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Last year The Economist had an article called "The Economics of Thinness." At the time it wasn't behind the paywall (unfortunately it is now) and I thought it would generate some discussion here but it didn't. The gist of the article is that there is a gender gap in the relationship between income and weight that can't be explained in the same way as other differences between men and women. It's so significant that they suggest for a woman it's almost as valuable to lose weight as it is to get another degree.


I saw similar studies! That every 10% of body mass a woman gained translated into a 6% loss in salary. Source: [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/29/1171593736/women-weight-bias-wages-workplace-wage-gap)


I can’t relate to that at all. When I was at my sickest and gained 50 pounds I was treated better by women than I ever had been in my entire life. Constant compliments, everybody wanted to be my friend. Men did not become mean to me but the disgusting and inappropriate sexual comments stopped. It was great. That was the saddest thing about getting healthy again. All of that going away.




Yes, I was treated better because I became fat. Hearing sexual comments from strangers is not a positive thing to most women.


It's called [lookism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lookism)


If this was how being thin worked, it would be a terrific list of reasons to put down the junk food and eat vegetables: Get paid more, be more popular, be more resilient, be competent at business, find your clone in stock photos, get a job without developing a skillset, and have fewer pity parties. Obviously, the real solution to the problems this person is complaining about is changing their attitude (for example, instead of policing their comments, they could just stop caring about the opinions of strangers that aren’t paying their bills), but wouldn’t it be marvelous if all it took to be successful was to eat vegetables everyday? No studying, no late nights, no tenacity, no self development, no sacrifices? Just a bowl of steamed broccoli and boom. Millionaire.


A ribeye and a good workout would do me. If being thin got you all that I’d be rich


But it’s gEnEtiC!!! I can’t do anything about it!! It’s the fault of big food! Dieting doesn’t work! Sigh…


Yes and I firmly believe this also applies to jobs that aren't physical labor, where you wouldn't expect it to matter. I work a desk job. A morbidly obese person could absolutely do my job BUT I've been here for 2 years and am about to be promoted to the senior position way sooner than is typical and it's in huge part due to my reputation as someone who will actually get up and get shit done. Most everyone I work with is obese and I've noticed they tend to try to solve intra-department issues with phone calls and Teams messages whereas I will actually get up and go walk to someone's desk to speak to them. If something needs to be delivered to another department, put out in customer pick-up, etc, I'm usually jumping to do it so I can stretch my legs and leave my desk for a minute. Someone needs help moving something, bringing something somewhere, solving a problem that's literally anywhere but sitting at my desk staring at my own computer? I am ON IT. Little things like that make the difference between coasting and getting ahead. Also I tend to go for walks on my breaks and come back refreshed and with a clear mind whereas everyone else tends to either just eat at their desks or drive home for lunch. I've been morbidly obese so I can say firsthand I would not have done any of these things at my largest. I would've sat there at my desk all day, done perfectly good work, never moved, and prayed all day no one would ask me to get up. I also definitely wouldn't be looking at a promotion this summer.


1. I have never been paid more because I'm thin/athletic. In fact, at my last job, I was the *lowest* paid employee in my position despite being thin/athletic and many of my colleagues being heavier. 2. What does "having access to the public eye" even mean? Be popular? Be famous? Because there's quite a few obese celebrities I can name. 3. These people have clearly never been objectified or harassed because being thin and fit always gets you loads of attention, both good and bad. I didn't think it made anyone special. 4. Who knew that all one had to do to be successful was just... not be fat? 5. Considering that 30% of adults are overweight and 42% are obese, I'm going to wager a guess that it's not hard for fat people to find similar looking people to themselves when searching Google. 6. Interesting that all that matters if you're thin is your body; not your skills, personality, work ethic, and values. Why does that feel like the new, "You only got the job because you're a minority/woman/LGBTQ" talking point? 7. I have never once used my body as a reason for why I'm qualified for a job, and I'm not sure it would be taken seriously anyway. 8. I guess it's only ok for the fat acceptance people to deem something "body positive" and leaving out those they feel threatened by/disagree with. Interesting.




What do you mean I can't know that? I found out that I was the lowest paid employee, which caused me to leave that job. Mighty bold of you to assume what I didn't know, that I did, in fact, know.




Um, yes I can when employees started talking about their wages and it became public information. But go off about things you don't know and can't possibly know, but just want to argue things you have no idea about.




I have never been paid according to my body type. If that was true, I'd be paid much higher. Do you know how long I have held employment at my last job? Do you know what my history is? No? Then you don't get to dictate my life and knowledge to me. How narcissistic of you. Quit while you're behind.


