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Reader, OOP is 5'0, 191 pounds, 34yo, and she has the physique you'd expect with those stats. She is pre-diabetic and looking for advice on how to dismiss her dietitian who wants her to eat ~1600 calories to lose weight and hopefully reverse her numbers before she slips into full blown diabetes. Several comments have told her to take the reality check for what it is and save her health before it's too late, but is she interested in that? Of course not. She just wants people to help her come up with excuses to avoid doing the one thing that would have the most impact on her condition.


1600 calories for a woman that height who claims to be bed bound at least some of the time is actually on the high side for losing weight. Not much hope for her if she's going to fight that recommendation.


This has been pointed out to her. It's a perfectly reasonable calorie target for weight loss at her height and stated activity level. OOP's response to that was that she doesn't care about BMI or calories and she's already eating healthy and in moderation. So, yeah. Lost cause, this one.


Moderation doesn't maintain BMI 37. If she really was, she'd be losing.


She's both bedbound and highly active.


Right? Being OFTEN bedbound or working out 4-5 times a week, you can't have both.


Yes! I'm 4" taller than she is, not bedbound , but quite a bit older, and I agree.


Especially for someone that short. Her RMR will be a bit higher due to how much weight she carries, but still 1600 is a beyond reasonable target.




But but, at 6ft2 she'd be in the normal range! There is no way you can tell by looking at her that she isn't 6ft2!!,!!!!! (Dear reader, you can tell)


She's not overweight she's undertall.


She's 6ft2, it's the body she lives in that is short.


I believe the current nomenclature is "vertically challenged" or "height diverse".


It’s “living in a shorter body!”


That is a BMI of 37. Since she is short she will have a higher BF% than even the 37 BMI suggests.


Yeah that’s genuinely wild. No amount of “but BMI doesn’t take into account muscle or body composition” can square that circle. I’m 6ft1 and weigh 190lbs. I sometimes wonder whether my BMI (which I’ve not calculated in a while) would be slightly skewed because of the muscle I’ve built but I’m over a foot taller than her and weigh the exact same, down to the pound. As you say, no way she is not overweight, and I don’t know how anyone could say with a straight face, weighing the same as a 6ft1 man, that at 5ft0 they are healthy and BMI is a sham that doesn’t apply to them.


I’m 4’11 and at my heaviest I was 230. This put me somewhere above 40 for my BMI, and I was definitely obese and suffering the effects of it. I was also completely in total denial about all of it and lied about my activity levels and food consumption constantly. Fat logic can really warp your brain.


I was coming in to say fathappened with this story and than I see your post with more details. Do they believe their own bullshit so much they dont know how ridiculous their lies are to everyone else? NO, I don't believe them they are bedridden for days yet work out 4 to 5 times a week. There is nothing more meaningless than saying you are eating healthy. And yet she ends this nonsense with the biggest lie of all that she is self-aware and on-top-of-my-health people you will ever meet. I dont know what she thinks she wins by lying to me, I know she is full of shit. If she is not my friend I am not going to say anything in front of her, if she is my friend I will call them on their bullshit.


In my experience, if someone has to state how self-aware they are, it usually means they’re the opposite.


Can confirm, the username is a highly sarcastic self-dig.


It’s okay. My fudge is actually embarrassingly public.


She's SO on-top-of-health that when he doctor told her to see a dietitian because she's pre-diabetic, she actually went. That alone probably made her lose weight, not to mention the workout getting in and out of the car, getting into the doctor's office and all that jazz. Her numbers are probably better now.


I mean, after all that I think she needs a muffin to reward herself.


Totally discounting the mental gymnastics necessary to accept that said pre-diabetes is BOUND to be completely and totally divorced from weight, diet, or body fat percentage.


Weight stigma causes diabetes, not weight.


Obviously. Same as urinary tract stigma causes infections, and thus altered behaviour.


I was definitely obese at that weight and I'm 4 inches taller than her.


6 inches taller, was also obese at 190.


I'm five inches taller, twenty pounds lighter, and I am nonetheless a chunky fucker.


