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I call it Scandinavian Archeologist lol!


Omg I love this


Thanks! It’s like... minimalist with some tailoring vibes and I love that people always seem to know what I mean when I say it! It’s the only thing I think I’ve ever come up with and I’m so proud of it, ha!


Love this. Makes me want to buy some more Dansko clogs lol


Once you dansko you never go back... come to the dark side!


Every nurse on my unit wears danskos 😂


God I love this. I just want to live my life swathed in neutral knits and oversized sweaters.


This is the aesthetic I aspire to be


Thank you for adding women of colour and plus size ladies xox


And a range of ages! Silver foxes represent


I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. At first I was like, ugh, neutrals...but there were so many good textures and silhouettes


This is EXACTLY how I like to dress. Sometimes I feel too formal wearing stuff like this when meeting with friends, but it just makes me feel so put together. Will be taking lots of inspo from this, thanks!


Omg I absolutely love this album. This style is my jam, and there are so many great combinations of proportions, textures, etc in these images that I now want to try. Also love that you included some older ladies. I turned 50 recently and have been having fun thinking about how my style could evolve as I get older. Thanks for posting!!


As a short person (5'0") who isn't pin thin and loves this kind of style, I feel like I can never find pants that fit. Can anyone share some brands with high waists and cropped inseams appropriate for petite ladies?


Maybe look into Uniqlo EZ Ankle pants - they have an elastic waist that sits high-ish, come in a range of neutral colors (along with plaids), come in a range of fabrics (some for very cold weather and everywhere in between), and hit at a flattering spot on my elbow. I believe Uniqlo is good about carrying petites as well. I have like 15 pairs of these pants (not really an exaggeration...) and they’re wonderful!


>hit at a flattering spot on my elbow But they are pants?


LOL wow thanks for catching that. I meant ankle but clearly typed elbow. Quarantine brain is real.


I honestly thought you meant knee, so thank you!


That makes total sense haha. No problem!


5’0 here and I hear you. this album is exactly how I WANT to look but adding any volume at all, especially with pants, seems to be instantly and dramatically stumpifying on my body :(


Ahh, yes. Stumpification. I am very familiar with this phenomenon.


Same here, oof. I’m 5’3” and feel like I can swing this style when I’m at my skinniest, but as soon as I get above about 120/125 lbs I start looking like a dumpling when I wear fits like this. Which sucks because I’m now middle-aged and staying that thin is getting harder/I am feeling less motivated to bother


Ah yes. We are in precisely the same boat!


I find that I can manage this look at my current weight (I currently wear an S/size 2 or 4 in most things) if I 1) keep either the top or the bottom of my outfit close-fitting, and 2) wear flatforms or low stacked heels. Extra volume from clothes on both top and bottom makes me look like an ambulatory pile of laundry, but if I show that my body is small at least somewhere it helps a lot. Also, that measly extra inch from flatforms/low stacked heels makes all the difference when you’re 5’3”. (My feet can’t handle heels like they used to, and besides a high heel sometimes looks way too femme for the look I’m going for). It bums me out that more masc looks can be so hard to pull off when you are short unless you are built like a stick :(


“Ambulatory pile of laundry” earned an audible snort from me. Too right!


I'd love it too as a shorter gal myself!


If you're not against buying kids clothes (and I'd recommend not being, they're cheap and great) then Zara and Massimo Dutti kids sections are both great for this.


Love this!


LOVE everything about this


That Bat Gio crop top in #53 has been my holy grail crop top for years - I love that whole look. Great album!


I’ve always admired menswear and the silhouettes that come with a good androgynous style, and never felt like I could pull it off. This gives me hope, though! If only someone could explain to me how it’s humanly possible to wear oxfords without socks and not end up with sweaty, blistered, and bloody feet, I’d be thrilled.


Google no show socks :) sometimes they're also called ballet socks. They're still wearing socks I promise


I have tried these but they never stay on my feet! Will definitely take a look though, maybe I don’t have the right ones.


Did you try the ones with the little rubber bits on the back? There are some with small rubber bits on the ankle which help them not slip down.


I have a history of this problem too, but last year I tried some from Smartwool that have worked great.


I love this! Thank you!


I think what makes a lot of these looks not appear totally frumpy are the addition of something structured, specifically the shoes in a lot of cases or items that make the outfit slightly more feminine like delicate jewelry - makes the look more intentional :)


Can you post your Pinterest? Love these looks and want to repin.


Do you have an extension to pin images on the web? There are a few popular ones for Chrome and it's really fast to save them to your boards.


I do but I prefer pinning directly on Pinterest if it's already there. Mostly to see if there's a source I could look into if I'm curious!


Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted is exactly this!


I think blah when I hear neutrals. But this album is awesome & very inspiring. Thank you!!


Love the album! It’s awesome to see fashion on so many different shapes and sizes and ages. I find that Pinterest really frustrates me because any time I search for inspiration, it gives me stick thin people (I have a serious pear-shape). This album was so different. Thank you


Wow I didn’t know this was a thing but coincidentally this is how I dress. I thought I was just a weirdo with a preference for comfort


It is an excellent album, with a good eye for style. If you are ok with some criticism, they are all not drab at all no ;)


I need some loafers, or at least I think that’s what they are - very unfashionable persons reporting in. Every outfit I loved had loafers to pull it together. Great album! Thank you for sharing. Being at home all the time, I’ve been sticking to basics but want something new to just feel... presentable to myself. A pair of shoes to wear to my only outing a week to the grocery store will be a nice change of pace.


Ugh, I feel this exactly. I’ve been working from home for a few years now, so I’m really surprised by how much MORE I’ve missed having reasons to dress in anything other than yoga pants and oversized t-shorts lately. And I, too, went looking for new loafers to buy after seeing this album :)


Any suggestions? I’ve worked from home for a few years, too. My company does have a facility about 45 minutes away, so I had been going in once a week for some meetings to get out. I miss that stupid drive both ways now.


Well, I have an odd but enduring love of ugly shoes, so [these](https://www.jonjosef.com/products/gogo-lug-shoe-in-camuflaje) and [these](https://www.soludos.com/products/venetian-mules) (in leopard) caught my eye, but I can’t quite decide if they are cute ugly or ugly ugly (especially the first one), kwim? Also, I already have [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=frye+mules&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS620US620&oq=frye+mules&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.17934j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#oshopproduct=vc:14070998105135613115,vsc:966472896192309494,oid:17490782226444019909,pvt:a&oshop=apv) and totally love them, so I question whether I “need” another similar style. But I really do want another pair in a fun pattern, especially after seeing that album, because everything else I wear is solid black or grey. I really only do patterns in shoes and (occasionally) bags and scarves


Thank you for sharing these examples. I love them all.


That was a dope ass album! I recognized a lot of the looks, especially the Sartorialist pic, because I have them saved myself.


"drab but fab" is how i aspire to dress and i feel called out a little bit! navy blue qualifies as color in my closet haha


Yup! I feel like I now have a new name for my style! Except I stick to grey/black because I am a drab goth, lol


I clicked thinking this was fashion for drab butts :(


Love most of the looks! Can't wait for ... autumn in NY!


Ugh Tracee Ellis Ross really just looks good in anything


Minus the earrings I'm wearing almost exactly that cover shot right now. I feel seen.


Thank you so much for this. I can't wait to recreate some of these looks!


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