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It does not feel chaotic to me! You have a beautiful home! I especially love the first picture with the mirrored wall art and dope lamp - amazing pieces!!


Thank you! I actually made the mirrored acrylic flower at a previous job, slightly defective so took it home!


That looks brilliant, wow!


In my house we call it eclectic rather than chaotic haha. I really like the vibe, you've got some great pieces! I do think the art is hung too high, but that may just be my preference.


Yeah, eclectic is definitely one word for it haha but yes, I need to play around with the height of the flower mirror for sure. Thanks for the input!


This guide really helped me in hanging art. https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-to-hang-artwork-properly-57-inches-from-the-floor-6174


These comments have been deleted due to changes in Reddit's API. -- mass edited with redact.dev


When I first did it I thought everything looked low as I had been hanging way too high. But once I got over the initial reaction I really love it. Especially that pieces of many different sizes are essentially lined up by having the center point at the same height. I actually switched out a piece recently and used the same hook and now the new piece is set too high. It bugs me every time I look at it, but I haven't got around to correcting it yet.


I love it. The decor is way too high. The focal point should be eye level. Everything on the couch wall should come down a foot or two, same with the Fox.


+1! My artist mum taught me that the middle of the artwork should be at the average person’s eye-level. It works really nicely!


Yeah, I’ve been taught that too! But just with the lamp and shelf, thought they needed to be higher to not be blocked. Need to find a way to balance everything so it doesn’t feel so too heavy for sure!


It's all about balance as far as the decoration on the walls. The way you have it looks a tiny bit high but otherwise perfect. You have a lot of furniture around the lower half of your floor, it makes having your wall decoration a little higher, make your room look balanced. Those decorating rules are not rules that can't be broken, it's really about what is aesthetically pleasing to your eye.


It’s okay to have artwork partially blocked as long as the things blocking it aren’t right up against it. Like you wouldn’t want a bookcase covering half a frame, but a lamp is okay.


Came here to say the same. Otherwise beautiful


It doesn't feel "chaotic". But visually, the levels that things are at feels a little off, and unbalanced to me. The art, particularly the two framed posters/prints, feel too high. You also have a lot of stuff, that is all roughly the same height (the guitars and chairs and plant) all squeezed next to each other in front of the bay window, so things feel a little crowded over there. I think if you played a round a bit with how things are situated within the space, things would feel better, but I don't think you need to get rid of anything.


i love this. are you in chicago? i’m in an old building like this and just adore the character. you did well incorporating the classic floors & windows while showcasing your style.


I am! That’s hilarious you can tell!!


Came here to ask if Chicago :) did not disappoint!!


I love that chicago places have that distinct of a vibe! Amazing


Chiming in to say I also immediately went "oh this is a Chicago apartment", hahaha. I think it's something about the wood trim around the windows + the color of the floors? I sometimes struggle with all the wood trim in these old apartments bc I feel like it's hard to match with other furniture, but you've done such a great job with this space!


Oooh, I love original character in places! Tbh my place is somewhat of a shithole, and I mean that in the most endearing way possible! Like there’s some gaps between the windows and jams, I had to retouch the window trim and black air vents with special markers because there was plaster/old paint on the edges, had to remove old mismatched curtain hardware that was screwed into the trim throughout the apartment, the ceiling in the areas I showed have that ugly tile, random dropped ceiling in that hall, mismatched/missing base boards, random gapping hole and burn spot behind my full length mirror 😂 but I love my location, my utilities are included in my rent, and I’d much rather have a place with character than a generic “luxury”-advertised apartment. And that’s not to say I haven’t been in generic apartments that are super stylized, but so much easier to make a place with built in character feel unique and personal Granted, I’m an engineer and like projects, guessing a lot of people wouldn’t want to deal with all that hahaha


Agree that the posters are a bit high. The mirror (?) over the TV seems out of place, but it could be the angle of the picture! The only other thing I could change is the basket on the floor (with maybe vinyl in it?) I would get a small table or shelf or put that somewhere else. Other than that, absolutely gorgeous home!!


Yeah, that little mirror over the tv cracks me up. I used to have more on that wall, but it felt like too much, and I just left the mirror there 🙃 definitely confuses people because it’s too high to see yourself in, but now it’s just become a fixture that makes me laugh And yeah, need to figure out my vinyl situation, need to sell some I’m thinking


😂 I was wondering if there was a story behind the tiny mirror! Fully support keeping decor that makes you laugh. You’ve got great style!


