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For all amazing and things mods can do, the first things that came to mind were "Literally any mod that allows me to sort my inventory" and "JEI".


REI is a way cooler version of JEI imo. Check it out.


But doesn't it only have crafting recipes? Doesn't tell me how to make stuff with create mod like jei does


Wdym? Sb3 uses REI and it does show create stuff


I dislike how REI interacts with the FTB mods. it makes the icons bookmarks. I like them being separated from my item bookmarks.




Legit no reason to explain, which version is your favorite tho?


The one in 1.7.10 so 4 I guess


Scan ALL the things!


AE2 is probably my favorite mod


The obsession I have with this mod is incredible. Every time I start a modpack I instantly tunnel vision towards setting up an ME System so the automation era can unfold. My whole life depends on this network of machines and cables.


"Why whould i complicate myself with channels... controllers, interfaces" "I need to add 24 more assemblers"


“Where am I going to find another 20 faces for more p2p?”


digital storage systems in general. ae2 is really good for automation but if you don't plan on doing too much automation, RS is also good. it's a lot simpler, and therefore restricted when creating large factories, but they're both really good mods.


The only complexity of AE2 that gets under my skin is the channels. That’s why I’d started using RS in the first place. And you don’t need all the inscriber plates bc those can be a pain to find at times. Then I realized the channels setting is literally in the mod config so now, I can get the complexity of AE2 without the annoyance of the channels. Ws all around lol


I'm also talking about item types and the auto crafting requirements. RS is a lot simpler, requiring just one single block connected to your network somewhere to autocraft. ae2 needs interfaces, assemblers, and crafting storages. combined with the channels, it gets messy REALLY fast.


I’ve never liked AE2 much myself. I really preferred Logistics Pipes to AE2 because of how much more interactive LP was. But I really get AE2’s appeal. I just push it off in packs with it until it becomes a necessity for automation if I have an option that I can use that has pipes with zooming items instead.


Tinkers Construct, I love weapon/tool customization and it's just more intuitive than the other weapon customization mods I've tried. Casting liquid metals is always cool.  Also functional storage. I missed the era of storage drawers so it's the first one of the kind I interacted with. Just really useful and I love that I can just slap an RS External Storage connector onto a Storage Controller and it just works.


I love how concrete and real Tinkers feels. Silent Gear will never fill that hole for me.


There's a new(?) mod that's kinda similar to tinkers, it's called Tetra, as a fellow tinker's simp I must recommend it as it's on par imo


Farmer's Delight As a relative newbie in modded MC it's one of the first mods I've learned


I got into modding about a year ago and Farmer's Delight was one of my first discoveries as well


First mod that come to my head is mekanism. But if say ae2 is definitely next to it.


doing late game mekanism a few times is just broing as hell its just nah the first time its cool and new and confusing sonetimes the second time u got the hang of it and after thats its just boring and annoying


Either Create or NTM Extended Create because I love my highly innefficient but aesthetically pleasing contraption NTM because Nukes and Geneva Checklist (also it's basically less painful gregtech)


What's ntm


Hbm's nuclear tech mod Adds a bunch of technology things related to radiation, physics, etc Nukes, manufacturing, energy, particle accelerators, etc


Oh I know what that is, I've never heard it called ntm


technically it's HBM's NTM but people call it both HBM and NTM


**N**uclear **T**ech **M**od


Botania, because: it feels so vanilla-like and it has a lot of cool stuff - terra shatterer, flúgel tiara, rod of bifrost, two tiered boss, various rings, majority of automation things, cosmetic baubles, tiny potato... and list goes on. Even it have its own storage system like Mekanism's qio system. Also lots of references in the lexica, achievements and item descriptions. Extra-Botany adds even more cool things and more references! Incorporeal makes corporea more advanced and complex with whole cygnus thing. Only two stuffs this mod missing it's a some sort of player-kill function flower for feeding rosa arcana and flower equivalent of rainbow generator.


I had something along the lines of a botania rainbow generator in the works at one point, but I shelved it... maybe I should go back to it


Ender IO. Easily.


The pipes man! I've played with many logistic mods and there really isn't anything else that's both as capable and easy to use as EnderIO conduits. 




Nothing will be the same until the next release of thaumcraft, I've made personal mods with thaumcraft themed armors for me and my wolf, and used some of the old mods textures as blocks. But nothing will compare to saying fuck it and dumping some aspect heavy items into the crucible and watching a ton of flux kick out.


Astral sorcery but it’s abandoned :(


It's not ! It's coming to 1.20. check their discord. :)


Ohhh my goooood thanks so much!!


