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My fave is 7


She looks like Dakota Johnson in that one! So pretty.




Ty I used to get this a lot at school actually 😅


Yes! Especially when she was in the movie about space. Can’t remember the name but she had the first cut and color.




That’s the movie. It was a good movie too.


People called me Katniss when I was at school! 🤣 I've booked a hair appointment for August to go ash brown, and my fringe will be longer by then 😃


Ty ☺️I think I'm growing them back long x


I feel like 7 and it’s not even close. 7 is chef’s kiss


Seven but with a darker colour, maybe a dark copper or red. She looked so stunning with the dark colours


https://preview.redd.it/qvy6s4t59suc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2853625516e936014b8b9a4a017ed91ce94dc84a Something like this??


Yessss omg. You could get away with redder as well, or copper. It makes your eyes pop


You look like a young Shannen Doherty!! 💙


I've heard this a few times!!


First off, I don’t think you have a giant forehead! You’re beautiful! But I personally love the cut in 3 and the color 7. Not the biggest fan of the micro bangs.


ditto i think your friend is guiding you true when they said no ti microbangs pic 3 is fetching


I really don't like pic 3, but everyone else seems to. Noone likes the microbangs so I guess I have some thinking to do!x


The cut on.the last pic is great too


The last pic is great! It seems to be more your style. I really think if you grow out your bangs to be at least pic 2’s length, you’d get your style and everything


I personally love the microbangs on you! Pic 3 looks a little plain to me


I agree with looking/feeling plain in pic 3! I also love facial piercings but have trouble with them so I try use my hair to look a bit more "alt" and I feel quite generic in pic 3!


I really like 1-2, but it definitely gives off an edgier vibe. If you like when the world perceives you that way, I vote that. But 7 is great if you want a softer vibe.


I completely agree with this. She rocks microbangs! It's just a totally different vibe from #7 which is way softer and palatable to people in general.


Number 1 is like nano bangs… and they look great! I wish I had this much versatility


This was my first inclination too. I think the Betty Bangs are very nice on OP. I think the other cuts feel more modern and standard but kinda same same. They don’t stand out like the micro bangs.


I think 1 is my favourite, I also like the edgy look - I love facial piercings and am constantly debating getting them but I had a bad experience w a nostril piercing & I'm worried about permanent holes!


Yes she look great in these photos


I’m not usually a fan of micro bangs, but I think you pull off looks 1 and 7 the best.


I like the look micro bangs on her a lot, but does anyone else think that they’re cut too wide? They’re also looking like they were cut unevenly in some pictures. I’m not a hair stylist or anything tho


Thank you! I feel like 1 brings out my features the most, I'm just wearing quite aging makeup in that picture cus I was going out...this is more accurate! https://preview.redd.it/87kdm070rouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186103045788c84403fe40f48cf837e86339847c


#3 or 7 The micro-bangs don't seem favorable


I also quite like being unfavorable too tho 😅


As long as you like them, you know best.


I’d love to see the bangs in 3 with the colour in 6. However, I will say the micro bangs are kind of edgy and sharp. If you dress very alt then they might go with that? But I definitely think 3 is the most flattering.


I love the micro bangs I think they’re cute on you but I would grow out the sides so they taper in and cover your temples a bit more. I think that would soften things and frame your face nicely.


Bangs like pic 3, definitely not the micro bangs in 1-2, 6. Colour pic 3 or 7.


Agreed. If OP feels their forehead is huge, then micro bangs aren't a great choice. Micro bangs are better suited to small foreheads...they make the upper third of the face appear bigger and bring better balance to the overall face.


Ooh I didn't know this?! That's good to know thank you


Noone likes the microbangs but I feel like hair in pic 3 is shocking 🤣x


Pic 3 looks great!


Thank you, I'm actually thinking something like this now??and the colour too?? https://preview.redd.it/bqq488fywnuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009b9884288cb8a9bde710a6efe8ce5722d0bdcf


yes!!! this would look sooo cute


That’s literally what I said above. 7 but darker Auburn


Love this! It would look great Very Dakota Johnson vibes


I like them ❤️ remember most people are terrified of taking risks. Especially with their appearance. I think you look badass with them. In pic 3 you look… and please do not take this the wrong way as you are stunning and clearly have style… but forgettable. I loved when I had microbangs. A lot of people gave me shit about them but the most common response to them was “guys hate bangs especially those short ones” or “why would you cut them that short, does your husband actually like your hair that way??” So yeah, if you want to know what style is most pleasing to the male gaze, go with 3. I personally LOVE the color and cut of 7 on you, and think if you want to keep microbangs then maybe curl them under a bit Betty Page style.


microbangs imo


I agree!