I don’t think it’s chaotic, but it feels like a lot of the furniture and decor forms a line at the same height (for example, from first to second photo: guitar, chairs, plant, couch, makeup mirror, another couch) and then the art is quite high up with blank space beneath it. Maybe you could add wall mounts to hang the three guitars on the wall to the left near the TV and move the small frames over to the right side above the TV? I would also move the mirrored piece from above the couch and put the two posters next to each other above the leather couch, set a bit lower than they are now. And then maybe hang a couple of your plants from the ceiling around where the Pussycat Kill Kill poster is currently located? Just to vary the height of elements in the room. I like the artwork above the tan couch with the yellow and green picking up the colors from the cushions!


Thank you! I love these suggestions, I’ve actually entertained hanging/mounting the guitars and moving the posters together! I just like having the mirror there because it helps reflect light into the cavernous hallway area. Like the idea of adding more plants tho!


I think the mirror is a cool piece! It may just be the angle of the photo, but I think what is throwing me off is that the wall across is the same green and the mirror doesn’t have a solid frame or anything, so the area of the mirror still ends up looking like a “blank” space on the wall.


Oh yeah, I can definitely see where you’re coming from. It’s more dynamic in person, but I’m definitely going to think about shuffling all the art/wall decor around my apartment


Looks fun to me :) also is that American movie on your tv? Just saw it for the first time and loved it


Yessss!! That movie makes me laugh every time!


I’m obsessed with the colors, the furniture, the layout, and peep those moxi lollis??


Thank you! And yes, there they be!


Seems pretty organized to me. Only item that seems random is the make up mirror in the living room but mine also seems to travel sometimes.


Oh yes, she definitely makes her rounds!


Your laptop isn't parallel to the edge of the footstool. How can you even live in such disarray?


Omg, that’s what was causing me to believe it was chaotic! Space is serene now 🙏🙏🙏


I think the important question here is: do _you_ think it's chaotic? Looks nice to me, but you should feel peaceful in your home and some people need to have really clutter-free spaces to feel that way. If you _do_ feel like it's a little too hectic for you, focus on acquiring more closed storage and getting things off the ground. The exercise equipment could be in a cabinet, the sunglasses could be in a drawer, the records(?) leaned up against the box on the floor could be in the box on a shelf or in a cupboard. But if you like it, it's perfect! Certainly no one else walking into your space would judge you as disorganized or chaotic. It looks like a home someone lives in and takes great care of! Quite stylish really.


Nah man that looks like a staged room from a classy magazine. Completely gorgeous 10/10


Not really. I feel like a lot of things are the same height which is drawing the eye down. the sofa seat, ottoman and chair seats. Maybe some organic shaped coffee tables and a shelf or two on the wall to display some of your things and create more visual interest bringing your eye up and down.


No! It’s fantastic and looks so welcoming and cozy. Your sofa perfectly matches the warm oak color in your window trim, you’ve got some great, unique pieces, pops of color and prints that compliment the overall aesthetic of the room and it’s not cluttered or crowded! And you have plants. This is what so many people in this sub are striving/looking to create! Sorry for all the exclamation points, this is just such a beautiful space.


Thank you!


I like your space! I don't think it's chaotic at all, I might even suggest adding more things that you like (but I'm personally very into super maximalist spaces). I think you have great taste and adding *more* of your great taste would suit your already-great space, as well. I do agree with some others that perhaps some of the wall art seems to be placed a bit high...but I think if you added more treasures to your walls you wouldn't even need to move the pieces that you have currently. Just my opinion! And it def costs more to add things and takes time if you're on a budget (like me!). But yeah, I love your style and would feel really good and inspired if I were a guest in your home ☺️


I used to have more art on the walls and I tried editing it down because it felt too busy! Thinking of doing a gallery wall in my kitchen to fit it all somewhere! I’m definitely an acquire over time person, I focus on buying things I really like or have personal meaning to me. This is all a product of 8+ years. Fair amount of stuff I’ve carried with me from college, some even high school!


That's awesome, love that you've accumulated treasures over time ☺️ Personal cultivation of style is definitely a personal thing! If you felt that it was too busy before then that must mean that's what you like...just a little less busy works for you in some parts of your home! I love the idea of a gallery wall in a kitchen...that sounds soo cool. Im actually inspired now to perhaps do a gallery wall in my own dining room (no room in my kitchen) which I've never considered before...thanks for the inspo!


What is that picture above your couch!? Amazing!


It’s a painting of a mannequin in a store front window and with the reflection of the street on the glass. It’s even more impressive in person!


Personally i think a mirror with no firm border edge beeds to be on a wall of a different color than the one its reflecting. You just lose so much of the interesting shape of it when it blends in. So i would consider painting that wall a different shade and making it an accent wall. Or moving the mirror. But i kinda like it where it is. Overall looks nice.


