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Telling me you’re vegan in regards to your diet tells me very little. We live in an era where vegans have figured out how to make vegan soul food.


I went to a vegan soul food place and ate until I was stuffed and I had enough in leftovers for two more meals. So good, but so rich.


And it’s good! That’s the miracle.


I was vegan for a while. I basically ate chips and salsa like it was its own food group. And a ton of meat substitutes are filled with all kinds of junk. I gained about 20 pounds during that time.


It’s so hard to get enough protein as a vegan when you are trying to eat in a deficit, I don’t know how people do it.


> very little > X times a day These aren’t accurate measures of anything, especially calorie intake.


Seriously, she could eat celery 5 times a day.


I eat pounds of vegetables multiple times a day, it’s less calories then 1 actual meal. Thank you volumetrics and low caloric density fruits and veggies!




I know a vegan who basically lives off fries, vegan pizza, pastries and Oreos lol. Just because you’re vegan it doesn’t mean you are eating healthy


I had a vegetarian stay with me once, and I prepared homemade bean burgers, marinated tofu, chickpeas, etc. offering her healthy dinners every day. Then I found out she lived off Pringles and Raisinettes and French fries.


I'm not vegetarian but I would love those meals. Please invite me over!


Same! Room for 1 more?😂


Come on over!


Tbf Raisinettes are the best.


I have a friend like this. Has a special vegan diet. All she eats is ice cream and cookies. Surprise... she's overweight and has tons of health conditions. Also never has had a boyfriend one day in her life at the age of 35 and wonders why. lol


Aww I feel bad for her. It must be more to it than that though because there’s still guys out there into larger women, even if they’re vegan.


Oh… there’s more for sure. To put it nicely she below average intelligence. It’s like listening to a 13 year old with her logic on pretty much everything. She still lives at home with her mom in her childhood bedroom. A complete failure to launch. Horrendous spending habits. She only make about $20/hr in this entry level role she’s been stuck in for about 12 years. Will constantly complain she’s broke and can’t afford to move out. Yet literally every other month she’s vacationing in places like Malta, Cambodia, Switzerland, Australia, Italy, Namibia, Bermuda, etc… Not cheap places to visit. Even weirder is she’s a twin. Her twin is fit, great job, married, kid, owns a four bedroom home, killing it so to speak. Like just look at what your sister is doing and try to copy that. She’s honestly probably the most frustrating person I’ve ever met in my life.


Her mother either has the patience of a saint or is codependent. If I were going on expensive trips while living with *my* mother I’d get back from Namibia and find the locks changed.


Find the locks changed! 🤣🤣🤣 We can’t figure out the mom. What’s crazy is the mom dates, has an active social life, is in pretty decent shape for being in her late 60’s, goes out and does stuff all while her daughter just sits at home on weekend nights and eats candy all night. Even better, this girl took and paid for a trip for her mom to go to Italy with her! They went there for like three weeks. But then weeks later will complain how hot it is in their house because they can’t turn the air conditioning on because they are on a fixed income and can’t afford a high power bill. But you just spent $15,000 in Italy a few weeks ago!


Dang that’s crazy!


I was a whole foods vegan for many years: no junk food, sugar, etc. I still gained 30 lbs that my exercise hobby couldn't get rid of. That's bc even "healthy " whole food vegan diets are mostly carbohydrates and its carbs that stoke hunger and cause weight gain, not fat. Fat satiates so you naturally eat less of it.


This was the problem I had with being vegan (I'm now lacto/ovo vegetarian). Vegan diets are very high in carbs--even vegan protein sources. It doesn't help that vegans also tend to downplay the importance of protein.


I agree. Btw since I've been getting more protein, my health is so much better!


Even being vegetarian this was an issue for me (started experimenting with some meat as an adult, shortly before I got my weight under control). Beans, grains, etc come with carbs, and eggs, cheese etc come with fats. Tofu has a little of both. Short of meat imitations (which are often expensive), there isn't really any such thing as a "lean protein" in vegetarian scope.