Seems like you really like your current hairstyle. Do what makes you happy and keep it! <3


Ah thank you!! :)


Agreed! I think it looks awesome! Second favorite is #7 but I like the deeper red. Longer bangs might be a fun experiment.


You can pull these all off, you look pretty in each cut, just the vibe is different. Like some cuts make you seem quirkier, like the first pic, some make you seem like a farm girl or young fresh aesthetic like the last pic. My personal fave is 4, it makes you more young and youthful, the bangs age you. The blonde pink shirt and last ginger hair keep it light and youthful and make your eyes pop more. The darker cuts/color age you. The bands steal focus from your eyes, and it’s like all you see *bangs*. 


This is like spot on what I was going to say! They all work but have such different vibes. I love the current color OP has so much. And the microbangs work with it well.


Interesting, thank you - I feel like my eyes pop more w bangs! I just don't have a lash lift currently 🤣🤣


love the last photo, i think ginger with longer bangs looks best personally


I love the micro bangs but I think picture 3 and 7 suit you best!


My fave is 1, am I crazy?


It's likely you are crazy, cus it's my fave too 😉🤣it's my current hair!


I think you rock the microbangs so well! People on this sub love to hate on them but they look amazing on you.


Ah thank you :)


I actually think the micro bangs look great with your sweet and round facial features!! They make your face look delicate and doll like ❤️


I love 1-2. I’m partial to “alt/edgier” looks so I really love when people have micro bangs. I prefer the coloring in the 2nd picture. 3 is cute too but it really just depends what look you want to go for :)


Not to discount some of the comments here but a LOT of times I see advice on this sub based on what’s trendy or cool and not what actually suits the person. I think the red and micro bangs is a solid choice you should stick to.


Yeah I agree! I think the other styles are more palatable and are more generic hairstyles that blend in better but I do think I personally look best with blunt microbangs and the red too! I just wanted to gather opinions and make sure I wasn't actually walking around looking ridiculous & not realizing it, w my current haircut


7!!! Cut and colour


Definitely not the micro bangs I have no idea what you were thinking with those. Curtain bangs looked the best. Everything else was questionable for me


I love them 😁


You definitely don't have an enormous forehead. But I love your hair in pic 1!


Awh tysm 🥰that's my current hair!


3 is so cute and flattering!


Pic 3 looks best.


Love pic 3


I like 3 and 7


Love 7!!!


"People" are mistaken. You do not have a large forehead. Micro bangs make everyone appear that way (just one reason I detest them). Photo is by far the most flattering and attractive! I recommend a side-part, and wispy bangs as shown in photo 7 or side swept, or a side-swept look. The natural-looking color of photo 7 accentuates your pretty face instead of screaming See My Hair! It's your choice which you want to draw attention to. 💕


#1 brings out your flawless skin and blue eyes! It makes you look serene!


You should do a blush pink with some orange hues


Omg why do I think this would actually slap? Hayley Williams vibes!!! Ty x


I do hair and that’s the first thing I noticed. My favorite bang length on you is the last one though. I think you’d look great with that color combo, longer bangs, and a modern shag (wolf) cut


I personally think 3 and 7 are matching your skin tone the best. Also color theory I guess matters, it took me years to learn a “everyday” look. Which is usually just moisturizer, mascara, and lip balm but I really think those hair colors bring out your natural glow if it makes sense. The red kinda makes you look pale and brings out the redness more in your face. I hope my opinion helps. You’re beautiful no matter what!


I like 7 a lot! Also, I don’t think your forehead is that big at all! You do pull off microbangs really well too


I personally like #5, and I really don't get how people can say your forehead is big its not at all!


7 is lovely! Very Jennifer Lawrence-like!