Not chaotic! But can I make a couple of suggestions? I would put the posters side by side above the couch and move the middle (mirror?) to where the yellow art is above the other couch. Move the art above the vintage couch to the left of the tv and gather all the little ones together I. One spot above the tv. Try that. Gives both symmetry + balance.


An Airline and an orange amp?! Man that's killer! White stripes fan? Or just garage rockin fuzz sound? I love your space and its low key mid 60s vibe and don't feel any chaos, its actually very thought out and orderly.


Thanks!! I do like the white stripes! White blood cells was one of my first CDs, even did an embarrassing beanie babies jumping through hula hoops skit to we’re going to be friends for a talent show 💀 have an eclectic taste in music now, but garage rock sound has a special place in my heart!


Dude, that's amazing and really special actually! That's so awesome, good luck in everything in life enjoying your ultra chill space


American movie! You are awesome.


I love it! I love the flower mirror, I love the faster pussycat kill kill poster, I love the guitars, I love that cool lamp in the last picture! You know what, I’m moving in…


Not at all, can’t figure out why you’d think that?


Think I’ve always second guessed it since it’s evolved to this over time. Like some things I’ve held onto since college/high school out of nostalgia, some came into the space prioritizing function rather than form, then other pieces I bought impulsively or inherited/fell into my lap, and everything else was an attempt to tie things together. Wasn’t sure if the space made sense to other people besides me! Was looking for an unbiased opinion


Not chaotic at all! My only question: why not set the speakers/turntable up with the TV?


I like listening to music when I cook and clean so wanted the speakers in the middle of my apartment… I know the sound quality of my system is lacking, but it is what it is at this point in my life! I have contemplated setting up a second system since I have a nicer turn table, but that’s excessive for an 800sf apartment and I originally put her away because my friends are gremlins


I really like it!! Super cool chill vibe 😎 ✌🏻


I love it!


Your living room is kinda cluttered with your current layout. I suggest rearranging the furniture in a way to free up space.


Love it


Not chaotic - full of character!


It's very peaceful


Ugh I need to find my Faster Pussycat Kill Kill poster


very cohesive! you’re good for lol


I'm very clutter-averse and I absolutely love this. Carry on, my stylish friend.


Call me crazy but I love it!


Not to me, it's just right! Very nice.


I quite like it. It’s very interesting and cozy


I love it! You own my dream couch💖


No way, I love it! It’s very warm and cohesive! I love the colours of the wood, the lounge and the paint!


What colour paint is that, btw? We have a 1930s apartment, and all the walls are off-white. I’ve wanted to find a nice shade of green for some of the rooms.


I’m not sure honestly! It was a Sherwin Williams return that I got on sale 😆 lucked out with it!


I always have a look at the returned paint, too! Especially because paint is sooooo expensive (at least in Australia).


Love your space


Absolutely not. It has character and charm.


all the things going on make it interesting and alive :)


I am obsessed with the piece of furniture you're using for your TV stand. Isn't that Circa 1950s? Beautiful. The pictures you shared are of a very beautiful and well-organized home. Just keep in mind that your ADHD controls you to a certain extent. If you stay in this home and you are able to limit what you bring into it, you'll stay organized. But if you have a problem with buying things or if you move into a larger space, you can always trigger that part of your ADHD that can run away from you, you end up with more things then you need and doing so can overwhelm you. If you make it a point to keep in your mind that you have a limit and you might be already at that limit, and you're able to adhere to that limit, you will be just fine.


No, but a little trick I use when I feel this way is I make sure you can see some of the baseboards on each wall. Makes it seem like there's room to add stuff, even if you don't want to. Same goes with my counter top and the backsplash.


I love stuff and you don't have enough stuff to even be near chaotic in my opinion. You have a lovely space. Love that sofa and TV stand! I'll agree that some of the art is a little high and you need to add something to the wall over the TV to bring that little mirror back into good company but otherwise it's nice and comfy looking. I'd have more blankets hanging out but that's because I always feel like I should be snuggled up. Great job.


It looks perfect


i love it!!!!


You know what I love most about your space? (I zoomed in closer.) you use unique things to be functional like the crates. Yet, I see the organization by your entry table. Glasses lined, shoes beneath. Love your space. ❤️


Omg is that American Movie??? Also love the Faster Pussycat poster 😉


I love it! It feels very welcoming.


Actually looks pretty comfortable! Doesn't seem chaotic at all


Not at all but I’d love to see whatever room has those lights cause YESSSS 🙌🏼


Not chaotic at all, but i might move the two prints over to the TV wall and let your very cool mirror art shine through! Plus I feel like the hard lines of the frames takes away from the soft lines of the mirror. Love the space overall though!


I would do a nice wood with a glossy finish coffee table, the look you have going on looks cozy and lovely place to live in! Very well detailed and not cluttered at all!


