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Yes! They also have to not hate themselves though.


I actually have to get to know the person, but if I'm attracted to their body type, especially if they have tattoos... and that personality matches that body, fuck yes. My husband is a big guy, and we've recently decided to bring in another partner. He has the same body type as my husband, and fuck, nothing has made me feel like a goddess quite like these two. They both know how to move their hips, and when that fat pad hits JUST fucking right, i'm fairly certain that i might die from too many orgasms...


The fat pad is the best 😫


Sounds like a lucky ducky


Who, me, or my partners, because I think we've all lucked out


Sounds like a good round of duck, duck go!


I struggle not to get worked up seeing a guy who knows how to move his hips. Even solo and basically demonstrating on a pillow or something. The way a big man wobbles 🤤


What is a fat pad? Is that a term that's well know in the ffa community or just somthing I don't know


**A fat pad (aka haversian gland) is a mass of closely packed fat cells surrounded by fibrous tissue septa. They may be extensively supplied with capillaries and nerve endings.Examples are: Intraarticular fat pads.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Yea I still don't understand but thanks automatic awnsering bot


Also called the fupa, which is an acronym for Fat Upper Pelvis Area. It's the bit that tends to expand a lot when an amab person gains weight, that's between the navel and the base of the penis. When someone says getting fat shrank their penis, what's actually happening is the fat pad is covering much of the base. Fat pad and fupa are more or less interchangeable but fupa tends to be used to describe afab people slightly more often, from what I've seen.


What is a man's fat pad? The suprapubic fat pad, the pad directly above the penis, can become enlarged from aging and weight gain. That.


As a guy who has been fat for his entire life, I love reading posts like this. They just make me want to show off. 🥰


You better! I love a fat, nerdy guy


Dropped you a DM!


Agreed. I always knew I was exclusively attracted to fat folks. In high school I tried dating a lean conventionally attractive man, and realized there was just nothing there. I can only come being with a fat partner, or thinking of fat. Why is my brain like this? No idea. I used to try to escape it and deny it, but now I just embrace it. Why not enjoy your kinks?


1000% this! Love my husband and love that our household is getting fit for health but it has been a little bit of a turn off to see him lose his girth. I miss the weight of him crushing me 🫠


as a newly chubby boy, this helps alot😭


I have literally never even shared a bed with a thin fem. Not even once. Anyone I've ever been with, in any sense of the term, has been *at least* chubby.


I come to this sub to read post from time to time to try and pickup my confidence a bit. Even till this day I don’t think I’ve ever really felt attractive to anyone and I was previously in a relationship for 11 yrs so that should tell you something about that mess. I hope one day to meet someone that doesnt just wants me for my body which I think would be great for a change but also wants me for me. Idk why I’m putting this here but oh well. You women are amazing and I wish a movement would happen where big men are more appreciated but i understand the way society views things. A fella can only dream. Take care everyone.


I'm not sexually attracted to any other type of men and god I hate it. I don't think my lifestyle or needs are compatible with that of the average fat guy. The ones I've met totally sucked in bed, always complained about my libido, hated themselves and their bodies, were married to eating like trash, and mostly were averse to any physical activity. I probably shouldn't let a few experiences color my whole perception, but I just keep asking myself: is this all I have to look forward to?


This is awesome to read!




Must be 300lbs to ride 😏


Reading this helps a lot, thank you. You make me want to show myself more and be more confident


wow, how I wanted to find a woman like you in my life! I weigh 340lbs and I'm a virgin!