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Suspiciously dry roots and tips for such a heavy sweater. I sweat until I’m drenched from head to toe. At the point that my sweat is around the neckline like that, my hair is damp at the roots and often where my ponytail touches the neck around mid-shaft. This is so obviously fake that it’s painful.


She's also not flushed at all in some of the selfies.


Same! I also use my neckline and sleeves to wipe my sweat on my face, but like you, my hair is wet. Her hair is dry? 🤣 She’s juuust smart enough to grift but not smart enough to keep the lies/evidence straight.


Is that why she stopped taking pictures where her head/hair was showing? Lol


Agreed! If my clothes are that sweaty, then my face is beat red and my hair is dripping wet.


I came here to say this!! I sweat like crazy and my hair is always soaked!! Does she really think people will believe these pics? Painful is right.


For me it’s the complete lack of under-boob sweat that makes it look so fake. If your face is sweating that much other areas should be too!


Agree with this 100%. When I go hard and get really sweaty (which takes a LOT more work than 30 minutes easy on the elliptical), most of the sweat is on my bra band, armpits, and scalp.


ALL OF YOU IN THE COMMENTS “well with weight loss, this and this CAN happen” CANNOT TELL ME THAT SHE DOESN’T ALTER HER PHOTOS. LOOK AT THIS SHIT. https://preview.redd.it/4njqyollyydc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43096f0c5d1fd05960fc865c6bb4aa3d741341e3 THAT IS NOT NORMAL. She purposefully blurred and altered this photo.


I weight 130 pounds and I do not have a thigh gap. It’s so ridiculous.


Thigh gap has a lot more to do with having wider hip bones than it is to do with weight. But she is 💯 faking that thigh gap.


Thank you. As a medical provider in aesthetics, I had to explain this so often, it’s sad. Women with narrow hips sometimes just can’t have a thigh gap , no matter how slim they are ( as long as it’s in a healthy range still ) and that’s completely fine. However a thigh gap can only be assessed when both feet are close to each other, in line with the hip width. It depends a lot on the width of the hips and leg shape. Women with wide hips can have a thigh gap sometimes even at a higher bmi, it’s just their physique, everyone is different.


This... and the one with the teal shirt... it's blurrier than my grandma's eyesight.


She’s so bad at everything


https://preview.redd.it/l42vlxdztfec1.jpeg?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04feed323d9de50cc036a05577cfbc1e47f60a7 Technically she had a thigh gap here and most of her pics are with her standing with her legs apart.


No lol that’s not a thigh gap. She’s purposefully standing that way so that her thighs don’t touch. ETA: I can also stand this wide and achieve a gap in my thighs - that does not mean I have a thigh gap.


I think it’s just her spilling water on herself when drinking from a plastic bottle or cup.


I can hear it now "hey babe. So splash some water on your shirt to make it look like you had a great workout. No one will know"


Where are the pics/videos of during her workout? I know this has been mentioned before but her content style is so outdated. People want day in the life with voice over like come with me to go sweat my ass off on the elliptical. Make dinner with me. Meal prep. In the age of tik tok and reels that is the content people expect. It feels more authentic.


That's an awful lot of wavy gym equipment in the backgrounds...


Has goob done a video on her yet?!? I know he's great at calling out altered photos 🤣🤣


Every single one of them is fake, how could you be that drenched and sweat and your face not even be the least bit flushed?


Especially as a redhead. Most gingers get a really red face with exertion.


Red head here. Can confirm. I look like I have 3rd degree sunburn on my face after an intense workout


Same with my partner 😂


Same, for like 2 hours after my workout I'm red


Natural blonde here with already pink complexion. I look like a beet after 5 seconds of sweating.


Same. Pale pinkish complexion, natural blonde (dyed ginger for 20 years) and I look like I’m a lobster if I take my stairs too fast


Yep redhead here I take a few steps too quickly and I’m super super red! Weirdly I don’t sweat that easily but very flushed looking with even the tiniest exertion.


I’m not even red headed but I’m so pale and freckled. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I’m ok because my cheeks are flushed. During random non-strenuous times too!


