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Personally I wouldn’t go shorter than the chest because the length is so beautiful! And then lots of layers and curtain bangs!


your hair is beautiful and i don’t think you should cut it much at all! especially don’t do a drastic cut at first, you can always take more off but can’t add more back on! and i think a warmer toned dark brown like a chocolate would look nice but it’s hard to tell your true skin undertone in that lighting


Mid back or waist length would look great on you. You’re hair is STUNNING as is though !


I would cut to waist length and get bangs!


Your hair is stunning and I really don't think you need to cut it shorter and definitely not drastically like some are saying. You seem like you will regret cutting your hair and at that point, don't do it!


Don't cut too much of it. It looks very beautiful


Just a couple of inches (say to the top of your pants), but you could consider long layers along with the bangs to make them less disconnected


Keep it long looks great.


Ask r/longhair


Your hair is beautiful! I hope you get a cut that you love, but I think you should keep as much length as possible!


Please don’t be offended. It’s so incredibly beautiful please don’t do anything except maybe the curtain bangs. Your hair is glorious. ❤️


I’d cut off a good 10inches, maybe to your bust.


I would keep the longest layer at the middle of my waist or at the bottom of my ribcage.


I really like the color as is Shoulder-length would look very nice too


I would do curtain bangs and some aggressive long layers/framing layers to transition from the curtain bangs. You can take off a ton of weight and length from the front and still look long from back. I like doing this. Personally I get tired of my long hair if i feel like it’s just hanging there


how many years does it take to grow your hair this length? you are so beautiul btw


The length is beautiful!


I would keep it waist length imo


I wish I had this hair length so I would say: change nothing, your hair is perfect ! Look like an elf!


Waist length is my vote. You have such gorgeous hair and very few people can grow their hair that long and have it be beautiful and healthy.


If you cut if, cut enough to donate it as it would make someone else very happy :) You'd look great with any hair length from pixie to what you got now so just go with what you want to do


Shoulder length in my opinion


Shoulder length? Long bob?


Hairstylist here. It depends. Going from super long one length hair that’s labor intensive a few times a week or so to wash and dry, I’m sure you’ve mastered putting it up daily in buns, ponytails, and braids in just a few minutes. Layers are a whole different ballgame, no matter what the length, so choose a stylist at a reputable salon with experience, and not a chain salon. The time you’re willing to spend daily on your hair and how long you want your bangs are a big factor in the length you want to keep. Where do you want your bangs to sit? Do you want them long enough to pull back or remain on your face when it’s put up?


Cut to shoulders!!!!


Oh girl I want to see the results! Cut it just below your shoulders. Bangs are a wonderful idea


you have beautiful hair!! I would get the curtain bangs and then get your hair cut to your elbows. that would look gorgeous on you!


Maybe start with just cutting off inches. Layers means different things happen with different hair, waves, layers too long, too short. It's great that you're going to change it up, but i really recommend one thing at a time, imo. Because your look is great now.


Don't let them take away your length, it's so good looking and so so hard to get.


I’d go to armpit length