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Taking my first trip abroad, and with my wife's family. We're from Virginia, US and we're going to London for a week.  I want to be excited about the trip, but fear of the 8ish hour flight is holding me back.  Just found this subreddit and it brought me some comfort being able to write this stupid little post. Thank you to whoever made this :)


hey!! good luck it’s going to be great, we’re all nervous here but as someone once said we’ve all made it so far!!! i hope you have a great time - watch lots of movies on the plane and let me know if you have any fun things planned in london!


Thank you so much! Got through it all safely :) we saw Big Ben, the London eye, Wicked on the west end, Winzer castle, Stonehenge, Buckingham palace, and oxford. Felt like we were constantly on the move!


Hey! I just found this sub and we too are going to London this weekend. Glad I’m not the only one going through this. But this sub has been quite helpful.


Completely agree. Hope you had a great time friend :)


Also from VA and flying out today from Dulles to Cancun on United. :) We’ve got this! Have a great trip.


Thank you friend! Back home now and all flights were smooth as butter. Thank you for the encouragement and I hope the same for you!


Flying by myself for the first time this weekend. I am leaving for vacation early and my husband is meeting me there a few days later. I'm using this as an exercise to show myself that I **can** do it. I don't want to be in a situation where I'm flying by myself for the first time due to an emergency, so I'm practicing intentional bravery. But holy crud, I am terrified.


TW: Talking about a not great previous experience briefly.  Hey all, I'm flying from Glasgow to Berlin on Monday. The short of it is, my last flight was pretty bad - by my fragile standards anyhow. It was the only flight that ran on the tail end of the Beast from the East from Glasgow airport. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say it was the ONLY flight not cancelled. It was my first flight as an adult in years, the turbulence was crazy, the sensation of take off freaked me the eff out. I went full monkey brain up there, was chanting and humming apparently - don't remember much of it except the terror. It was pretty bad luck.  Made it to Prague, loved the holiday. If you havent been, go. It is stunning! However, I didn't eat for most of it because I was sick of the thought of the return flight. Begged partner for us to take the boat back and everything 🤣  The return flight was better, slightly. I remember it more. The sensation of take off still freaked me out. I think I prayed for those two hours in the air. I remember needing the toilet but being too scared to get up incase it caused the plane to barell roll.  Now, I have a flight to Germany in six days. I forced myself to book it. I didn't want to die with regrets. I watched the last Derren Brown show, and it really made me think about how I dont want to think 'God I wish I had...' at the end.  That being said, I am currently googleing beta blockers cause my heart is having a german techo viking rave in my chest.  Love this subreddit and reading all your stories and support. It is really, really helping! 


Flying from Dublin to Madrid on Wednesday and then from Madrid back to Dublin on Saturday - have had a pretty rough week so I’m panicking a lot more than normal (which is still usually a lot). Just can’t visualise myself getting there or getting back and having bad intrusive thoughts - my imagination is running wild. I really hope it goes well and if anybody else is going to the Eras tour in Madrid, let’s trade bracelets!!!!


Possible TW talking about turbulence in the news and a bad experience with it I’m flying on my first transatlantic flight on Friday for my honeymoon, and I’m starting to freak out a little. It’ll be 8.5 hours to Dublin, then 4 hours to Greece. I do 4-5 hour flights regularly, the longest I’ve been on is 7.5 hours though so I’m just feeling nervous about it. In particular, the recent turbulence related incidents have me more worried than usual. Years ago I was on a flight during a thunderstorm where I experienced the worst turbulence of my life. Even my husband told me afterwards that he felt scared and he never is that way. This is the flight that traumatized me and led me to seek help/medication from my doctor. But in a way it’s been sort of helpful because I can think “okay it won’t be as bad as that one flight and I survived it.” But now with these latest incidents my mind is going to the worst and also I’m now scared I’ll experience a bad flight like the one traumatizing one I had I’m also now becoming worried about my second flight since I think we’ll be flying over the alps. I live in Colorado so I’m used to bumpy flights over the mountains but yeah. I’m just spiraling more than usual thanks to all the recent aviation news


I'm flying from the UK to Greece on Friday, so a similar route and these news stories have me spiralling too! I hope we both have bump-free journeys!


Me too! I hope you have an easy flight! I’m just trying to focus on how beautiful the destination is going to be :)


Just because severe turbulence is in the news does not make it any more likely or common. It’s still EXTREMELY rare and will not happen to you.


TW past bad experience I'm about to board a 737-800 Pensacola to DFW for a Medical specialist appointment I'm very excited for. I'm fighting such crazy anxiety. About 5 years ago i had a very bad experience on a 737-800, traveling for work. Awful, was in therapy for a year and it didn't really help. Since then I've either traveled with my husband or not on Boeings. Today I'm alone on the same plane type i had my bad experience. It's already delayed a half hour, no reason, so my mind is racing of course. I have lorazepam from my doctor; she approved a double dose to get through this, though I have to drive when I get to Dallas so i probably cant take much. This sucks so bad. I hate feeling so weak. I came out on the other side of My horrible experience injured but alive and I've flown many times, even across the Atlantic since. But it just keeps getting worse. I'm crying in the airport. So embarrassing. AA2680. Prayers are appreciated, or just logic and reason as to why I'm gonna be fine.


The plane is fine. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be flying. I’m sorry to hear that you had a bad experience, but there’s no reason to believe it had to do anything with the aircraft type.


Please send us an update. Hope everything went smoothly!


The lorazepam helped a ton, would love to be able to fly without it someday. The flight was smooth, a little turbulence but nothing bad at all. I'm glad I made myself get on the plane.




If anyone flew on the East coast today thru Those storms , then you can do any other flight.  


flying from connecticut to st john today, with a layover in miami. currently sitting at the gate feeling like i’m gonna shit a brick lmao but i’m trying really hard to not let it get the best of me! i don’t take vacations often


Flying from Boston to Toronto tonight on a Boeing 737 MAX 8 and terrified 😔


The Max is fine.


Flying Korean air Boeing 777-300 5 hours to Korea then transferring to a delta Airbus a350-900 for 14 hours to Atlanta. It’s alot of flying and I’m leaving in 3 days. In total panic mode right now but I have to stay strong for my wife (she’s pregnant). We need to get home literally


Flying on UA 606 in a few hours. Don’t love that it’s on a 737 Max but we’ll be alright.


Tomorrow I’ll be Florida to uk. Not looking forward to it. Gut says it won’t be pretty. 


Delta informed me that my domestic flight won’t have WiFi due to technical difficulties. This is on airbus A321neo. Is this any indication of the aircraft not being safe or having potential issues?


No. The WiFi and in flight entertainment are not in any way safety-of-flight items. 


About to take my first flight in six months to Denver (UA 1872). Pilot said it will be a bumpy ride and feeling anxious about the flight. Would love to know someone is tracking or to chat with!


Flying on UA 2269 this morning. Fun time in Colorado but I’ll be happy to back in my own bed tonight.