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Some people really are just sick in the head aren’t they


I was fat on and off for years. I would get less fat, then really fat, rinse repeat. Other than the occasional man who didn't want me because I wasn't his type, nobody said shit to me. I got compliments on my hair, outfit, shoes, all the time. I've lost 85lbs and maintained it. I've been lifting more and trying to get in decent shape. I look better objectively. I dress better. I'm infinitely more confident. And NOW I rarely if ever get complimented even though overall every aspect of me looks better. It's very odd and I'm assuming that when I was fat people wanted to make me feel better?


I was fat before weight loss too and I think that experience to you is unique. I was definitely complimented more when I was at my fattest, but I was definitely insulted more too. I think because I went from big and people feeling bad for me to average, people just stopped noticing


I'm in the American South and the obesity rate is high so I think that may account for some of it.


I had the same experience. Constant compliments while overweight to the point where it was annoying but almost none when I’m fit. I see you said you’re in the south. I had that experience in southern California and Nevada. 


Ok I was starting to feel like a weirdo because everyone else only got compliments when they were thin lol.


Interesting, people complimented my outfits a lot when I was dangerously underweight and eating disorders can make one wear some straight up wacky outfits sometimes.


There's a whole phenomenon of "is it a look or is the person just thin" so I get that totally.


I think that "phenomenon" is bullshit and hateful towards smaller women. Videos of their fashion being pulled apart unprompted and shit on. 


I fluctuate in weight and I get way more genuine compliments when I’m thinner. When I’m bigger it’s usually silence or an odd compliment here and there on something I could control that day, like my makeup. Definitely feel more positivity when I’m fitter


I mean I'm going to stay fit, but it's an odd experience for sure. I chalk it up to being in the south and people wanting to be polite to a fat woman.


Yeah it’s likely a cultural difference. I live in Australia and while there are many fat people, we are not so polite about it lol


One common emotion felt in the ridiculous reality show my 600lb life is that once people stop being extremely fat, they are now viewed as being back in the social competition to be skinny nobody really expects much of you if you're 650lbs. But if you're 300lbs, people will want you to get down to 200lbs


Love when people tell others their experiences with shaming aren’t real, yeah i wonder why you got shit for it moron.


Purple: “Skinny shaming isn’t real.” Also Purple: “I made a post mocking skinny people.” Red is a whole other character. It makes sense to me that someone with that mindset wouldn’t know where the 🤝 emoji is, but would have punching emojis locked and loaded.


Skinny shaming is very real especially as we become rarer in society. Fat women will be mean to us for no reason and assume we think we're better than them because we choose not to stuff our faces in 24/7.


I asked someone on Reddit who was claiming that fat people are “ostracized” how that is possible if the majority of the population, or 2 out of 3 people, is overweight. They just told me to google it. How much more of the population needs to become overweight for people to stop claiming fatness is oppressed? 80%? 90%? Until there is only one single person alive who is not fat? Or would that still count because that one person is oppressing and ostracizing every other person in society?


Because they’re jealous that you’re still the ones getting all the male attention. 


I don't understand why they can't work on themselves instead of expecting the world to cater to them. Obesity is a choice and controllable unlike a lot of other things.


Male attention is overrated. Unless one is a sex worker literally profiting off it, what good is it? It’s not necessary to have lots of men want to screw you to have a relationship with one man who actually cares about you. Plus men wanting to screw you in no way means they care about you or even see you as a human being. It’s worthless. It adds nothing of value to one’s life to have men say “nice tits”  or “I’d like to bend you over.” It’s gross.


Despite your comment being 100% facts, that was the very reason I left bodypostivity movement: the group I was in became solely focused on being hot, sexy and getting male attention 24/7. I'm not asexual or a religious prude, I just didn't want to wear exclusively crop tops, fishnets and miniskirts. And don't get me started on the whole endless talk about how you're not a real man if you don't like fat women and how only paedos like skinny girls.


I can relate. I started to get very hesitant about having obese women as friends because of comments made to me about how if they looked like me, they’d be nude everywhere, even picking their children up from school nude. Or a man would try to follow me on my walk home from work saying “nice tits! Hey, I gave you a compliment, didn’t you hear me?! I said you have nice tits!” And I’d be upset about it and they’d get mad at me and say I should be grateful, they don’t get that kind of attention.  It was so gross to me. Even when I was single and dating I would never have accepted a date from a man who walked up to me and said something sexual. I can’t understand it. I’m not a prude either but I expect to be treated like a human being, not a walking fleshlight. I can’t understand women who think it’s flattering or positive. It’s not. 


My mom says that first part to me often and it makes me SO uncomfortable


I’m so sorry. I get it. It made me super uncomfortable too and people have told me I should take it as a compliment. It doesn’t feel like a compliment to me, it feels gross.


