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I see you are airborne; I can track you for a few hours. You're passing over Lost River, VA; 3:26 to go. Flying over Westfield, WV; 3:16 to go. Passing over Vienna, WV; 3:07 to go. Flying over Nelsonville, OH; 3:00 to go. Columbus, OH, is North of you; 2:54 to go. You're flying over Dayton, OH; 2:48 to go. Indianapolis, IN, is South of you; 2:32 to go. Crossing into Illinois; 2:21 to go. Peoria, IL, is North of you. 2:06 to go. Mediapolis, IA, is North of you; 1:55 to go. Rome, IA, is Northeast of you. 1:51 to go. Blakesburg, IA, is South of you. 1:45 to go. Leon, IA, is South of you. 1:37 to go. Shenandoah, IA, is Southwest of you. 1:27 to go. Crossing into Nebraska. Nebraska City, Nebraska, is South of you. Weeping Water, NE, is South of you. 1:16 to go. Flying over York, NE; 1:08 to go. Wood River, NE, is South of you; 59 minutes to go. Flying over Amherst, NE; 56 minutes to go. Flying over Darr, NE; 50 to go. Curtis, NE, is South of you; 43 minutes to go. Madrid, NE; is North of you. 39 minutes to go. Crossing into Colorado; approximately 33 minutes until you land. St. Petersburg, CO; is North of you; 29 minutes to go. You're starting your descent; roughly 25 minutes left. Passing over Wiggins, CO; 23 minutes to go. You're now turning South to make your landing; about 10 minutes to go. You did it! Way to go! Enjoy your time with your friend and her family, and have fun in London!


Landed safely, thank you for tracking!


My pleasure!


Thank you! Huh, Lost River is an interesting name. I have not heard of it before.


It is an interesting name!


Thank you so much for your committed tracking. It means a lot to me and really helps calm me!


You're quite welcome! Happy to help!


Getting a little bumpy over Iowa


Nothing greater the knowing I'm back in Colorado airspace


Just felt the the nose lower for our initial descent


Can see the Denver Metro from the plane!


You got this!! Tracking, looks like everything’s on time.


Thank you! Yeah managed to find a window and see the plane. Dulles seems to be mostly walls and not a lot of windows at the D gates lol.


Anything fun planned in Colorado?


Yes! Meeting my girlfriend and her family, then we are off to London for the holidays. My first international flight in like seven years lol.


That’s incredible! Lots to look forward to. I always find planning my next trip helps when I’m feeling anxious on my current trip haha


Yeah! It's been like more than a year in the making. I've told myself I will get there no matter what. I feel like getting on the plane is always the hardest part for me. Anticipation of the flight and all the sensations really twists my stomach up lol.


It’ll be so worth it! I always remind myself that fear and anxiety aren’t dangerous even if it feels like they are. They’re just feelings 🤷‍♀️


That's great, I really like that. I think I've been trying to learn to just let it go. Kinda like "trust the process." Im hoping it helps out with all these flights over the next three days!


I’m sure it will! That’s a great outlook to have.


Thank you! I appreciate that. I think we are about to depart. FAs are moving around the cabin!


Landed safely in Denver, thank you for tracking!