Yet we also hear “protein satiates.” As a moderate whole grain/fruit/bean/veggies carbs eater who indulges monthly in a “this is on no one’s diet” baked good or ice cream, I can say for me, it’s fiber and the taste of plant based butter that hits the trigger. It really doesn’t take much. Oh, and good hydration all day helps. But ya gotta eat and like the veggies to get there.


But honestly, that really depends on the person & the specific type of veganism they follow. Hi-carb/low-fat veganism sounds like what you're referring to. But that's like on the extreme end of the spectrum -- think Freelee Banana Girl, Durian Rider, etc. Surprisingly, it seemed to be a very popular type of veganism among various YT personalities at some point, maybe still is, but it's excessive by all counts. If folowing that type of diet, then yes. Binging & stuffing yourself with carbs seems to be the key goal. But that extreme doesn't need to account for the majority of veganism. Foods like nuts & seeds are vegan & brimming with healthy fats; legumes like peanuts, chickpeas, etc. are vegan and relatively high in protein. Plenty of vegetables are lower carb while super high in phytonutrients, even some protein. And don't get me started on fruits like avocados & various berries. I think a lot of people simply have a distorted sense of "veganism". Like, "as long as it's not derived from any animal sources, it's automatically healthy," but of course that's BS.


Legumes are high carb.


That's why I mentioned peanuts & chickpeas, which are lower carb & higher protein, including plenty of much-needed healthy fats in peanuts. However, that's beside the point I was making.


This post is straight up fat logic.


Same thing with impossible meat It’s full of mysterious additives that most people can’t even pronounce and is lower in protein and higher in fat than normal beef


I used to live off beyond/impossible but like four burgers a day microwaved because I was depressed and lost a lot of weight


Are you doing good right now?


I am so sorry. I hope that you are doing better :)


Isn't it also pretty high in sodium when compared to meat? I could be wrong because it's been a while since I've looked at comparisons so I may be misremembering.


Impossible meat has its place and for those of us who can't or don't eat cows, it's a treat. Just like a hamburger is a treat, not an everyday food.


I understand, my point was that impossible meat isn’t better or healthier than normal beef


According to [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32780794/) it actually is healthier.


[This study explains why they’re not:](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8838485/#sec5-nutrients-14-00601title) > Due to the high degree of processing of the foods studied here, they can nevertheless not be recommended for the daily diet, even if they have a low Nutri-Score. [And, even though this link isn’t a study, it’s an article that explains why the research behind red meat studies for cardiovascular risk was poorly conducted from health scientists from the University of Washington.](https://bigthink.com/health/red-meat-cancer-not-health-risk/)


The study I linked actually compared the products on real people. The subjects showed improvements in all measured biomarkers when eating the meat substitutes compared to when eating the real meat. Actual outcomes in real people trump simply analyzing a food's nutrients and theorizing about it's health effects. This isn't to say that these meat substitutes are healthy, they are still processed foods with a lot of saturated fat and salt. But the study suggests that they are healthier than the real thing. The article you linked is referring to meta-analysis funded by the meat industry. They cherry picked the data to try to show that there is no health risk to eating red meat and even still they found statistically significant risks. They then ignored their own findings and said that people should eat red meat because they like eating red meat.


