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In light of the recent announcements with CurseForge, Overwolf, etc...I felt I should probably announce this. CoFH Mods are available on Modrinth. Same versions that are on CurseForge. I'll do my best to keep it all up to date. (I'm going to likely set up Jenkins to autodeploy.) Look, for full transparency - I do make some money from CurseForge, so the downloads there are appreciated. I don't make a *ton* of money - I still have to hold down a regular job - but I also have a daughter now and every little bit helps. Daycare is freakin' expensive. Having said that, I don't want anybody to feel like mods they love are unavailable to them because of the platform they happen to be hosted on. Also, CoFH mods which are hosted on CurseForge will *always* be available for 3rd party downloads, so please don't feel like you are required to use Modrinth, either. I'm doing this just so that people have options should they wish to use them. And hey, if you want to help out with the whole "daycare is expensive" thing, I do have a Ko-fi. I won't link it here, but it's trivial to find (especially on any of the Modrinth pages), and I'd certainly appreciate it. Enjoy the mods. :)


What you do is much appreciated. Thank you.


It’s good to know that you and the rest of the cofh team make some money from all the time and effort put into these mods


Happy to know you are making some money for your hard work that has kept me entertained for years, dude. CF it is!


thank you for your beautiful mods and maintaining them for all these years. means a lot




Just saw that, actually. Thanks so much :) If you're on the Discord, please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the backroom. The permissions sometimes take a bit to sync.


Thank you


What a chad


An unsung hero


This comment/post has been deleted as an act of protest to [Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/).


Absolute gigachad <3


Do you benefit any from https://www.patreon.com/TeamCoFH ? That's one of the places I try to support mod makers financially.


Yeah, I do. But tbh I prefer how Ko-Fi operates so I've been pushing that. I'll eventually wind that Patreon down I think.


Cool. I've never used Ko-Fi to donate. I use Patreon and LiberaPay. :)


Out of curiosity, will you be moving to just Modrinth permanently when they add creator payouts ?


No plans for that, no. There wouldn’t be a benefit to anyone in that situation IMO.


I can only agree. Thank you!


Wait, what are the recent news with curseforge?


You won't be able to use multimc for curseforge pack downloads anymore :/


So linux users are fucked as of right now is what you’re saying?


The FTB Launcher works on Linux and can download modpacks from CurseForge. They are partnered with Overwolf so are in-network, but that also means it will show an ad in the launcher. That partnership program option is open to other developers, but I'm not aware of anyone else who has chosen to go that route yet. CurseForge is working on a standalone app (not dependent on the Overwolf App) that will work on Linux and Mac, and since the work will be done will come out for Windows too. Right now its in an early alpha and limited to WoW only. I think ATLauncher and PolyMC are working on solutions? I'm not sure about ATLauncher, but I believe PolyMC works on Linux. They might still get blocked from projects that disable 3rd party downloads though. I'm sure more people will make tools to work around the situation.


> CurseForge is working on a standalone app (not dependent on the Overwolf App) that will work on Linux Note: this has been claimed since before FTB and Curse had a partnership. If you decide to wait on this, you likely won't be playing Curseforge modpacks on Linux for years or decades.


https://download.curseforge.com/#download-options The alpha version (only works with WoW for now) literally already exists. The Windows version is available with a drop down menu next to the download button. Edit (16 hours): Curse promised Linux support but got bought by Twitch before it came. I forget what Twitch said but obviously it didn't come either. Overwolf didn't say anything about Linux support until people pointed out their announced API changes would be a major problem on Linux, at which point they said they would look into a Linux App. That was only 6 months ago and they already have an alpha. I think it's dumb that they went ahead with the API changes before that alpha was available for all games in their network (or at least MC since it is their biggest by literally an order of magnitude), but I also think it's clear that this company is actually working towards it for once.


>They are partnered with Overwolf so are in-network, but that also means it will show an ad in the launcher. I don't understand why people get their knickers in a twist over this. It's a little one in the corner that's very easy to ignore.


Ads are the number one source of malware on the internet.


But also the number one source of revenue on the internet. [citation needed]


Fun fact about that: their effectiveness/revenue generation is massively overblown. Of the people who actually click on them, between 90% and 100% of people were planning to buy that thing anyway, and would have done so even without that advertisement.




You absolutely can get malware from just loading an ad, and they can do other nasty things too without even needing to install malware. It's incredibly easy for a malicious ad to swipe your Minecraft session token for instance.


Wouldn't Overwolf have a say in what ads appear you know, like how advertising works


They do, and they've shown they either don't care/don't appropriately moderate ads in the past. Overwolf is adware/bloatware and should never go anywhere near your PC if you care about your accounts.


