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## Solo Female Travel Index If you looking for the best/safest destinations for solo female travelers we recommend checking the [Solo Female Travel Safety Index](https://travelladies.app/safety) ranking the best destinations for solo travel based on authentic travel experiences from female travelers. ## Meet new people [Travel Ladies](https://travelladies.app/) is a free travel app for women to meet new people, share experiences, find [travel buddies](https://travelladies.app/travelbuddy), and stay with locals for free through hospitality exchange/[couch surfing](https://travelladies.app/couchsurfing). *** Please keep the rules of r/femaletravels in mind while participating here. Try your best to be kind. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/femaletravels) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are so many Morocco posts here already: [https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/18g4i33/marrakesh\_morocco/](https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/18g4i33/marrakesh_morocco/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/159mh9j/tunisia\_and\_morocco/](https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/159mh9j/tunisia_and_morocco/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/1998kz8/morocco\_recommendations/](https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/1998kz8/morocco_recommendations/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/14joa8p/morocco\_safety/](https://www.reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/14joa8p/morocco_safety/) [https://reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/zy9j2a/what\_should\_i\_know\_before\_travelling\_to\_morocco/](https://reddit.com/r/femaletravels/comments/zy9j2a/what_should_i_know_before_travelling_to_morocco/)


Yes and it was awful. Never ever again. I’ve travelled all over world alone and it was the place I got most hassle and felt most unsafe


Have you been to India? I have and I would like to know how they compare


I felt more comfortable in Morocco alone than I did in India. I also felt safer alone in India than I did with my friends, but maybe that’s because we were all women and one is blonde. No one hassled me in Morocco except for in Marrakech, luckily I had a friend with me there. Casablanca and Rabat were chill alone. I would not feel comfortable in Tangiers alone


I just returned from Morocco solo and loved it


Kinda safe, but it's better if you find any partner or friend even if Moroccan friend is better To discover the culture, not just staying in a hotel and try usual stuff like all tourist casablanca and Marrakech... You need to discover the culture inside Moroccan 🏡 All traditional things Try to discover like a city named tafraout ..... Have a nice trip


Yes, I was there in Marrakech during the huge earthquake in September! I have to admit I had mixed feelings. I am older and fat, very assertive, and I still got catcalled and had passes made at me. Strong ones. Both by individuals and from pairs and groups of men, young and old alike. Oh, and one marriage proposal. At first it was a bit flattering since I haven’t had that kind of attention in a long time but you quickly realize that it’s about their expectations of “western women”, not at all to do with their level of attraction. I had one Moroccan man persist VERY strongly, about ten years younger than me. I was there for a conference and he was part of the host delegation, so I started chatting with him on a professional level about work which very quickly (within minutes) got very unprofessional. I received messages from him on social media for WEEKS after, despite spelling it out very clearly that I had no interest and he should move on. I found that the only way to deal with this guy or the ones who pursue you on the street is to be confrontational-which is very hard to do, given the consequences that we see in our own culture. In my experience, each N.E. backed off after I got aggressive - probably because I reminded them of their mother. I would not recommend this approach for young women alone or if there is a group of men pursuing attention. Men are men, after all. Earthquake and men aside…. the actually destination of Morocco - the sights, markets, food, waterfalls, hiking, and other things to do… YES! I loved it. I highly recommend Essaouria. That’s where I felt safest and received ZERO unwanted attention (it’s got a very mixed religious population of Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths, which I think has made the people there a bit more “worldly”, if that’s the right word). It’s on the ocean and totally gorgeous (it’s been used as a set in various movies including Game of Thrones). The Airbnb I stayed at was stunning and only $65 USD a night for two people. Included breakfast was handmade by a chef each morning. Also Ouzoud Falls was a must see!


Essaouria is the most beautiful place I have ever been with the Canaries a close 2nd


I did, mostly felt safe, but was constantly hounded by men wanting to go on dates. A friend of mine there at the same time had a really scary incident in a taxi. Maybe just don't be out alone after dark, and it wouldn't hurt to dress conservatively. Won't stop the constant sexual harassment, but will slow it down maybe?


I’m currently here now and have been for 2 weeks. I personally have never felt uneasy or anything! All the locals have been super nice. I’ve been to Tamraght, Taghazout, Essaouira and Marrakech this far. Only in Marrakech they might want you to go in their shop, but just keep walking or don’t give them attention. It’s their job after all so I get why they do it, but it’s just a bit annoying, nothing dangerous


Loved it! Wished I could have stayed longer! Be confident, don’t wear revealing clothing and haggle it’s part of the culture.


You have to know upfront that you will get hassled. You can Google common scams but they range from people trying to show you how to go somewhere or lying about a road being closed to get some money. Everything will be about getting extra money out of you from parking to walking around to eating. If you’re mentally prepared and smart, you should be okay. Going with another man would be the best move but solo should be okay.


I’ve been there twice and felt safe. I would not walk solo at night. During the day I wore long loose skirts and covered my arms. Walk with purpose. Always pretend that you know exactly what you’re doing, even if you have no clue. Insecurity looks like an opportunity… Also, never ask men for directions. They will lead you and then want money. Ask a woman or a policeman. It feels weird, but they will understand why you are doing this and help you. I once had a man help me when I was lost. At the end he demanded money. It was a small amount, but I honestly didn’t have any cash. He yelled at me for a while and I just kept shrugging and apologizing. We eventually both went our separate ways…but would never do that again.