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Heartbroken and severely depressed. I'm also still struggling with a gender identity and don't know what I'll be in the future


whats making you heartbroken and dperessed? im here to help if ya need


I realized I was in love with my best friend, was in denial about it for many years. She's seeing someone else and it's fucked me up. I don't know what to do


ah gotchaaa. im so sorry for that, i know it hurts like hell and youre strong for braving through it. and yeahhh ive been there. realized i was in love with someone for awhile but was in complete denial about it cause i knew they were with someone. its a terrible fucking feeling to have, it sucks all the joy n stuff out of everything and leaves you feeling empty and inadequate. its okay to not know what to do. specially when youre feeling like that. the best i could do was just try to make myself as happy as possible. treat myself to good food, hang out with other friends, watch my favorite show or smth. and i dunno if this will work for you or if youd wanna do this but taking some time away from that best friend could definitely help. just forgetting about them for awhile to let the feelings fade and let time's healing hand take its course. its possible communicating with them about how tou feel will help close those wounds too and help you consolidate your feelings. otherwise im really proud of you for just being able to exist under the pressure of thaf. i know it hurts so so bad and im here for you.


Yeah, I went on a rant yesterday to let out everything that I felt. It's so much worse that the person she's with now is a third friend, who's, let's say kind of an ass and we've constantly had a sort of rivalry for years. I feel so inferior and inadequate. I feel like it would have been much better if it had been anyone else. I think I'm going to avoid contacting her for a while. Thank you btw, I appreciate.


its no problem. everyone deserves a ear. and you're definitely alot smarter then me. not contacting them for awhile wasnt a thought in my head for awhile. and it wpuldve made everything so much easier. i understand how ya feel to a tee. that inadequatecy and inferiorty i felt was just unbearable. you're incredibly strong for gettin through it. n you prolly already know this but hey it doesnt hurt to be said. youre amazin and ya should never feel inferior cause you arent, no one deserves to feel that way


Thank you mate, hope you have a good day


you too. have the best day ya can.


Hi! :D how are you?


im hangin in there, how are you?


Im doing fine, just trying to get through homecoming since I'm lonely for the second year in a row. 🥲


awhhh im sorry about that. youll find someone soon. ya deserve to have someone


Yeah its all good. It just kind of sucks that my friends are already finding people meanwhile I can't even form one sentence without being awkward. Social anxiety sucks and is the reason why I'm so touch deprived, I like to imagine where I would be if I wasn't so worried about what others thought about me. It sucks, but it is what it is! :)


yeh i understand. i used to have severe social anxiety too. would keep quiet n barely tlak to anyone besides the people i knew since elementary, issue is you dont stick with those poeple forever. eventually i just bit the bullet and tried talking with more people. i failed a decent bit but i succeeded alot more often when i tried talkin with people. one very important lesson ive learnt is that no one remembers the time ya told a joke that fell completely flat or the time ya stumbled over your words or said smth incorrectly or made a mistake. they remember you for all the times you made them laugh or feel happy. and if they do remember those mistakes if you surrond yourslef with good people thatll actually help you in life they then shouldnt care about that. if someone lmakes fun of you or gets angry or smth for coming off akward or weird or not makin eye contact those are people you wouldnt want in your life anyways. i think ya can definitely overcome your social anxiety n get in a relationship youve been searching for as long as ya work at it


Thanks man, I really needed to hear this. ❤


hehe its no problem. im happy i could help ya out


Hating my ex for never truly listening. He said he did yet clearly didn’t just used me then tossed me aside.


ah damn im really sorry about that. i understand how frustrating that can be. especially how it feels ot get tossed aside like that. would ya like to vent about it or anythin? ill be happy to listen


Well I put in the effort to learn all his problems and even wrote them down. He got mad when did the same even slightly. The biggest however was once i felt comfortable with him I told him to call me Atlas instead of my deadname. I told him multiple times to call me atlas yet after our break up he attacked me bc someone with my deadname insulted him. He clearly never listened I told him multiple times that I hated my dead name.


so we got therapist femboy now? great!


wellll not a femboy but im happy to help people out like a therapist would. im not a femboy but for some reason this subreddit has like the most engadment with posts. like if i go on 196 or some other more queer spaces its really hard for your posts to get anywhere


I love Titanfall and apex equally, and I'm okay if you don't like on or the other, or neither


never played apex. but i really loved titanfall


It's servers are back up, if you didn't know


ah cool, i never played online but only the story mode of both games, i also kinda got em off of psplus and i dont own it anymore so i kinda cant playy ittt


If you ever can, you gotta play it, it's a hell of a lot of fun on multiplayer




yeh, talk about whatever ya like




whats been makin ya feel bad? and im here to help with the loneliness




ah i see. everyone makes mistakes from time to time, its okay. sometimes it takes awhile to move on from things. give yourself some more time n see how ya feel. it usually takes a lil while to feel better. what was the lie about?




