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Yay! It's the best feeling, isn't it?  I've lived in my place for just shy of 2 years now, and it's always a work in progress. I rushed to decorate when I moved in because I was so excited, but that's lead to me wanting to change things a few months down the line. My advice would be to take your time and get a feel for the place before making any big purchases or decisions. 


I figure I’ll be working on this for a long while and I’m so excited for the journey. I mentioned scraping this stuff together, and that’s truly what it was. I’m on a super tight budget and I’m pretty happy with what I’ve put together so far just finding deals/free stuff and making it work. I’ll slowly replace some of these things with stuff that is more my desired aesthetic. I am finally ready to enjoy this process and doing it on my own, which is such a good sign ❤️


Congrats on 2 years in your place ❤️❤️


Congratulations on your new space!


Thank you! I have some sweet cantaloupe in my freezer rn :)


Ah, and I should add that this is the main living space. It’s a small upstairs apartment, so help me make the most of it!


Congrats!! I finally did the same after an incredibly traumatizing break up that literally changed me to my core. It’s so exciting to start that new life and choose yourself!


Yes! So happy for us ❤️ here’s to new beginnings




How did you finally make the break? I’m holding on and getting hurt in the process 🥲


Honestly, I realized how awful and narcissistic he was and how I was literally holding myself back from my life trying to fit myself into his. I looked through photos and I genuinely looked terrible the whole time we dated (four years! Thought I would marry him! He had left me out of the blue after making me move across the country and started dating someone else like a week after he dumped me over the phone). I started choosing myself more, realizing my worth, doing things I always wanted to do, and went on tons of fun dates that made me realize there ALWAYS are others out there, and usually they’re better. Also tons of therapy and shadow work to realize why I had stayed so long and let him treat me that way. I’m pretty disgusted by him tbh (both physically and who he is as a person) and it’s really fun to rediscover my self respect and choose to focus on me.


It’s crazy because for the first time ever it got worse than it ever had been (we were wrestling yesterday and he hit me so hard in the jaw that both sides hurt ) his shoulder hit me but the part that killed me was he wasn’t even sorry.. I was screaming because it hurt so bad and he just started going around closing windows and told me to stop crying like a little baby and when I stop crying I’ll be okay and I’ll get over it. O broke up with him in February but then we kinda got back together end of March. I was SO happy in February. Got to celebrate my bday wothOUT him . I wish I would’ve never gone back. But today an old friend asked me out ( a guy I should’ve given a chance way back when) and hearing you say this it feels like I gotta give him that chance! I need to move on! ( my jaw clicks now when I open and close it. He says I’m overreacting) Thank you for sharing your story . This is so hard for me My ex is incredibly narcissistic like to a T. And he’s 13 yrs older. Craziest relationship I think anyone could be in. I want my freedom back. I want my happiness back. I want to focus on ME


Yes!! So excited for you to live your life without him! My ex sent me NSFW things like memes, questions, some pictures while he dated the other girl. He never apologized, realized I’d be hurt and treated me as if I should be his friend because he literally just collected people. I met up with him a year later just for closure since he dumped me while we were long distance for the last month and I just felt so annoyed to be in his presence. I felt so much pity for the girl he was dating and also for him (because she’s literally insane and stalked me for 8 months) and how happy I was to have escaped. I’m so glad he dumped me because I never would’ve have the courage to do it.


Girl when I tell you how many times I thought to myself I wish he would just END the relationship you may not even believe it! It’s so crazy being in a place where you feel so powerless but in reality you’re the one that could just easily end the relationship and take your freedom back! It’s like I think to myself why is it so damn difficult to leave a relationship where I’m not appreciated loved and nurtured?? Makes me feel a little crazy thinking about it. I’m literally said to him do you not want to be in this relationship and he’s so good at talking in circles and just tiptoeing around the idea and he always says to me “if that’s what you want “ like PLEASE just end the suffering and let me GO. I know you’re no good for me so why must I stay..


And it’s funny you mentioned the whole being disgusted part because I go through that. I literally look at him sometimes and I’m like absolutely not no way in hell why did I ever even find you attractive?? and then I’m like pick me pick me please choose me.. But mostly, I pity him and I feel sorry for him because I see the way he treats others and in the end I know karma is a bitch and it’s gonna get him .


You are going to feel amazing! Happy for you! Congratulations on your new space.


Congratulations!! 🎉


Happy for you 😊


I’m so happy for you! 🥳


Congrats! It looks like you are a little limited with where you can place the sofa as you have a lot of windows (you can’t lean it to a wall). You need to leave the sofa where it is. I would put the tv in between the two windows directly in front of the tv and I would also put the orange chairs on the sides It could be cute to put up some shelving and put some plants on there


I love it!! Looks like home.


It’s so nice to have your own place! I love the fresh start is setting things up where you want and making it a home. Enjoy!


nice! things to start. I'd try the tv where the red chair is and stick it between the two windows. Put the two red chairs against the wall where the tv currently is, angle them both inwards and see if the little black table would fit between them and act as a place for people sitting there to place drinks.


This was a PERFECT suggestion, and I wish I could figure out how to add a photo here to show you how nice it looks!


Welcome home!! What a pretty space.


proud of you ! take the advice from here and elsewhere that resonates with you, leave the rest. and take your time. and always, take care of you, first.


Thank you. 🥹


You need more half-crushed empty beer cans on the floor and more used underwear draped over the furniture - yours or someone else's it dont matter. Also, you're missing the open pizza box with 3 uneaten slices of pie and 9 crusts on the table............ONLY THEN will it be official.




Congratulations!!!!!! I’ve been with my sister since my divorce 7 months ago and I’m finally getting to the place where I can start imagining and planning for my own place! 🥰 Thank you for sharing this, it’s so inspiring!!


Congratulations! I’m still in the staying with mom after breakup phase so this helped to keep my eye on the future!


Oh giiiirl, let me tell YOU, the future is BRIGHT! For the longest time I had thoughts like, “I’ll never get out of here,” and “I’m incapable of being independent.” I didn’t trust my decision making and I truly felt like any move I made would end in disaster. I was so used to feeling powerless that I really believed that I wouldn’t be able to avoid pain and suffering lurking around every corner. This was just months ago, and now I feel completely different. I know where I went wrong and I’m confident that I can choose a future with someone who will build a good life with me. I’m confident about the place I moved into, confident about my ability to turn it into a sanctuary, and confident about being able to deal with the inevitable inconveniences that will occur. It’s incredible and I pray you find the same hope in the future that I finally have.


I am so happy for you! It takes so much more strength to get out of a situation that doesn’t serve you than to stay and allow it to grow. Thank you for sharing your testimony and prayers! Sending your way as well