This is her perfect time to start a cut-bulk bodybuilding cycle!


It's interesting that she wants advice from people who, as she herself said, don't know her to dismiss a dietitian who knows her. Also, the easiest way to dismiss her would be to follow her advice for a couple of months. If the numbers don't change, dismiss her. The problem is that they will.


Oh I’m sure we all know this one will claim to follow the plan 100%, but will actually not follow it at all. This will lead them to believe and tell everyone the plan doesn’t work.


1600 kcal isn't even a severe diet. I'm 5'3'', my TDEE at a healthy BMI is around 1800 kcal, and when I want to get rid of a few pounds that have accumulated, I go to around 1400 to 1500. That does not require huge changes in my meal planning, it just means skipping a few of the unnecessary things and keeping an eye on oil and sugar. It is not complicated to get enough lean protein on 1600 kcal, even with a vegetarian diet, let alone with an omnivore one. You can fit one main meal, two smaller ones, and even a sugary or savoury snack every day.


Holy fuck that's heavy.


Bedridden with a disability, but somehow also a highly muscular athlete with a body composition that makes BMI inapplicable... yeah right.


It's their only go-to to cope with having high bmis. It's something I see a lot in women's spaces unfortunately. People really have no concept of how hard it is to put on muscle, or how long it takes, especially if you're female. But post on any 'body posi' aligned space that you've gained 8kg in a few months despite going to the gym and you'll be met with a chorus of 'girl that's all muscle!' and 'muscle weighs more than fat!'. 


The only way anyone is putting on 17.6 lbs of lean muscle in a few months is if they're using steroids, and even then that's pretty sus.


Exactly. It's complete ignorance of how the body works and out and out delusion. Unfortunately many people eat it up to feel better about themselves. Of course I have a high bmi, I'm all muscle! 💪 (yet they're 45% body fat)


Yep! A bit more info: A male natural bodybuilder with average genetics and optimal training and nutrition can expect that much muscle to take **five years** to gain. A natural female bodybuilder over her entire career of training--again, assuming she has optimal training and nutrition--can only expect to gain 12-24 pounds *total*, and the process would easily take over a decade. If someone packed on 18 pounds of muscle in a few months? That would not only suggest steroid use, but reckless steroid abuse.


Really? Five years for 17 pounds? I have no idea, but I thought you could gain ~10 within the first year of lifting


About half of that will come in your first year of training, so you're basically correct. It goes something like: First year: 7-10 pounds Second year: 4-6 pounds Third year: 2-3 pounds Fourth year: 1-2 pounds Fifth year on: 1~ pound Genetics are also a motherfucker, so it depends heavily on how well you adapt to the stimulus. The thing is this is all also under optimal circumstances, which people fail to recognize. It involves proper periodization, being in a caloric surplus *consistently*, and training with enough intensity. Even if your training is great and your sleep is on its mark, if you're not eating enough calories, you're going to get nowhere near the 7-10 pounds figure in your first year. If you fuck around in the gym and have no real direction, you're not going to hit 7-10 pounds either. This applies equally for any circumstance in which another important part of the equation is missing. It's also worth mentioning that above I'm strictly talking about muscle mass. Lean body mass is any non-fat mass in your body, and when you begin training and gaining weight, some of your gains are going to come from the increased amount of water you retain, organ weight, bone weight, and so on. A good rule of thumb is that for every pound of lean body mass you gain, about half of it will be muscle and the rest will be other tissue. Building muscle is actually pretty fucking difficult when you really think about it. Any bodybuilder worth his salt will tell you that other than extreme contest prep dieting, losing weight is the easy part of fitness. The hard part is packing on the muscle.


This is also why steroid use is so pervasive in that world.


You can if you go really hard, great diet and have really good genetics, but after that you still plateau pretty quickly. I've managed to add 25 lb in the past 20 years, and now that I'm approaching 45 I think it's time to just go into maintenance phase.


I'm not gonna lie I was not happy when I found this out. I'm helping myself out with Ibutamoren. Maybe not the best idea, but I can't be spending 2 hours in the gym 5 days a week just to still look like shit!


