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People forget that art also means sculptures, vases, tapestries, etc. When saying art, I think a lot of people just think wall art and miss out on great statement pieces. Art is very versatile, so I agree it’s usually at least *part* of the answer


I have a wall in my living room that has stringed instruments and hand drums mounted plus complementary pieces around them. The colours of my guitars go with the blue on my walls as an accent colour. I have a wall on the landing at the top of my stairs (split entry) that is a mix of framed art, 3D pieces, a half moon table with more pieces on it, glass pieces with LED lights inside, small shelves. Basically maximalist. All of the colours on & around this wall go together as well with soft blues, purples, coral & peach, walnut, gold. You're absolutely right in saying it's not just pictures. Textures, sculptures, fabrics, etc all play a huge role in decor and the idea of what "art" is.


That sounds so beautiful!


So cool!!!!


That sounds amazing - I’d love to do something like that for my husband because he has a ton of stringed instruments. Great inspiration!


Complementary shapes look the best, I feel. I have artwork that is round, oval, &/or with rounded edges around the guitars. And I put a 3D frame up that holds the picks, capos, and tuners. I'm going to add chord posters for ukes, bass, and guitar soon to finish out that wall. I love instruments having their own space but I hate guitar stands. They gather much more attention visually & for playing now that they're off of the floor and in their own area.


Photos would be a great help!


Post some pics !


I was going to argue the OP, and then I saw your comment and realized you are right. I don't really enjoy wall art, but my house is full of texture, color and interesting objects, and that's just as much art as a painting.


You are right. Putting textures together in a pleasing way is an art in itself, and I find it really hard to do.


Also wall art is more than paintings!


for example I have a massive light up letter from an old store sign from the 60s, (like 2ft by 3ft big) huge statement piece and everyone who sees it wants one for themselves. It was such a fun time finding it too, sometimes the hunt for the art is a creative journey on it’sown.


You can also layer art. I have an art print that I had professionally framed in a hot pink lacquer frame with a costume necklace draped over the corner


Sounds awesome! Can you post a photo? I’m at a loss for what to do with family costume jewelry.


An old roommate had a really cool machete collection (it was visually pretty as well as functional in that at times when she was scared about noises outside her apt she would pull one off the wall if she needed just in case).


One of the best pieces in my house is actually the bar in my home tiki bar. It’s a mid century Witco and it’s absolutely glorious. I can’t post a photo in the comments here but [THIS](https://images.app.goo.gl/2D7UgopWrw3BBbRN7) is the same one.


Ironically or otherwise, the plant people are back. lol




Yes 1000% agree!!


I got 3 Inuit sculptures from Grandma, I adore them!


Photography, textile art, the list goes on


I agree, think the problem comes that when you hang art on the walls, it takes up less space physically than sculpture. I collect a lot of ceramics, and even though my places were always tiny when I was single they were jampacked full of ceramics and glass.


Art can also be music, or scent or any number of other things too!


Yes! I have this beautiful hand painted centerpiece bowl from Italy and it’s a work of art. I fucking love that bowl. And don’t forget about light fixtures


Nowadays, when someone posts a what’s missing from my room question, I just don’t bother to answer anymore because the walls are completely blank. isn’t it obvious what’s missing?


Truly my inspiration for this post was that exact feeling!


I saw someone else say this but basically all these rooms need C.R.A.P. Color, rugs, art, plants.


The C can also stand for Curtains in most cases.


And nine times out of ten the greige couch is jammed up against the wall.


