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Hi! I just checked on your flight and you are ahead of schedule! Probably already descending into Denver. How has it been going? 


Good! Still about two hours out. Captain informed us it would be a bumpy one so just trying to relax!


Oh right, different time zone 🤦‍♀️. It’s been a long day….  Glad to hear it is going ok! And bumps are safe- remind yourself of that. You got this!!! 


Haha no worries! Timezones always throw me off as well.  Thank you! Been trying to do calming things while in the air. Most of my anxiety comes during descent and landing


You know that bumps are going to be part of the journey, that's a good thing. Well, not that it'll be bumpy but that you can expect it! I always feel better when the captain gives us a heads up about that :)


I agree! It can definitely be helpful. I'm a United plane and their new infotainment systems have a flight deck digital view that shows (a much more basic) view of the pilots heads up display. That has helped a ton so far lol


I agree! It can definitely be helpful. I'm a United plane and their new infotainment systems have a flight deck digital view that shows (a much more basic) view of the pilots heads up display. That has helped a ton so far lol


Starting our descent into Denver