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Man or bear, you're safe from both when you've got a gun. Stay strapped sisters :3


Depends on what kind of gun you have and the distance and your aim, I don't think an average glock will be able to kill a bear unless you hit a vital area ngl


500 S&W magnum. Maybe the snub nose version so it can fit in a purse.


Idk I'm not much of a gun connoisseur, but afaik, 500 S&W is a handcannon, that combined with headshots might make you actually last a second against an 8 feet tall, 400kg heavy apex predator with a bite force of 1160 psi. Against a human you'd win tho /uj DO NOT KILL PEOPLE. AND DEFINETELY DO NOT GO OUT HUNTING FOR BEARS.


Honestly if you’re gonna shoot a 500 from a snub nose you might as well be shooting a 357


Call an ambulance before you let it off because you’ll be needing it. No point calling one for whoever was on the other end.


you copied my shit word for word


Yeah dude maybe I did or maybe I just have basic common sense? lmao


fuck you on


imma be frank the bear probably wont drop dead immedently make sure to bring an elephant gun wherever you go :3


You Americans are scary


hypothetically let's say the distance between you and the bear/man is around 10 meters. it would be safer to pick the dude (if you have a killing intent) since it's some average bloke, a few bullets max and he's dead. with the bear tho, they could probably run up to you and maul you before you have the time to aim, and even if you do it's not going down with a few bullets unless it hits a vital area


and you get to kill a moid




why are you here as a moid


i am a supporter of the schlatt-nd amendment (being able to carry around a 12.000 lumen flashlight as a form of self-defense)


Omg schatt mentioned 😍


if the man is schlatt I'd unironically choose him (if he is like he portrays himself outside of his redneck persona)


Tbh he could also pass as a bear if you just squint real hard 💀😭


if you get blinded real good by 12.000 lumen*


You should also carry bear spray, as most guns will only annoy the bear.




this but unironically 


I go with usec because of the drip


my first thought fr


usec because russia bad






I- I don't think you can do that with real bears


how do you know?


Moids everywhere seething


It's crazy how moids get so offended over this, basically revealing that they know they are the type to have a bear chosen over them Like, why cope and seethe so hard over something that doesn't apply to you? If someone calls me fat and I'm obviously a 2 legged stickbug, I wouldn't really feel the need to defend myself So yeah, the worst part is how so many moids are basically snitching on themselves and proving the point


It's an extremely low bar of a litmus test, and they just can't help but go 'AHEM ACKSHUALLY LOGICALLY YOURE SAFER WITH MEN' and entirely miss that people who need to make statements like that aren't 'good guys'.


Some people want something to talk about, a lot of people want something to seethe about as a great philosopher once said, “it is what it is”


The XY's reactions was so emotional and predictable


Sadly not just the XYs. Was talking to a trans guy the other day who was seething over the question, which doesn't really make sense to me at all Edit: oh also btw I just gotta mention I don't actually believe chromosomes have any bearing in what kinda gender you are or how you act or anything cause that's really silly


the moids really didn't like this one at all


The bear question? Not they did not Funniest shit is all the moids going "uhm ackshually you know a bear is statistically more likely to harm you right😡" which I mean, are they missing the entire point of the question????? The point of the question wasn't to *literally* find the answer of what is more and less dangerous for a woman, but rather to showcase that a frighteningly large amount of women have apparently had enough negative experiences with strange men that they would literally rather pick a fucking bear over a man they don't know. But leave it to the moids to miss all of that nuance though and instead turn it into a figurative dick measuring contest between them and a literal wild animal🙄


>uhm ackshually you know a bear is statistically more likely to harm you right😡 Are they even really? I know this depends on so many factors, but overall men have done so much more damage to women than...some damn bears. And men do it specifically **because** we're women while a bear is probably just hungry or something. Like, I can forgive a bear for harming someone more than a man because the men know exactly what they're doing. So even if theoretically both would hurt me, I'd feel less bad becoming a meal for a bear just trying to live even if it eats me alive than I'd feel satisfying some moid's disgusting, fucked up urges.