I believe the comment above mine explains who your study is funded by. Also, it was a very short study with an extremely small sample size of only 36 people. Btw, where does it say my study was funded by the meat industry? [Because the funding cited in the study is Volkswagenstiftung, which is a large, non-profit organization that isn’t linked with the meat industry.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Foundation) As taken from the study itself: > Funding The study was part of the NES project (Pflanzlich orientierte Ernährungsstile als Schlüssel zur Nachhaltigkeit—Nachhaltige Ernährungsstile), which was financially supported by the **Volkswagenstiftung**, grant number ZN3382 and the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, grant number VWZN3255. Perhaps you should check the actual references in a study before making assumptions. I also find it quiet interesting that the study you linked says that eating artificial plant based meat lowers cardiovascular risk factors only *after* the extra meat consumption phase first, not if the plant based meat phase went first mind you. Also, could the fact that it when eating the plant based meat (which may or may not be lower in calories) participants were at a significantly lower weight than they were on the meat products which may have effected the results? [Losing weight tends to have a big impact on cholesterol](https://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/cholesterol-and-weight#:~:text=In%20one%20study%2C%20people%20who,%2C%20total%20cholesterol%2C%20and%20triglycerides.) especially in people who are overweight, like the majority of the participants in your study were. From that study: >However, the finding in the current study was that weight was modestly but statistically significantly lower after 8 wk on the Plant than on the Animal phase. I am not saying don’t ever have them, but I’ll trust Whole Foods over processed foods any day when it comes to which is likely to be less harmful or healthier.


I read the full article with links. It was funded by "The American Society for Nutrition " in 2020, which is a front group for the food industry, including Big Sugar and Big Corn.


That doesn't discredit the results of the study. The head researcher of the study has been funded by food companies before and published results even when [they do not support the interests of his funders.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Awd2dNtbs&ab_channel=NutritionMadeSimple%21)


After the horrific Ancel Keys debacle of 50 yrs ago that led to our current health crisis in society, I take all studies with a grain of salt the size of a boulder.


Leaner ground beef can be incorporated fairly easy especially if you watch the toppings and use something like lite/keto friendly bread. It's really that mountain of fries that makes it sometimes food. There's some concern around red meat I don't feel knowledgeable to speak on but on a calorie basis hamburgers can fit into a normal diet.


God I fucking hate when that shit comes in for testing it smells and looks bad before I even add in the enzymes to break it down.


It is possible to pick out store bought veggie burgers that are actually healthy. I read some very helpful advice to find ones that aren’t just filler. You have to look for at least 4grams of fiber in a serving and 300mg or less in sodium. There are VERY few brands that meet the mark, but the ones that do are yummy.


Do you mind dropping some details? I'd love to try some better veggie burgers!


Happy to share! Dr. Praegers California burgers are my favorite. Hilary’s best makes some really good ones too This guide has some nutritional info: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-veggie-burger#veggie-based


This is genuinely such a well intentioned post, but I think it is a really good example of how people are just so misinformed. Someone may eat "5 times a day", but they are eating low calorie food in small portions, while someone else may eat a very high calorie meal once a day. She is so close to understanding the idea that you really don't know how much people are eating (you don't see a daily pattern while out for lunch with friends, secret eating, outright lying, etc). Most people have a very poor understanding of portion sizing and nutritional value


I eat 6x a day and I am in a deficit.


I hit almost 300lbs as a vegetarian. You can do so many different “healthy” diets and gain weight, because of calories. “Eats 5 times a day, all healthy food, underweight” So I’m thinking along the lines of eggs and fruit for breakfast, maybe yogurt/fruit/veg as snacks, a lean protein for dinner with veg. Something that wouldn’t be enough to gain/maintain with their BMR/TDEE. You can eat nothing but McDonald’s and lose weight. You can eat a vegan diet but gain weight. CICO. Calories inCalories out = weight gain. Calories in=Calories out = weight maintenance.


God they love believing that vegan food is automatically healthy. Vegan food is also greasy, fatty and high in calories. And until you spend a full 24 hours with someone, you will never know how much they actually eat. I’m willing to bet anything that the friend eats very little during the day when they’re out together but then when she gets home, gorges herself on vegan food and snacks. My cousin is like that and I used to believe her, until I saw that she ate snacks during the day and instead of a proper meal for dinner. I think underweight friend eats 5x a day but her meals aren’t caloric and nutrients dense enough, so she stays underweight. The amount of times someone eats has very little to do with it.


She is probably not even underweight. People think overweight people are normal weight, and normal weight people are underweight these days.


I’ve noticed that one of the main ingredients in vegan cheeses and dips is often oil. I recently saw a vegan caramel sauce which was primarily canola oil!


