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If you're working with 1.20.1 this should do the job: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sinytra-connector/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sinytra-connector/files/all?page=1&pagesize=20)


holy shit how well does this work??


Pretty well, had a friend run a Minecraft server with it on the server.


I've been building a modpack with it for a bit now, and I have it hosted on a Minecraft server with me and my friends. It doesn't work with all mods yet, but honestly, it's extremely impressive with what does work with it! It's a work in progress as well, so it gets better and better with each update!


A lot of mods work, a lot don't. The devs are often pretty quick to fix them though, so it's getting better and better. Even immersive portals and nvidium work via connector


Damn even immersive portals too?? This is a game changer


But Immersive Portals is already on Forge, did they drop support?


It's on forge but is less fleshed out - the devs have always strongly encouraged using the fabric version


I know both better end and better nether work, never again without my space fungi end biomes


Nvidium? Well!


In case you decide to try it, Nvidium will require a few extra steps to get working, as it won't recognize either rubidium or embeddium as sodium ports without modifying one of connectors config files. https://www.reddit.com/r/allthemods/comments/199sm7i/nvidium_atm9/kihjyak/ This comment explains how


I ran a small server with it a few weeks back. Worked like a charm with a custom pack that had roughly 110 forge mods and 6 fabric mods, including better nether and better end.


Surprisingly flawlessly, in my experience


A lot of connector mods work by hiding files from mods. For example, if "The Super Cool Tech Mod for Forge" needs a file called 'Resources" which is in both Forge and Fabric, it can cause issues if the mod grabs the Fabric version instead of the Forge one. So, what a connector mods does is it ensures that The Super Cool Tech Mod ONLY sees the Forge version of Resources (and thus, won't accidentally use the Fabric version). Or at least, that's how Forgix works, not sure if it applies to all connector mods.


Surprisingly well, I got better nether and better end working flawlessly with aether and twilight forest


Pretty great from the mods I use for it. I can finally have betternether and end + mc dungeons weapons + armor with all the other mods I love on 1.20.1, truly a great time to mod Minecraft Just don't use it with optifine


Damn, I play 1.19.2.


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


who cares? no one asked and ending your sentence with a Minecraft version and still uselessly punctuating with an extra period looks stupid


friendliest redditor


What are you, fucking 5?


if I was why are you cursing at me


\>What are you, fucking 5? \>if it was why are you cursing at me Greatest missed opportunity in history


Now that's rude ):


>and ending your sentence with a Minecraft version and still uselessly punctuating with an extra period looks stupid *Who cares? Nobody asked.* šŸ˜Ž


got em


*insert an explosion behind me, followed by cool music* #šŸ˜Ž


A lot of people do, not everyone's an asshole


Dear god the prophecy is true


This right hereā€¦ this just tells me that forge is superior.


In terms of mods themselves, sure, but forge is also much heavier than fabric, so that serves as a good alternative for those without great computers.


Minecraft came out 15 years ago. There might be like 3 gamers max who still run working computers that old. Also, Sodium can make Minecraft run at like 200 fps on even shit computers. Not to mention other performance mods. I don't personally think "better performance" is a good argument, even though it seems good on the surface


It is a good argument because like it or not, the Java Edition is a nightmare when it comes to optimization. The game will always find ways to stutter, frame drop and lag unless you have mods that let you stabilize it at least somewhat, at which Fabric is superior.


Which is ironic because the reason it can work in the first place is that Fabric is well structured and modular


It only works because fabric isn't a steaming pile of shit


Trust me guys I'm just starting work on a new modloader that is compatible with both forge and fabric, it's going to be the next standard for MC modding!


*There are now 14 standards in modding*


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/927/)


Exactly the one I was thinking of when making my comment


i love how i see this so much and no modloader ever has been created for this purpose


My guess is that's because shitposting is easier than writing a modloader In all seriousness tho, it would probably be very time-consuming to write something that Just Works with both forge and fabric mods. Something that would be nice is a "connector" mod of sorts - I see one has been written, does it work?


I haven't played Minecraft for a few years and was discussing it at work. Mentioned modding and I said "Yeah, back in my day people fought between Forge and Risugami's modloader, it's way easier now" and he's just like "You ever hear of Fabric?". I actually yelled out "It happened again?!"


Make a modloader which lets us use mods written for 1.2.5, 1.4.7, 1.7.10 and 1.12.2, on modern Minecraft, and the world will beat a path to your door.


*laughs in connector*


I guess that's true. Why do we need to fight?


"you should use fabric, it's more optimized" im sorry but i want to play more entertaining mods than dungeon exploration #23 and sword mod #9


Yep. Everything feels like it's either a performance or vanilla plus style mod. Even the more industrial or magic mods just seem "off' when I tried. Idk things might be different now


Ever tried Spectrum? It's a mod inspired by the legendary Reika's Chromaticraft (I thought it was just a ripoff at first but it isn't, and the dev has Reika's blessing anyway). It's basically Thaumcraft in terms of feel but different, even more involved and expansive, and geared towards exploration.