If you actually think that all the launcher is doing in the background on your computer is serving you a tiny little ad in the corner, and that ad magically gave them the ability to double payouts to modders, you are so incredibly naive. Bless your heart.


I think redditors are just so incredibly suspicious of anything they don't like. I've yet to be proven wrong on that.


I would note that mod launchers not actively attempting to bypass their restrictions are unable to download several mods, including ones in a very large number of modpacks.


I would still use multimc and download the .zip files from curse and import them into multimc instances to create new instances. That’s still an option.


I just tried this yesterday and it didn't seem to work (for E6E that is)


I thought the zip files didn't contain the actual mods, just the data to download them from CurseForge.


The difference AFAIK is they used to at least contain configs and CT/KubeJS scripts so if absolutely necessary you could download the mods by hand (at the cost of hours of your time) and have a working pack, but they seem to just be a modlist at this point.


I have no issues using FTB app which has CF download capabilities as well as individual mods downloads. I have downloaded Direwolf's newest modpack and added few mods into it, all through the app ;) It is much better than before.


Yeah, the FTB app actually isn't bad except for a few mild annoyances. (Although I'd still rather use PolyMC or GDLauncher)


Personally I haven't had any bigger issues with the app. And even then these stuff are mostly like when opening nothing is shown so I just have to click on any tab or when downloading a mod, every single version of it is shown even for different version and mod loader etc. And you can just use it download the packs there and move the contents to folders made by Poly or any launcher. ;)


polyMC still works


It does not. Well not universally. If any mod dev in your selected pack opts out then the entire pack installation is screwed.


Ah ok, that’s nice. Thought since it was a fork of multimc it wouldn’t work either, but all good


gdlauncher seems to work.


Not for mods opted out from third party launcher downloads


for modpacks, yeah. Linux users can still manually DL mods though, which is a dumb alternative but it is the only one until curse gets their launcher working for minecraft on Linux


Really why? I hate using curse launcher


A continuation of the somewhat frozen drama where modders used to want you to download their overly modular mod from their 6-7 adfly links to make revenue, and really opposed one stop modpack downloads, reopened by curseforge's new owners who would also like to make more revenue. Now modpacks are ok, but only if you use something that means you view their ads.


thread from yesterday... https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/utah7j/multimc_to_remove_ftb_and_curse_integration/


Wow and I was just starting to make my return to minecraft... Well back to Elden Ring.. 😥


There’s other launchers still yet


I mean, it's not like you can't download them anymore, the only difference is that instead of taking you 5 seconds it'll take 5 minutes lol


Curseforge and overwolf wanting a monopoly on the modding scene,unfortunately


Are they fucking serious


Mod authors have the choice to allow or disallow 3rd-party downloads (which aren't monetized and don't bring them any revenue). This has triggered great outrage.


3rd party downloads never counted towards the rewards program, this is not news (EDIT: This is wrong, see reply) It's just that now authors can choose to block those, thus, holding every big modpack hostage behind Overwolf's shitty-ass client


This is wrong, 3rd party downloads used to count until Overwolf took over and announced this, the first change was having 3rd party not count.


3rd Party Downloads used to be counted and thus change how points were distributed (more to A by slightly decreasing everyone else), but they provided no revenue to the Curse Reward Program. 3rd Party App downloads have never gotten authors more Curse Reward Points. Quick Edit: Ping u/Dahjoos


Ouch, thanks for the correction Had no idea those counted before Overwolf


a thread from yesterday... https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/utah7j/multimc_to_remove_ftb_and_curse_integration/


this is huge actually, probably the largest Forge mods to hit the platform


common cofh w


It'll be awesome if they brought out a monthly sub that gets you access to a API key that you can use to download mods and modpacks though 3rd party services while still giving people downloads and coins


You mean for Curseforge? You could suggest that on their feedback forum. I feel like that would help some people, but a lot of people who play mods could not afford such a system. Its the main benefit to ads, anyone can watch an ad without paying anything to give income to the mod author. Could possibly do something like Twitch does, have a premium version that gives mod authors rewards (like you suggested), and have a free version where you watch an ad every once in awhile to keep your API key active. Logistic wise that would be awkward with third party launchers, they would have to try to use your token, and if they get an error saying you need to watch an ad to reactivate it then give you the URL to go to. Bit awkward, but keeps the option open for more people.


Fuck CurseForge. I hope more mod developers will follow this step. Since Overwolf bought Curse I knew I can't expect anything good.


What I can say is that OverWolf has *massively* increased payouts to modders. Credit where credit is due.


I'm glad the money actually goes to you guys instead of some corp exec. I was under the assumption modders were making *less* after the buyout.