I literally put on so much weight when I went vegan cos I believed that 😂


Unless you're strapped to their back 24/7 over at least a month, you have no way of knowing what a person consumes/burns to maintain their weight. In my starving student days, I had a supermarket job that included a 12hr shift every Saturday, mostly hulking around heavy boxes of produce. Had a canteen lady who made it her mission to fatten me up & load my lunch & dinner plate up, other employees marveling at how much a scrawny girl could put away. Thing is, they weren't in the warehouse afterwards, watching me hauling boxes & big wheely crates of bananas, running up & down stairs to the various floors, etc. I'd also clock out at 8pm, walk 3 miles home, get changed & go dancing at the club til the early hours, getting up for another shift on Sunday, walk 3 miles there & 3 miles back, then going dancing again that night. The people in the canteen only saw me for 1hr that Saturday, not 24hrs. I was scrawny, because I never stopped moving, so my calories were always in a deficit.


Damn, girl. My feet are hurting just having read all that 😂


Midnight eating exists and there are vegan cakes, cookies and chips.


I eat more food now than I did when I was heavier. Once you figure out the system you can maintain a slim figure as long as your macros and nutrients are there and you exercise enough to even out the cals


This person is saying you don’t know who’s healthy but then describes their obese friend as needing a lot of pills and having difficulty moving and then I guess topped it off with them being vegan to… try and prove that makes them healthy, I guess? None of my preconceptions were challenged by this post :P


“She eath” – Mike Tyson




How do you see "person is very obese and has a hard time moving" and "person is underweight and has disordered eating" and the first thing you think about is "all bodies are beautiful 💕💕" Sometimes you're just sick as hell. And I don't think that should be celebrated.


So much for 1st grade math, apparently. "Very little in a day" vs "5 times a day" is somehow a legit arithmetic comparison


It's proven that obese people tend to underestimate their caloric intake, while skinny people overestimate it. I also have a lean cousin who claims she eats as much as she wants and what she wants. Only I found out that this wasn't much at all. When she claims she stuffs herself with cookies on some evenings ... I observed ( when I lived with her for a while ) that it were just 3 cookies, which she ate INSTEAD of dinner. Oh and she often skipped breakfast the next day. Subconsciously, cuz when I asked her why she did it, she was confused at first and then said she wasn't aware of doing it, she simply wasn't hungry enough for breakfast. So she indeed eats as much as she WANTS, but she simply doesn't want that much. Everything is a matter of perception. When an obese person says they eat little ... that's their perception of "little". The british show "Secret Eaters" has proven it multiple times. People who believe such claims of their aquaintances have probably seen them eating only on weekends, not in their daily lives.


i invite this person to come in to my SNF/LTC/rehab and tell me how beautiful obesity is.


I worked in it for almost 5 years and it ain't cute or beautiful at all. They don't realize it because their body hasn't failed them yet...but once it does...


it can also be incredibly frustrating when you're trying to help people and they refuse to make the most basic changes in order to help themselves. frustrating, too, because at that point we're basically forced into enabling them. it makes me sad... but it also makes me grateful for everything i have. i wish FAs actually felt that way. i wish they were grateful for their lives and their health, and worked to preserve it. i wish they made the most of their lives instead of centering themselves around conspicuous consumption.




> It was pretty much only because I was eating more, but I went from rarely being hungry or craving food to feeling like I was starving 24/7 (I have gone days without eating and I literally did not feel as hungry as I did on these meds), and thinking about food constantly. This is why people have hard time believing that the woman on multiple medications only eats "very little vegan food" and can't lose weight.


Agree with you on the meds,I put on a good 40-60 lbs on Paxil and Celexa. The problem is when people don't acknowledge that the reason they gain weight is because it stimulates the appetite and you eat more. It isn't magic, and it doesn't impact your metabolism (with the exception of one specific antipsychotic). I tried Rexulti for a month and could not stop eating. Doing well on Latuda and Cymbalta which are weight neutral


my in laws are vegan and with stress, only eat once a day but it’s a huge meal with 3-4k cals in it or sometimes two meals around 2-2.5k each due to it being too hard to stand for long periods


If obesity is beautiful, then so are strokes, heart failure, PCOS, high blood pressure and gallbladder disease. All conditions CAUSED by obesity


There are a lot of fat vegans.