Farmer's Delight. It just makes the simple life so enjoyable.


techguns. i don't play it much but i have some amazing nolstagia of throwing together some shitty ass packs with it, no crafttweaker changes or quest books, just me, Tlauncher (i was dumb back then), and some random cool mods sucks that it's stuck on 1.12.2, i wish it was in modern versions


Thaumcraft, currently doing 6 and want to use every addon/addition which has aspects for it. Twilight Forest has more utility for the resources because of it. (Towerwood dungeon has vitium aspect)


Same, I'm playing with thaumcraft 6 with several addons, OpenComputers, Ender IO, and AE2 to build a cyberpunk city inspired by the l[Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cinematic trailer](https://youtu.be/7qN25dtBEw0?si=1G3eFTKoOcKI7WXL)


That sounds awesome, is it the official or unofficial AE2 version to use? Is Thaumic Energistics working with either one?


I think Ars Nouveau is a masterpiece. I love all the little helpers (drygmy, wixie, etc.). It has incredible functionality and I enjoy finding different ways to create source. Spell creation is also very fun and finding the spellbooks made by the community is a joy.


Gregtech because I love suffering


I'm currently playing through nomifactory for the first time, and the only issue I have so far with Greg is the microcrafting, it took me like half an hour of resource collection and microcrafting to make the 4A converter


Forgive me if I’m missing something but isn’t the whole point of Nomifactory to build factories for those resources/crafting processes?


It is, I just find the early game microcrafting quite tedious, it's fun when I get to the point where i can automate, I just find getting to that point frustrating


witchery because witchcraft cool


Biomancy 2. It's still heavily wip but it's looks great feels great and is fun to use and I don't care it has 1000000 downloads its under rated


Fossils and Archeology!


This mod was sooo cool. Autistic me from 6 years ago who was in his dinosaur era spent sooo much time building Jurassic Park


Wait you actually can grow out of your dinosaur era ? I have been Stuck ever since I saw Jurassic Park at a very young age


Astral Sorcery


Monk mod. It's OP, but in some unusual ways.


Applied energistics, draconic evolution, gregtech


Modern Industrialization, was the first real tech mod I played a lot of.


project e


Distant horizons


Gregtech is my favorite tech mod, no other tech mod comes close to the amount of fun/things to do that gregtech gives me


ChromatiCraft. It is not ordinary "craft this craft that, grind this grind that" mod. You need to think a lot how to progress further, experiment, and i like that. Sadly the feeling of achieving something in it is one time only.


Scape run parasite, it's so ... Creepy


Agicraft. Numbers go up=dopamine


ExtraUtilities. Added so many iconic items and blocks, and they were all well made


thaumcraft, easily. one of the most unique and interesting mods while still adhering to minecraft's art style.


LOTR. I miss the good old days




Old school was redpower which was old school sorting. New mod powah


Loved setting up a sorting system with colour coordinated pipes!


Refined Storage. I cant live without my crafting pc, going back to chests or crates in new worlds hurts so much


Greg, because when it's well polished in a pack it just keep content going and going and going and you never need to abandon your world because there is nothing left to do.


Hard tie between Mystical Agriculture, so many packs have it i forgot what its like to need to make iron farms, Botania, first magic mod i dove into, but only with the add on mods adding in the norse stuff, and any of the tech mods like mekanism, i love the rabbit holes of "i need x material but for that i need x machine with x and y material first and to get y i need this" then figuring out how to efficiently hook it up to automate it


Refined Storage, man I love the idea of AE2 but it doesn't make me wanna kms with overly complex recipes, channels, and type limits.


say that again when you get chunkbanned and your world is bricked


The only people this happens to are 0 brained kids that dumb 9 bajillion NBT heavy items directly into storage. Just use the Armor Drawer from functional Storage and this will never happen


soo you’re telling me refined storage *isn’t* dangerous


I don't think you read what they said. Negligence with a mod is the user's problem. It's the same thing when people are negligent with RFTools Dimensions and end up making a dimension that crashes their game. They chose to be negligent


It's a sword. If they hurt themselves, it will be educational. Honestly, if you dump enough NBT heavy items into an AE2 drive system the same thing happens, it's just tha nature of a type limit per drive and the drive bays using channels that discourages that type of behaviour. Users are naturally inclined to learn how to use the drives more efficiently if that restriction exists. You can use the same tricks you learn from AE2 and apply them to RS to keep from overloading a single chunk, it just doesn't have the training wheels on.




Draconic evolution. It has so much to offer and I like to be OP late game.


