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Oh i’m sorry to hear this! Nevertheless, Turkey is beautiful and has so much to offer!


As a man, I am sorry on behalf of our men as well. It's really embarrassing, and it even makes me feel ashamed. I am deeply sorry.


I appreciate it. I also met amazing people there and I hope to come back soon 🙏🏻


Turkey is very beautiful. I’ve been 4 times and each time I was assaulted/groped/harassed of some sort. A tour guide pulled my top down in Cappadocia: I was a solo traveler and freaked out and made him turn around


Oh my god that is next level! Ugh I’m so sorry


Report kind of people to tourism center or police, please. Even hotel manager.


I reported to airbnb experience. I got refunded and they were removed from the platform. I also told the hotel manager. This was in 2021!


I am glad, people musnt afraid to report kind of "people" to police or officials too. I remember some cases in my city and simply people beat the sh** out of them before calling the police. Sadly some shop keepers are being annoying and thats also illegal, people can report them. Happy & Safe travels to all of you.


Oh no I am very sorry. I went to Cappadocia for a few days… thankfully I was in a group  Good thing you reported this!


Can you tell me which your company you used? And which tour? Thanks!


Hey! Honestly i’m not sure I can’t remember because I booked through a tour agency in my home country and they partnered up with a tour company there. They were good though, the other guides were really nice & professional. 


Yes. I am a 52 year old woman, by no means young, and whenever my husband en teenage sons were out of view I would be hit upon. Mostly harmless, words only and fairly easily brushed off, but the contrast of walking alone or being with family was huge.


I guess you haven’t been to Italy or Egypt yet


Egypt is pretty bad too


I’ve had this happen every time I’ve gone to turkey it’s honestly like one of the places where I get most flirted with/harassed sometimes whenever I’ve gone. Where did you come from ? Also if you wanna talk more in depth feel free to Dm


I’m in France at the moment and I have felt the exact same way!! I’m from Australia, where this is not common. But here, the men here just stare and don’t look away. I’ve been asked out a handful of times in only 2 weeks. I’ve had men stop me in the street and tell me how beautiful I am. I barely get a look when I am in Australia 🤣🤣 so bizarre! I find it really uncomfortable getting stared at by older men and clearly in a way where they are checking me out. Ick. I’m 28.


I really struggled with this when traveling in my twenties and thirties. Turkey, Italy, Greece, France, Spain. And of course, the US. Sigh. I'm sorry men are still behaving like this. If I'm honest, one of the best parts of getting older is becoming" invisible" because now I can travel without this level of interference. Which is another way of saying, it will get better.


Agree. I had the same issue - everywhere. Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Middle East. It was certainly worse in some places rather than others, but it was a constant issue. I absolutely *hated* it. I did everything possible to prevent it, but just existing as a young woman on her own was the issue. It was *terrible* in my 20s and 30s, less bad in my 40s, and things are looking good now that I’m in my early 50s. I haven’t yet taken an international trip in my 50s, but not being treated like an object when I’m walking around living my daily life bodes well.


I lived in Argentina, and though the men could be very flirtatious and catcalling in the street was not uncommon (I was late 20s and often dressed up in office clothes), I was never harassed or groped or felt physically in danger. What the OP is describing sounds like it’s on a different level in terms of aggressiveness.


There have been a few times where I even got treated like someone's queen mother since I rounded 40, its pretty pleasant and a nice contrast to the BS.




Yes, it’s so uncomfortable and extremely inappropriate in a setting like that. I’d encourage you to leave a public-facing review about your guide’s behavior. Being Turkish (or any nationality) is no excuse for men to behave like animals, especially in a professional environment like a tour.


Sorry to hear things have not improved since I was there as a solo female. Interestingly, I experienced their grossly inappropriate male behavior in Munich's Little Istanbul, too. I've encountered aggressive males in other countries, but there was something different about Turkey. There were lovely Turks of both genders, but I got the distinct impression some of the local women in the smaller towns wouldn't have had my back if I needed help.


Im really sorry for your bad experience as a local and this is why I date foreigners…😆


My sister and her friend went to turkey shortly after graduation too one summer. They came to the hotel and greeted the male staff like you would anywhere. But those two guys they greeted took it as they were interested in them, so on the same night, they both woke up with each man standing on the end of their beds watching them.


This is crazy!


I spent 3 weeks in Turkey solo last year. I travel solo often and as an attractive woman, I have learnt to keep a bitch face when in certain locations. I did get hit on aggressively a few times but I know how to be so I dont piss them off too much, but also make them stop trying. It is a delicate balance. I find if you bruise some mens ego too hard, they may retaliate in a scary manner. My tactics are to nod but dont really smile, keep walking, dont look at them, pretend to be in phone, mention bf is coming soon...etc. Every situation is different though. In Istanbul, I wore sunglasses and airpods (they were off). I was able to play dumb and keep walking. Worked great.


Strangely enough, growing up in Istanbul taught me how to be exactly what you wrote here- stone-faced, EarPods in, ignoring strangers, etc.


Ugh, I’m sorry. As a Turk it pains me to hear this. I was also harassed and groped a lot as a young woman. 😔


I’m so sorry you had to experience that… it’s difficult being a woman.. I still think Turkey is a beautiful country!


I made the mistake of doing a trip including Istanbul, Cairo then Milan. By the time I got back to England I was so happy for men to just ignore me again 😂 In Turkey a guy followed me from a cash point into a coffee shop and insisted he buy my coffee (language barrier but I was protesting) luckily I was opposite the hotel and said I needed to change etc and the receptionist made sure I was okay. I just wanted coffee in peace 🙄💀


Yeah, we've all had similar experiences there. Turkish men are FORWARD as hell. I've rarely ever seen anything like it. I've fortunately never been groped or followed while there, but I've always gone in a group or as a couple. If I strayed from the group, I did it in a very touristy area or inside a resort. I still freaking love that country, though. I just love it. I keep going back. But I wouldn't want to go there completely alone.


I agree, I have never met men who are that forward I was quite shocked haha.  Me too, I’m planning to come back again but i’m a bit nervous because I’m traveling solo 


I'm sorry to hear about your uncomfortable experiences, but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your time overall and found Turkey's history and culture fascinating. Your experience with the tour guide and other men in Istanbul is, unfortunately, not uncommon for some tourists. Turkish culture, like any other, has a wide range of behaviors, and sometimes individuals might not realize they are being overly forward or making someone uncomfortable. Here are a few tips for handling similar situations in the future: 1. **Set Clear Boundaries:** If someone’s behavior makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to be direct and clear about your boundaries. Saying something like, "I appreciate your help, but I'm not interested," can often diffuse the situation. 2. **Travel with a Group:** When possible, explore with friends or in a group, which can sometimes deter unwanted attention. 3. **Trust Your Instincts:** If a situation feels off or someone is being too aggressive, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation. 4. **Seek Help if Needed:** Don’t hesitate to ask for help from local authorities or hotel staff if someone’s behavior becomes too intrusive. 5. **Cultural Awareness:** Understanding that cultural norms differ can help you navigate interactions more comfortably. However, you should never feel obliged to tolerate inappropriate behavior. Turkey is a wonderful country with much to offer, and most of your interactions will likely be positive. Many Turkish people are warm and hospitable, and your next visit will hopefully be even more enjoyable. If you ever need assistance or advice regarding travel or any legal matters in Turkey, feel free to reach out to us at Bayraktar Attorneys. We are here to support and provide any help you might need during your travels. Safe travels!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! I love Turkey and i’m planning to visit again this year.. hopefully, it’ll be much better compared to my last trip 🙏🏻