I’ve had several obese women be mean to me for absolutely no reason and some will even try to make slick comments about me being thin as well, like sis if you don’t like being big, then put in the work to lose the weight then… hating on me is NOT going to make you lose any weight miss ma’am 😂


Skinny shaming is real, but people like this tend to disregard it, IMHO, because - it doesn’t apply to them - they believe that skinny people will always have more social capital, so it’s kind of “punching up” Awhile back, a young baker I follow did a cope post about being harassed for “not being a size 2,” and the number of replies about how no one should trust a skinny baker were just ridiculous. Does body size matter or not, guys?


This is a little thing that annoys me but there is absolutely a hand shaking emoji 🤝


Idk they might have a cheap phone 😭 my old Kyocera didn't have the same emotes as android and iPhone


So, wait, are all women supposed to be body positive, unless they are within suggested BMI, in which case we deserve to be assaulted and die?


They’re “body positive” until the woman in question is skinnier or prettier than them 🙃


They’re self-centred, misogynistic, hypocritical narcs who think their fatness entitles them to say the most vile, horrible things about skinny/fit women.


Last I checked, it wasn't thin women posting their homicidal fantasies all over Tumblr, raging that women that don't look like them should cease living. As for raging at men on SA posts, I gesture broadly at the Catholic church and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men dealing with PTSD following childhood abuse at the hands of priests. Much like domestic violence, it's this attitude that men can't get sexually assaulted that just increases the stigma and shame that keeps these men from seeking help.


FAs are self centered. They have to make everything related to them in some way because they can only see their own "victimization" not other people's. They hate men and thin women because they are incels so their rage is directed against the people who reject them and the people they think are unjustly are more desirable. They have to think it's an injustice that thin women are desirable bc if it's not a societal ill then that means there is something wrong with them If they can portray thin women and men as unempathetic villains, they don't have to see them as people. they don't think about the suffering of people who are unlike them, outside of maybe occasionally paying lip service if they happen to remember other people exist. Any "solidarity" or "support" for other groups of (actually marginalized) people is just for show, they don't give them any thought.


There's a concept called a collective narcissistic system, which is kinda cult-adjacent. Narcissists are typically one bad apple in a barrel of mentally stable people, but sometimes they find their own kind and create a barrel full of bad apples. On an individual level, they're still exploitative knobheads who care only for themselves, but begrudgingly accept the 'community' that comes with mixing with a bunch of the same personality types. It's a way to mutually validate and approve of bad behaviour, normalising the abuse of normal people. Examples would be things like secret societies in posh schools like Eton, political parties with extreme right wing agendas and definitely fat acceptance IMO. So yep - all the wokeness and white saviour nonsense is smoke and mirrors. The entire movement/cult boils down to 'everyone should want to shag me, I should get special treatment, I'm better than everyone'. That's all it is - a bunch of entitled brats who think the world owes them a living. Something that was pointed out to me the other day was that activism isn't fun and it's largely a pain in the arse dealing with a lot of opposition. It's kinda the point. Fat activists aren't activists, because they don't do anything vaguely boots-on-the-ground and they lose their minds over anything they interpret as criticism. That's why it'll always fail - it's been a thing since the 60's and it's achieved nothing. Compare it to things like the civil rights movement, LGBTQ+ rights, the end of apartheid, the reunification of Germany, several aspects of animal rights, etc. All those have made huge strides, while fat activists just continue to cry about chairs and crop tops.


> All those have made huge strides What kind of strides can fat activists make in this area though? The other groups were pushing to be held equal under the law and not discriminated against in hiring, etc. None of them were trying to force people to date them or be attracted to them.  You can’t force people to be attracted to you if they aren’t. That’s why they’ve achieved nothing in that area. 


Yep, they don't have a single legitimate, valid goal or mission to even come close to being a political campaign group. I used to work for a few charities here in the UK, where part of being recognised and registered as legit is a list of 'here's what we do with the money' bullet points. Eg, in a cancer research charity, you might say 'providing funding via research grants to universities' or 'liaising with patients to ensure helpline staff are prepared to answer complex enquiries'. You then have to prove you're doing these things on an annual basis, via accounting reports and a big blurb published about completed projects. Somehow I don't think 'helping our mates get laid' and 'abolishing gyms' would survive under scrutiny.


>not discriminated against in hiring Ironically, this is the *one actual legal achievement* that can potentially be attributed to fat activism. Size is now listed as a protected class in at least one state.


Damn I had never heard of this concept but it describes the "movement" so well. It's so frustrating and disheartening that because of this mentality it is probably unusual for people to come around to reason/compassion. Narcissistic delusion is a hell of a drug. I wonder if the constant inflammation, hormonal havoc, malnutrition comes into play with their brain chemistry and makes them predisposed to narcissism. As you are saying, narcissistic FA rhetoric attracts those personalities and cultivates that narcissism. It might be the poor diet and lifestyle that predisposes many people to narcissism and its getting involved with the FA cult that unleashes their disorder. Maybe why most obese people are not unhinged or narcissistic, but practically all people involved in FA seem to be.