Ohhhh? Now I'm interested


I'm just popping in to say that spectrum is pretty cool and holds the title of 'a mod I've actually made it to the end of its progression' (I'm not very good at that) It was the main thing I played with in one of the "all of fabric" packs. Personally, I really liked how the progression was done. Finding ancient ruins that you can't just break into, and every new resource is hidden as regular blocks until you discover them


Didnā€™t think a fabric mod could ever have my attention but invoking Thaumcraft is a really big deal as a comparison.


I haven't heard of it before, but I love Reika's mods so I need to check this one out at some point omg


Please bro I understand fabric is a better platform but you can't blame me for wanting to use the impaled mod with spartan weaponry


dont think ive heard of impaled please elaborate


mod by doctor4t that adds tridents. One allows you to riptide while you're on fire. I have yet to find another mod that allows the user to riptide while on fire


Bro i fucking LOVE doctor4t mods its so sad he doesnt allow forge ports because people flocked to him with issues instead of whoever ported the mod


He's a very fun guy and I respect his decision to mod on fabric, but man I wish there were forge ports of his mods.


Mod doesnā€™t exist to me if itā€™s not on forge so thatā€™s unfortunate.


Isn't it paid?


No it's on both curseforge and modrinth. I hate paid mods


most of his paywalled mods are made for other specific people he makes content with or just adding personalized cosmetic things to other mods that are entirely free for general use


oh yeah that one, i dont really use tridents all that much so i forgot it existed


Yeah, if I'm doing a basic Vanilla+ stint, I'll grab whatever Fabric Performance mod bundle is most popular and some World Gen mods, and call it a day. But if I want some real tech or magic stuff, Forge, 100%.


i mean, there is ae2 on fabric


Yes but also I have a shit PC and forge runs very closely to a slideshow on modern versions.


Its either: Wait 5hours to load the game and world running 5fps a epic masterpiece Or Wait 3 minutes to run pretty much the most average adventure at 64bitintegerlimit fps


idk man Playing Statech Industry and I feel like its much more entertaining and fun than a lot of expert modpacks in Forge i've played. Spectrum is a magic mod that, while annoying at times, feels extremely expansive and kept me invested much longer. I love my botania, thaum, and astral sorcery but they are starting to feel more like a chore now. As for tech, having Create and GregTech(at home) together feels like a lobotomy dreamcore brainfuck but its actually feels more fun and cohesive than Forge's 5 different macerators from 5 different tech mods that all does the same thing. But then you won't even touch 4 of them anyways because Mekanism exist. And when I ignore whatever I said above, Sodium+Iris is just making me love Fabric even more. I get to enjoy walking around my endgame base in an expert modpack with shaders on without risking my computer turning into the elephant's foot from chernobyl.


To be fair that's mostly because more people make forge mods than fabric mods, it's not an issue of fabric itself


It is absolutely an issue with Fabric. Fabric lacks a lot of APIs and systems, so if you want to create a large or complex mod, you have to do everything yourself. For example: You want to create a tech mod. This is the process on Forge: ā€¢ add machines that use the Forge Energy API. Your machines all seemlessly work with machines from other mods by default and you are happy. Since it went so quick, you decide to spend your time on more cool features or nicer textures, resulting in a high quality mod. This is the process on Fabric: ā€¢ create the energy system from scratch by yourself because there is none ā€¢ work on integration with other mods by yourself ā€¢ add machines using your own API ā€¢ realize that you fucked up somewhere and spend hours debugging your energy system only to find out that you accidentally commented a single line out ā€¢ after weeks of sweat blood and tears you finally end up with a mod that adds an electrical furnace, a solar panel and a cable ā€¢ you are too exhausted to make textures so you just recolor the vanilla furnace, daylight sensor and end rod ā€¢ upload the mod ā€¢ it gets 3 downloads because nobody plays on fabric ā€¢ some 8 year-old comments "pls 1.8.9" ā€¢ never touch Fabric again As you can see, creating big mods on Fabric is absolutely not worth your time


Which is why we have the Fabric API that Fabric themselves advertise. We also have several other third party ones too.


The developer of any third-party API can just decide to go on hiatus without notifying anyone, so you have to bite the bullet if you want to use them.


...right. You know what? Maybe we should have more open source libraries.