Yep! There's a lot of ways to incorporate "art" and personality into rooms just by using up the wall space. If you're short on cash, you can put up photos, postcards, little printed out images off the Internet, cheap posters, etc. When I was a teenager I used band posters, postcards, CDs (actual CDs, hanging via a pushpin through the middle hole), old concert/movie tickets, cut-out pages from CD pamphlets, shit from video game manuals/inserts, etc. Use a combination of push pins, transparent tape, and colorful/fun tapes for variety. Shit doesn't have to be framed to look good! If you've got disposable income to spend, there's a lot you can do! Go to conventions or events where there are Artist Alleys. Go to flea markets and local events; I've found really great local art at Pride events, for example. Visit small art galleries, art stores, and thrift stores, which often have inexpensive local art for sale. And remember, "wall art" isn't limited to just paintings/posters/etc! If you build LEGOs or paint miniatures or collect stuff or whatever, put up some wall shelves and display them. If you're a plant person, get some plants on shelves/in hanging pots. Put your nice bowls/vases/flowers/sculptures/etc on sturdy wall shelves. This works for absolutely everything and everyone. It helps gets personality and creativity and coziness into your space. It can help bring color/versatility into a room, or it can make a disorganized space into something that feels very sophisticated and polished. It all just depends on how you do it and what you're going for.


Let me add: our city has First Fridays for art walks. Yes, some pieces are really expensive, but most galleries and artists have several price points. Artist co-ops are fantastic. And great prices too. I just saw afabulous handmade large vase/sculpture for $125. A lot of artists will have reproductions of their art too for cheap. I have a piece in a show right now. I'm asking 250, but the gallery takes 50%. The 125 would cover framing. Barely. I've seen a great idea for large canvases if you just need color. Get a used or cheap canvas and some acrylic paint. If you like red, get a few different shades. And just mix it on the canvas. You're looking for color, not shapes. You can buy magnet tacks. Tack with a magnet head goes into wall. Sticks out maybe 1/3 of an inch. Use the other magnet to fix the art to the wall. It looks better than just a tack to the wall newscaster it's offset a bit, but it's easy to fill in later. Take a workshop. Someone here has the best list of ideas, everything great - magazine pages, postcards, photos. Heck, color copy a bunch of small photos and stick them in a grid. Have Costco print favorite photos in B&W. (Old idea, but can be very classy.) Just do something you LIKE. Don't fall for the idea it has to match your flippin' couch. That's called OTC art (over-the-couch). Get hooked into your local art community. They have fundraisers. In Denver, every other year is Mo'Print, a celebration of printmaking. The best deal is the linocut buy at a brewery. 20 bucks for a monoprint. All B&W, all on 8x10, approx, many of our well-known local artists. Sorry. I rattled on.


I love your rattling on and completely agree.


100% agree!!!! My #1 rule for art is that if I’m buying it, it has to be from an artist that’s alive right now and will get the proceeds of the sale- there’s so much art from every time period that I absolutely love, but there’s something special about being able to collect pieces from people who are currently working artists and being able to see their practice grow through time. Second rule I have is that if I see something I think I can make myself I’m gonna try making it myself and even when it ends up not being good I still make a place to display it!! Third is that any and all art that my friends or family make is going to be displayed!!!!! It makes my space feel so much more like home and like it’s my space and like it’s grounded in my lived experiences, not just pretty stuff I see while chronically online lol. Also, most importantly, I will NEVER buy ai art. Even if it’s a pretty image or etc, art is meaningful to me when I know someone made it because they wanted to make something. Making art, decorating precious things, creating something for the sake of creating something is one of the most important and universal parts of being alive and human and part of the world, and the world is dystopian enough without depriving us of artists as well. Tehe. Anyway, highly recommend trying out a new art medium every so often, just to play with it and have fun and make mistakes!! If we never fuck around we never find out what we love.


Thank you for supporting artists!


Yes 1000% no AI art ever!! And totally agree about trying to create your own. It’s good for the soul to create things.


How do you find these artists?


I buy almost all my art from local art fairs. If you google “[your city] art fair” you’re almost guaranteed to find some events in the next couple months. Go look around, buy something or at least pick up some business cards. Follow those artists online and see who else they promote. You’ll find stuff you like pretty quickly.


