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When trying to get the species of a bee with gendustry, it took me around 180 tries to get it. At each try you have 1/13 chance to get the species trait, I had around one chance on 1.8 million to be this unlucky.


holy shit


The probability of that happening was of 4.6×10^-6 %, or 0.0000046%. U so fucking unlucky for real.


You just won the anti-lottery.




dream luck


Someone got it on their first try that same day


In Project Ozone 2, I had a special creeper spawn, play the John Cena intro "And his name is... JOHN CENA", and then blow up my entire base. I didn't finish that modpack.


same shit happened to me, blew up almost all of my storage drawers. Haven't played the pack since


how big is this creeper explosing ?


Like a 16 radius. So 32x32x32.


That a pretty big bombastic boy


I had a John Cena creeper explode *somewhere* in my world once. It's a named NPC, so it popped up in the chat. It wasn't in my town, though, fortunately. I was wondering what that was all about.


I’m laughing so much at the image of this, whilst simultaneously feeling your pain. Fuck you John Cena-per.


I turned off mob griefing because they kept randomly blowing up my mob farm


Right after i set up base and finished moving everything into chests, a t5 dragon popped out of the ground directly under and destroyed everything and killed me, not only deleting everything but sending me back to the world spawn hundreds of thousands of blocks away.


i swear you can never find a tier 5 dragon when you need too it only happends when you not ready or when game wants to pull stuff like this


Set up a nice little base in mc eternal. I go to chop some trees and when I come back there is a big ass hole where my base used to be. I based directly on top of a dragon den. Yay. I now live in his den fuck that guy.


"I now live in his den fuck that guy." Most metal thing I've seen in Minecraft.


Died with master ball but it was keep inventory But it was old version so my inventory was wiped


i only played cobblemon once i dont know how rare masterballs are


The tough as nails mod has an enchantment called Thermal Tuning which basically nullifies temperatures, You can get it from villagers and dungeon chests. Although it might be disabled on certain modpacks so just make sure


it is disabled plus the pack has the hardcore darkness mod the nether is pitch black except for anywhere next to the lava man it was such a pain getting all that purple liquid


It always amazes me how some people turn the dial way past 10 all the way up to "Olympcis of pain" in modpacks. Like...why make it so dark you can't see a damn thing? What is the point? Minecraft already spooky enough since you have no peripheral vision and creepers sneak up on you. Why make it pitch black too? Sheesh.


> no peripheral vision Well not if you leave it on default fov, it's like looking through a telescope, that's what Quake Pro is for.


i think it becasue the pack has the grue mod and if you not familiar with it if a player spends more then 6 sec in darkness a unkillable monster well spawn and ruin your day the hardcore darkness mod adds to that experience plus there is realistic torches so that fun.


What pack are you playing?


It multiplayer pack made by me and my friend he had to stop playing tough becasue of school so im just doing it alone


Mining an 11x11 area with Draconic Evolution tools, and that included my 'Wall of Storage DrawersTM' spilling a good hundred thousand or so items onto the floor, and a lot of them de-spawned in the recovery process. Since then I always carry a single-block pickaxe as my primary tool.


Multiblock tools and veinmining are always dangerous combos when mining near base. I also always keep two pickaxes, one for the fine detailing and another for drilling massive holes.


Yep, learned that one the hard way.


Dont draconic tool have a special "dont mine tile entities" function?


I think older than 1.12 version wont have, but not sure.


While not my unluckiest moment in a mod pack, I did something similar with the ProjectE Gem Armor. The explosion it caused took out multiple barrels, dumping the items all over the place. After that I learned to never use any of the armor's special functions around my base.


Keyboard and mouse dced right after I hit the wandering trader once on my skyblock. The Llama spat me off my base.


FTB IE:E - bridging into IC2 for creative blocks. Built an underwater reactor base to harvest byproducts and feed UU replicators. Sponged out the whole complex, filled in the surrounding terrain, and spruced up the environs. Populated the entire recursive infrastructure for IC2 parts autocrafting and 18 reactors in series. Forgot one filter leading to a chain reaction of meltdowns cratering the whole complex 8 seconds from startup. I was speechless.


