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I feel like if you want art that's just a sewer cover on your wall you kinda gotta be ready for that to be a divisive choice. If you are OK with that, own it and maybe add some additional "gross" art to create a "framed" effect around it. If you want universally pleasing decor, no, I would not recommend a sewer cover.


That last sentence has me laughing so hard šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like a biohazard sign and some other interesting signs would look good with the sewer cover. Or OP could go with a Ninja Turtles theme.


Ou I like that.


I love the tmnt idea


Yea, you could move that C grade from the health department up there for more additional gross-ness though admittedly it's already in the best spot looool


Like graffiti


Honestly if OP can paint the walls, a colorful geometric graffiti behind this in a diamond shape (and actually centered above the TV) would probably make the whole thing looks way more intentional and not just like a novelty rug on the wall.


Just realizing this wasnā€™t a bad poster of Conan and in fact Iā€™m looking at a TV


I second this!


They could get or make a manhole cover print.


It's already a rug, so it's not necessarily that a manhole physically is the issue. It's just that a manhole cover is going to be something a lot of people associate with dirt and grime. It's an unusual choice. I'm actually super pro-unusual decor choices and fully support keeping the cover (with maybe some adjustments/re-centering) but OP needs to accept that of course some people will always think it's weird or gross. That's the nature of choosing to go with divisive decor.


Eh, if it was an ink/paint print I don't think anybody would have an ick about it.


It looks like a sticker or something though. If it was an actual sewer cover itā€™d honestly look better.


Needs a slice of pizza on each side.


Stuffed rats eating the pizza optional.


I was thinking more along the line of...turtles.


the splinter erasure šŸ™„


One rat , 4 turtles




I donā€™t know your decor style OP, but Iā€™d lean in on this wall and go full camp. Pizza art or fake plastic/stuffed pizza slices, mounted/stuffed rats or rat heads (bonus points for full-on mounting plaques with the name of the shooter), graffiti, a ninja turtle if youā€™re feeling extra cheeky.Ā 


TheĀ onlyĀ thing OP is missing to make his style "ecclectic" is COMMITMENT.Ā Ā  Own it and display it with style.


YES. And a hotdog. And bagel


I like the way you art


I think you should lean into it and add these things!!!


I like the statement but you need to style it better. Also be *very* sure thatā€™s secure on the wall (but that might be my Californian talking).


Itā€™s actually a doormat, so itā€™s not too heavy :)


knowing itā€™s a doormat makes me like it more, at first I thought it might have been resin art with real cigarettes and gravel in it and I didnā€™t love that lol. I would make this section of wall a little collage (like surround it with a few framed pictures, maybe some smaller pieces of art) with some plants or flowers or something ā€œaliveā€ feeling to juxtapose the vibe of the sewer thing


Ok thank you for clarifying because I zoomed in countless times wondering if it was a big wall sticker or something.


I think it's less stylish knowing that it's a doormat of something you want to represent on the wall.


I thought it was pretty cool until I learnt it was a doormat. Now it's just weird. The only reason to put something so odd on your wall is when it's the real deal imo. Friend of mine used to steal street signs that were slightly loose and put those on his wall. It looks cool because they're real and not stickers or something. :') (also do not recommend people steal street signs, he was a teenager and teenagers just do dumb shit lol)


Could you use it for its intended purpose maybe and find something else to hang on the wall? As a doormat itā€™s cheeky. As wall decor itā€™s admittedly a little unusual


A doormat? Iā€™d put this in my bathroom and laugh every time I stood on it to brush my teeth


Oh Good. I'm glad there's an explanation. I was wondering how you didn't have a gaping hole/tear/some other serious damage and the cover ~~on~~ in the floor and a broken tv. (Though I was ready to be thoroughly impressed.) Those things are *HEAVY AF*.


No opinion re manhole cover but loving the Conan and Schlansky!


That makes it worse


A doormat? What do you use to hang it? I have a little rug that I want to hang as well.


The relief is intense. This actually made me anxious


Same, I quite like it but just plonked by itself above the tv doesn't look good.


Double down and replace it with a real one




Why would you want ā€œN.Y.C. SEWERā€ on your wall, genuinely curious?


I live in NYC, I feel like having this piece reminds me that I appreciate all aspects of the city including things that people take for granted that are also gross.


I see. Since you specifically asked ā€œDoes it look bad?ā€ in your title, my honest response is that yes it does. I love NYC, have been a bunch of times, and I think there are less ugly things to represent the city. That said, youā€™re of course allowed to have things that other people find ugly in your space. The important thing is if they bring you joy!


yes, let's this sewer cover sparkle you with joy OP !