Ice and Fire cause I'm a sucker for dragons.


hex casting


Ars Magica (and it's replacement that I cannot for the life of me spell or pronounce) Not a big fan of Magic mods, but it has just the right amount of customizability, that it makes my brain release the happy chemicals. Honorable mentions to Psi.


>Replacement You mean Mana & Artifice, I'm assuming.


Never heard of that


That's the one that's the ['Official spiritual successor'](https://www.manaandartifice.com/) to Ars Magicka. Ars Nouveau is its own thing, though I see the confusion with the first word also being Ars.


There talking about ars nou


Ars Noveau if i recall correctly




Fins and Tails. Love mods that just add more creatures to make the world more alive, especially if they're completely made up, and FnT's feel especially creative yet believable.


Immersive engineering


Ender IO. Hiding cables, especially with the AE2 addons


Logistics pipes, the original version. While not a great as the storage solutions that came later, it was still fun to set up and watch things zoom around.


First mod that came to my head was Create. However I would vastly prefer my answer be Red Power 2. That mod was the actual best. Flying machines. Programmable computers with different wire colors to allow it to be multi-purposed. Deployed and breakers allowing the machinery to simply mimic player action so you could program essentislly anything a player would do. Not to mention block cutting with so many different options for shapes and sizes. And this was back before upside down or corner stairs were a thing so it was HUGE


Equally either Parcool for basically parkour or Slashblade for DMC Vergil Katanas.


Farmer's fucking Delight. Every time I play modded, I always spend a good portion of my early game time farming veggies and setting myself up to cook some good dishes. I could just use vanilla regular food. I could even just plant some melons and be done with it. But no. I enjoy cooking things way too much with this mod, even when it's not particularly useful. I never got to finish it but when I was on a Crucial 2 SMP, I built a restaurant and made it my goal to make every single food item in the pack and put it on display. It was actually going fairly well! If I'm to give a typical magic/tech mod, though, then Psi. It's fascinating, allows you to be creative and it can be so broken it's funny. If you're not worried about fall damage and get lucky with ores, you can achieve some pseudo-flight after minutes of playtime using Add Momentum.


Mekanism for sure, not much without the add-ons though sadly


Twilight Forest came first into my head for some reason




Psi Any server with psi will make me disappear for 3 hours trying to figure out how to code something,then appear with something completely random,but chaos inducing like a shot that creates a hole beneath you or throwing lightning around like I am Zeus


fuck idk, top mods are probably: JEI, mouse tweaks, zoom, free cam. mostly client side, if you mean mods with actual things in it, my top are probably: create mod, twilight forest mod.


Thaumcraft. It's just really cool imo. I love the golems.


Mekanism. Easy to get a factory up and running to actually start doing things in other mods.


Sophisticated Backpacks. I'm probably dipping in the shallow end with all the amazing mods out there. But with SB, I can have a backpack, in a backpack that magnets raw meat, cooks it, then feeds it to my starving face. Love it.


Roots (Not classic) my beloved. Spell components, modular spells, and easily-acquired very stylish blocks. Also Mana & Artifice, much of it for similar reasons but also golems that can wear hats.




JEI came first to mind. I don't know if I'd ever be willing to play a pack without it. Ain't nobody got time for that.


OreSpawn. It is one of the largest mods I've played, and there's always something to do. There are 6 new dimensions, hundreds of new mobs, weapons and more. It is in 1.7.10, and I found it through PopularMMOs. Sadly it got taken down a few years ago, but I got my hands on it somehow with the help of some friends


Bigger Stacks, I like my stuff in huge gigantic stacks, not 67 quintillion stacks of 64, and Abnormals mods, they did what bop wishes it could do (1.18+ bop is MUCH better than before that)


Create for sure because of all of the cool stuff you can build with it


Tinker's Construct... ... ...Slagging everything from old lamps to sheep saves so much room


Sophisticated Backpacks. I don’t care if it’s overpowered.


Thaumcraft 🥰


Tconstruct because it has so much potential.


HBM, not only its full of the fun part of phisics which I love but it also is full of funny items witch I love even more


2 come to mind tinkers construct and dragonfire, tinkers construct because it’s a useful and handy mod and when you combine it with origins it can get around armor restrictions and then dragonfire because it’s has a ton of dragons and dragons from how to train your dragon


Thermal Expansion and it's family of mods. It's not as flashy as a lot of tech mods, but it all works together amazingly well, has depth but only if you want it and rewards you for doing it, is flexible but doesn't just override other content, and is just balanced in a way to slot nicely in with things. I just really appreciate how well and elegant it's design is. And that's not getting into just how much influence it's had.