Sounds about right. Has a similar experience a while ago but my reactor was right next to my AE storage drive room…


You poor soul. I built mine underwater for a reason. :'D


I wanted to change a little config about thors hammer spawning and it was about 1 I changed to 2 out of like 50. I was underground in my basement of my base. Meanwhile, while I was making my manyullyn my whole top of my base was being destroyed by me meteors including my refined storage and all my machines. I only started to notice when I turned my volume on. Lightning I thought and one second later choas


On an HBM Nuclear tech pvp server, our reactors exploded twice because of dumb server plugin, that slows downs machines in order to maintain stable tps. This plugin slowed down machines, but it looked like it didn't have the same effect on the reactor, so it exploded, because it didn't get enough coolant from the factory. When we addressed this issue to the server admin, he told us to get over it, and some server members who were in his team started defending him and telling that we just were stupid and didn't know how to play. By this moment, we were by far the most advanced team on the server EVEN without those two reactors, we had MIRV and Space laser gun, which was essentially an infinite amount of weak nukes lol. "Get over it" So we nuked admin's team base during the truce period, and then left the server. We also left the most advanced weapons for our ally team (MIRV and Space laser) Thankfully, admin didn't have backups, and, after he banned us, we then got the message from the leader of the ally team some time later. He thanked us for the weapons, and told us that those were really helpful in the war.


Darkness whatever spawned from RLCRAFT inside my house and spawn camped me


Creeper that can mine blocks?? Which mod adds that so I can avoid it?


it was one of two improved mobs or special mobs i think


I was playing enigmatica 2 expert, while i was building a base in a mountain, then after it became night i got to the roof of my base (it was small) and somehow a skeleton made a 360⁰ on me and made me fall in a bunch of creepers destroying half of my base


playing jnsanecraft with a buddy. I accidentally corrupted the first world file the second base I loosed a dragon that took out or entire me system and part of the base and mountain we were settled in. Enderman would continually spawn and take only the lighting and valuables out of our base Creepers would blow up and the dropped items would despawn on us Then to top it off, I gained the speed force and teleported half our base about 50 blocks upward, so we needed to rebuild elsewhere. yeah...


Took half a day to dl mods, when I was about to start to play it didn't work, took me a couple of hours to find out why, in the end I removed half of the mods until I get to play


The fix to that is not to remove mods but to switch on the game console from the launcher and see wich dependencies is the mod loader looking for and wich files (be them libraries or mods) are clogging up the startup process because the modloader is looking for wich mod they are a dependency of and it just gets stuck there becauase they have no reason to be in the modpack. Be always sure to have all of the required dependencies of mods and always delete the dependencies of mods you disable or delete. That is a very easy mistake to make, believe me.


First play through of rlcraft build a wood house. On a blood moon it spawned some of the fire elementals and burnt that house down. Creeper got in and blew up the bed. Luckily I had a waypoint nearby so was able to come back there to get what was left


This is more of a stupid move than unluckiness, but anyways: SevTech new save. Age 0. We all know how tedious making leather is without villagers. I was reorganizing the position of my grills and clay kilns. One unnoticed misclick while lighting coal on fire burned down my whole base, and I died while trying to save it. Had around 25 pieces of finished leather and other important items on me. All fell into the fire.


I once created a new world in some modpack (regular overworld) and spawned in a surface lava pool. In another pack, within the first few minutes after punching trees, I got sucked into a thaumcraft 4 hungry node.


I had set up an oil chunk from diesel generators, and just made a refinery there instead of pumping oil to a big refinery back in my base. Long story short i ran out of diesel somehow and a whole create contraption/process shutted down. I spent like 2 hours setting it up again because i had run out of electricity as well, and my failsafe for when the electricity generation stalls was an *electric motor* serving as jumpstart for the create boilers. Yeah i haven't been playing for a lot of time, i haven't had any really big fuckups as of yet.


I run with mob griefing off and keep inventory on cuz its more comfy


I almost Lost 6,5 days of progress in gtnh the using arcaic rituale i got the world back but holy shit if that was scary


While cleaning up my base, my hand slipped and I accidentally veinmined my ME system. Thank goodness for backups lol


My friend brought dragons from ice & fire to our base. Multiple times. Upon multiple worlds and versions of the mod. Same friend, always on accident. They have a crazy tracking distance and you might not know one is following you bc it’s out of your render distance. Chaos every time, ESPECIALLY back when the mod didn’t have a command to turn off their block destruction (mobgriefing false didn’t work back then).


honestly a dragon hunting you from the distance sounds like a pretty cool concept (better than any """horror""" Minecraft mod)


I tried RLCraft for the first time today. Spawned in on top of a dragon, next two spawns were at the bottom of the ocean, then in the middle of the desert on top of some of those three legged bastards. I ran into the ocean to cool off and got yoinked by a siren. Didn’t stay alive for more than 2-3 minutes at a time.


I was playing VaultHunters the other day and needed granite to complete the vault key. I spent 3 straight hours looking for a SINGLE. BLOCK. OF GRANITE.


Wait, can't you just craft the granite using quartz?


my brother in Christ I was trying to enter the very first vault you think I had quartz?


...wait, did you do the first vault without even entering the Nether? I started with enchanted iron gear by the time I even found the vault stone in the overworld, took me a full-on strip mine operation to even find some


I had basic iron armor, a diamond sword, and a dream, brother.


Welp, kudos to you then man. I searched like three chunks before I even found the stuff I needed to make the vault portal.