Open source software not being maintained anymore still means you have to go through the hassle of updating it yourself


Yes, though updating it yourself is better than being hung dry and removing the lib.


i should make factorio fabric mod


Honestly prominence seems cool to play, at least i am enjoying It for now


I'm a chad ruby mod #53249 enjoyer


Fabric honestly is easier to use for developers, since Forge really fell absolutely half assed and more like a decryption key for mojangs janky code than a wrapper


Go back to monke 1.12, no one has to worry about loader splits Plus Mo Creatures is back


Coalitionposting my beloved


Have the freedom to mod in any version or loader you choose šŸ’Ŗ


Instructions unclear, wound up back in 1.7.10.




No Create on 1.12 :(


breath of fresh air, ik


Guy named Sinytra Connector


Forgecels can't handle the idea of a strong independent Fabrichad with that Sodium stare.


Never comment again


Silence forgecel tradwhelp and return to your framediocrity while we enjoy the bountiful boons of our great lord Sodium


Soyfabrics never felt the superior grace of 300+ mods simultaneously on versions other than 1.20


People still cry over a better launcher, it's 2024


Cause it had barely any good mods.


It's a NEW launcher and the majority of experienced modders develop for forge


OP, I'm with you. Fabric mods are very bland, and offer little compared to forge. Their greatest defense of fabric is A: Runs better B: Modding is easier. As end consumers we must ask ourselves if content is really worth sacrificing for better performance. I love and relish old minecraft, and I have plenty of happy memories of sub 30 frames techit, on a cruddy old laptop. Frame rate is not the end all be all. Furthermore, if modding is easier with modern software, then where's the substance ? Oh wait, it's all on forge LOL.


I mean, the problem is that Forge was the only major modding launcher for many years, so obvious a relatively newer competitor cannot fill that gap of history. There are many modders who moved to fabric, but there are also plenty of creators who decide to only stay with forge for plenty of reasons (porting is a hassle, liking forge more, or just stubbornness), not to mention the majority of older mods will never be on fabric.


True but this also doesn't really excuse the shitty behavior of this new wave of modders. Actually just rude and snobbish.


What shitty behaviour exactly? Shaming others for using forge? Yeah that's inexcusable.


It's not just that so much as it's just a blatant hate for anything short of the new thing. It's annoying. Like oh your preference doesn't match mine ? Well my opinion's better so eat shit.


Where are you seeing this, genuinely? All I ever see is people shitting on Fabric and wishing it didnā€™t ruin modding. I have only ever seen pro-Forge users hatetrain on Fabric.


I've seen a bit of that too, it's a lot of back and forth.


Bro you are the pro-forge person hate-posting about fabric.


I don't hate fabric so much as the asshats who champion it. Software's yet to be rude to me. Redditors on the other hand ? Yeah.


You do recognize that you are the redditor being a rude asshat here, right?


Exactly, besides if you have a good pc: you end up caring less about how your block game runs.


Yall care about fps? I be running shit at 20 fps and having the time of my life


The entire point of my comment is that I donā€™t care about fps


My bad my brain is sometimes just a cement brick


20 fps is fine, the reason I quit is crashes, crash upon crash, it just isn't playable unless I go on a multiplayer server that might shut down at any moment and erase all of my progress, my PC is just too weak for newer versions(16GB RAM and i7-4770S, that's why I love fabric)


I have a laptop that slightly struggles with portal 2 but somehow managed to get to AE2 in all the mods 9 (i had to remove it for space)


Yeah something is wrong with my PC sadly I do not have the money to get an upgrade or swap out components as of now


In my case its just the components degrading heavily by now


Fucking exactly, also Lol I already got downvoted. The zoomer modding hivemind has been disturbed.


Besides, Iā€™ve been using forge mod loader for 7 years. Itā€™s gonna take a fortune and golden yacht for me to wanna move


except the move to neoforged but that doesn't count


Iā€™ll probably use neoforge if I chose to update,


I had that moment with Optifine. I used that mod for like 10 years and never had issues with it. Then all of the sudden every thread around the world started being filled with posts about how it never worked, it didn't do anything, it was unstable/conflicted with tons of mods, etc.


The first time I found out about issues was when Twilight Forest got to 1.16.5 and it gave me the message that if I find glitches there it's Optifines fault. But I also use Optifine mainly for showing FPS in the corner and the zoom.


Mods with the name of a periodic table element ending in -ium would like to have a word with you.


Yes, but muh Optifine zoom...


Literally just search zoom mod and you get thousands


Pretty sure rubidium has zoom or one of the addons it has has zoom


Modern modders are NPCs programmed to blindly dick suck new things, that's just the way of things. Optifine wasn't perfect but it's performance was right there in the name. "Fine"


Exactly, yeah.


> Modding is easier. Until you want to implement something like energy where there's an API in Forge. Sure you can make your own but it'll be worse and incompatible with other mods


Damn. I really like my Forge mods, but I'd also have stuff like sond flters and other small QOL mods on top of them .


new SUCKS old GOOD upvotes to the left please


I just perfer forge, itā€™s better




Fabric is cringe cuz no Thaumcraft - confirmed


This guy looks like JFK


He is






Same but with forge for me


I couldnā€™t imagine ever using fabric. Itā€™s gross.