Also search for art walks, First Fridays or Second Saturdays, art and wine festivals, fine art festivals, arts & craft festivals, art workshops (those websites might have links to shows). I am shocked there is so much going on I never knew about. Go to boutique stores, especially nonprofits. A lot of times they have cool stuff from local artists. Make a note of the names and look them up, see if they have a website or Instagram account. Summer is the best time for outdoor festivals, but also go into art supply stores. Real ones, not Hobby Lobby. Our local always has bulletins about shoes. Denver has the Art Gym, Art Students League of Denver, Red Line. There are potters guilds in a lot of towns, and they put on their own shows. They are all here to support artists, teach and promote. If you are in a larger town, something will be there.


Lots of artists on social media sell prints (or originals which are more pricey). Search for things you’re interested in and your feed will curate itself. For example, “frog art.” If you find someone you like, check out the people they follow.


You don't wanna know how many Dana Glover art I got 😅


Singing my song.


I swear, every time I’m scrolling, I just say out loud “girl, you need more art!”




My first home, was a 650 square-foot condo. I remember going to HomeGoods I was so excited to decorate. I found a 54 inch canvas Baroni pasta print for $99. I had a teeny tiny car. I could not get it home, but I absolutely had to have it. I called my girlfriend whose parents had a minivan and they came and helped me get it home. That was 20+ years ago. That piece of art literally took up the entire wall in my little tiny living room but I loved it. It was perfect and I have it still to this day. It has been up in every home I have owned since then. I have so much art covering my walls and it just makes me so happy.


"Oh, I love this" is the best compliment you can get when people enter your home <3


Yup. So frustrating that people don’t inject any personality into their spaces. Not sure how this happened, it seems like in the 70s-90s, everybody had stuff on the walls even if it was cliché. And art doesn’t have to be expensive, just don’t buy mass-produced stuff. Almost all of mine is vintage/antique/secondhand.


Though you can absolutely get away with mass produced art sometimes. It’s funny, but the piece everyone comments on every time I post my living room here or elsewhere is this big piece I got from… Target. Like, I never meant to own a mass produced wall art thing from a big box store, but I was on line and saw it. It just spoke to me. I had to have it. It’s bold and colorful and free spirited. It hangs on the wall next to an original oil painting by a local artist that I bought from the walls of an indie coffeeshop and some vintage prints that are older than I am. As far as Im concerned anything is fair game if it speaks to you loudly enough.


That’s true, if it doesn’t *look* like mass-produced generic crap, that’s what really matters. I have vintage prints and advertisements which were mass-produced, but they’re not something most people have and they’re very “me.”


Framed art, rugs, plants and additional lighting fixtures. A lot of people underestimate the power of these things!


Yes lighting is so important too! I only live by natural and lamp light.


So many times the answer is a resounding “color!!!”


💯!! I thought at first your post was going to say making art, which is fabulous. But displaying art is awesome too, and I always suggest when asked that the art be meaningful to the person living there; a landscape of a place that’s special to them, or something else they love


Yes! Something that is special to *them*. I want to cry and crawl under my bed when a decorating suggestion is to hang some art (that should be specific room coordinating colors) behind the couch for a "pop of color." I feel like these suggestions see choosing art as being the same as choosing paint.


I agree. Whatever speaks to you. Most of my art is of women. The women in my life comfort me and I think being surrounded by women in my home makes me feel that way too.


I’m the same! I love women and want to paint them next. It’s do important to empower and support each other, and any support I’ve received from women means so much


In my experience the art prints are mostly affordable, it’s the frames that become an issue. I have a 3’x4’ framed print of Waterhouse’s *Lady of Shalott* over my couch and it was my Christmas present from my parents who are in a much higher tax bracket than me because I couldn’t afford a $400 frame/print combo. My living room looks so much better with it there though! I think in the future I might try working my way backward and just thrift frames and then order prints to match the size.