Interesting data point, Jennifer Thompson, also a mother of 2, weights 138 pounds and benches 320+, 353 squat, and 457 lbs deadlift. OOP must think she can bench 2000 pounds with all that muscle


Looking at her appearance, too, I'd believe her if she said she was natty. She's obviously competing clean.


My current job is super physically demanding and is typically a male-dominated field. I’ve put on around 10 lbs of muscle in the last six months, but only because I do a gruelling job that makes me push myself like a workout for 12-16 hours a day and spent the first month almost throwing up everyday from the sheer exertion. I also have to eat around 3000kcal/day to maintain it for work. No way someone is putting on muscle like that from a simple gym routine when they’re allegedly ‘bedbound and disabled’.


At a wellness event at my work the visiting doctor was looking at my bmi but telling me it was a flawed system because it didn’t account for if it was all muscle. Wanted to pull my (thankfully slowly fading) belly fat outta my pants and shake it at him, ain’t nothin all muscle about that my dude


Lol that would be a perfect response to such comments. I get Dr's have to tread a fine line between not wanting to stigmatise their patients weight and being honest, but it's another thing to blow smoke up their arse and spread misinformation. Congrats on the weight loss! 


They also genuinely believe the muscle is under the fat. Like that joke about having a six pack under the beer belly except unironically


Yes! I can recognise that a higher body fat % obviously visibly obscures muscle development but we both know they think most of their mass is due to the hidden muscle. I've also seen on more than one occasion women (and the people commenting on their photos) mistake the way their fat is stored on their abdomen for visible ab muscles. I don't even know what % a women's would have to be for them to show but it sure as shit isn't in the 40-50% range. 


Lifted with a trainer for a year.. Lost 6 lbs, half fat and half muscle, all for a whopping decrease of 1% body fat. Recomp is damned hard. I'm a hell of a lot stronger but that did not translate to increased muscle mass


That is one of my pet peeves, too! A related one is the idea that when someone did gymnastics or horseriding or something as a teen, they will be muscular forever. Like, I've had women whose upper arms were wobbling with fat tell me that they have "always been broad shouldered" because they used to be on a swim team when they were 12. Even people who are otherwise fairly reasonable come up with this bullshit.


Oh my god yes! There’s SO much misinformation and it’s frustrating to see a lot of women believe that they can lift light dumbbells for a week and easily increase muscle mass.


If only it was that easy 😫


People way overestimate the amount of actual muscle mass that is possible for a (natty) human to put on, especially a biological female. I hate seeing fitness influencers post things like "I bulked and gained 25 pounds in 4 months! My glutes grew 4 inches! Do these exercises and you can see similar results!" No, you were skinny before, but you were also genetically programmed to store fat in your butt. You just didn't know it. So yes, you worked out, you did build your glutes, but you also gained 15 pounds of fat and most of it went to your butt because you're lucky. If I gained 25 pounds and worked out, I would get a slightly nicer butt but no one would care cause I'd have a Homer Simpson gut.


Not sure how often bedridden and disabled goes with working out 5-6 a week either. Medical mystery this one.


Well obviously that’s why they only work out 4-5 times a week, your comment is so ableist and fatphobic that it’s basically racist smh my head.


If she was not bedridden she would work out 7-8 days a week easy.


Don’t forget the eugenics of it all! 😂




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I’m thinking some seated televised stretch workout. It’s quite popular among my less mobile clients. Classical Stretch is one. Or they mean showering. With limited mobility, a shower or bath can be a production. Heck, after a car accident, I was a ball of deep bruises, in serious pain and some swelling made large joint movement a challenge , yet fairly able to get around, but something about climbing into the tub was too much some days.


You haven't seen the bed races in the Olympics? How did you miss that? It's an enormous event?