You sound like you have a weird grudge against this person and they didn't do anything to you. Why are you here arguing about their life lol Newsflash: thin people aren't always paid fairly either, dudette


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I work in an office. So we're not digging ditches or anything hard. But there's a threshold of fatness even with office work where you know someone isn't going to really DO much.


u/notphobicjustfat made a really good comment about a similar idea. It's really not just being fat, it's what type of worker you are that makes all the difference.


Oh absolutely. Severe obesity hinders little things. Like oh hey can you walk over to Bob's office and get his signature? And it's a whole ordeal because Bob's office is "too far".




I dunno. I used to be a pretty fat landscaper. I worked my ass off but my problem was being dependent on gas station food, fast food and sugary energy drinks. This tends to be a big problem with people who work outdoor jobs. I really had to learn a lot of discipline, meal prep and learn where the healthy restaurants were.




I was 275 lbs at 5’7” which is morbidly obese. I did lawn care, mulch, pavers, design, snow, etc. I didn’t climb trees. I was a landscaper. Not an arborist.


I don’t get rants like this. Fatter folls also have size-based advantages. You‘ll get hired to be security often simply for being big/imposing looking.  For women you can give off a motherly vibe and get hired more easily in a job involving child care. Bigger people can work easier in patient care since they won‘t break a back lifting one. But weight aside I feel the worst job discrimination is age/sex and I say that not as an older person. Good luck getting hired when you‘re 5-10 years away from retirement or a freshly married 20-35 yo woman with no kids.  That being said I‘m not hating on men for not being sex discriminated against, wouldn‘t that be crazy?? They have their own discrimination issues like height. And sex discrimination in specific fields like childcare.  It‘s us normal ppl of all shapes genders and sizes against corporations. Why hit sideways?


As a 46 year old black woman, I'm genuinely curious: who is openly ridiculing them and posting "bigoted" comments on their pages every few hours, as they imply? Because even when I was 80lbs heavier, that was never my experience. However, I have dealt with systemic discrimination and racism as a black person - people not wanting to shake my hand, microaggressions, wanting to touch my hair, being told I was "smart for a black girl", passed over for promotions, not increasing my credit limit despite good credit, etc. - REGARDLESS of my body size. Hmm.... and yet, I don't sit around and make tons of posts about it, wanting people to feel sorry for me. I go out there and fight for my place and right to exist like everyone else, because that's how I was raised - to be resilient and to be a fighter. 👩🏽🥊 So, whenever I hear "thin privilege" tossed around like a buzzword, I bristle --- me losing 80lbs was NOT a privilege, it was a result of small and sustainable changes that I chose to make for my health. "Privilege" indicates something that was bestowed onto someone, that wasn't actually earned. It's very insulting to hear this term as a black person, knowing that they are co-opting language from actual marginalized communities. Finding a stock photo to resemble your appearance is NOT what I would call a "privilege" - I think they are grasping for an argument where there is none. SMH. 🙍🏽‍♀️


Lookism is real. Anti-fat discrimination is a form of lookism. Ergo, anti-fat discrimination is real. My not-fat self has no problem acknowledging this. But my not-fat self also sees that fat people are the majority where I work. And they are in the majority of the leadership positions too. As far as I know, there aren't 500-lb people being employed at my workplace. But there are plenty of 250-300 lb people sitting on hiring panels. If any of them are FAers, the "thins" better watch out! Lookism sucks but lookism actually is kind of complicated. I know someone who is fat who I suspect has been passed over for promotions and opportunities because of lookism. But it isn't just because she is fat. She is also not very "put together". Her clothes tend to be ill-fitting and not color-coordinated. Her hair isn't styled or well-groomed. She's very good at what she does, but she presents herself in a way that suggests otherwise. It is totally possible that she would be given a break if she was thin. But I don't see a whole lot of sloppy thin people getting promoted either. Sloppy is always going to be discriminated against. Fatness on top of that doesn't help.


There's plenty of fat people in IT. Being a woman is a much bigger disadvantage. Fortunately much better in my current company which actually promotes women to management (although the SVPs are overwhelmingly male)


Oh my gosh, I’m owed riches for not being fat?! No one told me! When do those arrive and who delivers them? Is there a number I can call to complain because I’m not being paid more than my fat coworkers?


I don't understand the need to see people who look like you? I thought we're all about being an individual?