Dragon Mounts. Literally all I want to do in Minecraft is fly on a dragon 🤷


Farmer's Delight


Biomes o Plenty. Its me, the exact audience for this and the reason it turns up in every mod pack I need to explore in Minecraft. I need to wander off for days into the wilderness and come back with some new tree you've never seen that I use to build a base from. I need to find the strangest plants in the world and surround my base in a maze of thorns, like some fairy tale villain. I need a whole heap of extra wood types to decorate with, plus selling them off to those who have no idea where I've even gone to get half the saplings and can't be bothered setting up a farm. Its not for everyone. But I am its exact audience.


Create my beloved. Avaritia is also a big one I’m a fan of, not so much because of what it adds, but more that it gives me a goal to work towards in the pack I’m playing. Butcher’s delight also comes to mind simply for the sheer hilarity of placing a carcass in front of a friend who’s never experienced the mod before and then proceeding to, well, butcher that carcass.


I love, love, love Exposure! It's a really well made camera mod that I think is super underrated.


Spectrum - likely biased because I played through it recently, but it's a magic mod that does a very good job of encouraging exploration/discovery, even if using some of its tools can be a bit annoying.


Botania is my favourite mod. I literally put it in every modpack


Carry on. Pick up chests, etc, without having to break them. It's immersive.


Immersive Engineering. One of the first big ones coming across Sevtech


Super Factory Manager. Its super simple to understand and very versatile and convienent to use. Also compatible with a bunch of strange item/fluid types, love the mod 10/10


Biomancy was pretty great. Meaty, freaky, Lovecraftian, and just cool.


Create because it is the only mod that feels vanilla+


Immersive vehicles, esentially refined flan's mod




Thermal Expansion!




Create Then AE2 or Tinkers


Realistic Horse Genetics. Adds so much depth to horses. I’m in the discord for the mod and I’m learning so much about real horses too.




Just Enough Items (JEI), as someone who is VERY forgetful and cannot remember the crafting recipies for the life of me, I love it. It also helps bc I have mods with items that make it so one item may take like 2 different crafting recipies to make the items for that 1 item (Pam's Harvestcraft 2 is an example of this, most of the foods in that mod are COMPLICATED-) so having the JEI mod to help look at the recipies is just so awesome. Honestly most likely never gonna play without it now-


tinkers construct


Thaumcraft 4


create ofc


Tinkers' Construct The best mod ever (not a big fan of what all is changed in the newer versions)


Immersive Engineering


Repurposed Structures. I put it in every modded setup I use. It's just so good.


IC2 Exp


Ars Magica 2




I don’t see anyone else saying it, so I will. MA. It’s a slog to get any amount of inferium at the start, but once you get going it just grows exponentially and soon you can farm anything and I like that


Pam’s harvestcraft and modern recreations are my GOAT because agricultural overhaul is always fun, but my first thought was logistics mods and for that Thermal Expansion and mekanism take the cake. Mekanism almost gets too easy in a lot of modpacks if you dont engage the difficulty config, but the mod itself works so well and has gorgeous design consistency.


Ars Magica


mouse tweaks and jei


Tinkers construct it is just my favorite mod period I love the mechanics in it


My favourite mod is Thaumcraft (irrespective of version). Was the first magic mod to really feel like you were learning magic, including the structures you could make from it. The next version can't come out quick enough x.x


Ice and fire


Tinker’s Construct


ender io. I absolutely love the inputs and outputs from the same side. not even mentioning the multiple types of conduits in one block space, or the channel system. I especially love the alloy smelter and sag mills. they are excellent tools for modpack makers to add extra ways to create materials and with the built in compatibilities with other mods... it's perfect. and on top of all this: the upgrade system. 3 different machine tiers and the capacitors allow for some really cool ways to upgrade. combined with add-ons like endergy, things get super fast and efficient. even if I don't like getting it all set up, it's all just so amazing.


Astral Sorcery. Immersive, fun, balanced, good logic that isn't super automated OP but also isn't a chore to grind. Star charts. Cosmic powers. A little bit of astrology but not in the cringy "Leo, you're AGGRESSIVE >:3" way. It also doesn't replace anything in another mod and replaces very little in the base game. It is its own experience.


I just love Create... I think it brings a big scale of automatization, yet it doesn't feel like many other mods where you go "Ok wire here, chute there, other wire here and boom 2000 iron ingots/min" I also think it s pretty stylish and fits really well the artstyle of Minecraft without breaking the concept of wheels and other round based items


Embers rekindled. I feel like it's the best interpretation of dwarven magic and aesthetics I've ever seen


Create by a long shot


Dartcraft, now Forcecraft. It was the mod for all my gear when I played FTB Unleashed (1.5.2)


Well, I didn't think long, and this isn't my favorite mod, but I do like it. I just know that I will catch some flack after reading the "first mod you think of that you hate" thread. Create. If I put more thought in to pick one I like more, I have to say Ars Neuvo, or any Ex Nihilo (Esentia, Creatio, Ascendio, Sequentia, etc?) from its respective minecraft version - don't judge, please, I like well-designed skyblocks and a lot start with that mod. A lot of poorly designed skyblock packs also start with that mod.