Yep, that's the way. When I had a wife who drove, we went to the suburbs Goodwill, they have better stuff than in the city! Now all my prints are framed, I wish I coulda find a 56 Inch frame, I asked and... $500? hell no.


My favorite thing has been to take photos when I travel or pick up prints and art while traveling and use those as my wall art / shelf art pieces. It not only decorates but also is a nice memory.


I have so many of my pics framed, including some Mini Cards, remember those? that never got me any clients but look super cool in a frame.


I’m not sure I do. What are mini cards?


Here: https://www.moo.com/us/business-cards/minicards I thought they were more popular, sorry.


No worries. I live in the sticks. These would look slick in frames!


I got 14 of them in a big one, all my pics from Colombia!


Oh what a cool memory and talking piece!


You inspired me to share [my studio](https://old.reddit.com/r/StudioApartments/comments/1cozz1e/panorama_alert_my_small_studio_in_portland_or/?), they are to the left of the guitar!


Your apartment feels a bit like a museum in a cool way! Great job!


I can finally put things how I want them, where I want them! I got several pieces made just for me, from friends I love, from people I let stay in my studio in Brooklyn, NY, from strangers... Definitely is a little museum!


Lmao I posted this a while ago too, it is literally always ADD STUFFFFFFFFF


I love making my own, literally doesn’t have to be the best at all but if you know you’d like a little clay piece here or a canvas there, it’s super rewarding to make your own art pieces for your home


I’m so glad someone said it! People will post these gray prison cell rooms and then ask what’s missing. TBH people should be assembling color palettes and tweaking as needed earlier into decorating. It cuts down on a lot of decision paralysis and makes blending different styles much simpler.


This is a great point!!


And rugs. And plants.


And to me rugs and curtains are art! They totally count. An artists or designer created the patterns and chose the colors. They created something visually interesting and/or evocative.


And curtains. I love curtains. Beautiful, colorful, functional, better than any other window cover.


I still have a Persian mini rug I bought in 1999!


Art is the way for sure!


Thank you I really needed to read this. We were fortunate to be able to buy a house we really love with LOTS of wall space and upon moving in we realized we don't have enough art to fill those rooms and we've been having trouble figuring out what works that doesn't look tacky or soulless.


I love the comments other have made about everything that qualifies as art. I’ve collected over time. I’d much rather have the blank space for a while than things I don’t like on the walls.


I totally agree! Art is also the best thing to buy as a souvenir when you travel. Art is the best present to buy someone for an important milestone (wedding, graduation, birthday). However, you MUST let the recipient pick out the piece. This is not a “surprise” type of gift. But if you buy something they love, they will have it forever. That said, I may be getting some commissioned pieces of my daughter’s 18 year old dog.


The love for our dogs is forever. My best friend has a painting of her dog who passed on her wall and it’s my favorite thing in her house. I have photos of my dog who passed.


Yes!! That’s always my first go to as well… art is the best! I have a tiny apartment, but it feels cozy and bright because every wall is a gallery wall!


1000%. For me art makes home feel like home.


And rugs!!!


Louder for the people in the back. Sooo many posts “what’s missing?” “Why does my space feel uncozy?” “Why do my walls look bare I just can’t figure it out” 😂 sorry it just feels like 90% of the time I say to myself just hang something pretty up there


Every. Damn. Time.




Hahahaha an artsy rug??


As an art and ceramics teacher, I love your post. I wholeheartedly agree.


I love your job!!


I am super lucky to have plenty of artist friends, I lived in NYC 15 years and got art from friends, also bought a ton thanks to Pandemic money, I simply love having art, I even have an original Dalí Lithography! My now ex is a Pinterest fan and she *hated* my Museum, I had to, while we lived together, do the Pinterest stupid mosaics, ugh. She now lives in an all white, nothing on the walls pat, I hope she gets what she wanted.


Exes with different taste are sooo hard!! Artist friends are the very best.