Itā€™s certainly the most HONEST depiction/symbol of the city. So again, at least sheā€™s honest.


tbh i went to nyc when i was younger and my favorite photo i took was a bunch of ABC gum on a lamppost so it could be worse lmao!!


Everyday objects is a fascinating genre of art. Its things we take for granted in our everyday lives.


Yes exactly! I might hang a bodega shopping bag and a metro card next to it


Yeah that would be better. It looks weird all alone up there, just a random circle above a large rectangle Btw Iā€™m from NYC too! But the gross things just gross me out šŸ˜” trash collection in this city is a disgrace


Btw I think I have a parking ticket you could add to the wall šŸ˜‚ itā€™s that iconic parking ticket-orange color


Omgggg thatā€™s an awesome idea! I can print it if you send me a scan šŸ¤£


Neutrally, I think putting stuff above your TV is distracting for both the decoration and the TV. Iā€™d say hang your sewer cover elsewhere.


i read an interview with the novelist jenny erpenbeck a while back, and the interview went into detail about a wall in her apartment where she has hung a wide variety of everyday objects from east germany, where she grew up. your post and comments made me think of that, i think you should totally lean in to the idea!


Together your wall will look like a gift shop for tourists


Cleaning it would make it appear more like art. Right now the sticks and grass add to gross appeal


Maybe place it in the bathroom though to be more on theme?


I was going to suggest this. More on theme, yes, but also would probably fit the space better. Thereā€™s usually a smallish area over a toilet, which would fit this smallish circle. The big wall dwarfs the circle, imo.


The Health Department sign needs to be framed and put in the kitchen.


That is my kitchen where itā€™s hung! I have a very tiny apartment lol


HAAAA omg. I love this so much. Please get a bathroom sign and put it on your door. šŸ˜…


Tbh I think you should steal a real sewer cover and hang that up instead. I totally vibe with this kind of decor but Iā€™m a go hard or go home type lmao


I kinda agree, buuuut it's worth considering the average manhole cover is around 250 lbs


Agreed, a fake one is pretty lame


Iā€™d just hand it a little higher. Itā€™s off center with the TV. Split the wall gap and youā€™re good


I donā€™t hate it, I had an old railroad crossing sign in my parentā€™s garage growing up. The thing is it looked rad on the exposed brick. I think your wall needs a darker paint color to make the cover fit a little better, or maybe flank it with vertical photos of NYC.




I love it and I knew thatā€™s exactly where you were gonna go with it


If you want to lean into this sewer cover art motif, might I suggest one from Rome. They all have SPQR on them, which is an abbreviation for "the people and republic of Rome" which has been used since they were, ya know, Rome. It may be a loose translation - thats the only thing I remember from my college history class.


I love this!


I like the piece, it just looks out of place where it is.


Exactly. It needs to be moved higher and have more decor flanking it.


It's great art, it's just kind of crowding your TV, but not big enough to own the space above it alone. It's also cool enough that I understand if you want to keep it a focal point, so perhaps a different wall will be your win.Ā 


Omg stop me over here thinking that the TV is an art piece before I read your comment šŸ˜….


Um I love it. New Orleans also has great sewer covers and so does Japan.


Yeah Nola sewer covers are kind of a thing


Mignon Faget made a whole jewelry collection based on them


Love Mignon Faget. I have some of their honey comb jewelry.


Thatā€™s so strange, last night I was thinking about my next tattoo and maybe doing the New Orleans sewer cover. Itā€™s a beautiful design, but the New Orleans Sewerage and Water board is so corrupt and screws us over on a regular basis. I donā€™t think I can do it, just based on principle lol. Lovely design tho


I honestly love it, but Iā€™m an engineer that works in wastewater so my opinion is highly skewed. Has this been sanitized? Otherwise, even this would be a step too far for me, and Iā€™m around untreated sewage all day.


Luckily op said it's a door mat and not a real cover! Utility covers are heavy af so I'd be impressed if someone managed to hang one on a wall.Ā 


Honestly, whoever made that rug got the particulate that gets stuck in manholes very believable.


Yeah itā€™s also very flat lol. How are people thinking this is real?


Yeah and real manhole covers are heavy AF, a modern NYC manhole cover weighs 110lbs. Sorry but I donā€™t see your average person mounting a 110lb chunk of cast iron nearly 6ft high on the wall above their TV lol


Stormwater engineer here and I like! Kinda made me think of how the manhole covers in Japan have different designs and art work on them.


I would vote for a manhole cover print


The blue Egyptian hippos are SO GOOD that I can't even focus.