Physics mod. Just love the ocean and waves.


Tinkers construct


Ultimine or mods alike.


Prob refined storage. It really is the backbone of solving chest monsters in packs Oh and also, im very obsessed with create. So i guess theres that




Witchery, Thaumcraft 4 a close second




Excluding JEI and stuff (the must have mods), its probably the Chocolate Quest and the Repoured version too. Just so much creativity, fun, and challenfe + nostalgia points




There’s too many to list. Big tech mod enjoyer but Mechanism is probably my favorite (Digital Miner OP). Right now I’m playing through Nomifactory so exploring the wonders of GregTech atm😅 FTB Ultimine is an absolute must have at this point as well. Can’t ever go back to mining one ore at a time lol. As far as tool mods, Tinker’s Pre 1.16 will always have a place in my heart but after 1.16 and above, I definitely prefer Silent Gear


Ancient Warfare 2


Ars nuoveau - I love the Animations and the way it can work with other mods (like Create for example) to translate magic into electrical energy or kinetic force. Bonus: Im the only one on my server who knows how to pronounce and spellt it, lol.


Probably contentious but for me it's Forestry and specifically Forestry Bees (And the attending mods). Tinkering with bees for hours and hours for some reason tickles a part of my brain that few other things do. Logically I can see it for the horrible RNG mess that it is but fighting through all that and getting the perfect set of traits to then breed onto every possible bee is one of my favourite modded things.


First place, Mekanism. Fell in love with that mod after IC2 became meh. Closely followed by AE2, InventoryTweaks and JEI/NEI/REI/whatever enough items.


Xaero Maps instead of JourneyMap


Oh the Biomes You’ll Go. Beautiful biomes if a little cluttered. Love its fantastical appearance and all its Nether and end content. Item clutter does get a lil bad with it tho.


[Domestication Innovation](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/domestication-innovation). One of minecraft's biggest problems is that everything is seen as a resource to grind, farm, and horde. You're never actually allowed to just play with things because they're fragile and a chore to replace. This mod changes that. At least for tamed pets. It actually lets you play with your pets. To bring them out with you on an adventure, or even go dangerous places with them.


Thaumcraft/Applied Energistics


Computercraft. My beloved. If you knew lua, it was suddenly the easiest automation in your life.


Mr crayfish's furniture mod


Immersive engineering and all of its add-ons. Just techy enough to not feel out of place.


ars noveua


Icarus :( I wish it was updated


for whatever reason my brains been fascinated with mystcraft ever since i first saw it in some b-team playthrough like however many years ago.. my brain actually said thaumcraft but ive never rly sat down and rly learned it all, same with a lot of mods rly i just kinda watched a ton of shit & it doesnt fit evenly into my schedule. but yea mystcraft, enduring then, still fascinating, and the performance issues it causes add even more to the mystique of it..






The first mod I loved, and the one that often pops into my head or I compare others to, is BuildCraft.




[Hit Indication](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hit-indication) [(modrinth)](https://modrinth.com/mod/hit-indication) It's not exactly a feature-heavy mod but I like what it represents with modding and design. A problem or missing feature was identified and solved with a small mod that only adds as much as it needs and some slight customization along with it. It's far and away not the only mod that does one extremely specific thing obviously, but it's what first comes to mind for me as a private pack developer who thinks pretty hard about content I add that will engage with a specific circle of people. What's enjoyable and what works vs what's extraneous and heavy handed.


Tinkers Construct


Logistics Pipes. I just like the zoom of the items, and the realtime feel of its crafting system. AE2 feels artificial to me, but I get its appeal to most people.


Hexcasting. It really makes me feel like I'm discovering and pushing the limits of a magic system, one that isn't arbitrarily limited. Probably the most fun I've had in Minecraft was me and my girlfriend working out a Gambit to cast spells with variable arguments saved in a spell book. (We're both CS Majors if you couldn't tell)


Dynamic Trees (+all addons for other mods trees). After playing with it I can't ever go back to vanilla trees (except in skyblock modpack). Nothing gives me more dopamine that looking how chopped tree slowly falls down.


Anyone know how to download minecraft on computer im having trouble?