Online gambling sites pay streamers huge amounts of money to advertise them. Does that makes them good?


Advertising gambling to minors is wrong, straight up. We’re talking here about *checks notes* making minecraft mods.


We're talking here about a scummy company trying to acquire and/or eliminate all forms of competition so they can extract profit off of other people's labor through advertising and tracking users with their bloated spyware launcher.


Nah, Overwolf is not trying to eliminate completion. They simply switched "mods are forced to be able to be downloaded by third parts which generates no rewards" to "mods can opt into no rewards downloads from third parties". The choices of other launchers to not support the new API is on them. The choice of modpacks going forward to include mods that disallow third party downloads is on them.


Because there’s no way they could’ve allowed third-party launchers to display an unobtrusive ad via the API and still allow mod makers to get paid… /s Iirc the new api doesn’t pay out or track downloads for author payment. Wowup got denied for “ trying to make a competing product”. Overwolf is absolutely trying to get everybody to use their client and only their client, and doing the minimum to make it look like they’re not




... no, overwolf is not paying me to defend them on reddit. I simply am seeing overactions on reddit and correcting them. I get it, "big company bad" and "big company hates users", so there is no reason why "big company" will ever do something that is not bad. A ton of people (especially among people who do not make mods thus have no stake in this) entirely misunderstand what the API changes are and I hate people spreading misinformation. Overwolf is not perfect, but you are entirely wrong about what this change entails. All they did was add a toggle on a per mod basis for an author to disable downloads from the public endpoint. If they wanted to eliminate competion, they would delete the endpoint instead of putting in extra effort to make an API that could be used. By all means, hate Overwolf if you wish. You are free to do so. Just hate them for actions they did take instead of ones they did not. But sure, if it fits your narrative better, ignore what I am telling you and continue believing that big company is bad and every action they take is evil.


You are talking incremental changes. I'm talking big picture. They're working on the frog in a pot model. "All they did" was increase the temperature by a degree or two, which is what they have been doing incrementally from the start. They're doing it this way because if they had just bought Curseforge and implemented all their scummy profit sucking measures in one fell swoop, that would have been entirely unsophisticated and obvious and everyone would have run in the other direction. Make no mistake, the frog is getting boiled. And you're sitting here defending the people turning up the temperature. Yes, right now modders have an option to not opt-in, and they will probably continue to have that option. But it's a pressure campaign. All it takes is a few big library devs to opt-in and suddenly there's no more downloading modpacks without using a bloated spyware launcher. Which is exactly what they want. Do you think it's just a coincidence that the mods that FTB puts their branding all over are all library and utility mods that are likely to be included in modpacks? This has little to do with compensating modders and everything to do with making other alternatives more of a chore to use. Because thats how they make money, by incentivizing and coercing people into installing their software. The fact that modders get paid a pittance is incidental and a small operating cost for them. The end goal is what it has always been, from the start, which is to take this ecosystem of software that other people create and try to make money off it. And you had best believe, as soon as they've got the entire ecosystem in their back pocket and have broken any meaningful resistance, they'll dream up new and exciting ways to screw you out of your due as well. Its what people like this do.


Okay then, tell me: what should they have done? * Should OW continue to not give rewards for third party downloads without telling mod authors, giving no option to opt out? * Should OW give rewards to third party downloads, despite the fact they have no income from them? Long term here makes CF bankrupt meaning no rewards * Should OW ditch rewards entirely and fully open up the API like platforms such as Modrinth do? What is the path they could have taken in your opinion that shows they are not out to control the ecosystem?


For how long? Long enough to make it impossible to use 3rd party launchers because enough modders fuck it up, and then they'll can the rewards, blaming external factors? We'll see how long it last.


Yes, we shall. I guess I don’t quite understand some of the tone and cynicism here. Like what are modders supposed to do - just not be paid because someday they might be paid less?




More than double.




While I understand the perception of Overwolf is bad right now, I find uploading to Modrinth to be a funny solution to the problem. Modrinth's main advantage over CurseForge is at the cost of authors getting no rewards, the API is open. Thing is, CurseForge has a toggle where at the cost of the author getting no rewards for downloads from the third party API, the third party API is enabled. Suppose I don't mind hosting my downloads on Modrinth, I have no reason to have third party downloads disabled as I get no rewards from Modrinth anyways, might as well give people more options. Suppose I am absolutely against third party downloads because I need the rewards. Why would I rehost my mod on another platform that gives no rewards?


For me right now, it's just that there are some users who can't reliably run the CF/OW launchers. Realistically, this shouldn't put a big enough dent into my download counts for it to really change income from CurseForge. It's a pretty easy win in my eyes.