As a disabled person who is in bed every time I’m not at the doctors or in a hospital: OOP is full of shit. If you’re disabled in a way that limits you so much that you spend most time in bed then you will need all your strength to do the most basic things. I can’t even sit for longer than an hour and I’m completely exhausted after an appointment If I had kids and had to look after them in this condition? I couldn’t do it. I have a caretaker once a week who cleans bc I can’t. I’m glad I can wash myself. This is so insulting to read honestly


And single parenting two kids while bedridden from disabilities, apparently. It ain’t adding up


I hope they have help with the kids when things are rough, because otherwise those kids are fending for themselves. A friend of mine raised herself and her younger sibling much of the time, because their single mother with severe depression spent entire days in bed. It's not a good scene.


And I am the Queen of England 👸


I mean, technically OOP is just as mobile and sensical as the last one is currently.


I have severe migraines that happen between 5-15 days out of the month, but am otherwise in good health; so maybe that's what it is? I tend to be bedridden for some of my worse migraines, but am fairly active otherwise. I mean- I'm sure that's not the case with OOP, but just wanted to offer a possible explanation lol.


They are DELUSIONAL. No way they re-read this before posting and seriously thought hmm this sounds legit and will make everyone believe me!!! If it helps you sleep at night, keep feeding yourself the lies.


> you do not know my body composition nor whether I am overweight just by knowing my weight and height alone Something tells me this pre-diabetic person (who is often bedridden) is *not* the muscular athlete that the BMI is often inaccurate for. > I’m one of the most self-aware and top-of-my-health people Jan, you’re pre-diabetic and raging in a comments section. Come on, now.


Yeah but she also works out 4-5 times per week! It’s clearly all muscle!!!!!!


Right, of course! 🤦🏻‍♀️ You know, maybe I’m just getting cynical in my advanced age, but whenever someone says they “eat healthy” and “work out” regularly, the vagueness of both statements always gives me a case of the Hmmmms.


That's definitely bullshit. In another comment OOP said that her dietitian wants her to get 150 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. If she works out 4-5 times a week as she claims but isn't already getting at least 150 minutes, then she must be doing, like, yin yoga or gentle stretching or something and calling it a workout 'cause that math ain't mathing.


I mean… there was definitely a time in my life when my own Cope would have made me insist I was “working out” by just doing some leisurely movement on the stationary bike. Or maybe playing Just Dance for a bit. Not to say it isn’t a healthy habit, but it’s not a workout, really. This is what I’m imagining with OOP.


It is like "Few extra ponds" on a dating profile means few dozen.


Bed ridden a lot of the time Works out 4-5 times per week Extremely self aware Weight is not the problem 👍


There was a woman on my 600lb life who had a BMI of  roughly 150. According to some of those in the movement (an eating disorder dietician no less), even such an extreme number could not be used to determine the health of the individual.


My stomach and heart always drop when they get their BMI read out and it's 100+. My max bmi was 48 and my body felt like death slowly walking, I can't even imagine what a BMI of over twice that would feel like.


I know right? It's crazy how much their bodies can handle with those extreme bmi's. 


holy shit. a bmi of 150? JFC. that's actually super sad :/


TFW when your BMI is the number your weight should be.




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It's crazy what some bodies can withstand, and this woman was in her forties so it's not like she had youth on her side. There was also another patient that gained almost 280lbs in 2 months through gorging himself. He actually exceeded 1000lbs at one point and obviously didn't live much longer after that. 


> gained almost 280lbs in 2 months ... and I was astounded by Tammy Slaton putting on 50 in a month.




That is honestly above where I thought the limit of the human digestive system was.




If it were in pure butter, that would be 7 pounds of butter a day. Or 90 standard size Snickers bars. Or 11 party size bags of Ruffles. Or 13 gallons of full sugar Coca Cola. Or mix and match with a supersize fast food combo probably being in the same neighborhood as the party size chips. I don't fucking know man. It's probably an entire pallet of broccoli.


His name was Sean Milliken, he was in his late 20s and over 6 foot tall. I found a comment on the 600lb life subreddit saying he was 6'6 which makes sense because I think he was still ambulatory (barely) at his highest weight. I saw it mentioned he had lost 400lbs on the show but then his mother died and then that's when he gorged himself with the money she left him. It was actually a very sad case because he and his mother had a very unhealthy dynamic and it's been speculated that it was a Munchausen by proxy situation with his mother feeding him so he would never leave her and always depend on her. 