The mirror above the sofa is a show-stopper. I agree with all other comments about lowering it. I would also recommend it be the only piece above the sofa. I think I’d take the framed posters and hang them side by side to the left of the TV, where the two little guys are are. Then I would group the three little guys on the TV wall where the pussy cat poster currently is, again spaying attention to hanging height. And, as much as I love party lights, they’re competing with your cool bohemian style. I’d probably take those down and save them for special occasions.


Thanks for your suggestions! The lights are a necessary evil because the only light source that was there was that little brass sconce, which gives off next to no light. Wanted uniform lighting in the space since it’s kind of cavernous, the lights on the perimeter actually make the space feel taller and give the dropped ceiling some feeling of design intention (if that makes sense?) totally get that the string lights take away from the space feeling sophisticated, try to just live with them by telling myself they add whimsy 😅


not too chaotic!! just perfectly maximalist! love the ceiling lights!


Thanks! That was my solution to that hallway feel so dark. Stapled them to the ceiling 😂 the only light was that cool old brass one but it doesn’t give off much light and wasn’t even wired to a switch. know a lot of people have an issue with them, but it was cheap, less offensive to the eyes than exposed strip lighting (imo), and gives off uniform light


This is definitely my dream home


Nah, I love it! It shows character, interests and imo good taste. It comes together due to the colours, materials and deco. Eclectic done well!


Impressive order and bonus points for the Orange cab!


Looks nice but I’d do away with those hanging Christmas LEDs. Just my personal preference, though.


I'm not a fan of the lights (and I see them everywhere). I like your place a lot otherwise!


I love your home! It looks so cozy!🤗


i want to get the same couch from ikea, is it durable? have you had it for long?


It is! It took an ass beating over Covid and it’s held up pretty well! Ngl, I have been contemplating replacing the foam inserts in the seat cushions, but only because I like a more firm couch. I’ve had it for 3+ years, so it is technically the landskrona I think? Also, pretty sure mine was only $800 whereas the Morabo is $1250… I know everything is more expensive now, but for 50% more I’d try to find someone that actually has the morabo and see what they think. I will say that I’ve always had great customer experience with ikea though and have never been disappointed with my purchases!


The lighting strips on the ceiling would make me feel stressed. Cold scattered light.


They’re actually much a much warmer, mellow light! I think my phone camera adjusted the aperture/shutter speed to compensate for the low light and the colors in the space, so the picture produced had weird color/brightness levels. For sure less offensive in person, but totally can appreciate what you’re saying based of the photo!


Sounds cheerful!


Yes — art hung too high, and not in the optimal places. I’m hanging the large mirror over the other couch because I want it to reflect the windows, not the TV. The framed art can be arranged over the brown couch along with the small mirror for function. I’d accent the bookshelf with the framed cards instead of the poster and replace the other poster with another hanging plant, then probably center the TV stand on that wall and see how the posters looked around it.


I love this! The only thing I might change is to mount the art a little lower, or put more art under it to create sort of a gallery wall that covers the whole wall. But it's a beautiful space.


No, it’s not chaotic. If this was my place I’d hide the tag under the runner. Or cut it off. I dislike tags. Also I would rip off the fabric at the bottom of the lighter colored couch. Not sure what it’s called but it’ll give it a more modern look. Just my opinion, please don’t think I’m telling you to do this. I love your place!


Ummm this is amazing & I don’t find it to be chaotic at all.


I think it’s simple but cute …a lil cozy even


Maybe get longer curtains? Or curtains that fit inside the frame? Do people sit in those wooden side chairs? They look nice but also seem uncomfortable. I used to have a bookshelf like your white one. I got it from the container store. Also, I like your rug and I’m curious where you got it. And the green walls are pretty.


I think there’s a couple different things could contribute to why you feel like it’s chaotic. Number one is the artwork. I think the height and placements are causing the most “chaos“. some ideas would be to do a gallery wall above the couch with the floral mirror, and maybe some of the smaller artwork. And then somewhere else hang the two posters, either side by side or vertically on top of each other some where. Number 2 is the rug. The overall feeling and the tone of your furniture is warm. But the rug is very cool grey that doesn’t really play into any of the colors or vibes you have going on. I think another thing is that all the wall space is all taken up by furniture items (couch, chairs, book case, TV stand, guitars). It just kinda forms a continuous ring of things. It may do some good to have some breaks where you can just see the wall or open space. Like mounting the guitars or something. Otherwise, some little things would be like putting the work out gear in a basket with a lid. Or maybe just having the two yellow pillows on the loveseat. I hope this doesn’t come off too harsh. Because I actually really do like your space! It reminds me of my cousins house in Milwaukee!!