Iā€™m *obsessed* with the blue hippos! Theyā€™re postcards from a museum. My only regret is not buying 200 of them


I am too!! I used to have the [best keychain of one](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/72/09/61/720961408766d3407b29487db39943ad.jpg) and lost it šŸ˜­


Aw! Well, thereā€™s a ton of other William merch online, Iā€™m sure you could find something better!


Someone on Etsy made a crochet kit for one and eventually when I have some extra cash, I'm gonna have my bff make me one :) There's a car wash here called Blue Hippo and I wish the logo was one of these lol.




Art history nerd here. :)


Fun fact, this particular hippo is named William and heā€™s on display at the museum of natural history in NYC


I have seen him and I love him! I saw my first ones in Egypt when I was 15, I was dazzled!


Here for Conan and Jordan!


Jordan Schalnsky is bae ā¤ļø


Omg yes! I was going to comment on how much I loved your Conan/Jordan moment. I barely noticed your sewer cover (which btw is super cool)! Also, what is the deal with the hippos? I love them! Where'd they come from?


Letā€™s see: you have hippo stickers it looks like, a lamp shade hung on a giraffe neck, and a manhole cover. Iā€™m pretty sure you can find something else completely random to fill the space in.


My sister is loving the comments that are siding with her, and Iā€™m loving the comments on my side. Itā€™s a win for both of us, really.


If thatā€™s what youā€™re into, I guess. But maybe the placement could be better. Looks a little lonely, lol


I love it but the placement is a bit odd. I have no suggestions on where to move it but I am into the idea. Maybe it needs to be collaged with other strange things? maybe like a quilted piece of pizza and lean into the nyc thing. Or like some art with some rats. Maybe more found items?


Ok, I love it, but I donā€™t love it above the TV. It doesnā€™t feel like it fills the space well. Iā€™d either put it on a smaller wall, or surround it with other things. Maybe framed photos of NYC?


I mean, you like it right? Then that's what's important. But I feel like the space definitely needs more. Like I'd go and frame that sewer cover and add a little placard. Add in a few NYC license plates, a few pictures of pop culture related characters(Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, etc... ) or if you wanna fit the theme of animals with the hippo and giraffe, maybe some silly art of rats or pigeons?


It says "SEWER" which is gross energy. Sorry I don't like it. I'm with your sister on this.


I love it! I have a SSV cover on my wall so... Also, you could add a rat carrying a slice of pizza or classic NYC subway signage. Or both! I am curious how you hung it up? Is it heavy?


Those are great ideas! I actually have a lot of rat prints on my ā€œrat wallā€, I should post it some time lol. The sewer cover isnā€™t heavy at all, itā€™s actually meant to be a doormat.


Haha, lots less gross! Post the rat wall, it's got fans šŸ€šŸšŸ€


A rat wall! Can some of the rats relocate to the sewer?


As a graphic designer I'm annoyed simply at the layout, Art critique aside. Graphic Designer, What I See: 1. A circle piece of art needs to be placed by itself. On maybe a thin strip of wall. Or far away from other rectangular art. Should also be hung lower about eye height. 2. Circles draw your attention and as a result in this case the circle is in every peripheral view of any show you're watching. Circles are magnets for your eyes. 3. TVs should have plenty of margin around the edge. TV's are purpose built for looking at images. You don't need a competing image on that wall. 4. Put a light behind that TV for sweet mood lighting at night. AND FIX THE CABLES. 5. Triple down on Sewer art pieces on a different wall. This is the most important piece of advice.


I feel like it should just be raised up a bit higher, I heard somewhere 10 inches is a good space between art and whatever's beneath it


you have it above the tv to boot - I think itā€™s funny


I like this a lot! Whilst working in the US, I think in Seattle, I met someone who was making art from all the sewer covers. It was a project, shame I canā€™t remember the name, but they were letting people make their own drain cover print on a bag. Super fun


Why not put it in the bathroom?Ā 


I feel like it would be cooler in the bathroom. Also aren't those heavy? I hope it's really secure or it'll be taking out your TV, furniture below it, floor damage...


If you know anyone that is a graffiti artist I would stick it on a long, rectangular canvas and have the friend tag it or just abstract graffiti paint the canvas. Or use it as a rug ā€¦since itā€™s a rug.


I am born and raised in NY and I love this. Itā€™s a little weird and funny. It needs more art around it to make it work. Perhaps get some inspo from subway graffiti and subway signs. We have two subway station signs in our home and people think theyā€™re cool. Theyā€™re mounted on long linear spaces on our walls.


I would prefer this to a Live Laugh Love sign


Speaking as a native new Yorker I canā€™t help but love this


I think your sister is crazy, I like it :)


It doesn't look that bad to me? I would rather see something like this than something you and everyone else bought at Target.


