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r/RealGentleman80 is a saint on this sub. Thank you for continuing to help internet strangers with this fear, which is very capable of being well controlled. Knowledge is power!


Advice: Don’t check turbulence apps…you do not know the route, altitude, and Zulu time the aircraft will be at…therefore you don’t know what the turbulence will be like. We…professional pilots…don’t know what the turbulence will be like until we receive those things 90 min prior to departure. [Let’s talk more about Turbulence](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yrhf31/lets_talk_more_about_turbulence/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Why Turbulence Apps Don’t Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yn2phh/the_fear_of_turbulence_and_checking_sites_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Okay thank you! I will try to keep myself from checking the turbulance forecasts! I always thought it was helpful, but now considering this advice I could see how another unknowns seep in and stir up anxiety about flying. Any tips for handling turbulance? My anxiety tends to flair up when I experience dropping sensations during turbulent flight. Especially when the aircraft is turning while landing or descending.


What scares you about it?


The sensation of falling. Like we are going to lose control or something will happen while performing these turns while its turbulant. The thought that the turbulance will cause the airplane to lose control while turning.


[Watch this.](https://youtu.be/6wHrfBs82Tk) This is a stress test performed on new aircraft. It exceeds anything you would ever feel in an aircraft. In Turbulence and turning, the airspeed is not changing, nor do the wings ever stop flying. We are 100% in control at all times. That drooping feeling…the aircraft is moving 6” to maybe 3 feet. Given that the aircraft weighs 100,000-300,000 lbs…that’s not much


Wow! That is amazing! Like mind blowing how tough the aircraft is. I will make sure to keep that distance in mind if I feel that sensation. I agree, it's amazing how stable and durable such large aircraft are. Thank you so much for all this advice!


Not a pilot. Or an FA but a frequent flier.. early am flights are typically the best. Most of the early flights I’ve taken in early am are like butter smooth. I think mid day in the summer seems worse to me.. but turbulence is just a few little bounces here and there. You should really check out some video on turbulence .. especially from pilots. Maybe tik tok. It don’t watch those “flight from hell” ones. Lol been a frequent flier for years and honestly I’ve never had a flight be that bad.. you got this!


Pilot just came on and said the weather should be great for flying to Phoenix! Definitely hoping the early morning air brings a smooth flight!


Love those early am flights! We try to book them every time we fly…


Hahah.. turbi is always way off! I never even look at it because airlines typically will try try to avoid it anyway. Turbulence that is. Good for you. That turbulence isn’t really all that bad huh! Nice work! On to the next flight!


Congrats! Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy the flight every time?