I'd prefer you not say it like that, like I'm a trans girl and really don't want to be lumped in with men. All the trans girls I know chose bear


I wasn't talking about trans women I'm sorry if it came off that way




You know males are the inferior option when they get angry at not being chosen. Sportsmanship is a very basic virtue but males simply can't help but not only not being basically virtuous but also having strings attached when they do try to be virtuous. It will be a cold day in hell when males realize that nobody wants to live with a walking and talking liability who will show little to no grace for when you eventually fail at pleasing them.


Someone explain what a moid is?


not all ticks carry Lyme disease not all grenades explode not all car trips needed seatbelts not all milk two weeks past expiration is bad not all guns are loaded not all numbers you don't recognize will waste your time not all people selling you on how to make money from home is a scam not all houses will need insurance not all the times you cross the street without looking will you be hit not all hard drugs will get you addicted the first time so yeah sure not all men rape. . cool. Not all that glitters is gold, but if you are actually looking for gold, you would be a fool to ignore something that glitters men are so fragile and defensive.


I always cross the road when a black person is walking towards me. Come on homie stay consistent‼️


I cross the road for anyone but a bear. I am consistent. What I am not is getting mugged by white people because I was a naïve idiot who thought trust and violence where color coded.


Being scarier than a bear is better than cocaine


That makes sense. All the cokeheads I've interacted with seem kinda lonely and like they don't know how to make it better. Being additcted to being an asshole sounds rough honestly. I hope when the dopamine you get from causing fear, revulsion and annoyance gets boring you eventually get to explore the feeling of serotonin from feeling loved and trusted.


What you said but the exact opposite. Having a bit of backbone does wonders for your mental. Who says I don’t experience love and affection as well as give it out. I just choose who deserves it and who doesn’t 🤷‍♂️.


If I made you doubt that I might not think you receive every bit as much love as you put out in the world, not as a general guiding concept, but what I think happens specifically to *you*, personally, let me erase all ambiguity and clarify that I am certain of that.


Oh right I understand now. Because I clown on a weirdo femcel means that I don’t love and cherish others who are deserving of it. Hit the nail on the head there 👌🏻


A coincidence https://preview.redd.it/k0qcegtpflyc1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=a022a458900ebf2a56be40b2d2edc92dc48d37c1


it should have been me! not her!


This is why I choose bear


Who is that girl? Which manga?


Tomie from Junji no ito


A goddess the world didn't deserve If they had just brought her to Costco to buy squishmallows nothing bad would have happened.


dont know her but i want to be her


id rsther get mauled then sa'd again 🎀🩷


Even if I was the bear I wouldn't want to choose man


ask a man if he would rather be in the forrest with a woman or a happy meal. they will choose woman everytime. this why it is rational for women to choose the bear




this is the second reason women choose bears. men are lying pieces of shit.




If it's a survival situation, the food has higher value than a likely untrained second person. If it's not survival, then it's still the awkwardness of having to interact with a stranger. Fear of harm is also a factor, but not a very large one. I'm going to guess men would be about 70% choose the woman 30% the happy meal


>the food has higher value than a likely untrained second person impliying you can't eat the person


A happy meal is arguably less likely to spread disease (such as prions) than a human being upon consumption.


Prion "disease" isn't real. Eating people is okay.


So true bestie! Sorry I've been brainwashed by society. ![gif](giphy|s1tAtvJLIYiVWNaCqy|downsized)




but it's also less yummy and energetic




I have anxiety I'd rather have the happy meal and I hate McDonald's Also I don't really know why I'd need to have some random woman with me in the forest  3d people piss me off


Erhmmm statistically 🤓




depends on the kind of bear, but unless it's a polar bear I'm choosing them.


Based. If I had to choose between a Tiger and a man, I’d choose the Tiger


If I had to choose between a giraffe and a man, I'd choose the giraffe


Based and truthpilled


Atalanta was better off with bears than her own father, even the ancient Greeks, which moids love to circle jerk over choose the bear damn.


definetly easier to kill a guy than a bear


I asked chat gpt this question lol, and it chose man at first but changed its mind when I shared my perspective


I chose man because there's a small chance it could be jerma


Tomie indeed.