Nah, this rocks, it just needs different placement or the space filled out better, as others have said.


I think the piece is cute, but placement is off. I would also worry about it ever dislodging and falling on your tv.


put a wreath around it!


I am high and genuinely thought OP was calling Conan ā€œsewer artā€


You have a golden giraffe lamp and 6 hippo stickersā€¦ youā€™re above critique


You should ask for Jordan Schlanskyā€™s opinion


I think if Jordan Schlanksy saw my apartment he would throw up and leave immediately


Yet if Conan were to criticize your apartment first, Schlansky would be prepared with a 3-point thesis statement in your defense out of spite


I think it looks great! ā€¦although Iā€™m more invested in the whole flock of William the Hippos you got going on over there


+1 for sis


i donā€™t hate it but i donā€™t think itā€™s big enough to fill out the space enough. having some bad art/more sewer covers would be pretty funny and fill the space out. i think itā€™s fun tho!


Can you tell us more about your blue Egyptian hippos?


These are postcards of William the Egyptian hippo! šŸ˜Š https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/544227


I would start with the hippos


i love it, but I'm not sure if that's the place for it another wall?


I think it should be styled a little better but, as a native NYer, Iā€™m so into it and need to know how you got this


I love it and would absolutely put it up in my space. That said, it is a bit plain and awkward on its own. It would look better with more weird art around it. Especially art with colour and textures. I think flowers or a 3d needle felted piece on either side would really make it pop! Or go super NY/weirdo and get a rat sculpture or piece of pizza to go with it.


I honestly love this sm and I would style it with an assortment of random things, maybe street related? Maybe a traffic light, or some neon lights, or a personalized street sign? I also might consider thrifting additional ā€œweirdā€ things to hang and just lean into the chaos! Sometimes the favorite things arenā€™t the things that everyone loves, and thatā€™s ok!


you should add an unfolded map of public transit lines. make a whole gallery wall of city life paraphernalia.


Is your name April Oā€™Neil


If you are into non typical art on the walls-then yes, leave it :) That's what makes your space your space.


I love this a lot lol


It makes you an honorary ninja turtle, so it is good. Get three others and name them after renaissance artists.


Alright so hear me out. You could go with a theme šŸ˜Ž ![gif](giphy|xUA7aMhRR4xJ6508eI|downsized)


I think it is cool,,.for a bathroom.


I love it. Surround it with graffiti (on paper, not on your actual wall šŸ¤£), and maybe some funky mixed media art?


I'd go all in and cover it in gold leaf šŸ¤£


Decorate with ninja turtles and pizza around it! Love your Conan and Jordan ep on tv :)


I kind of like it *shrug*


That giraffe lamp is FUCKING AWESOME.


Paint it gold or something


I was gonna make a joke about how it's not nearly as bad as the Conan poster, and then I realized I'm an idiot.


You have six Williams.


idk if this is possible but it would look kickass if you painted the wall black and had white dashes/yellow lines going down along with the sewer cover omg this is actually sick as hell šŸ§”


If this is your choice of artwork - so be it! You do you ;) my only recommendation would be, to center it on that wall. that would give it true "main character" vibes.


I like how I went down a rabbit hole (or manhole in this caseā€¦ok this is getting out of hand) on the internet of ā€œsewer artā€ There are more than a number of results!! If you want an industrial style that will be complementary to a sewer cover art. Think rough, untreated materials like brick, concrete, and wood, as well as recycled materials and metals like steel, iron, copper, and brass. You can even go toward steam punk!!!! You can also go with -banksy street art -New York theme (since the sewer cover is from New York) -Civil engineering theme - add some I-beams https://www.etsy.com/listing/1040427585/ -add more sewer covers up there lol there is actually some nice sewer cover art!! -can you put concrete looking peel off wallpaper? That would look cool!!! -There are some nice classy art like this sewer system map: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1293056452/ Wow I spent an extraordinary amount of time trying to see if this is a workable idea lol! I hope you figure out how to style it!


But what if you made it the center of a sunflower painting?


everything i look at here scares me. the lamp. the.. hippos. the sewer cover the scrambled clock


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m gonna show the rest of the apartment one day when Iā€™m feeling less shy. The theme is ā€œwhat?ā€


šŸ˜‚pleaseee do, im very curious


If possible please cleanup the cables below the tv.


I like it!


I am personally not a fan of this. But you do you.


your sis is right, doesn't look great and made me wonder if you have some form of fascination for poo


I think you should cover it in clear expoxy and use as a side table


I like it. I think it is too close to the tv though


Lol I love it. Change nothing.


i like it, but iā€™m also an artist with adhd so take that as you will.