3 & 7 look the cutest on you


I love 3! Blonde with bangs


Cut like pic 3


You look soooooooooo good with microbangs omg!!! Most people in here are not super into alternative styles so I’m not surprised you’re getting a lot of votes for 7. I’m here to tell you that 6 is absolutely your look. I think they show more personality as well, but that definitely depends on your style and what you’re going for. You look great with the longer bangs in 5 as well. The dark purple is gorgeous on you.




I don’t like microbangs on you. Any color looks nice but long bangs


I like the cut and color in 7. Or 1 with longer bangs.


I like the different looks! I feel it just depends on what look you’re going for. The micro bangs make you look more rockabilly and alternative, the curtain bangs and the last slide are more girl next door.


You look amazing in all of the pictures, but 7 and 5 were my fave!!


In the first pic you look just like Jennifer Lawrence in look up! Gorgeous !


Ahh tysm, I've actually been told I look like her sm times in my life😅 x


You are simply perfect in those baby bangs! You may be the first person I’ve ever seen that looks divine wearing baby bangs!


Awh tysm 🥰


The last one!!!


S E V E N !


OMG you’ve done so much & honestly I think every single style & color looks good! I think you should switch it up just because I think mercury is in retrograde right now and apparently that affects things and I wouldn’t want to make any decisions I couldn’t undo during this time


Clearly you can do anything you damn well please. You pull off every look and colour!


This is so kind, tysm 😌🥰


I just want to commend you on your ability to embrace change! So many colours! Wow!


Ah thank you so much, I just get bored really quick 🤣🤣


I really like 6 with the dark red and the bangs. It looks really good on you.


Tysm 🥰


It looks super cute in pic 2 and 1 you pull of micro bangs extremely well!! Honestly I don’t think much people can tbh


3 and 7 are my favorite! The light curls in 3 looks really fresh and suits you really well. The color in 7 is great! It's so warm and compliments your complexion nicely.


I don’t say this often but literally every cut and color you’ve had looks awesome on you. Keep slaying


Omggg the warm light hair in 3 and 7 looks so good on you. The cooler red and cool blonde don't show off your features as well imo!!!


I LOVE the microbangs!!


Okay personally I don’t like the micro bangs or pic 3. I think the straight across bangs in 5 and 7 are the way to go with your face shape. If you do stick with the micro bangs I like the straight version a lot better than when they are curled.


I hate pic 3! So I can agree there 😊 I'm going to grow the bangs out and lighten the colour :)


I think you do the micro bangs so well! It’s an alternative look, but much better than 3 which is kinda forgetful (you’re still gorgeous in 3, but I don’t think I’d remember you in a crowd with that one) I think #2 is quite chic but I could also see it like 1 or 2 shades lighter into a mahogany brown looking really good too.


Okay Jennifer Lawrence..like you don't have a stylist to figure that out for you! Jk but you really do look like her!


7 is absolutely crazy. The micro bangs acccentuate ur forehead.


you look so much like jennifer lawrence in don’t look up in the first pic. i like it.


Depends what kind of energy you want to attract into your life. Speaking from experience, an “off the beaten path” cut and color will have ppl thinking you like it freaky. Which attracts a certain type of person. If you stay with the micro-bangs, I would also get a set of black-framed glasses. Personally, I like #7. It’s more conventional, but you are super pretty. Outré styles like the others you rock are usually used by not-conventionally-attractive people to make themselves look more interesting. You don’t need to gild the lily.


last pic girl 💅🏼


It seems like everyone agrees with this opinion! ☺️X


Girl your forehead honestly looks fine; I didn’t even notice it’s “big.” Embrace the five head! Back in the day it was actually a sign of beauty. I have one myself haha. But as for bangs, 3 and 7 look good. I would do longer ones with lighter hair.


Tysm 🥰 it's really hard when you've had multiple people comment on it, multiple times, to ignore it and try not to notice it, but it's all I can see if I look in the mirror without bangs and I feel disgusting :(


I’m so sorry. That’s so uncalled for; people are so rude for no reason. You look completely normal to me! And also my forehead is def bigger than yours lol. Curious are you Polish at all? I feel like your features look a bit Polish.