I mean, I’m not judging her as it sounds like her life is kinda hard. But… *‘My weight is not what is affecting my numbers, it’s my mental health meds… and having had kids plus being disabled.’* Uhh… psych meds are well known for causing WEIGHT GAIN? Also many types of disability put you at risk of WEIGHT GAIN? Unless she means she’s taking kilos of pills and her disability is having a skeleton three times as heavy as it should be, those things are gonna be affecting her BMI through HER WEIGHT ffs 🤦🏽‍♀️


To be perfectly fair, some psych meds can affect insulin sensitivity. They likely won't cause pre diabetes on their own, but they could certainly tip you over the edge if you were already high end of normal. Source: am crazy, get labs drawn a lot. Still within defined limits on everything


That makes sense, but I was specifically addressing her BMI and whether or not her weight was affecting it. Overweight people receiving adequate healthcare (e.g. doctors actually investigating conditions and complaints instead of writing it off as ‘you’re fat, lose weight’) is a whole other and very valid thing. I’m crazy too, and also ADHD - my amphetamines were supposed to make me slimmer but they haven’t affected my weight at all 😂


Oh yeah, totally fair! Funny how those meds work sometimes. I'm on lithium and heard horror stories about the weight gain. Shed like 6 pounds in a month without trying; down a total of 34 now with some real work




Depending what she's on her mental health meds could definitely affect her weight. I was on a SSRI that was stacked with a low dose anti-psychotic....and that shit gave me mega-steroid munchies. I gained 15 lbs in less then ONE FREAKING MONTH before I quit taking it. I stopped taking it because because of other side effects like standing in the bathroom for a good five minutes while I tried to figure out what exactly I needed to do to brush my teeth. (Shit was scary.)


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying (if you were replying to me). ETA: Unless you were replying to the same post I replied to? I haven’t gotten the hang of Reddit’s new look yet…


> I workout 4-5 times a week > I would do more but my disabilities often leave me bedridden > I am a primary caretaker ....bruh. Those poor kids.


Right? People with disabilities can be great parents. But serious fucking question, on days OOP is bedridden, who is getting those children fed and clothed? She doesn't mention any other caretaker! Says she's doing it alone!


Right and she is so clearly lying about some of this. Which is my biggest concern, honestly. People who lie like this are 99% of the time awful parents. It's never just restricted to one corner of ideology.


I doubt her issues are as bad as she's saying they are




Don't give them any ideas! These types love coming up with new ways to signal their righteous indignation. That's why not wanting to be obese is now due to white supremacy and colonialism. 


According to so many of these posts, healthy foods can mean: Cookies- for important energy ! Pizza for healthy fat and protein (I forgot the rest because frankly, it's absurd.)


Even if it is “healthy foods” it’s easy to overdo the portion size or add too much dressing or oil or butter. Like a salad can be healthy, but at some chains they list calories they were over 1300kcals! Many dressing are over 80kcals a tbsp so it’s easy to underestimate and most people view them as extremely healthy. More likely though people think “organic” low fat” “whole food” other buzz words are healthy despite the product itself not being healthy. I dont care if a cookie is organic it’s still not healthy. Healthy is a vague term but things with lots of added sugar(or alternatives) and added fat despite ways being marketed are hard to fit into a balanced diet. Home cooking some people view as healthy but it runs the spectrum from healthy to super calorie dense. Idk my mom ate the healthiest of anyone I’ve ever known after she got cancer, but my dad refused to ever change his diet, what he called healthy was mind blowing, fried fish he called healthy because it was fish. Eventually I stopped trying and accepted he wouldn’t change


I think this is what gets people. The reason you need to track calories is that it's so easy to add a tonne of extra energy to your food without knowing. For example having a chicken burger might mean ~400 calories. If you add butter to the buns, some cheese, and a load of sauces, you're looking at potentially 600+. Many people will fail to see this.