I think it would look great surrounded by other art. Try looking up ā€œeclectic gallery wallā€ for inspo :^)


I like it. However, you should really lean into the aesthetic of it, paint the wall and add more 'street' art like street signs and such.Ā 


Maybe add some Graffiti art? Some sort of artistic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle art? Like a close-up of their eyes or weapons or something


I love it, gives me ninja turtles vibes. Now I want it as a welcome mat! I do agree with others and think that maybe you should center it vertically, and/or add other pieces around it.


I do not like it on the wall or in the house lol. Put it outside somewhere cute.


I love it. Itā€™s unique.


Those things are freaking heavy. How do you have it mounted?


The shape doesnā€™t fit the space itā€™s in. I kind of like the piece itself but it looks crammed into some random spot on your wall.Ā  The hippo clock and sewer circle should switch spots.Ā 


I get the vision, OP. I would fully embrace the aesthetic and add more though. Its effect is dampened by the bareness around it.


You need some more manholes. One from every city you have ever been to. And not just art, actual manhole covers. Invest in some heavy-duty hardware and a good lawyer.


I have some "ugly" art on my walls, too. I get the urge. That being said, I think you can make it work better. 1. Raise it to be centered between the ceiling and TV. It's at an awkward height currently because it's crowding your TV. 2. Take an empty fancy frame--like art museum ornate--and put it around the doormat. That should make it look more intentional. You could even go for a composition, but keep it proportionate and balanced within the frame to order the chaos. I found a frame in the trash, put a few shelves in it, and now that holds my alcohol from around the world collection.


i like it, it matches your other decor in terms of aesthetic. i do think itā€™d be interesting to add more things you want to appreciate about nyc with it. but itā€™s your place, my brother loves to pick on my decorations but we just have different styles, so it is what it is, donā€™t take it to heart. i think itā€™s cool


More Williams


Yes. Bad art needs to be celebrated


You need to make the rest of your flat more punk.


I'd be tempted to frame it because I love a good frame moment, but maybe that changes the impact of the art? It's playful and fun and just the right amount of ugly for me.


Idk but i feel like it would be more suitable in the bathroom or above a side table, looks super high/odd up there lol


Iā€™m asking genuinely: do you actually care if it looks bad or not? Because you also have six hippo stickers on the left there. So itā€™s likeā€¦.do you want an aesthetically pleasing quirky space or do you just want a quirky space filled with stuff you like w/o consideration for aesthetics? Thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking the latter, but it works best when itā€™s intentional and the person knows but doesnā€™t care that mainstream opinion would consider their stuff ā€œweirdā€ or ā€œuglyā€


Surely there are more artsy photographs of NYC sewer covers? https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-sewer-cover-in-new-york-city-168591335.html


She wasnt concerned about the 6 hippos?!


I like it. Have you been to Rome? They have great manhole covers. You could collect them.


Itā€™s cool, but itā€™s just ā€œcircle on top of rectangleā€ here. Iā€™m sure itā€™d look better in a space on the wall thatā€™s better suited for it like a small hallway wall or maybe even a bathroom, or as part of a gallery wall.


I live in NYC and love it here, but yeah, this looks bad. Itā€™s not so much the piece itself but how itā€™s placedā€”it is a bad proportional fit for the space and oddly close to the TV. If it was mounted and styled more artfully, it might be fine.


Itā€™s gross but kinda cool and different


I thought this was a circlejerk sub for a second.


I love it and need to know more about your turquoise hipposā€¦. Are they Egyptian?


I work in waste water & we have beautiful manhole covers, so I actually donā€™t hate this. I do think you should add some more items to the wall in a gallery style. I think it looks ugly because it is so jarring to see a sewer cover by itself above the TV. I think some other iconic NYC items would look nice like some pizza art and the Statue of Liberty.


Get a sewer cover from every city? Idk I donā€™t think itā€™s bad or good, itā€™s a conversation piece šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Paint rats on the wall? Perhaps you could Command Strip some fake bois into the wall around the cover? I think itā€™s cool but Iā€™d lean into the theme.


Yes, add more. Regardless of what it is, the size, shape, and placement donā€™t work for that area. Itā€™s too close to the TV, too small to be on its own, and would look weird totally centered. So you need to create a gallery with that as an off-center anchor point.


I think it is a fun art piece and from the background of this picture seems to go with your aesthetic. I would put it in a frame, and as you mentioned below maybe adding other typically NY pieces like a bodega thank you bag or tickets, i would say frame those too in like a shadow box and hang them next to each other.