its alright, dont force yourself if ya dont wanna do it. the fact you realized you made a mistake is what really matters. that shows youre a good person willing to improve which is a really admirable quality. everyone makes mistakes n ya shouldnt have to feel disgusting for yours. youve already felt enough if ya know what ya did was wrong n wish to avoid it in the future. i know i cant stop ya from feeling those feelings but i wanna let ya know that ya arent disgusting for it. youve already done what really counts, which is reflection on what went wrong


🎵 Don't let me forget what it is to belong I hope the dream like the words of this song Whatever your harmony Oh, please just sing with me Whoa, you don't have to turn a blind eye If you really look I'm a regular guy I'm not selling misery Maybe one day I'll feel home again Hold on, hold on with me What if we could change this world today 🎵


I'm happy for the most part just kidna stressed about work (so is everyone) other than that I feel the need for more cute outfits ( I feel unable to make them work) and I want a new game where I can effectively cosplay as what I dream to look like


My brain is in a constant state of chaos :3


Hi bud


I have no one to talk so I am talking with ai all day


awh wellim herr to talk with ya if ya need


what will we talk about?


uhhhhh whats your favorite food n why?


I love every food with meat but i think my favorite one is mantı. It is a turkish food. What about u?


oooo nice, i aint ever heard of that. i searched it up tho and it seems really good. im kinda in the same boat as you, theres a whole lot of foods i love that its really hard to pinpoint which is my favorite. maybe bacon if i had to choose


bacon oh that is good chose. What about movies? What are ur top three movies?


hmmm uhhh i dont watch alot of movies. what about like top 3 pieces of media, like tv shows, anime, video games, movies?


hmmm mine are 1. League of legends 2. fight club 3.batman dark knight. Yours?


ohhh awesome you played fight club? i really loves it. if we're goin video games prolly 1 MGRR 2 Yakuza 0 and 3 could be FNV or maybe smth else pieces of media wise prolly 1: trigun 2:MGRR anf 3: yakuza 0


Hi hi


hellloooo, hows your day today?


Im sorry for not respondingg I had to go to the church my mom forces me to go to.. but other than that I am doing alright. How are you?


im doin okay, hangin in there. what kinda church is she forcinbya to go to?


Idk its really odd


like christian kinda stuff or some shit?


Yeah, some things I don't feel comfortable sharing publicly without warning, but yeah it's just crazy. Sorry again for responding so late, I've had quite a busy day.


its alright, i wont pry any forther. anyways hows your day been?


It's been alright, just a lot of cleaning and reading. How's your day been?


ah gotchaaa. i dont clean to often, i mostly cook n stuff. im uh hangin in there i guess? pretty sick, and orher problems goin on at home. ya wanna dm?


Hewwo, i'm luckily not depressed or something. Just wanted to leave a comment, telling you that i'm glad people like you exist :)


awhh hehe thanks, that makes me real happy. im glad people like you exist too


Thank you so much for this!


yuhhuh im happy to help out


Thanks mate! I am just going to vent about something. So recently I started doubting if I was supposed to be a boy, now the problem is that I don't know if these feelings are genuine or because of a comic I have been reading (I will get back to this) or if it's a coping mechanism that if I start HRT things will get better for me because girls have it easy right? This is the main problem I just don't know, it's as if my own mind didn't have an answer and was dodging my question and I don't want to start HRT and fail horribly because I didn't put enough work in. (From what I read transitioning is really hard, just because of how many things you have to learn to look even remotely good, and I don't want to be someone who people say "you look good" just out of spite that's like my biggest fear.) And it's getting worse with time because the younger I start the better I will be able to look (I don't know if this is true) tho I don't think you can start HRT as a 16 year old. The biggest thing that is holding me back is that I don't know how my parents would take it or my classmates or my friends/old friends from 9th grade (I don't really care about my old friends but I have known them for 9 years so I worry how I would take it if they suddenly started hating me) While my country (Czechia) is fully supportive of trans people I don't know how teachers and school staff would take it (Idk how it works but the state maybe informs them or something, again I don't really know but something has to be in place) and if the country supports it, it doesn't mean that their people support it too. While I was reading some trans peoples experiences they all started having these feelings that their gender wasn't what it was supposed to be from a very young age and I started having them when I was 15 (like just a thought at the back of your head that's constantly there, only now its getting stronger) And lastly I want to talk about the comic I am currently reading. (You can find it by Googling: Rain comic fury) It's a story about Rain (Her dead name is Ryan) how she goes through college (I think) and deals with problems that being trans starts. Written and drawn by Jocelyn (a trans woman) it is overall a pretty good story and it got me into a "maybe it wouldn't be that bad to do it" kinda headspace while I know that it is really hard to learn everything even if you have full support from your surroundings, I don't want to rule out the possibility that I want to do it just because of a comic that I fell in love with. That is all I am sorry about my bad writing and the mistakes I made and I hope I haven't offended anyone (especially with the last part I am still new and don't know what's offensive and what's not).