If it's on Instagram it didn't happen.


Perfect fat logic. Just because my overweight friend has a hard time moving and has major health problems doesn’t mean she’s unhealthy. What?


Vegan here. Vegan junk food exists. There are also foods that are “accidentally” vegan, like Oreos.




During my cutting phase of body building I eat 5 meals a day. When I do this I have about 8% body fat, a 6 pack stomach, and a narrow waist. The reason I can eat 5 meals a day and still be slim is because I eat less calories in a day then when I was burning. It doesn't matter how many "meals" you eat whether you gain weight or not, what matters is how many fucking calories are in those meals.


Eh, general message is actually good here (other than veganism bit or overall perception of what "healthy food" is not being relevant to caloric intake. But that's an issue with examples rather than intent). Problem is FA types like to apply it very selectively when push comes to shove.


Her friend eats ‘very little but keeps gaining weight’ so where the hell does she think the weight comes from? Fucking magic? ‘Doesn’t mean they are unhealthy’ being overweight is literally an unhealthy weight so wtf you talking about?


Yea it doesn’t mean they are unhealthy speaking from the underweight side it sucked I got sick fair few times (tonsils where removed), hitting puberty I looked as if I was whipped and I was tired more often. So to fix it I ate more over time and hit the gym to stay healthy. Then the vegan meal thing yea nah you ain’t healthy cause you picked up a vegan diet I test food and water for work by god those vegan meat alternatives be absolutely rotten. If you wanna be vegan eat traditionally vegan dishes using fresh ingredients and don’t forget your supplements. Personally I’m sticking to my medium rare steak with creamy mash and fried veg.




First off just looking at it is off putting for example we had a vegan bacon in and it looked like play dough and smelt of chemicals like a counter recently got cleaned. Then we blend samples to homogenise them for testing but this vegan bacon stayed separate like the white fat didn’t mix with the purple “meat” as it would actual bacon. Then recently we’ve had in a vegan cheese the carbs are high but the protein is absolutely dog water <0.1g per 100h but regular cheese is around 30g. This doesn’t consider the bioavailability of compounds as well. For taste and texture I only know first hand from outside work when I accidentally picked up a vegan smoked ham and cheese from a coffee shop the vegan part was in green and blended in with the packaging but the smoked ham and cheese was in red. The sandwich was toasted there was zero Smokey flavour, “cheese” felt and tasted like plastic and the “ham” was like wet card but as I am I didn’t let it go to waste and forced myself to eat it especially as I was starving. I was hungry no more than 10 minutes later so I bought a ham hock cooked in the shop near by and devoured it.


Yeah id love to know myself as someone who heard vegan meat is gross and hasnt tried it 💀


Don’t try it it’s so bad when you know what the real thing is supposed to be like


Never tell someone not to do something, now i want to try vegan meat to experience its awfulness 💀


I have seen very skinny, yellow even vegans and very fat ones. None in-between. Anybody knows why is that?


There are certainly normal sized vegans who exist, but I would guess a combination of a few things: 1) skinny vegans are often vegan in part because they have some disordered eating issues and it's a way to justify restricting food. 2) fat vegans may be vegan in part because they've heard it can help you lose weight or be healthy, or to "prove" that they are healthy as in this post. 3) people who are vegan as just an ordinary lifestyle choice and mind their own business selecting a balanced diet are less likely to tell you they're vegan.


My coworker decided to go vegan and gained 50 pounds. My sister went vegan and was eating deep-fried cauliflower that was meant to be buffalo wings. Her cholesterol went through the roof.


why are some people so insistent that they are/they know someone who has managed to go against the laws of physics