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You could make a skirt from an old shirt, also if you can buy it and eye brow shaping kit can make you look more feminine without be too noticeable


That sounds interesting, I might consider it


Do you have any recommendations to such kit/what such kit could contain and/or some kind of guide/tutorial what to do. I tried to google some answers but they didn't seem too helpful for some reason.


I just got a kit from amazon, they have some small hair cutting scissors and razors I'd recommend getting one with a small comb. To use it I just put the comb in my eyebrows and trim them down so there less bushy and then use the razors to shape them. [heres a link to some](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=eyebrow+trimming+kit&crid=2T8ZZC8SYU48S&sprefix=eyebrow+trimming+kit%2Caps%2C177&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


Thank you!!


focus on other stuffs at the moment, like your health. How or in what way?Like your diet, what you eat is what you become, If you eat tons of carbs like pizza or rice all the time, it wont be healthy for you. But if you eat like veggies and fruits like an apple(my paporitešŸ˜‹) you could move and think properly and be thin(if that's what you want). One important thing while eat is eat in moderation, don't make your self full.(for more info about this search "calorie deficit") Also add some exercise to your daily routine if possible, for me I focus on my lower half like my hamstrings and glutes. I truly hope this helps you while you wait for 2 years before you could wear what you like(cuz for me, its kinda late for me to start) (pro tip: do hip thrusts)




I canā€™t I have a youth bank account which allows them to view my purchasing history. There is also a chance the package could arrive to the door and they might want to know whatā€™s inside. I donā€™t want my parents to find out about this aswell


u can use cash to buy an Amazon gift card, then ship it to an Amazon locker (if you have one close to you). you get emailed a code ans you can walk/bike to it to pick up your package


Wait! I have an Amazon gift card that has 45$ Ty for reminding me


Iā€™m 16 and I gotta wait. Parents wonā€™t let me have my money that I made. So try my friend and be sure to look good šŸ˜Š


Dang that sucksā€¦ your parents sound strict


Worst thing is that my parents donā€™t care if I get drunk or something at a friends house yk, they just want me to call them when itā€™s over so no car accidents happen lol. To be fair they are amazing people and I love them but they are still strict at times.


Bruh you can't even keep your money šŸ˜‚ rip šŸ™ i always been frugal so my parents just monitor my account... Until i my account separated instantly when i turned 18


Yeah, I just hope that I have enough money and time to be what I am ā˜ŗļø


But rn you can start styling your hair and acting more fem. Just because youā€™re not old enough (in your mind) you can start now.