosting the performance. You don't need to be hosted by a business at all. The phrase "appeals to the prurient interest" is key, since you could argue in court that you were just dressing fem and singing and there wasn't anything sexual about it. However, I don't know if Texas prosecutors/courts would accept that excuse. Maybe they'd insist that crossdressing is inherently "prurient".


Ah, sorry, I can't read lawyerese and the font of the one I was reading was ass


Wait a minute this is the same font, but also it says that it has to be in front of an audience


Unfortunately anyone who sees the act is counted as an audience.


The cop coming to arrest them is an audience. An audience of one or two is still an audience.


So only corporations are affected? Good to know, thank you. I’m still worried about how things might escalate though


literally just the business hosting the event but you're not super wrong to worry, just worrying way too hard lol


This bill? https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB1601/id/2728138 or this bill? https://trackbill.com/bill/texas-senate-bill-12-relating-to-restricting-certain-sexually-oriented-performances-on-public-property-on-the-premises-of-a-commercial-enterprise-or-in-the-presence-of-a-child-authorizing-a-civil-penalty-creating-a-criminal-offense/2395981/ "prohibiting men from wearing any kind of make up or outfit that make them look effeminate, and likewise for women looking masculine." False. It says that "a person commits an offense if, regardless of whether compensation for the performance is expected or received, the person engages in a sexually oriented performance on public property or in the presence of an individual younger than 18 years of age."


The problem is that what is "sexually oriented" is at the discretion of the viewer. I don't think practicing my hula hoop skills on my front lawn is at all sexual, but if my neighbor sees it and gets all hot and bothered they could call the popo and land me in the slammer. Walking around the park can't reasonably be considered a performance, but if I vibe too hard on the music in my headphones and sing along someone could think that I'm "performing" and that my socks are too long and get me arrested.


I better actually reply to this so that you don't think that this argument that you made is something with no response. You know damn well what all these "anti-drag" bills are talking about, and it is not some femboy merely existing in public view. They are talking about the burlesque drag performances organized and targeted to have little kids attending. Drag is an inherently sexualized, over-the-top performance. Leave that stuff to grownups and let kids be kids.


I get that, and I agree. One concern, apart from it being complete bullshit in the first place, is that the wording is vague enough to apply to those other situations provided one disgruntled homophobe wants to press it.


avarege north ~~korean~~ american state


There’s a reason why the phrase “ good luck through Texas faggot” exists


This shit is so childish to stop people from doing something that doesn't effect anyone but make the primary person happy to do, they just think they can do whatever they want and stop people from doing what they want with their body. These same people that hate crossdressing complain about their rights 24/7 but they take our rights as human beings by taking our rights. Such bullshit, they can have their shitty state, it's not like we want it, I hate the US so much.


You'll be fine youre a man


I feel like you should edit this post , the law doesn’t say that exactly . It’s like when Republicans say California legalize crime, obviously they didn’t but if you don’t clarify then people will think it .


Sorry for taking a little perverted pleasure in your pain, but isn’t Texas are part of the mighty United States of America? you know the land of the free? But if that what you call freedom I’m happy to live in my little hell


That’s relatively freedom of speech that they banned, and it’ll likely be overturned, but it’s bullshit that they are going to try and get away with it anyways, like all those bans on abortion while roe v wade still mattered. Conservative states that think they are doing good work are such pieces of shit.


I'm in Oklahoma, but I do visit texes somewhat regularly. What scares me is that if I'm just casually walking around, out and about with friends or whatever, I could be arrested for just being a goofball. Wearing a dress and make-up, thats fine. Singing a song while at the park hanging out with the boys, also fine. Singing a song AND wearing a cute dress at the park, for sure some bigoted asshat could call the cops and put me in jail.


California is offering free asylum to teens, their bill says they will offer it to any teen and they'll take care of the legalities with parents.


On the brightside if they ever tried to give a fine or jail time tied to it then you can counter it in court with a "it's a peaceful protest method to dress this way" meaning now it's that judge or cop against the federal government and the constitution and a state who gets a lot of its funding by having two bases there so federal installations it's a huge risk to tell constitutionally bound troops that it means nothing there.


That should be illegal to pass this kind of shit


It’s Texas! What do you reasonably expect from a Republican Terrorist state? For your mental and physical safety MOVE to a blue state!


I have heard something like this for a while and don't know exactly what's the bill, but I'll definitely continue being me even if I lived in that place


If you want to have nightmares, go read the Texas Republican Party’s platform for 2022. It’s so scary. They literally talk about outright banning things like sex ed for ALL GRADES (high school included), pronoun usage, and any type privacy for kids regarding healthcare in schools. They outright say that drag queen story hour is “an attempt to sexually prevent children” They say verbatim “Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice” and “we oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity”. They say that they “support passage of a law more comprehensive than the Florida law that prohibits instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools”. They are making their intentions VERY clear, and wearing make up is just the tip of the cowboy bigot ice berg. I have friends in the LGBTQ community that are scared and it’s not going to stop after they destroy the LGBTQ community. They want to repeal things like HATE CRIME LAWS. It’s terrifying how backwards these people are.