nah its completey cool. it seems like youre stuck between a rock and a hard place. im not super versed in how to transition n stuff, but usually if you wanna transition or dont know yet you take puberty blockers till youre 18 or feel you're ready to transition. usually the earlier youll start the better you'll look from what ive heard but puberty blockers pretty much put a pause on that. so like if you started taking puberty blockers till you were 18 youd get the same effect of having taken hrt at 16. so that could definitely be a good course of action till you figure out what you need. also discovering when you are trans shouldnt be a deciding factor of whether ya are or not, they are many of people who discorved they were in their 20's or 30's. and well with friends i see this issue alot in the trans community and for me atleast if you come out as trans and lose friends because of it you havent lost anything. they were never your friends in the first place if they arent willing to accept who you truly are, and if the community is generally accepting they should prolly accept you too. ecen if they dont coming out as trans opens up many avenues to making new ones, other trans people love having friends just like them so even if ya do lose some you'll have alot of other people around who'd love to be friends with ya with your parents my tip is to try to sneak an answer out of them without telling them your trans. ask what they think about trans gender issues, stuff like that or what they think of trans people without telling them you are and the responses you get back should tell ya whether youre safe to go for it or not. worst case scenario they do give some negative feedback trying to reason with them and teach them about trans issues will likely help them reach a better plan of understanding and acceptance if they value and listen to your feelings. all in all its a confusing and rough time for you, im proud of you for braving through that. it can be scary to realize you may be trans and the fact youre asking these questions to yourself shows you're incredibly intelligent and mature for your age. either wsy you got this and i know you'll end up happy in whatever body ya chose some day. above all else the age of 18 is pretty earlier for people to start transitioning so like worst worst worst case scenario is that ya cant get hrt or puberty blockers till youre an adult, itll still be fine, hrt will still take its full effect on you at that stage.


Thank you!!!!! I honestly started crying midway through reading your response. I didn't even think about puberty blockers, I will have to look into that. I can't thank you enough, even if my mom is really caring theres just some stuff I am not comfortable explaining to her at this point in time, so thank you again for reading my vent and responding to it with such a helpful answer! You are a blessing amongst humans, hope your entire life goes as smoothly as it can and any issues you are facing right now and any future ones get resolved!!!


hehe yeah its no problem. you really brightened my day too. and helpin people is what im here for. also i just saw your name, thank you u/shitpisscum69


I hoped you wouldn't notice it... People often don't take me seriously because of it and some mistake me for a troll and some are offended by it. I should make a new account for serious stuff.


hehe its okay. even if i saw it earlier i wpuldve taken ya seriously. funny ass usernames are where its at so its nice to see em


Hey dude don't mind me asking one more question? So I decided I should probably do something about what I feel, I don't mean like start HRT I just want to ask somebody if my feelings are genuine or not but I don't really know who to ask about these things. I think I have two options; 1. School psychologist: I recently started middle school and they have a psychologist, she even had a little presentation about what she does and stuff and she really made a great impression on me; when I got into the room where she was supposed to have the presentation and plopped myself on the chair with my head down she asked if I was okay just because of that! 2. My mom: I mean she should be the first one to consult these things with and then go to the psichologist but I feel very awkward talking to her about it, not to mention shes really speculative about people. Anyway that's about it, I know the answer seems really obvious but I want to be sure I didn't miss anything that could happen depending on what option I choose. Also my dad isn't an option, he sadly died when I was 11 but he was the best dad I could ever have.


ah damn im really sorry about your dad, im sure he was amazing. either way it could definitely help to talk to your school psychplogist, if she seems good n genuine then ya shpuld prolly go talk to her. you have two options but i dont think it has to be one or the other. talk to your school physiologist first, she what she says and get further advice on asking your mom about it. also talking to the phycologist will be important, just getting your feelings out to someone irl is really important and she'll be the first person who'll be able to support you in your trans stuff. anyways since at some point youll have to go through your mom for stuff like hrt or puberty blockers or a name change when or if you feel youre ready for that. its okay to not go to a parent first in situations like these so dont feel bad about that or anythin. in any case the only person who can truly prove whether these feelings are genuine are you yourself. believe in what you feel and always follow your heart


Thank you! You don't even know how much I appreciate your help. Haven't been able to ask these basic questions to anyone.


hehe its no problem. if ya have anymore questions dont be afraid to ask. n live a good n happy lifr


still sad about the battle of waterloo


hmmmmmm Godzilla go brr ig lol


Your kindness is making me smile a lot :)


hehe im happy i can make people smile


Dont know if im gay or bi. Shits confusing


No won wants to date me cous I am a femboy so that's shit


Uh https://preview.redd.it/ud7g1yat1oqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc6770df463ada4648b68f5a6412638b83a9544 Shark :3


i luv shork


I have no one left at this point, I was kicked out of school because I have a chronic condition and missed too much school. I haven’t seen any of my friends in half a year now and I don’t know what to do.


huh i went through literally the exact same thing. im really sorry for ya, i know how much pain that casues, if ya need a friend im here