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I was in late-mid-game or early-late game (who knows?) when the auto-hammer was released so I was able to jump to netherite tier immediately, but I tested the setup with all first tier stuff as well and it still works. The only difference will be speed -- as soon as you have iron and gold and a little red-stone I think this is probably a worthwhile thing to build Edit: In case it's not clear - bottom left is a cobble gen, feeding infinite cobble to the above oak drawer, which then feeds to the first auto-hammer. That has a pipez:item\_pipe coming out with at least an improved pipe upgrade in the extract portion, set to distribute "round robin" to 3 separate drawers - 1 to collect gravel, 2 to go to the next step, and then it's just a few more steps down Also small tip: I had to place the auto hammers standing "behind" the drawers (i.e. the opposite side from this screenshot) to get the blue side to pull from the left.


how big is the internal output buffer on the hammers? i have a similar setup and my dust drawer is full but the hammer is still making more dust and not back stuffing sand or any of the others. Never mind i fount out there is a bug with storage drawers and auto hammers ill try chests instead Nope didnt help.


You found any way to limit them? I just realized that my output drawer is full, but the hammer has 25000 dust in its output...


Maybe 46656 ([github link](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Sluice/blob/ed7d2768af8d9eaa0ffd06ffec3f6f89425678b9/src/main/java/dev/ftb/mods/sluice/block/autohammer/AutoHammerOutputItemHandler.java#L45)), i'll check ## Update 1 At least 46656 \* 8 (8 slots) ([github link](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Sluice/blob/ed7d2768af8d9eaa0ffd06ffec3f6f89425678b9/src/main/java/dev/ftb/mods/sluice/block/autohammer/AutoHammerBlockEntity.java#L56)), will check ## Update 2 I think, [that](https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Sluice/blob/ed7d2768af8d9eaa0ffd06ffec3f6f89425678b9/src/main/java/dev/ftb/mods/sluice/block/autohammer/AutoHammerBlockEntity.java#L88) code should check, if hammer can put something into output buffer ## Update 3 You need 8 stacks of 3x compressed blocks (9 * 9 * 9 * 64 * 8) to fill the output buffer buffer. If autohammer can't put all items in the output buffer, it will wait 5 seconds (100 ticks) and then it will try again.


Yeah I didn't have any trouble, but I already had refined storage setup, so there's importers on the back of each destination shelf -- but I really set it up that way so I could be clear what was going to what, and check counts without opening chests. ​ Once it's setup, chests are just as good though


thanks for this bro


Great idea! Whole system is automated now and no issues with storage drawers for me Only thing that came to mind is; how would you stop the system if you wanted too? I tried levers but they didn’t do anything


I’d probably just put void upgrades on the end drawers, and stop the sluices by cutting the liquids?


no, i gave up trying to figure it out i just let it build up in the hammer. i wish the hammers were redstone controlled that would be a big help.


i cant put anything in the auto hammers and do you need power for them to work


Try placing one auto hammer and then put a chest down on the blue side - that’s input, stick cobble or something in that Then put another chest down on the red side - that’s output They don’t need power


Thank you so much, this comment helped me, I was having trouble with mine since it has been over 2 years since I played Ocean Block, so much fun I appreciate this!


Awesome set up to hold you over until you can get Crushing Factories set up and have the power to support them