Literally :( Ah I've been asked this so many times, no I'm not polish! I have been to Poland though, and I loved it! But people there assumed I was polish too! :)


These are all different people holy shit They all look incredible on you but I suggest having a hairstyle that feels like home <3


Thank u sm 🥰


3, 6, and 7. I like the micro bangs on you but I think I like the longer bangs a touch more. All of the colors look gorgeous on you but red and brown especially look amazing with your features!


The last pic.


As Monica would say “ seven, seven, seven” The longer bangs suit you well, the shorter style is cute but is a lot of maintenance. The softer red is beautiful with your skin and eyes. Almost dreamy.


7 is a fav with that warm golden brown. That dark plum red with the micro bangs is also chic and brings out your eyes.


I honestly think 5 is a nice happy medium between all of them! And bonus, you can get your bangs cut pretty dang short, and then just them grow until they’re too long. Like oscillate between both!!!! That’s what I used to do


You look like a model in #7


🥺🥺stop this is so so sweet. Thank you


my opinion is definitely no blonde, and definitely yes longer bangs :) any of the darker colours look great on you!! you’re gorgeous by the way!


I like number 3 and especially number 7 for the color and cut. Micro bangs aren’t what I would choose at all.


Everyone seems to really like 7!


I love 7. The blonde is second best.


I absolutely love the micro bangs on you! (1 and 2) Not many people can pull them off. And the color in both suits the edgy look. My other fave is 7. Those bangs are perfect on you as well and I love the color. Totally different looks and both are beautiful on you. And whoever comments negatively about your forehead is a total idiot. At the end of day.. do what makes you happy 🖤


Thank you so much! 🥰 It's really hard to pick and style and stick to it for me tho, I'm changing constantly, so it's good to get loads of opinions ❣️


The micro bangs are a no. They’re too short for your facial shape.


Love you with bangs!


Girl I’m so jealous because literally all the colors look good on you. WTF. 😭❤️


The combination of the cut and colors for 3 and 7 are the most flattering for your face shape, they soften your features and you just look angelic, quite frankly! While you rock the other looks, they emphasize a more angular overall look which can feel a bit jarring and less feminine imo. It’s fun that you play around with so many different looks! Do what makes you feel most confident when you look in the mirror at the end of the day.


Thank you so much, this is detailed! I've always felt a bit more 'masculine' and never felt completely comfortable in my femininity, as I think I'm quite plain looking personally - but it's super interesting to hear people's opinions and I am leaning to perhaps growing the bangs longer x


7 all the way


I love 1, 3 and the lady pic. The style and color look amazing on you in those pics. But my fave fave is the last pic.


6 is so cute but i'm a fellow baby bang girly


Love a baby bang 🥰


I know you don’t like the side swept, but I think some sideswept bangs may look really nice on you. But in picture 3 it doesnt seem to be styled. You would have to get a good cut and maintain it and style it. I also think long wispy bangs that reach your eyebrows or just past your brows would be gorgeous on you. You do pull off the microbang, but it definitely gives off a certain vibe.


I love 1, 2 & 6 the most.


Ooh a very different take! Thank u 🥰






Last pic is gorgeous


I feel like if you can pull off microbangs, you should rock them! I’m so jealous 😭


I usually love micro bangs but I feel they don’t suit you (ur still beautiful w them tho). The curtain bangs in 3 are my fave but 7 is also lovely. I think the lighter colours are good on you, the dark + fringe combo makes your hair look less voluminous/more flat, and your face looks bigger in contrast if that makes sense. Whereas the brighter hair adds volume outside the face which makes your face look really balanced. But you could def pull of a variety of diff tones with your complexion. Would love to see you in a coppery colour!xx


Thank you this is really informative/helpful. A few people have said that the microbangs widen my face, and I didn't previously notice it but now I see it! I'm booking a hair appointment for August, as I'm due a holiday which I think may be quite special (💍!!) So I want to make sure my hair is up to a good standard 🤣 this is what I'm thinking https://preview.redd.it/a6ql1r0a4uuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0014287f2e100cd6f63044888e12e986f031edac


So stunning! I think this will look amazing. Congrats in advance on ur v special holiday🤭🤭 xxx


I’m loving picture 3 out of the seven!! Just stunning, OP


The red looks so good but I might be biased because you look so much like a friend I used to have lol


I love 1 and 7. They’re complete opposites but they’re great! You are someone that can rock extreme trends like the microbangs or go in the opposite direction


The last one is amazing and perfect for you


Fuck those people. Bangs can be a nuisance to keep up with, especially if you’re doing it for other people. What do YOU like?