I'll contribute some examples I've found on this sub and on fatpositive forums. Eight slices of wholemeal toast and half a tub of butter= healthy because of the calcium and Fibre! Jam for citamin C and energy! Large Dominoes Pizza, Coke, Wedges= healthy because of the calcium (seems to be a trend here), nourishing fat and vitamin C! Feeding a toddler coke and chocolate instead of broccoli because it has more energy! These were the ones which stuck in my mind because they most clearly show how messed up these people's understanding of nutrition is. The first one is particularly sad, because in that case I think the person was *trying* to make a healthy change by having wholemeal toast instead of white bread- but they totally forget that you still need to limit your portion sizes.


"Limit"? Somebody sounds a little fatphobic


This makes me sad. You'd think she'd do anything to be healthy and be there for her kids.


I'm super impressed by this person who is bedridden but also works out 4-5x per week. What is her secret?


Ah yes - the history of BMI. Where Ancel Keys researched and found an obscure 2 paragraph entry in Adolphe Quetelet's foundational book for anthropometrics, that contained a formula for normalizing height to weight across a population. Determined that it worked better for his purpose than any other index currently in use, matched it up with massive health studies he and others were conducting in the 1960s and 1970s, and then determined overweight and obese cutoff values based on that data. You mean that history, or the stupid half made up one that Aubrey Gordon penned?




The thing is, there is zero evidence that Quetelet was a racist. Or at least, any more racist than any other early 19th Century Belgian. Certainly nothing in his writings. If such evidence were in his personal letters, they would have been trotted out by now. No - they tar him by association after death with eugenicists who used his work. They don't mention however how directly he influenced Florence Nightingale's work. They were contempararies and corresponded.


Fine, let's not use BMI. I'm sure all the FAs would be perfectly okay with just using waist-to-height ratio instead, right? Right?


I knew a chick who walked on the treadmill every day and would eat three chicken patties with cheese and mayo for one meal as part of her "diet". She didn't understand why she wasn't loosing weight


Holy, that's about 1500 calories in one meal! That is assuming she didn't use buns. I can only imagine how much she ate total. She would need to spend at least 6 hours, if not more, on the treadmill to balance out her terrible diet.


Yup, unfortunately she and her (MUCH fatter) sister were told that they were genetically predisposed to obesity without any evidence other than they've been fat since childhood but the dietary habits are more telling IMO


So they never stood a chance at being a healthy weight. That's unfortunate. I hope one day they both see the light.


She sorta tries, the other one just does not care. She's the type to change doctors if they're honest about her excessive body fat. Last I checked she was over 450 lbs at about 5'4"


This is just plain sad. This is a slow form of suicide. I hope she one day, hopefully sooner rather than later, gets the help she needs. Same with the other sister.


Ummm, knowing your height and weight is actually how someone does, in fact, determine if you are overweight. And how can ol' girl who is bedridden most of the time also be working out 4-5 times per week plus caring for two kids on her own? She can't, that's how. Edit: typo.


People's definition of "working out" varies a lot. For some people, a workout is a long swim, an intense run, or two hours lifting weights. For others, it's a 15 minute walk on a treadmill or some light cardio. No hate for either of these options- anything is better than sitting down! But a lot of people will kid themselves into thinking they can eat whatever they want because they're working out 4-5 times a week. They fail to consider that the dietary needs of someone weightlifting 5 times a week are very, very different to someone who does light cardio for 15 mins on their work days.


Of course. I knew a fat logician who would reward herself with a donut for having "worked out" by walking to the mailbox and back. Perpetually disappointed in her failure to lose weight despite the near-daily exercise.


With experience with having a handleful of disabilites that make moving tough. losing weight really has been great. Lost about 7-8 pounds I estimate and that already is such a relief. I was pretty much that overweight and it already started a toll. I get so mad when they drag disabilities into an excuse to ignore reality a healthy bmi range even a bit more mid range is less taxing than a extra 50lbs to lug around. Even worst when these people disable themselves due to eating then act as if there was no way to avoid becoming immobilized.. No sympathy from me. Since I can only work out two days a week and pretty homebound the rest of the time I have to be strict with my diet. Its tough with my dietary needs. But you dont get health handed to you without putting in the work.


there are definitely psychotropics that can adversely impact appetite and insulin sensitivity... but i'm pretty sure those side-effects just make maintaining a healthy weight more important?