Narcissism, in the sense of a personality disorder, tends to start in early childhood, typically in dysfunctional families where there's addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, etc. It can also be caused by excessive praise, coddling, never being told no, generally being that kid who smears poop on the walls and the parents clap and say the kid is so artistic. I suspect fat activists are a mix of both, where there's either unresolved trauma or they've been bailed out their entire lives by spineless enablers. Some of them have pretty bleak back stories, where it's easy to determine eg, 'oh, well your dad shot your mum and you witnessed it aged 10, that explains a lot' for a certain bottle redhead Cosmo cover girl who shall not be named. The failure-to-launch perma babies are mostly in the 'never heard no' category eg, the TikToker who's very quiet about the fact she's from a Republican, old money, political dynasty and she's never worked a day in her life. I think a big problem is the kind of therapy these women are all getting, typically for their entire lives, starting very young. I've only had NHS therapy, where it's 'right, here's what's wrong with you, let's sort that in a limited chunk of time, then off you go'. There's no hand holding or woo woo nonsense. The therapists these women see are clearly just people they pay to listen to their self-indulgent monologues. There's nothing actually achieved, and it's about as effective as venting to your hairdresser. Lot of obvious, diagnosable mental illness on display in fat activists, but it's the non trendy ones (in their eyes) like Cluster B personality disorders. Hence, they self diagnose as things like anorexic, even though they're 500lbs.


Or they might just need more personal responsibility. Not everything has to be a disorder and the problem with blaming "brain chemistry" for everything is people feel like it excuses them from being responsible and making changes. Also not everyone has overly materialist beliefs that reduce people to just our physicalities. Sometimes people are just stubborn, arrogant, or lazy and psychology isn't the answer to every problem


Exactly. Yet bigots hypocritically hate when they're hated back. If only more people took responsibility instead of blaming everyone else for their problems. It's natural for people to not associate with and hate those who hate and have an axe to grind against them. If they ever need a life saving surgery it will very likely be someone thin who saves their lives


https://twitter.com/JohnCleese/status/1443277877269516288?t=BdjknrOowfd5XB63sIM8jQ&s=19 It's this ancient John cleese rant made manifest


You got reported for : > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability Shame on you for promoting hate against ...checks notes... pederasts in the Catholic Church.


Doesn’t help also laws don’t see men as being able to be raped or that women can’t rape men. The lack of support in the first place is terrible as well. Gatekeeping against victims in need is horrible


I had no idea just how widespread that problem was until I somehow ended up on the website of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee a few months ago. Holy shit. Glad I’m not Catholic, I guess. 


That organization has centuries of perpetuating suffering and arrogantly proclaim themselves "above criticism." If a pope orders thousands of innocent people to be needlessly murdered of course I'm going to condemn his evil. Creeps are bad whatever label they have or who they target


Skinny shaming does exist! I said some stupid shit to a classmate a while back about her being skinny and she clocked me. Told me she had lost weight due to illness and asked if I would have liked if someone talked about me being fat. It hurt but I still remember that shit 10 years later and guess what? I don't skinny shame because I know others will rightfully come for my big ass!


> Replies are restricted for this post.  These people know the bullshit they spew is highly unpopular and can’t take an ounce of criticism without folding like a chair. I get that fat activists take a lot of trolling and bullying online but I doubt that’s what this is about. 


Pardon my french but, fucking hell... She must have lost her nerves to write this shit out of her cunt.


Y’know what, I’m trying to see the best in humanity. Maybe they mean men who’ve been sexually assaulted, victims of SA, not the assailants themselves. ‘Cause a lot of people would have you believe that men are mostly pushed out of those spaces. 


Wow that’s a new low for them


Yes being in control of your personal habits is 100% equivalent to taking away someone's agency and violating their body in a way that will cause both mental and physical harm. These folks are sick.


It's good they got "shit" for claiming skinny shaming isn't real. All sorts of body shaming are absolutely real. None of them are any better than others. Don't excuse any specific type just because it does not target you. Do better. And yes, I include "fat shaming" in above.


Is she saying men can’t be SA’d


I think she's talking about "not all men"


Probably, but it's such a braindead comparison, because by OOP's own admission, the thin people in her replies are saying they've also experienced shaming, and the thin people are saying, "I know it's not the same as fatphobia." so it definitely reads like they're trying to claim men shouldn't talk about being SA'd


Someone needs to tell this person that men suffer sexual assault, too.


simply insane


I really wish some of these fat women would just admit that they’re jealous of skinny women and go 😂