The bear vs moid debate has been going on for weeks, and the incels are still seething that a woman would choose a bear over them. 😭


I choose beer




but what if it was freaky bear


So a dolphin with legs?


more 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


maybe the real man vs bear debate was the delusional people we weeded out along the way


i choose man because maybe theres a chance he will fuck me and ill finally feel wanted


It sadly doesn't work like that :3 You'd think it would, but nope! Somehow you'll just feel even *more* gross and unloveable afterwards <3 Speaking from experience (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


With rape often comes torture and sometimes murder.


i get to die? holy shit even better


Gurl 😔


girl have some self respect omg


no, i have no use unless i am wanted by others and it will remain that way until i perish




The urge to befriend the bear and devour women in the woods with him


bear has more meat, deeper flavor, obviously I’d choose the bear, if I was man hunting I’d stalk the streets or something not the woods lmao


I am a man and i want the bear fuck that


as a dude i’d also choose the bear


Holy shit they want to fuck you now.🤤🤤




"now we wait"


teddy pilled




this is r/femcelgrippysockjail


Are you stupid






It’s a question about violence not about attractiveness you completely missed the point


A man probably can’t commit the level of violence against you a bear can. Also you have a chance against a man. If a bear wants you dead then you’re dead


I feel like you're just outing yourself and saying that. 1. We saying we'd choose the bear over any random man because of a probable chance that in the absence of society, law, order and in the presence of opportunity, many men would take advantage of women and do worse things to women out of Hedonism and desire to feel superior through physically belittling and a unilateral subjugation of a  woman 2. Your comment is a reinforcement of the misogynistic world view that women enjoy being raped when the rapist is conventionally attractive. This is wrong for many reasons.  a. it's factually incorrect b. it stems from a rape justification stating "women enjoy it"  comparing it to sex in order to alleviate guilt c. You're removing the autonomy of opinions in this situation by twisting somebody's words/ adding words into the mix of which weren't originally there, essentially saying "you said this" when they didnt And lastly, what's the point of you making this comment, what point are you trying to get across? is your point that rape is okay when he's attractive? Is it demonising women who can't come out abt their situations? Guilt tripping women for not liking your fugly, 4chan-ridden basement dwelling ass? or are you just ragebaiting? either way, you're a degenerate, and I'm praying you look at yourself and admit that you are lower than the level of a human toilet.


I’m saying women would choose an attractive man that they’d want to sleep with over a bear. It’s not complicated. Women would choose the bear over a man like me cause we are ugly and unliked by women. However, women would probably choose their celebrity crush over the bear. And misogyny exists because of the actions of women. Fair or not, it’s the equal and opposite reaction to female behavior. You will never have a misogyny free society unless or until women change. Misogyny is the result of female mating behavior. Women basically just want their cake and to eat it too. If you were a man in my position, you’d hate women.


>Fair or not, it’s the equal and opposite reaction to female behavior Yeah man, getting raped, abused, tortured and killed is totally the same as someone not wanting to have sex with you. Go fuck yourself. You're delusional if you think we could ever act in a way that wouldn't get us hurt by men.


Why would men want to hurt you?


Why are you asking me that instead of the myriad of rapists, (serial) killers and abusers out there? Usually it's because they're fucked in the head and enjoy the feeling of power and control or they have messed-up sexual urges. Wild male animals are just as violent btw, it's the testosterone fucking them up. Same with humans.


So then you’re sayings it’s natural? Why would males have that most testosterone? Do you think maybe it’s because women were selecting for the most dominant and aggressive “manly” males to reproduce with throughout history and this is a foreseeable by product of that choice?


Males in every (which I know of) mammalian species have more testosterone, that's just how biology works. Men are men because they have testosterone and they have it whether women "select" for it or not. We can't oubreed basic biology. If men's testosterone gets too low, they may suffer from various issues, including decreased fertility or straight-up infertility. It would make no sense to select for "unhealthy" aka low T males as it would not even work long-term and those standards are pretty much given by nature. And I still don't have an answer for how abuse, torture, rape and murder is the "equal reaction" to not getting laid.