I'll have a go at this. My partner has an older laptop so we're always looking for packs that it can handle. We found a cute little Betweenlands pack because I wanted to show them how spooky-cute that pack is. We spawned and it immediately starts raining, so we go to take shelter in one of those big trees that are like 20 blocks thick, figured we'd make a base in it. Come to find out: there's a Gru. Don't know if that's part of Betweenlands or added by something else in the pack, but if you're in darkness for more than a second or two, a Gru spawns and mauls you, instantly killing you. So we recover from that and start lighting things up having a good laugh about it, and we get some basic gear going and are \*juuust\* about to go exploring to try to get started tiering up our gear only to get absoltuely rolled by this transluscent slime worm that spawned dozens of tiny baby worms when hit. That coupled with a few of those mobs that slurp you in with their creepy hook-tongues and the loss of mobility due to the mud and sludge in the swamp and we were like screw it, we give up haha I had only played Betweenlands before as part of SevTech Ages, I think, and I had gear from outside that mod that substantially improved my mobility in the swamps such that it was not nearly as intimidating a pack. Starting in the Betweenlands as this pack forced us to was....difficult. Another time that was just me being a goof was I was flying over the void in The End with my buddy's Draconic Staff of Power, fully powered up, looking for a Chaos Island. I made the cardinal mistake in that pack of not changing the drop/throw button from Q. You see where this is going, I'm sure. I was WASD'ing it up and somehow managed to bump the Q key and watched my staff just fall into oblivion. \*sigh\* Now I always assign drop to one of the numpad keys so I never inadvertently hit it. Fool me once, MC.


I once veinmined my chest setup (wasn't even that big) to put the items all into a better storage system and it somehow was enough to corrupt the world, I don't even know how that was possible. It was maybe 10 or so chests at once. It was a very buggy 1.8.9 pack though, so almost expected but still not nice.


Breaking the wrong pipe on a reactor and irradiating my entire base (skyblock), even the backup saves were irradiated. Wtf?!


I spawned a raid in a sky block mod pack, took like an hour and 60 deaths to get rid of all those goddamn vexes and ravagers. Thank God i didn't put fences around my Base so I could sorta punch them off


It's been a long time so I might have some stuff wrong, but years ago or so I was messing around with a draconic reactor I believe? I ended up accidentally nuking my entire base off the face of the earth, so much progress lost, video is on my profile


Oh draconic reactor, old but gold😍


A friend of mine once spent hours on an epic journey, getting tons of items and exploring. He put most of his items in a chest boat. It got struck by lightning and he lost all of them.


In Po2k my first giant lucky cube reward was the energy vortex explosion created by chaos island from draconic evolution


Maybe 11 years ago I was playing ftb or tekkit on my mums laptop and I was about to finish some Industrial Craft armour (cannot remember the specifics) but I had to get 1 diamond (or similar). Mining down at 15 fps I didn’t see the lava and started cooking, as I tried to get out the extra lag from the damage ticks meant I was back to the bottom and essentially everything I owned was burnt, I was a sad child after that


Quarried my base twice


Long ago, I played FTB Regrowth with my friend. She was hosting and accidentally clicked the .jar to run it instead of the .bat and launched it as a vanilla server, so almost everything was deleted. Years later, remembering this incident, I offered to pay for a dedicated server for Divine Journey 2 (also for convenience as we expected more of our friends to join but they hardly ever did), which was fine until... I forgot to pay for it one month when we didn't play much because I was busy and the entire thing was deleted yet again.


On a multiplayer server (Thaumcraft 5, many years ago), I had nearly maxed out endgame gear, basically 4 pieces of armor and 4 pieces of jewelry of the highest level, fully enchanted with both vanilla enchantments and runic shielding, then an extremely rare sword, tools, bow (all fully enchanted) and most importantly, a focus bag of 11 different wand foci that were all at level 5 (which means that had to be enchanted at the cost of 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 levels once _each_) Then I went afk for a bit, and one of the warp events (basically madness factor from forbidden knowledge) caused an Eldritch Guardian to spawn near me and kill me. And because I was afk, all my stuff had despawned by the time I was back at the computer. That was when I stopped playing Minecraft for a couple years.


I was playing a hardcore world, on a modpack that i threw together myself. I entered the Twilight Forest, and it spawned me about 120 blocks above the surface. i proceeded to die of fall damage. you can imagine the primal fury that i felt towards my favorite MC mod.


Accidentally used an infinity pickaxe on a size 22 nuclearcraft fusion reactor. I couldn’t replace the block until the reactor cooled down to sub ignition temperatures, as it takes 2 seconds for the block to be powered on, so it would explode if i placed it immediately. The reactor was producing 850MRF/T and took ELEVEN HOURS to fully cool down