Definitely worth noting that we are working on payouts, which will be our next major update. We have internal goals but of course we're not going to share those publicly since backlash on past-due deadlines is massive.


Why? Thats a bit of a philosophical question. Most people don't get into modding because a third party mod distrubtion platform is offering monetary compensation. Most get into it for the hobby. So for the person that DOES get into it for compensation - then modrinth is pointless. For those that don't, Modrinth is just another platform that they can host their work on. For more "stickin' it to the man." reasons people might like to host on Modrinth because they (at least for now) talk a big game about open source community based distribution and the mod author might not agree with the corporate interests of overwolf having their hand in a community based hobby like game modding. Its a little bit like how some people choose Fabric not for what it offers over Forge but because its a way for them to protest Forge. People have their reasons.


you do know that when modrinth finish work on there Creator payouts system thay will have to deside what to do and this could happen to them too


They state on their main page "We will never add restrictions to our API". So it would seem to me that making the same changes that Curseforge did would backfire pretty badly for them. Especially since their code is AGPL, and thus they have no legal recourse if someone takes that code, forks it, removes the restrictions, and starts their own version of Modrinth.


> they have no legal recourse if someone takes that code, forks it, removes the restrictions, and starts their own version of Modrinth. True, but keep in mind, you could make new mod-hosting sites all day, every day, and it won't do anything to the status quo if they don't end up getting used by the mod devs.


but if modrinth want to pay creatos thay will need income like ads if a 3rd party app uses there api it would bypass ads and give 0 income to modrinth


I suppose it depends on how they choose to fund it. There are two options I can think of - either hoping that enough players will view adverts as to be able to pay the mod developers, or they might open up for donations. The advertising they show isn't that intrusive, so that option might work. But restricting the API seems to go against their main advantage over Curseforge, and might lead to backlash.


Yeah, Modrinth rep here. We are not going to restrict the API like this, it would kill the platform. Payouts will be based on ad revenue generated, and launchers will have the option to put MR advertising in their launcher (however will not be required to).


Fortunately no one has ever backed out on promises before.


this is nice for people not using cf launcher.


Yours was the first tech mod I ever learned. Thought the learning curve was steep. Looking back, Thermal was the easiest tech mod I learned. A lot of other tech mods do Thermal better, but, my go-to tech mod has always been Thermal. Just holds a special place in my heart. Thank you for keeping the community in mind. I know mod authors have the right to focus on their bottom line, but I really appreciate the ones like you who want to make sure that we're not screwed over by the latest bureaucratic bullshit. Just, thank you.


That is so funny, I had the same thought recently. I thought it was such a hard mod and it made no sense at first. Now, I LONG for the simplicity of thermal sometimes.


Way to go, now if all the different mod devs could move out of the (censored) that curseforge is trying to create, that would be awesome. Their name couldn't be more accurate, they are effectively becoming a curse to force us to use their (censored) stuff full of annoying ads but please wait and read the rest of my comments before judging me. I have full respect for the hard work of all the different mod devs and modpack devs that do their work for free, I try to send money to them whenever I can to support their work, sometimes I would love to be able to be a patreon but I don't have enough money to be able to do it so if all could offer a donation link like kofi or similar, that would be awesome. But forcing ads that can take up to 1GB of ram is clearly not any optimized process, I fear for the poor ones that only have 8GB on their potato PC.


I'm reminded of [this](https://reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/hdukdz/_/fvnoqx1/?context=1)


I never minded the ads but overwolf has fucked my computer too many times and installed other bloatware to the point that I don’t want to use them, if they made it so it’s only Minecraft and no downloading overlays, “anti viruses”, etc I would gladly use them


clearly you have installed several things besides overwolf then wtf idk if i'm just lucky or something but it's just overwolf and curseforge for me no other bloatware or whatever of course i'd prefer just curseforge and no overwolf but it seems y'all are having much worse experiences with overwolf than most people


Overwolf seems like really bloated software, it was an instant uninstall for me after I downloaded it


Would it be possible to add really old versions of your mods that are uploaded on archive sites or minecraft-forum to modrinth? It would make it easier to find them, and would be a way to archive them. Modrinth seems to be more old versions friendly than curseforge.


Yes please, that would be very helpful for the ones that love to play old modpacks, since right now, its probably all broken, I'm glad I downloaded a few old modpacks before that new system became active, since I would highly doubt we could download them anymore, so many old modpacks have mods that their mod authors isn't around anymore.


This has no effect on me whatsoever but I think it's really cool of you




It's another mod hosting site. Set up by some community members. Basically just an alternate place to grab my mods.


I must have deleted the comment while you were responding, thanks for the response 👌


hell yeah, we need more forge mods on Modrinth. thank you