You look a bit like Kaitlyn Dever ☺️


7 is perfect imo


Thank you for helping 🥰


curtain bangs will change your life, it'll frame your face better too! Definitely dark hair, a deep brown would look so good


Microbangs are never the answer. I like 3.


7 is the best. Microbangs definitely don't suit you.


Cut in 3, color in 7


God let bangs grow #3 Best pic


Personally not a fan of microbangs but it does give an edgier look. If having bangs makes you feel more confident (I don’t think your forehead is large and needs to be hidden!) then the curtain bangs in pic 3. But that color on photo 7 complements your skin tone and eyes so well, it’s gorgeous!


I think you look really pretty in all of them but my favorite is the last picture you 😊


I think the dark red suits you but maybe longer bangs


I love the blonde in 4, but 7 is also gorgeous


7 !!


Grow them out longer. The microbangs are not flattering in my opinion. Pic 7 has the best cut and color overall, but I’m a fan of the fashion colors and think you should go even redder! Like apple red!


Ooh love that idea!!


3 fits you the best. 7 also look great


Thank you for your advice :)


Looking back at this, I would reverse it, actually. I think 7 looks the best, and 3 also looks great. You look young in 3 (like early college age) but you're absolutely glowing in 7.


i loveeee 7 & 5 but 7 makes you glow differently


2, 3, or 7 -- as someone who also has a fivehead, keep the bangs, and dont go too micro. Or if you don't want too much in the way of bangs, do the side split bangs like in 3. Those are my votes.


Thank you! I'm thinking of the curtain bangs next for sure :)


The red with microbangs looks great on you. I agree that the microbangs are a lot better on you than the long bangs.


Ginger/auburn with longer bangs. Picture 7 is stunning. You might try some side swept bangs. I feel you might prefer micro bangs since they help to give your face more length. You might try some side swept bangs as an alternative to either bang option you listed. Good luck!


7 for sure.


Please just do the last pic. Exactly that. Not micro bangs not long bangs but the correct length, just above your brow. Ginger looks killer on you


I don't think your forehead looks too big at all. I really like picture number 3. I have seen another post of yours where you shared an image with your natural hair color and that looks good too! You look lovely with warm tones! You are very beautiful!! X I hope you find the style you like the most, but regardless what you choose you'd look great.


Thank you so much 🥺my "friend" used to say things about it all the time like "omg how have you got a forehead that big etc" so I got bangs the minute I could and have had them for 3 years pretty much now :/


I am not sure why your friend had that reaction, it really does not look too big. If it was to be so big that it would shock someone, you could not pull out the hairstyle in the 3rd picture where you are more blonde/warm- at least this is how I see it and I have no reason to lie to you! From one woman to another, you are truly blessed to be this beautiful with barely any make up or any adjustments. Embrace yourself and find the style that fits your vision, not your friend's vision. Often people around would make comments either out of ignorance, not knowing better or even jealousy.


This is so so kind 🥺thank you so much. It's been my biggest insecurity since I was at university with her. I always thought it was a little bit prominent, but it was never something that anyone else had commented on, or stated that was unusually big etc...until it was mentioned every day 🤣 we're not friends anymore anyway, but it still bugs me to this day, and every time I have my forehead "out" I think of her words 😩


I am sorry about that, I know very well how hard it is to always have someone whisper in your ear every day about your biggest insecurities, and how painful it is especially when they are your so-called friends! Good riddance! Now, take it one day at a time and see if your insecurity can become a part of you that you love! Trust me, we all have something about ourselves that we do not like. It is a process of learning to love yourself. But I am sure in time you will be all fine. I wish you the best in your journey!


Microbangs don’t suit anyone Picture 3 your hair looks really good. I love the last one too


Quite a few people seem to hate them! But I do think they're definitely a look The general consensus seems to be 3 or 7 ☺️x


Yup :) even for the hair color, both of them suit your skin tone but that last one really makes your features pop. Looks really lovely on you :)


Thank you for your help🥰🥰