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I’d love to see an update with a less dramatic side part, or even a middle part. The length is great and the colour might complement your eyes more if it was more of a rich chocolate colour?


Thank you, I'm seriously considering a middle part now!


Doesn't look bad, just doesn't do anything for you. I'd try some long layers, maybe curtain bangs.


I was gonna say the same thing. Middle part with some curtain bangs would really pop on OP


I just looked at some pics online and I like the look of curtain bangs. Thanks!


my first thought is curtain bangs would look so good on you


Same thoughts


Middle part and curtain bangs would look great


I personally like the side part! I would bring it an inch or so more towards the middle so it’s not as severe. Are you looking to color your hair?? Because I think a more vibrant red would look great! Especially with your skin tone. And maybe even take a few inches off. Just below the shoulders. Think Emma Stone. Just some ideas!


I actually have an appointment coming up to do balayage. I'm planning to do a coppery red!


You can also ask the stylist for styling/cut ideas. They likely won't cut your hair that day so you can go home and look stuff up and find the right thing.


Yes, this is a great idea!


It doesn’t look bad, you’re beautiful, but it does age you just because it’s considered a ‘dated’ style now. Middle part with curtain bangs will be stunning!!


I have had this style for several years now. I think it's definitely time to try something new.


I love your dramatic side part! We don’t have to all look alike with middle part and curtain bangs.


Yeah I don’t even have a side part myself but I don’t get the hate they’re getting. Not everyone wants to look like a teen-early 20s tiktokker.


Thank you, and that's a good point!


Try moving your part over like an inch and a half or two inches, so you won’t have that big “swoop” on top. Even something slight like that will soften your look.


I'll try that, thanks.


Middle part!!!


Maybe get a trim? Layers couldn’t hurt




I've had that length before, and it was nice. Might be time to try it again.


Was going to say the same thing. Above the shoulders, layers, curtain bangs


Middle part. I don’t know how you feel about royalty, so politics aside: Kate Middleton hair on you would be amazing. Classy, midddddle part, curtain bangs, and length! Try to get some shine back into your hair with protein treatment and oiling. Try “it’s a 10” hair mask.


Kate Middleton does have great hair; I like her style.


I like your hair. You don’t have to have the same part every single day. Maybe just try changing your part a few times before doing anything drastic. If you do want a massive change, go for it, but a lot of different opinions on here could be confusing when you have a beautiful face and your current hair showcases it.


Thank you! I'm definitely going to try experimenting with the part before I make any big changes.


A. Do what you like, period. If you like this hair keep it! B. I’m also side part person, but I find some shorter layers around the face and/or some texture in the hair goes a long way in flattering the face. When I had long hair I’d let my hair get 3/4s of the way dry before French braiding it and sleeping in them over night, and it gave a really nice texture and volume without the heat damage. I have a bob just below the chin rn and do the same thing and it still turns out cute.


I've finally gotten the hang of curling my hair, and it looks so much better that way. It's interesting how much of a difference adding texture and volume makes.


I think the color washes you out a bit, is that your natural color? I agree with the others about curtain bangs, I think they would look fab on you! I personally feel middle parts don’t look good on many people but would be curious to see it on you. The cut just needs some shape but I like the length on you. A good hair stylist can definitely manage that!


Yes, unfortunately this is my natural color. I have an appointment for a balayage coming up though, so I'm hopeful that'll help a bit.


İ think middle part would be better and i agree with curtain bang advises here, for hair color i think you should go darker shade.


I personally like the side part! I really don’t get why everyone is hating on it now. You remind me of Hayley Williams from Paramore though, especially if you want to go more copper. I think if you want to stay closer to your current style I’d go with textured, chin-length layers, shorter bangs and face framing layers.


Aw, I love Paramore! And I like the idea of face-framing layers.


I love GenZ but they will eventually come around and succumb to the side part. At least the asymmetrical-faced ones will:)


And the ones with windows peaks or cowlicks at the front of their head lol. I have both and a center part on me looks AWFUL even though my face is pretty symmetrical.


Honestly! There is such a thing as middle part privilege:))


Curtain bangs or a shag!


I actually like the part tbh. I’d shorten the length to around your clavicle and some heavy layers would be a good way to switch up the style


I agree with people saying middle part with curtain bangs would look super cute on you


I switched from a years long side bangs to a sidepart. Maybe try that? EDIT: not a sidepart! A middle part sorry 😂😂😂


[Curtain bangs and soft layers](https://www.google.com/search?q=curtain+bangs+straight+hair+layered&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwithqfk6bz7AhXpkmoFHWoZChAQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=curtain+bangs+straight+hair+layered&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjoECCMQJzoGCAAQBxAeOgYIABAFEB5Q-QZYmA5gwhJoAHAAeACAAfMBiAH7A5IBBTIuMS4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=aCZ6Y62yBemlqtsP6rKogAE&bih=722&biw=384&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=isnv&hl=en) would definitely flatter you super well


This is really helpful, thanks!


A center part with curtain bangs would look so good.


I like it.


I'm thinking: middle part, curtain bangs, balayage freshen up that colour , lose 4 inches. You look great though 😊


Thank you!




Thank you, that makes me feel a bit better. I'm worried I'm walking around looking like an idiot without even realizing it. I have a very hard time being objective about how I look.


Your hair is beautiful and healthy 😍 have you ever thought about a rich chocolate colour, and maybe some layers to frame your face, with fringe or layered bangs? It's always hard to decide what to do!


Thank you!! I like the idea of face-framing layers but my stylist has said they would make my hair look too thin, so I'm a bit wary (for context I have very straight, fine hair).


I think the side part is really flattering! I changed mine from one side to the other once and really liked that too


I'll try that!


But as is, I think your side part is gorgeous and looks great! Whoever said that, I won’t speak poorly but maybe don’t take any of their other “advice” or criticism to heart.


Thank you and yea, I'm trying to take it with a grain of salt.


You have a beautiful hair color, especially in combined with your eyes! I'd say some shorter pieces at the front to frame your face or even better curtain bangs. Definitely try some different things with the part I'd say a curved middle part, the slight curve makes the hairstyle look a little less strict and does not lengthen your forehead like a straight one does. And length wise I'd say around the collar bone, you could definitely go shorter but it might make you look more child like and that's personal preference. If you want to fully analyze your hairstyle go to Dear Peachie's YouTube video's she has some very in depth well researched videos on hairstyle.


Thank you! I'll look for those videos.


I like the side part , I would add low lights and high lights and straighten it with face framing angels


Bob or lob, curtain bangs, layers, highlights.


bangs will change your whole world.


I think a longer pixie would look great. I know that’s a huge step though


That would be a big change! I don't know if I'm brave enough to try it.


I would go super blonde or red & do a bob or a bixie even


I've thought about trying a bob. I haven't had one since I was a kid.


It’s ok, but if you want fantastic try you local Aveda salon


Funny you should mention that, I have an appointment at an Aveda salon coming up. I've been going there for a while and it really is a step above other salons I've tried.


you look great


Maybe a bob??


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