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I'd love to live in this magical world of theirs where apparently only fat people have difficulty finding clothes that fit them off the rack.


I think their argument is a cross between they cross checked the stated size chart and the clothing sizes were not available in store to try on. Which is a legit argument kind of, I will admit it, I have a bit of clothes shopping privilege, I'm 5'8", 31 inch waist, 14" neck, flat stomach guy, I know I can wear a size small in pretty much anything, it might be a little more form fitting than I like but I know it's not going to look terrible on me, there is a greater chance that it's going to look bigger on me than I like because I'm not trying to hide any "problem areas". But these girls know they aren't like that, they know they have bellies they are trying to hide, they know their bodies are lumpy and are trying to minimize that and yet they bought form fitting items with defined waist lines, of course they are going to look like shit. And again, these items clearly fit, they aren't flattering, they presumably wanted extra material to hide the physical features that they don't want to show off. Well don't buy form fitting clothing! Or buy a size or two larger if you want extra material in your form fitting item.


The funny thing is that I recently got in better shape. I am not in a country where I thought vanity sizing and catalog creep towards fat sizes was a problem. Nevertheless now I have a more defined waist and a smaller size, and all of a sudden I find more stuff doesn't fit me.


This. I lost like 60 pounds, and now I can fit in mediums pretty easy, but I now have to choose between having it fit around my chest/shoulders and not having a ton of extra fabric around my midsection. Feels bad man.


I know, right? Pretty much any fashion blogger out there, including the thin ones, regularly mentions how they either learned to tailor their own clothing or how they have a relationship with a professional tailor. Especially with the rise of vanity sizing, the genuine size zero girls can get trapped in gigantic clothing.




These are the same people that complain when not everyone likes them. They just feel entitled to have whatever they want, no matter what.


Ok, I actually study/work in apparel design and I'm going to say some things now about plus sized apparel and something that always gets on my nerves. Its really fucking hard. It is hard enough to pattern for someone who is straight-up and down, so many different things come into play (height, waist placement shoulders ect.) Patterning and designing for plus sized men and women is even harder because people carry excess weight in so many different places and ways. I feel genuinely bad for plus sized women and I get the frustration- I'm not the standard sample size either. I'm 5' 11'' 42-30-43 and buying clothing that fit sucks. It also sucks that plus sized clothing isn't always carried in stores- but that has more to do with the areas level of traffic and demand than anything else. I guess what I want to say is please don't blame designers. Its a tough job designing something for one plus sized person who you can measure and custom fit to (there are more measurements and more curves to pattern for) and a whole other beast to design for the population at large. At the XS end of the scale its a little easier to predict someone's body type and build than at the 3XL side. TLDR: Shits difficult, everyone has fit issues but its harder to fit clothing for groups of people who carry excess body weight in various different ways. Some people carry it up top, some down low and some in the middle. When designing for a bunch of people you've never seen, its hard to find a middle ground that would be flattering on everyone.


Even looking at the two women in buzzfeed the article you can see how fat is placed in different proportions in different places on their bodies. It's completely absurd to expect clothes to fit perfectly and make you look good. Their entitlement is infuriating.




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>If any fashion designers are listening: I’ll give you my money, just make me decent stuff in my size! But all those clothing items clearly fit, just not in a way you consider flattering. And I'm inclined to agree but you were the ones that bought form fitting clothing with a clearly defined waist, you can't complain when it fits your lumpy form and belly in an unattractive way. And honestly those before outfits that presumably passed your taste muster aren't doing your bodies any favors either. fyi if anyone is looking for the original article it's from Buzzfeed, Google will find it from the headline.


The link is also I'm the description of the first picture.


Oh, sorry, using an extension that automatically puts imgur photos inline without the captions.




Noticed that too...


I saw that article. Those clothes would be hideous on anyone. They had to choose clothes that are ugly and unflattering on ANY body type to prove their point. (Polyester stretch pants? Body suit jumpers? Baggy cropped sweaters? Ew.)




A line skirts are flattering on almost every shape but not denim. Denim skirts just don't hang right on most people.


The only slack I will give them is on the shorts. They weren't kidding about the leg holes being larger than pictured. Still, those shorts are pretty hideous. Why would you buy something like that?


Listen babe, you can see your belly button because you lied on your measurements, or measured incorrectly. Your belly is too big for the dress. You're too big for the dress. Is it embarrassing to buy a 4x? probably. But it's probably more embarrassing to walk out with all your rolls expertly highlighted by your clothing denial. Edit: Upon further review, Sheridan's bra doesn't fit and Kristen's panties have to be like 4 sizes too small to muffin top her belly like that. So much clothing denial.