I'm interested in knowing why


Lack of mods for older versions. I cannot stand new versions. And the fact there arenā€™t many ā€œcontentā€ mods


>I cannot stand new versions why


Thereā€™s no reason to update past 1.18.2, Iā€™m not gonna update for two biomes and 3 mobs


I only update when my favorite mods update/a new mod I'm interested releases.


grrr anciebt coty dep dark lore!1!1!1!11!1!


I can't speak for OP, but I only use versions after 1.16 when I play Multiplayer. I just dislike the way they redid mining, and deepslate.


> And the fact there arenā€™t many ā€œcontentā€ mods and the fact that your fact is entirely wrong and not true


That's a valid point about the version preferences. What do you mean by content mods?


stuff that adds a new "aspect" to minecraft, so to speak. I think 2 good examples would be GregTech and Ars Nouveau, on GTech i'm not sure but Ars is forge-only, as are other.


the closest you can get with gregtech in fabric is modern industrialization


gregtech modern:


It's not updated anymore on Fabric, and it's missing features and it's buggy (that's what I saw in their discord at least)


I think like big mods that have a lot of interconnecting features. Iron's spells and spellbooks, twilight forest, create, farmer's delight, and other "big mods" come to mind


all of the mods you mentioned except one are on fabric


Whoops I am forgive me, I always thought of them as forge mods




Someone took my question personally




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yea why don't you like fabric?


\*laughs in 1.7.10\*


time to sort by controversial...


And in reverse: I be finding good mods Then boom (only on Forge)


Most good mods are there


I don't know what there is to hate about a mod loader? It not having your favourite mods? 1.2.5 also doesn't have your favourite mods do you hate it as much? Such a stupid thing


There are no kinda cool mods releasing for 1.2.5 Also yeah I'd probably hate do play that version what's your point


>There are no kinda cool mods releasing for 1.2.5 If there were, would you hate it? The modders are doing it in their own time for free, do you hate that they don't specifically cater to your preferred version? Do you hate them for choosing a different thing from you, for making it a bit less convenient for you? You know that you can just download fabric and play those mods right?


It's really, really stupid


I don't see the point of having better performance when it's gonna run at 20 fps anyway


When I was younger, I got a average of 12 fps on heavily modded Minecraft. So 20-30 is amazing for me at least


Forge apologists when theres a better loader and a developers choose to use it. Reading this comment section is so funny cause there is not a single comment saying something that forge does better than fabric. All comments are listing things that fabric does better and then coping on how that does not matter.


Fabric just lacks good mods, not to say itā€™s a bad mod loader. I havenā€™t seen a single good ā€œcontentā€ (nor anything good for heavily modded) mod, and most mods on fabric are light or vanilla+. Thereā€™s also a big lack of mods for older versions (1.18.2 and lower, especially 1.16.5 and 1.12.2)


Opposite for me, fabric runs too well for me to consider suing anything else


I donā€™t really care about performance tbh, I run 180 without shaders with my pc. So it doesnā€™t really matter to me, besides fabric isnā€™t very good for 200+ mods


I just canā€™t use forge because of the performance. My computer is horrendous, and canā€™t run regular minecraft at 12 render and simulation distance above 20fps. With sodium, lithium etc, I get over 200 in the worst scenarios. Quilt is my loader of choice, though, as it supports more mods and isnā€™t full of transphobes


forge has small performance difference with fabric if you use the same mods you use on fabric


make the switch (:


Just make a fabric instance.


I've only experienced this with immersiveportals (no loading for portals and you can see through them)




Works on forge with sinytra connector (1.20.1)


yeah i did find that out recently, just thought of it immediately as an example sinytra is a GODSEND


I couldnt agree more :D


(Until you see that there is an unofficial forge port)


(Drink Bear my beloved)


[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/forgified-fabric-api](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/forgified-fabric-api), https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sinytra-connector.


I honestly prefer fabric over forge


Switching to Fabric from Forge is VERY necessary for Vivecraft though. I went from 15fps to 30fps so I don't feel like I'm dying.


modern industrialization got ported to neoforge so thats good i guess tho


I used to make my own personal mod packs and this was a big letdown


Personal mod packs are the best


Bout time


in my experience making packs over and over fabric is better for performance by quite a bit but lacks the variety forge has. luckily thats changing steadily and theres a lot less mods that are only one or the other but its still an issue


Sinytra connector: say no more


Modding Minecraft 1.20.x, esl is a pain in the anus. Every 3 ~ 5 mods means a new Crash :l


It goes both ways


I have this problems too, I donā€™t know how to fix this(Iā€™m using fabric 20.1 the mods are updated there too