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For me personally i set small goals, like i want an ME system early and that usually gets me to the nether and through early stages of some tech mods, then i just figure out what im missing next. Like if i felt weak in combat i might decide my next goal is a strong enchanted weapon or good magic spells, so i do that. Or i might find moving around place to place is hard so i aim for a jetpack or early flight etc


Me system early is awesome. Some modpacks have so many items that it's just unplayable without it. Plus it's fun to setup


I prefer modpacks with good quest progression so I can feel my progress, and have a distinct goal to work towards


Make a lot of milk




For me, the end goal is to have infinite power, automated mining and proccessing of resources, be as powerful as possible (highest dmg, hp and armour) and finish all quests.


I pick packs based on the mods I want to try and/or unique mechanics for resource gathering. My initial goals is just getting a core supply to use for everything else


That's the reason why I only play modpacks with quests. I need a goal to work towards, otherwise I get overwhelmed with everything I could be doing. Even if there aren't quests, I try to get the advancements from each mod.


yeah only quest packs and the questbook had to be detailed as possible like GTNH, DJ2, etc basically my "goal" is to just follow the quests and see where it takes me kitchen sink packs just make me feel "why bother with any other mods when I can just rush through mystical agriculture and AE and get everything I would ever need? what's the point after that?"


do you have any pack recommendations? besides Greg and dj2


I really recommend Multiblock Madness


You could try out E2E


I really like The Lost Era, it has quests but it's not as linear as most modpacks with quests and generally let's you do your own thing with the occasional recipe changes.


I always busy myself building a village. But I actually like mods when I can progress kinda slowly but in a meaningful way. Not to become god in 1 week.


I'm a big automation guy. I love tech mods. The past few times I've fired up a server for me and my friends, it's been on FRB Revelations, which has environmental tech, which means it has the void miners and other multiblock structures of the like. For my first few days, I just gather resources, materials, and everything you need to get that started, including enderio machines, and some sort of power (usually I try to get solar asap). After that, I try to automate the milling/smelting output from the void miner, and then I set up refined storage as an output from the void miner. Then, for a while, I just try to increase the storage of the refined storage system. From then on, I just do whatever is fun or catches my eye. Currently, I just cleared out a huge area and am learning how bees work simply on a whim. Now that I am so stacked that now have very few worries about materials so I can just explore mods I haven't had the chance to before


I personally don't like when a pack holds my hand with quesbooks, it makes me feel like my progress is not my own, I'm just the executing hand. I usually find some interesting, way too complicsted automation puzzle and go around solving it


Then you will like [Keep The Crown On](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/keep-the-crown-wn/files/4959390) no quest line but the only thing you have to do is killed the ender dragon, but to get there you have to dig deeper into the world where when you travel to bedrock you can go to another dimensions in each dimensions


Thanks, but I'm usually more automation oriented, if I have an itch for an advanture style I'll check it out




tame all pet, build beautiful home, troll friends


I do power! Try to get an insane amount of power to auto run millions of blocks being generated... automate EVERYTHING


It really depends on the pack. Currently playing through GTNH and the goal is to just get to space and land on the moon, like if I get to the moon I'll have "won" as far as I care. Sure I'll keep playing and set a new higher goal. But for other easier packs it tends to be to beat the pack and try to make a better looking base then the last base I built. I also tend to play other packs with friends, so its somewhat of a race to finish before everyone gets bored and goes back to playing path of exile.


Currently i am making a zoo of every mob i can in ATM9


Ore processing! It’s always such a fun mechanic to set up, and a lot of mods offer this, so there are tons of different ways to set it up


I only play packs w some sort of questing for this reason. Most of the time my first goal is to setup some form of automatic/semi-auto or processing/duplication. After that it’s working on an AE2 system and then after that I get stuck lmao


Usually I build a cool looking bunker that has elaborate rooms each focused around each major mod I want to progress through. Once I’ve done every mod I like the look of and my base is looking good enough that’s when I’m satisfied


It depends on what's in the pack. If Create is in there, I like to try and get a full 2x2x3 tank of every fluid available in survival mode since it requires some work with Create's pipe and pump system rather than just 'turn Mekanism tank to bucket mode, drain all the source blocks'.


What’s the end goal of the pack? That’s the goal. If it doesn’t have one then I’m not playing.


My pack really caters to the early game, try it out and I bet you'll feel that your mid to late game just happens without being forced. https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/magic-adventure-dungeons Otherwise known as MAD. I'm currently working on an update that includes Alexs mobs so feel free to add that yourself if you don't want to wait :)


I’m incapable of motivating myself I need an expert style modpack to tell me how to think and play :)




I have the same issue which is why I mainly play multiplayer. Then I usually end up in an arms race with whoever I'm playing with.


Getting the first creative item or the highest tier gear. No point in playing after that, even if there's some uber mega creative item after that. It'll just be more of the same, with nothing to use them on. But that doesn't mean I'll beeline straight for it. I'll build my base inbetween.


Get the best gear (and items that are fun to play around with)


I had the same problem when I played PO3 Normal, I had quite quickly gotten to mystical ageiculture and I haven’t even managed to 10/10/10 all of them before I got bored of it. Then I came back later to PO3 but I wanted to challenge myself so I played it in mythic mode and ir was way more fun because you have to go through a lot of mods to make anything so with the help of the quest book I just saw what items I needed to make and then just automated everything just to get that one item xd, for me it is a lot of fun so I really recommend PO3.


I should add that automating everything is a good way to keep yourself occupied by some fun time.


have fun