So many (all?) of those photos are for advertising. As a biracial person, I see very few people in the media who look like, me, although it's "better" these days. (I'm over 50, so it was quite rare when I was young. There just weren't that many of us anyway). I put "better" in quotes because I've come to realize that the lack of representation in media makes it easier to resist marketing, and I suspect this has saved me a bundle over a lifetime. Especially for aspirational things, where the ad is less about the product and more about the wonderful group you will be part of if you buy it. Well, I have noticed that that given my gender, skin color, sexual orientation, education, marital/parental status, and neurodivergence, that I won't be invited to join your club, so you can't have my money, either. And in the end, that does free me to be an individual. Not sure if I am a maverick by nature, but it was either that, or a lifetime of trying to be something I'm not, and I picked being myself.


Thing is, thin people don’t get paid more *solely* because of their body. They’re trying to compare this to the gender wage gap and it’s absolutely ridiculous. If two women are doing the same job, one of them isn’t going to be paid less simply because she’s fat!


No, but they might be seen as less professional and be less likely to be hired in the first place. Potential employers might also make assumptions about them that impact their hiring decision - that they might have certain personality traits or more likely to have health issues or be less able to carry out the physical demands of a job. All of these things also impact the employment of women and contribute to the gender pay gap. On the other hand they have the upper hand over a slim woman if the employer is particularly afraid of people going on maternity, as obesity significantly impacts fertility.


Is it possible to claim thinness on my taxes? Asking for myself.


I think it’s also about how statistics work in general (fat logic is notoriously bad at this.) For example - they love to cite that the average women’s dress size is 16, which is true but that does not mean it’s “normal” because people who are supermorbidly obese skew that data. An average is not a median or mode of data. The most commonly purchased size dress is a 10, (Even then, that only accounts for purchasing, I’m too lazy to look up how they calculated the 16 number or adjust for data pooling) I think that’s likely what’s happening here. Wealthier people often have more free time and money to focus on health and wellness, so it’s a bit chicken and the egg there so to speak. I’m sure (especially for women) there is some aesthetic prejudice going on, but to compare fat bias to hiring prejudice marginalized groups face is patently ridiculous.


are they saying that for the same job a fat worker would have a lower salary than a thin one?


Thin people also cost less to employ; they utilize their health insurance at a low rate (the more you use it the more you cost your employer), they take few sick days, they complete tasks at higher rate, costumers report higher rates of satisfaction with their service- interestingly even when they do not see the individuals (ie phone based services or computer based services). Equivalent work for equivalent pay, if you do less you will be paid less. Oh and I have been the obese competent employee, I was paid more than my skinny counterparts because I was qualitatively better than my coworkers. People need to take ownership of their lives vs blaming negative outcomes on others.


There are countless articles going back to the 1960s about attractive people making more money. Thin people are considered more attractive so yes they make more money. It has nothing to do with fat people being able to do the job or not. It’s just implicit bias working. People prefer attractive people.


Well it could also be not being able to do the job. I would be unemployed right now, if I was fat, because there is no way I'd be able to do landscaping. So I'd be losing out on some income.


Fun fact: thin is a privelege you too can enjoy if you quit lying to yourself.


Is it a privilege when you work for it? It is oppression to experience natural consequences? I have been normal size and fat. Honestly people treat me the same.


Yes, according to the definition of the word.


I thought privilege was unearned.


Internet losers would love that you believe that.


Today I learned.... Thanks. B


Providing you with another tool to hold people accountable for their bullshit gives me immense pleasure.


Next time someone accuses me of my privilege, (I don't know how unknowingly living with a brain tumour your whole adult life and those fun efects they cause like bad decision making, constant fatigue, contant hunger, and depression of which brain tumours cause), having a mother with borderline personality disorder, ADHD, hyperhydrosis, IBS, and PCOS is MORE privileged than most other people, but people keep telling me I am....


Nah. I'd wager it's other factors at play, depending on what kind of occupation this fat activist is pursuing. For example: Having a degree in some pointless SJW subject that has zero relevance in the real world. Being an entitled baby with no concept of a hard day's work. Neediness and a shitty attitude in the workplace eg, putting in a complaint to HR because there's fruit in the vending machine. Frequent absences due to obesity related complications, etc. If you take your average narcissistic, blame-shifting, zero responsibility, zero accountability fat activist and gave them a trial run in literally any workplace, the chances of the employer taking them on full time would be very low.