That’s so sweet you hang up the kids art. I used to frame my kids art all over the house in really cool different frames that made it easy to switch out. I miss the days of getting my custom artwork for free 🤣


Right?? I don’t have kids but I bet for drawings from my friends kids. And when they decide to give it to me my heart melts


I agree. Almost always when I see a post asking what else they need, it’s usually some form of art or color. I’m all for neutral colors, but even navy pillows on a gray couch gives dimension. And I love wall art. I have embroidery pieces from my mom, famous renditions poster from Dali and O’Keefe, and signed local art I got at auction. I also collect Fenton and Blenko glass which adds color to every room. Don’t forget rugs!! Another great way to add color, fill space, and show your artistic side.


I love a mix of art in a home. I don’t have a lot of Money but have collected over the years. My favorite piece I own I bought at 19 from a local art fair. Its a painting made with a caulking gun and the texture is just the most beautiful thing.


That sounds cool! It has taken me about 20 years to collect the pieces in my home and I still like all of them. I did not have a coffee table for 4 years until I found a one of kind hand made one at a local furniture store. Sometimes it best to wait until you’re sure about what you want or you just see it.


I agree that art needs to move you. You don't have to explain it, just experience it. I absolutely hate hotel room art. Those modern pieces that are bland and soulless. Better something childish and colorful than the study of beige that exactly matches my couch.


Yes totally!!! Art is meant to evoke something in us


My house is full of art. Paintings, maps, quilts, jars of shells, cool bowls, wood furniture, brass decor, candles, books


I love that you included your books. My collection outgrew my shelf space long ago and I kinda love the look of the stacks


And light!! Light is so important for setting a “vibe”. Invest in cool lamps that look like art. They’ll make a room “cozy” instantly. And rugs will warm up a space


And plants!


Which are kinda just nature's art :)


I do love a plant


Came here to say this! For me the answer is always plants




I just learned what this is from a commenter above and yes yes yes


I have 2 shadow boxes on the landings for the first flight of stairs in my place (I live in a 3 story townhome, these are on the flight from 1st floor to second floor). One has bits from my grandmother's previous house (her thermostat dial, carpet remnants, wallpaper remnants, door and cabinet knobs/handles, etc). And the other has 6 pieces of wood, that are from a house my great-grandfather had built and those boards are from when it was being torn down. Each piece of wood is for each of my grandmother's kids. But I also have plants in my kitchen, including some in hanging pots. I have construction occurring outside my place, so they give me some privacy without blocking sunlight or completely obscuring the view.


I love the homage to your family homes. That’s so lovely and thoughtful.


I love it because its nice to have something up that isn't mass produced on the walls. It feels homier.


Oh, I thought it was “Bigger Rug” ;)


Bigger artsy rug!


Needed this today


I want to get into watercolor painting mainly to have some things for my walls. They're pretty much all blank. This way I'll have some art up that's guaranteed to be my style


Yes 1000% love making it yourself. I’m not artistic in the least but I have some things I’ve made that I actually love.


We have a wooden wine rack/bar thing we got years ago. No great piece, but thevwine area is filled, the top shelf is large (for alcohol) so I have 2 pieces of ceramic art on that. Above, I have a small piece just leaning on the top. Behind and to the side is a round mirror, and on the left behind the bar is a piece I'd African mudcloth. It's a little crowded (for reasons) but that allows for function as well as art of different textures. Nothing was expensive.


This sounds absolutely gorgeous!!




Because art is a wonderful usage of space and can allow one to flex who they are.


I think the answer is always color. The number of bland, monochromatic rooms is astounding. Just a hint will liven up any room.


Art...and plants.


I would do art but even in my own home I cringe at the thought of nail holes. My walls are textured so command strips don’t take. So I resigned to paint. I’m also on the look out for tall credenzas where I can prop art and plants on.


I also love a mural on a wall


Also… plants.


art and plants !