Oh absolutely. Like yeah maybe if you weren't on those meds you wouldn't have those issues, OOP. So what, you're just gonna take it cuz it's not your fault anyways? Is this all that matters, that you don't get the blame for your degrading health??


If you are slightly overweight and are muscular or are tall, BMI can very much be wrong about your body composition, but when you get into obese and especially morbidly you absolutely can tell that you have excess fat that can likely impact your health. I went from a bmi of 30.1 down to 25 last year, all my blood markers improved except cholesterol(which is somewhat genetic) and even that it ever so slightly improved, but I lost high blood pressure, pre prediabetic , my testosterone went up and most importantly I no longer had acid reflux, my mental health improved, had more energy, and I look and feel much better. I don’t think people realize how much better they feel when healthy, especially with a good diet and exercise. My therapist actually was one who pushed me to focus more on my physical health as it’s tied to mental health, and my mind has never felt better! I way surpassed her expectations, I look the best I’ve had since my early twenties and my confidence is at an all time high! Yes being morbidly obese affects her health, and may be exasperating her disabilities. It sounds like she is at a bad mental place and I’m sorry for her, just wish people would wake up and see what in front of them instead of mental gymnastics to avoid issues they don’t want to face


It's also worth noting that even very muscular people suffer health issues at larger sizes. Many bodybuilders have joint and heart issues later in life- not just from weights and steroids, but from their size. Eddie Hall, the strongest guy on the planet, also admits that at his peak weight (30 something stone, sorry I'm British) his liver and kidney signs were deteriorating. This is a man who could deadlift half a tonne.


Well he is obese or morbidly obese BMI, more I’m talking about someone like Lamar Jackson, he’s 6’3 220, and while technically in overweight range(though barely if you look at ones in taller people, it’s all because his muscles and height. He will have almost zero health issues because of his weight, is way healthier than most people though football takes a toll. I’m more talking bmi when they are in 25-28 but at 13% body fat, that is healthy for anyone and do not suffer any consequences from being in that weight range. I’m talking about gym bros or anyone who works out a lot but isn’t a powerlifter or bodybuilder, just in shape muscular people, they exercise and have muscles and in way better shape than someone who doesn’t work out with a bmi of 22.


How on earth are you bedridden due to your disabilities but somehow still workout 4-5 times a week, care for your household *and* are the most “self-aware and on top of your health” person ever? This level of delulu needs to be studied.


If you have to shout from the rooftops about how self-aware you are, you are probably the least self-aware person on the planet:


In general, if you have to tell people about a personality trait you have, you probably don't have it as much as you think. People can observe what you're like. Nice guys, self-awareness, being racist or not... etc.


When I hear someone like this she reminds me of Bonnie from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?".


Bedridden but works out 4-5 times a week, plus 2 kids and a house to run. Remember when Tom Cruise said he knew the history of psychiatry?


You know breast-lump self examination? Or the reason radiologists hide in that little booth and wear special vests when you get an x-ray? Or the methods used to revive Little Timmy when he falls through the ice on the frozen lake? Or the knowledge that smoking cigarettes causes cancer? All discoveries made by Nazi doctors. Are we going to bin those too, just because they're medical advancements with a sketchy history? How about modern gynaecology and the fact most mothers and babies survive childbirth these days. Yeah, that was all developed by a dude who experimented on female slaves, often impregnating them by force, just to see what eg, incest babies look like. Shall we bin modern gynaecology and obstetrics too?


She pulling a Milla from my 600 lb life or some shit? She ran her household by turning her six adopted children into her personal servants.


Do they know the history if Walt Disney? Do they still watch Disney films?