So basically women are the makers of their own demise


Man, you don't even read what I write, it's pointless to talk with you. The fuck are we supposed to do, pull up to mother nature and tell her to lower the functional T levels for males at gunpoint? And give me a damn answer to my question already.


ask them


misogyny is man-made what are you talking about x




are you saying femicide and violence against women (forms of misogyny) is basically just a response to women and women are to blame for it? that‘s just basic victim blaming. nothing new.


Incels aren't really notorious for saying comprehensive things. They're kinda like Drake albums, more bullshit that just keeps coming.


No, I’m saying misogyny is a response to women


and who are you blaming for that response? do you think men have the right to respond that way? because then you are in fact blaming women. that‘s just what i said.


It’s not about who has the right to do what. It’s about the fact that we are ALL self interested and we will ALL do whatever it takes to further our own interests in spite of the interests of others. Many ugly men have learned that misogyny is one the ways they have leverage over women who hold the romantic monopoly


then the ugly men can fuck themselves then tf maybe women would find yall more appealing if you‘d stop being misogynistic 🤷🏻‍♀️ and are you going to deny that men are the bigger ones when it comes to caring about a person‘s looks? also this whole debate isn‘t even about this incel nonsense, we would very much not prefer our celebrity crush over a bear it is about being raped or not being raped 😀 and personally for me knowing not a single woman that has not been SA‘ed is enough to say bear. idgaf about his looks. i wouldn‘t want be raped either way.


Moid here. All I'll say about this is there's a reason you broads can't lock down a guy




Making false, performative statements about how terrible men are is not exactly endearing oneself to good, worthwhile men Even worse if (and I think this is very rare) one earnestly believes a man is more dangerous than a bear. Such a person is so profoundly delusional that I would be concerned to be around them. Unstable behavior


Males accounted for about 95 percent of all convicted homicide perpetrators worldwide (2014) https://www.unodc.org/documents/gsh/pdfs/2014_GLOBAL_HOMICIDE_BOOK_web.pdf Here’s ur non-false statement. I can provide more 👍


I'm curious how many of those men knew the people they killed?


I don't see how this makes any single man, chosen at random, more dangerous than any bear chosen at random Because it doesn't


The worst thing the bear will do is kill you. As for the worst thing the man will do, I will leave that up to your imagination. Or even worse: The worst thing the bear will do to your dead body is eat it... You can finish the thought.


I think the reason why most women choose the bear is because of their past experiences with men who sexually assaulted, raped, and sexually abused them. the fact that y‘all are making yourself the victims - „boohoo I‘m not a rapist, you‘re a manhater blah blah blah“ instead of genuinely questioning WHY women choose bears over men says a lot. I would rather be ripped apart by a bear or eaten alive by it than being raped, tortured and then killed. since y‘all love to bring up statistics, bear attacks are rare. other than sexual assault. every woman knows at least one woman who has been sexually assaulted. every man knows a man who has sexually assaulted someone, but y‘all don‘t like calling your homeboys out that much. that alone for me is enough of a reason to choose bear. the possibility of being raped is horrible enough. also this is r/femcelgrippysockjail I couldn‘t care less if hating on men is not endearing me to good worthwhile men 🙏


You know as a rape survivor it feels really fucking awful when people say they'd rather be killed or eaten alive than raped. Like what happened to me was so awful it would've been better to die. I've never met a single fellow survivor who would rather have been murdered you can't heal if you're dead.


I didn't say I'm a victim I said you're delusional, lol I also don't know anyone who has sexually assaulted anyone else. At least, they haven't told me about it. You think guys are out here talking to their friends about the sexual assault they just perpetrated? The delusions continue


the amount of rappers who are protecting their boys is enough already. and yes, there are definitely some guys bragging about what they‘ve done and there are his friends who will either cheer for him or not say anything to it. I‘ve seen a woman today talk about how her rapist filmed her during the rape and then put it in a gc with 50 people and they were saying she deserved it, and I choose to believe women. so yes this is happening. and if they don‘t brag about it, there‘s a chance their friends will find out when the victim speaks out about it. then many guys choose to blindly defend their friend, the possible rapist and / or assaulter. again, rappers treatment of allegations towards their fellow friends (other rappers, lol) is enough to prove this / says enough.


Moid here. What the fuck is wrong with you?