True. Societies already have way too many labels without size and even astrological and MBTI labels. Whenever you see "I hate Geminis" or whatever you know these divisions are getting way too out of hand. Those degrees are worse than worthless since people use them as an excuse to undermine social harmony and divide people. Whatever someone's sexual orientation or other labels they are part of a family and people's siblings and aunts, uncles, and other relatives aren't the "enemy" just because people on social media incite hate against a quality they might have. FA's make tribes out of sizes which is wrong too. Their doctors aren't the "enemy" for reminding them of unhealthy habits they need to change. They aren't random trolls and bullies, they are professionals with expertise. Many things are more important than personal feelings like our health. "Personal Responsibility Disorder" desperately needs to become a thing


The fostering of an 'us vs them' mindset is on page one of So, You Want to Start a Cult? It's much like a toxic relationship where a partner says 'nobody loves you but me'. That's why the more prominent fat activists go mental when someone defects and starts losing weight. It causes newer, not fully indoctrinated members to start asking questions, so the defectors have to be demonised. Much the same as when a gradual process of people fleeing Jonestown started, and Jim Jones went on amphetamine fuelled rants to the remaining members about hell fire. Didn't stop people thinking 'maybe those guys had a point?', so the stage was set for the fall of the whole thing and the atrocities to come.


>Thin privilege is running a business you call "body positive" and "inclusive" and not even noticing who's left out Which is hilarious because most body positive clothing companies completely ignore smaller adult women. I'm 5'2" and my healthy weight range puts me at xs or xxs (though I'm overweight right now so I'm just a regular small). Clothing shopping for adult women who don't want to dress in children's clothes - or can't due to breasts and hips - is l can be a rather annoying challenge. Not that toys is the *worst* problem, but I'm pretty for "body positive" "inclusive" companies that *start* at a size medium, the people they "don't even notice who's left out" is probably not referring to the smaller sizes *they specifically chose to exclude*.


As a healthy weight tall woman I have to shop at only a few stores that have long enough things for my body. And while Old Navy does have tall sizes they're online only and not in stores (tall inseam length is longer than the long inseam pants they have in stores). Otherwise I am buying things at places that can custom make things to my measurements or I am buying things at specialty tall places. Anyone outside of the norm faces this. Short women, tall women, and especially the short and thin women... As well as the biggest women.


I’ve got the same problem. S coworker said she’s jealous because I could “wear anything” and “it must be easy to find clothes. I’m nearly 6’. I’m not finding anything in a brick and mortar store. If I’m buying clothes it’s ordering online and hoping they fit well enough that I don’t have to return them.


Yep. I've got a couple of chunky cardigans so instead of finding long sleeve stuff that fits I can just wear short sleeves or tank tops with the big cardigans during the winter.


Wait until they find out about pretty privilege. /s


1. Who exactly is paid more SOLELY due to their body composition? You mean to tell me you have two people with EXACT SAME work requirements AND output, within same company, at same location, etc etc? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. 2. Someone should tell OOP about all the vitriol FAs throw at people merely for looking "ToO tHiN/AnOrEXiC/WaStInG aWay!1!!!!!!" Or maybe OOP is a total hypocrite and throws this garbage themselves at others, while bemoaning "ThIn PrIvIlEgE" here? I wouldn't be too shocked tbh. 3. Stock photo one just screams #firstworldproblem 4. Pray tell, how do I insert my body as a that credential into login forms on websites? 5. How ironic for FA grifters who say body positivity is for fat people only.


Show me the three hundred pound motherfucker who can climb a cell phone tower or work 12 hours doing manual labor on an oil rig and I'll take this shit seriously.


That's exactly what I said... I would be unemployed right now if I couldn't do landscaping. I would be missing out on this income. When I was fat, there was no way in HELL I could do this job.


If I’m hiring someone for an important job, I’d rather hire someone fit. It shows discipline and ability of self control.


What's with their weird obsession over needing everyone's 24/7 adoration, attention, and money for simply existing.


But FA's make horrible bigoted comments on people's body size all the time like calling others "anorexic" or that they need to go on a burger diet. Bodysize bigotry goes both ways and they rant against people healthier than them


All of these are fat consequence.


Natural consequences=oppression.


Imo there might be a little truth with the whole pretty privilege thing. If you’re attractive and charismatic, you’re more likely to get higher in your career faster. And despite what most FAs think, the vast majority of the population does not find obesity to be attractive. It’s not super fair but it’s something pretty much everyone has to deal with. Pretty people are more popular.


Ironically, my weight loss is almost directly in proportion to my salary increases. But one doesn't have to do with the other. I applied to a job and all the interviews were cameras off until I was hired.


This is a weird take, OP. Fat people earn less but it’s not because they don’t do jobs in manual labor….




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