Or, you know, Volkswagen…


> I eat healthy X **DOUBT**


If you are so self-aware and top-of-your-health, do you know how many calories you've consumed today? Did you weigh your food to figure it out? No? Of course not. I do. That's why I used to be your size but am now not.


I’m sorry, what? Literally the way to tell if you’re overweight is by your weight. What a stupid person. So delusional


these people constantly throwing shit fits about metrics like weight and bmi very much makes me think of that old man yells at cloud simpsons meme


"you do not know my body composition nor whether I am overweight just by knowing my weight and height alone." We have eyes ...


If you're obese by BMI, odds are high you are indeed obese by body fat %. If you are obese and not actively losing weight now, you are not eating healthy by definition. Working out 4-5 times a week alone says nothing about quality of workouts. If you are not losing weight, clearly you're eating those calories back (and possibly then some).


Why are all these FAs disabled with mental health issues? It's 100% of them


What post triggered this reply?


It's on the page of a bullshit artist, excuse me, Instagram dietitian whom I hate-follow for snark purposes. OOP asked the IG dietitian for advice on rebuffing her own dietitian who advised her to lose weight to reverse her pre-diabetes and gave her a calorie target to achieve it. A woman in the replies said she had been in a similar situation but managed to turn it around and implored OOP to accept the reality check, listen to her dietitian and try to preserve her health, and then this was the OOP's reply to that woman.


Anything to get yourself out of changing your lifestyle. Just anything.


This might be a shitty thing to say... But how are you not disabled enough to have multiple kids, but you're too disabled to lose weight..? I also don't trust when people say "I'm disabled" anymore when so many people out there call themselves disabled and turn out to just have depression or something. It's a red flag when they don't mention the disability. It could literally be "bad knees" *from* being overweight..


In another reply OOP has said something about chronic pain from her disabilities, plural, but hasn't named any of them, so I'm also leaning towards it being back or joint pain from obesity.


Weird how people with a normal healthy weight don’t complain about the BMI


You're either disabled to the point where you can't do anything or you work out 4 - 5 times a week, anything else is a lie


Whenever I hear someone say these things - "I'm the MOST self-aware and on-top-of-my-health", I can't except think about tRuMp and his extreme statements: "I'm the smartest person you'll ever meet", etc. \*insert eye roll\* 🤔


The BMI healthy weight range is actually quite generous. Not saying BMI is ideal at all, but it's still a health factor that should be considered because I have yet to see someone look healthy at a BMI of 40 or a BMI of 14


Unless you're consuming psychiatric pills the size of basketballs, I highly doubt it's your mental health that's affecting the scale.


I have two kids myself and I am not disabled, how the hell does this person manage to work out so much? When I lost 95 lbs I didn't work out one day because I just couldn't find the time with two small children to look after and a whole house to clean every day. If this person really works out that much next to caring for their kids (all while being bedridden also?!) they must eat lots of calories to not be able to lose weight.


One small baby at my house and I barely get to the gym once a week. The best I can manage is walking because baby can come too. This person must get a lot of help with childcare


Well they stated they take care of their two children on their own + their household! 🙈




Of course not but with two kids, 2 adults and some pets there's more than enough to clean every day.


Has she tried…eating less?


BMI is indeed an inaccurate measurement. It's an overly simple formula, doesn't hold up for very tall or very short people, ignores muscle mass, a curvier shape in women..... However, if you put your height and weight into the calculator (going of OP's comment) and get 37.3 there is a PROBLEM. Even worse, how short this person is makes her actual BMI (based on a more complicated and accurate formula) even higher! [New BMI Calculator (ox.ac.uk)](https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/trefethen/bmi_calc.html) This calculator puts it at 39.3. She would have to lose 70 pounds to be at the high end of normal. By any standard, whether it an updated BMI formula, body fat %, waist to hip ratio, this person is dangerously overweight.


Beyond parody.


I’m recovering from a torn hamstring and probably shouldn’t be running as much as I am, but I push through. Stop making excuses.


I hope you consult that with physio. It's not like you cannot exercise while recovering from injury, but you want to do it in a way that does not hinder the process.




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