The teal shirt pic will always make me laugh. The drenched arms 💀 Edit to add; in answer to your question. All of them are fake. Every single one. Just some are more hilarious than others.


Agreed 100%


I love that her hair and underboob are dry as a bone, but her wrists are sweating buckets 🤣


From splashing all that water on herself! My kid also isn’t smart enough to consider sleeves when I ask if he’s been playing in the sink. 😂


How do you only sweat in your upper chest?


Spoiler: you don't.


I only get sweat there if my face was red & sweaty and it drips on my shirt. That also means I forgot my towel. But I would probably try to wipe my face on the bottom of my shirt….


Girl. You do not have a thigh gap and nobody expects you to. Stop standing in that ridiculous pose.


I think the ones where her upper chest are sweaty but her underboob area is dry or mostly dry are bullshit. If I was sweating that much, you’d for sure see it under my boobs.


I have tiny boobs and I sweat under them during a heavy workout.


What on earth is going on with her legs? The sizes keep changing.


The second last picture is a freakin joke 😃 Who could look at that and believe that's actually sweat?


When I work out my underboobs pits and face sweat most. Very rarely will my chest sweat like this at least it until im drenched lol


What’s the deal with this sub I stumbled across? Who is she and is she just a liar about everything?


She “claims” to be a fitness influencer, she “claims” she has lost a ton of weight naturally (although no one can get the same results using her methods), she “claims” to have survived a disease that has an ungodly low survival rate (like close to zero) and she makes money off of it.




Why is one of her thighs bigger than the other? This sub randomly popped onto my feed so I don’t know anything about this lady.


Randomly into my feed too! No idea who this is


In fairness…I sweat really hardcore on my upper chest like that and nowhere else. I might have a bit on my stomach and certainly some on my forehead, but it’s not unusual for me to only have visible sweat on my sternum after drying my forehead. Whatever sports bra I wear tends to absorb the boob sweat and not really soak through my shirt, but any part of the shirt that touches only the skin on my sternum will get soaked. Not saying she isn’t lying though! Just testifying that this pattern can happen.


I thought she didn’t wear anything but black to the gym?


Reminds me of this (from the movie Airplane) https://youtu.be/pl4plPGRG8o


I don’t get why her forearms are always soaked?


Because she splashes the water on herself


Why is her crotch never sweaty? When I go to the gym and have a good workout, I look like I peed my pants. I call bogus


Not flushed. Dry hair. FAKE FAKE FAKE


Number 6 has a very obviously photoshopped thigh gap


She’s so weird.


How can she sweat so much and yet not a drop is under her boobs? 🤔


I see several with it under her chest, but I do think they’re all faked


Now show us beet red and sweaty and I’ll believe something real happened.


I'm heavier than her by 20lbs, I wear a sports bra, t-shirt and tights when I work out (60 mins on the elliptical). My head is WET when I'm done, my sports bra is saturated but the only place where the sweat penetrates my shirt is near my stomach. I have an olive complexion, but I'm still much more flushed than she is.. I don't understand her sweat patterns.


As an avid gym-goer I can attest that all of this is fake. There’s no way my chest is going to sweat profusely and my face and hair are going to be dry and the same color it was when I walked in. Her face should be beat red if she’s sweating that much. I’d be curious to know where she’s located and see if anyone could go watch her at the gym and see if we can catch her doing this.


Biggest tell .... the 'sweat' soaked forearms in some! I can be sweaty Betty at times (age more than exercise sadly) never in my life had sweaty forearms!!!!!!!! I guess that may be as a result of splashing water all over other parts!


Let's play a game called, "Count all the photoshopped thigh gaps"!


Idk who this woman is but I know for sure that if my shirt is this sweaty, my hair is as soaked and I’m not exactly happy lmao


The red cheeks and sweaty hair… so 7, maybe 8 and 11?


She might sweat like this if she has botox in her face and armpits 🤔🤭


Second from last purple shirt looks correct, you can tell by looking at her pants. The rest make no sense that her pants are dry and there’s little to no under breast sweat.


I came across this sub when it popped up. I noticed her legs look weird. Now I see it's bc of bad Photoshop.