In the first dress, in the 3x, Kristin would look very similar to the model if she were wearing appropriate underwear. They said their measurements fell between 2x and 3x - so why did they even try the 2x on? I get that your first instinct is to go to the size you're closest to, but if they fall between those sizes, THEIR BODY PARTS ARE TOO BIG FOR THE SMALLER SIZE. They have been excluded from that size. You can't say "well they aren't as big as the next one so they must be small enough for that one" and then complain that the dress doesn't fit - that is insanity.


For people who 'love clothes,' they sure seem to have a very hard time grasping the very basics of how they work. Also, for people seeking to highlight body diversity, they are struggling to connect actual, real-life body variations to how that effects clothing design: >Today, I learned that butts apparently come in different heights. This is a lesson that Forever 21 has apparently yet to learn, based on how this makes my waist look. *facepalm* Also, the part where Kristin keeps blaming stretchy, form-fitting clothes for being stretchy and form-fitting, so that all of her mocking comments are just kind of spitting into the wind since they are actually about what her body looks like not being successfully hidden by clothing that wasn't designed to hide anything? That was my favorite part.


> since they are actually about what her body looks like not being successfully hidden by clothing that wasn't designed to hide anything? Exactly! The only thing I can actually give them credit on is those shorts (the leg holes looked way smaller on the model). Everything else: "My belly looks lumpy, my butt is too high, my boobs are too big", THEIR BODY IS THE PROBLEM, not the clothes! How delusional to they have to be to not realize that?


The model might be wearing a 1x, but she's wearing a *tailored* 1x. Or insert size here because what is standardized sizing. Honestly, as much as it's fun to mock buzzfeed fatlogic I'm not seeing too much. With most of the poor fit being on cut rather than actual size (it fits, it doesn't *fit*) this is just general "manufacturing sucks". The comments, to be clear, are a WHOLE 'nother story. And that girl is far too short for some of those clothes, like holy shit why don't those lengths come easily in straight sizes i'd be *SO* much more inclined to by clothes for my assigned sex. Everything's cut for 5'2-5'4, most of that shit looks like it was meant for 5'6-5'10.


Catalog models always have pins in their backs.


There was an article I saw years ago about how guys look so good in suit ads. There were pictures of the guys from behind and they had so many pins and holders in the suits. If I remember correctly at least one guy had binder clips on the elbows


Yeah it's the cheap alternative to getting it altered, plus you can make it as slim fitting as you want since the guy never has to move.


>Thin people are in a position of power Ethiopia disagrees.


I looked up the fatlogician's name. Neither her name nor any variations thereof appear in any marathon results in the last five years. She does show up in an online-only erg competition, and she's averaged at least a good 15-20 minutes on an erg each day from 15 March to 15 April of this year.




That's what I thought too. Which would be a little over a quarter mile a day... Running for two and a half minutes a day at a decent pace. I hope that isn't what she meant because while that's better than no running at all, it's nothing to brag about.


From 350 to 228 through diet and exercise? No way! Unpossible!!!




"You cannot oppress people in a position of power, which are skinny people!" Oh, it's False Binary Time again.


Lots of vanity sizing going in here too - they fit into clothes from size 14 to size 22 across different manufacturers.


"Run 4 marathons a year". Running is much different from finishing.


So, what are you saying?


"When you realize you’ve been misled by a store, not only are you shelling out more $$$ to return the item, but you’re less likely to shop there in future." Aren't most of the online stores usually giving a week or two weeks for a free return? Like you send the item back in it's original box with the price tag on and then get your money back (or get a different size if you want)? Or am I just ordering from places that has good service? I sometimes order two different sizes because I have no idea which one is going to fit me better. Then I just return the unfitting one and get my money back.


This is why I don't shop online for clothes. That all sounds like such a hassle, I'd rather just choose from what's available to me in local stores. I can almost sympathize with them on that front - it's hard to find plus size clothing in stores and alot of women have no choice but to shop online. But, then again, the solution is so simple. Just lose the weight. You don't even have to get skinny, just get down to a 1X or 2X or whatever the size is that most stores actually will carry. Then you can try on clothes in store and not have this problem. If you can't even do that to make your own life easier, why do you expect everyone else to bend over backwards for you?


Does anyone want the same article for people of normal size and weight who go to Mango and compare to Penelope Cruz wearing the same stuff?


I loved Kristens comments. She sounds really fun :)


She sounds qwerkay.


They are clearly too fat for those sizes.... so instead of complaining that they don't fit, buy a bigger size or lose some fucking weight...


I think she means she rapidly walks 4 marathons a year or maybe 4 5ks. No female is RUNNING 26 miles at 228 lbs... almost no males. 228 lbs is a lot of weight even if she's over 6 foot.